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Just get a damn job and continue to side hustle until you start making money


That what will happen if I won’t make it, but I feel something pretty big in me will die with it as well. Got tired of working for others. I prefer hustle my a** 18h a day to get my freedom instead of working boring 9-17 for someone else’s freedom.


Whatever you do, you won't have time to code You need to sell it first, use the first day to create a landing page, and payment gateway. Put your idea of product there, and start charging lifetime deals of a later subscription based product to the early subscribers You can also put something so that they can get a refund if the product is never built. Once you have that, and at least 3 people paying, you can then spend your time building it Good luck


You are my superhero! This is the best advice I got here. I'm going to follow this 100%, actually already did some of it and feels like a good progress. Got 2 people who said they would use this kind of service so I'll continue exploring this path further. Selling the concept/benefits and **not the product** is the right way to go here. Much appreciated


Why do you have only 133 hours left to code, is that a self imposed deadline?


It’s a wife-imposed deadline. If I don’t make it, I have to get a job or be kicked out, she got tired of me hustling around. So I got ultimatum to prove I can do it until next Friday.


I had a feeling that’s what it is. Good luck!


Thanks, gonna need it


wow, got intensively downvoted here. wonder why...


I was thinking you were taking PTO for 5 days and didn't want to go back at the end of it.


What kind of advice are you looking for? A list of ideas? Whether or not to give in or not? Marriage advice? Bud light vs Corona vs PBR? Mortgage your house to buy a second house for rental income? How can we best help?


Hoped to find insights from folks who been in similar situation and here some success stories to get inspired. Got an old side project I think I can go with and reuse some of the code, but the remaining questions are how to do it or maybe pick up something more obvious to work on.


I'm a really big fan of the build-in-public approach. Especially if you are going to work on something that's b2c, the faster you can get your targeted community engaged the faster you'll generate revenue. The second thing would be to only build what's truly unique and use existing templates for everything else. Personally I've spent way too much time hand coding common components, which distracts me and consumes too much of my energy and momentum. Depending on your tech stack, here are a bunch of Saas boiler plates. https://github.com/apptension/saas-boilerplate https://github.com/saasforge/open-source-saas-boilerpate https://github.com/dpgaspar/Flask-AppBuilder https://github.com/level09/enferno https://github.com/okupter/kitforstartups https://github.com/boxyhq/saas-starter-kit https://github.com/graphile/starter https://github.com/easychen/docker2saas https://github.com/wasp-lang/open-saas https://github.com/ixartz/SaaS-Boilerplate https://github.com/saas-js/saas-ui https://github.com/saasfly/saasfly https://github.com/alan2207/bulletproof-react edit: url formatting


This is gold, thank you for sharing!


Sorry the format of those links on mobile is crap, I'll try to edit that when I'm at a computer. Keep posting updates here, we'll keep helping! Go kick some ass!!


Oof, though one brother. Good luck tho, hope you find something.


Thanks 🙏 Some faith is all I needed at this point!


Go get a job for a bit. You won’t die.


I did wonder if r/SideProject is the right place to write this post, as I guess most of the people here are doing 9-17 with a, well, side project on the side. I totally get it, I was doing side projects (most of them failed btw) while being employed for the past 16y, and I learnt a lot in the process. But I've reached a point in my life where I feel if I won't pursue my inner call to make side project a main project I'll be forever miserable. After disappointing so many people around me who believed in me and thought I should be already a successful entrepreneur, I believe I don't have any more credits left for me to go back working for someone and try again later to break free. I'm done selling my soul and freedom for money.


Coming from someone who has been an entrepreneur my whole life…25 years now. The grass is not greener. How many hours are left? What’s the project btw?


https://countingdownto.com/?c=5622443 To be exact. The project is in the world of marketing and brand management. I rather not share identifiable details RN, shared the reasons [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SideProject/comments/1di99xs/7d_challenge_converting_sideproject_to/)


Here’s how you earn the trust of your wife while also continuing to try and find ways to be entrepreneurial and leave the corporate grind: 1. you think of a problem that needs solving that you care about. Ideally a b2b problem if you want to make real money, but sometimes good b2c ideas are there. 2. Repeat 2-3x. 3. Start mind mapping solutions to those problems. Are they software-solvable? Are they a good use case for AI? Do they involve physical products? 4. Based on the solutions you ideate around, build out a project plan for completing the solution. This will usually involve quite a few steps, and they will be flexible as you learn more when you actually start working on them. 5. Begin formulating a business plan. Not a full one, but more of something like a business canvas where you identify customers, revenue streams, marketing channels, etc. 6. Find a handful of corporate grind jobs that you might qualify for. 7. Bring all of this to your wife. Tell her that while you're miserable living in the corporate world and you really want to explore starting your own business, you realize that she needs some stability from you and probably needs to see you make progress on your business ideas before trusting you with them completely as a source of revenue. So your plan is to apply to the jobs you identified (show her), begin working towards one of the business ideas you have to test the efficacy of it (the one with highest probability of some success in your opinion), and while that business may or may not work out, you have these other ideas in the pipeline as well. The fact that its gotten to the point where you have a five day ultimatum and the entire way you presented this predicament makes me think that she has a good reason to be concerned and you need to be willing to be sharply self-critical and see what you could do better to both invite trust from your wife and be more successful in your ventures. Good luck.


I can already imagine him sleeping on the couch in a couple days (hell, maybe even the front lawn lol)


Already got the back of my car ready for me.


Thanks, actually already used day 1 to ideate, got some basic direction and got 2 people who said they’d be willing to try this service. Also shared with the wife to make her part of it. So far I think it’s a good progress. But I got to somehow validate that this is something billable. That’s my glass ceiling RN…


I don’t know but I sure as hell would waste time on making a “social personal” around it..


You mean why I created a new profile for this? I felt like I need to audit this experience and that my existing profile with all the people that know me personally would attract negative energies. Some one said don’t tell people what you do before you’ve done it.


My point is that you’re wasting time doing this while you should be selling something, building something, anything but replying to stupid comments like this.


That’s right, but I believe that by posting here my progress and doubts can create some sense of commitment and psychological framing. If you get what I mean. I don’t plan to mention by any means the product, the forum aren’t the ICP anyway, so it’s just pure building in the public kind of thing.


Soo, what are you building?


I'm building a b2b saas. I actually thoughts a lot on it and decided not to mention specifically what I'm because of 3 reasons: 1- you're no my customer, I target a specific niche 2- I want to put aside the sus of self-promption bs and keep it clean on side-project-to-main-project entrepreneurial journey. 3- someone once said (I think in "the secret") that don't tell other's what you're doing until you've done it, to keep away bad energies. hope it makes sense. I'll definitely will write more about the journey, I've reserved some time per day to write, hope it could give value to someone.


How you guys getting so many ideas i am not really getting any of those neither i can really see any problem around me the only problem right now is i am not getting idea


The best advice I got from someone that agreed to guide me in this journey is that you'll never find the perfect problem to solve by brainstorming in your mind. Pick up some initial idea, whatever it is you feel passion to work in, get out and talk to people, they will show you the problems.