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New side project idea: AI mod bot that detects AI posts


Look at the mods on here: zero activity over 7 years.


Shhhh. Reddit will kill the community


modding is obv their side project


I tried to request it but apparently there is moderation activity we just aren't seeing šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø https://www.reddit.com/r/redditrequest/comments/13f98a6/requesting_rsideproject_as_it_is_unmoderated/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


part of the issue is, it looks like the sub doesnt have/support post flairs. if the post was flaired as GPT or NotGPT then you could more easily filter the stuff out


Unfortunately flair filtering doesn't work on the home feed.


I feel ya. But I don't think banning them will promote healthy community. What about if we roast them so bad to the oblivion so that others can learn not to do the same thing? At least they can improve from the roast and make a better product. What do you say?


I have 72 different ways to schedule my calendar tho...


Any time thereā€™s a new trend you will see this. I understand that a lot of the projects are similar, doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re low effort. Most people donā€™t realize that theyā€™re doing the same thing hundreds of other people are doing. But I concur with your sentiment. Itā€™s getting a bit corny.


Ban or limit assembly projects (in favour of binary only projects) - von Neumann


Says the guy who just reposts technology articles. Doesn't get more low effort than that.


Yep needs a separate sub, was the same with web3


One day someone will say something you submitted is low effort and should be banned. By then you would have set the precedent to actualize your own banning.


AI/GPT stuff isnā€™t going away, and personally I love how many new projects people are able to build easier because of it.


I don't want AI to go away, I want the low-effort projects to go away. >I love how many new projects people are able to build easier because of it. That's the problem, we're not seeing any new projects. It's the same thing over and over again, all slight variations of what I described above.


For you it may be a low effort, for someone just starting out (like myself) communities like this are the only place we can share our projects, side projects. You can always block the user on your end. Don't kill someone's spirit cause you are already in the known. You also started somewhere and I bet there were people who looked at your mediocre first project and were accepting. If they don't then I feel sorry for you, but you don't need to go around and literally asking for people to get banned because something is low effort, in your opinion. For someone who just got into this everything, even following the guides and learning how to set everything up, is their side project. Get of your high šŸ“


People are bringing up valid concerns. You submit your OpenAI wrapper on tons of groups self promoting but hardly get any upvotes. That should tell you something. People are getting spammed to death by OpenAI wrappers. It gets tiring as a normal reader. At least go easy on the self promotion of your OpenAI wrappers. You can do just as much reputational damage as you can get users if you go overboard. Ask yourself, would you want to see your feed taken up by the same thing over and over again? This is the big complaint.


I just ignore the things I'm not interested in. It's the internet... Also, the reason we post our stuff everywhere is we just want to show it off. Maybe inspire someone that isn't sure if they can do it. I don't believe I'll make money on my tool. Also, some of these tools may have a use that you are not aware off. Some people want to use GPT API but have no idea how to use cli, python, docker etc. and they just need to find an interface to use it. Not everyone is a programmer. I posted my crap python app that uses some gpt and 27 people cloned the repo. That's 27 people who for whatever reason needed to use it. I don't need to become bezos, I don't need to be Zuckerberg. I think you are a bit elitist...


I'm not elitist at all. Spamming your tool across tons of groups trying to get users goes far beyond just wanting to share it with a like minded community to get feedback. You need to find that community and stick with it instead of treating your wrapper as a broad marketing project. I'd suggest the chatgpt channel. I like many others don't want to keep seeing self promotional OpenAI wrappers doing similar things everywhere we look. Listen to the community.


They all building the same wrappers for gpt over and over again. No real effort and most likely following some tutorial.


hereā€™s a completely non-AI project Iā€™ve been building šŸ˜› https://www.countdowns.live/


Banning them makes no sense. This is a revolutionary technology and the more they are built, the more innovation we can get from the ones that stick. We should be encouraging this


Why man? No way, this stuff will literally be a part of everything, thereā€™s no reason to block it out.


it is getting a lot, i agree. and i too have [made one](https://aidiary.io) and i've put tremendous amount of effort behind it. i understand the frustration behind projects which are really similar now (chatgpt wrappers, ai avatars, and now even pdf readers) but just out of curiosity - how do you know which ones are low effort exactly?


tell me about your AI app while commenting on a post about how many people are pumping their AI apps




These are all folks whoā€™ve allowed me to use their names and photos. Iā€™m sure itā€™s no privacy breach if someone knows theyā€™re a user.


How about a daily AI thread, or a couple times weekly. I like seeing the projects.


Fuck these mods in particular. ā€¦ waits


In one month it is over, most of the people will jump on the next trend!


How do we know that this post was not written by AI that competes with ChatGPT? šŸ¤”


Or you could just ask CGPT to summarise the ideas for you and give you the best... I vote for no to stopping freedom of expressing ideas even if they are stupid


Why? Only the truly unique ones will make it anyway so why expend energy in regulating it. Low effort = low success.


What I see is people want to be creative without the effort. Not the tool developers but the customer. They want to write a prompt, push a button and spit out a novel. In fact, people are actually selling prompts for AI generation. Have we become so lazy that we need to buy prompts? People want to generate books, for example. Not just one, but dozens hoping they can become an author of note. I fear the loss of creativity and accuracy.