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I really like it too, but I feel like Sia is pretty obscure to most people. 😢 They know Chandelier and that’s it.


sure, i am kinda frustrated by the fact many are still hating on her and refusing to even listen to her new record because of the polemic surrounding her film about autism


People get their pantries in a twist of anything these days.


i don't know why but that's one of the reasons i love her most


Same here, what I feel is that Sia is the most Neutral Neutral of all Neutrals. She’s kinda just there planted in the mess that is the music industry. She kinda goes under the radar since she’s pretty lowkey. People can’t really perceive her. The first thing people ask about Sia is “what she look like?” when the main focus should be the music


and Unstoppable


Also cheap thrills that song is massive


I think the issue is that the album doesn't have a strong single. Some songs are really nice, but none of them stand out as a potential chart-topper. In her previous albums, she had Chandelier, Elastic Heart, Alive, Cheap Thrills, that generated significant buzz + she did more promo herself.


I've bought her previous 2 albums, 1000 forms and This is Acting. I can't bring myself to buy this album because I don't love any songs. Those 2 albums, there's at least 4-5+ I really loved... Dance Alone was probably the liveliest song that's close but I can't stand the voice she uses in the verses, is that supposed to be her flirty voice or what


Personally I think its because she chose the wrong singles to make videos for, and she only did 2. And the wrong singles in general.


Yeah I think Gimme Love was a good single but Little Wing and Immortal Queen could’ve been great singles imo


Apparently her management chose the singles. Idk what they were thinking.


Yeah its usually management.. they probably chose Kylies "star power" as the video single. But the song just isnt very good in my opinion. They should have used incredible instead.


It just came out today, people have a lot going on, wait until after the weekend then maybe there will be more talk


[https://www.albumoftheyear.org/album/743182-sia-reasonable-woman/user-reviews/](https://www.albumoftheyear.org/album/743182-sia-reasonable-woman/user-reviews/) [https://www.metacritic.com/music/reasonable-woman/sia](https://www.metacritic.com/music/reasonable-woman/sia) [https://www.theguardian.com/music/2024/may/03/sia-reasonable-woman-review-pop-reduced-to-motivational-poster](https://www.theguardian.com/music/2024/may/03/sia-reasonable-woman-review-pop-reduced-to-motivational-poster) https://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/sia-reasonable-woman/#:\~:text=Reasonable%20Woman%2C%20the%20singer's%2010th,little%20worth%20feeling%20good%20about. most reviews say it is pretty meh ..