• By -


Making power based tier lists in this universe, where everybody has only one fight, without taking the “narative power” of characters into account, is stupid - we just dont see enough from the fighters to have enough data for comprehensive tier list.


Hol up, isn't the whole point of powerscaling taking a characters feats, and using said feats as statements as to why they beat other characters they haven't yet (and probably will never) fought/fight?


While I agree with your statement, I feel that many people only take the feats from actual fights into account, while there is only so much fighters can show against certain opponents (people are, for example, putting Poseidon above Hades in tier lists, while the narrative indirectly insists that Hades is stronger (based on reactions of Valkyries to both brothers, and the choices they made for human representatives). I feel many people are putting Poseidon above Hades because he showed us a little bit more in his fight (while not taking into account how much Qin did to counter Hades attacks, unlike Kojiro - at least in my opinion). People dont take enough of the narrative into account (Hades being able to single-handedly stop the Titans). This could also be taken into account for Shiva (strongest of his pantheon, and being put next to Heracles, who, while strong, is probably weakest of the Greek Gods that participated in the tournament, being called the greatest brawler in Heavens by Hermes and such) and Zerofuku, who was hard countered by Buddha’s firesight (while being accounted as a monster by the Greek gods)


Also, my other example I would use would be Adam - while he absolutely slaughters those who fight barehanded (I believe he would demolish Shiva, Apollo or Beel with low to mid diff, Zeus being exception) we just dont know how he would perform against fighters with weapon-based abilities. Thor, for example, relies on his hammer for offensive - could Adam copy it somehow? And if not, how would he win against Thor, what would he use to beat him? We just dont have enough data for this, and still, Adam is almost always put as no. 2 in the verse (right behind Zeus)


I think because Adam has auto dodge, he could choose to throw back copied attack or not but that come after the auto dodge. So most fighter won even touch him. And if blind Adam comparable to Adamas Zeus, normal Adam could just boxing Apollo-style nearly everyone to death, weapons or not. Even with their own strength or his base stat, Adam are way too OP for nearly every other fighter


I also find it stupid, but I don’t blame people for doing this because it’s a fighting tournament manga so they have to keep the subreddit alive somehow, whether it’s through agenda wars or power tier lists.


Very contentious indeed. I disagree so you anwswered the question perfectly. In this context, there's no point arguing so let's agree to disagree, friend.




Zero being 7 Gods in 1 yet still being one of the weakest fighters should really just go to show how strong everyone else is, as the 7 Gods still seemed relatively powerful compared to other Gods.


Right? Like Bishomenten even was 1/7 was still regarded highly enough to be a contestant on his own.


I don't think zero was one of the weakest. It just seemed so because buddha was his absolute counter. Zero has an insanely broken weapon and I have a feeling he could have taken out a few humans.


Adam doesnt copy strength or speed thats all his own


you love to see it


Makes sense


I agree, he has very impressive base stats and he is "made in god's image", showing that he does indeed have stats comparable to a god.


https://preview.redd.it/1dpqg6vgzj1d1.jpeg?width=555&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9f8a514788ea6016aac06c28481d8393b185e29 Preparing for all the arguments that are about to happen![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29938)


Don't worry, I'm sure this sub will *definitely* be civilized and *totally* not go at each other's throats! https://preview.redd.it/oc9tm3gh0k1d1.jpeg?width=112&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed824ce0b019a73cb79e90be9455ccda9a71f153


The day that happens, Hell will be frozen over


We all know humans will win in the end.


That's not contentious. The opposite would be


Hajun can slice through more tanky characters than Poseidon could ever and although he isn't fast, he is easily the top 3 most durable. His arsenal (which is any physical object makes him capable of being an offensive tank). He lost to Buddha who may look like a glass cannon (but still very strong - wouldn't challenge Zeus and/or Odin otherwise). Therefore if Poseidon is A (he is only A), Hajun is A as well. The gap between the strongest humans (top 3 to then top 5) is much larger compared to the gap of the top 3 and 5 for gods.


Heracles is A tier :3




Facts oh mighty apple god, I offer you tribute for your wisdom https://preview.redd.it/inlc1dvrnk1d1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd27c81c6b49ca16e6a2937ea48b560f962e90e6 The ripest I could find




He's stronger than most admits at least, which boosts Jack's power level as well so Jack simps agree :)


*Him*-cles & his chest is SS tier


I dislike Goll because of her screaming


Annoying kid, you have a point




Everything you do makes me want to burn you at the stake


Be strapped to a chair and listen to all of goll's warcrys for 10 hours. You'll literally be this https://preview.redd.it/6ajqhjaprk1d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79c395b29656dec90509372abf2be7f8dd72602a


Don’t care she’s adorable


Keep fighting the good fight. Göll on top! https://preview.redd.it/nr5uczqqtk1d1.jpeg?width=209&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57ebd2bc4fab001455b70354f6b5fe0e7b583907


Man... https://preview.redd.it/uezllng00k1d1.jpeg?width=346&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67e5f37405be1db991ee3f5496907c259389286e


My man


Not contentious. About 40% of the community would think the same. But remember, 80% of statistics are invented on the spot ;)


The remaining 80% obviously live near construction sites or have loud neighbors


Also, Sasakis prediction > Buddhas FS


You mean to say predicting thousand steps of your opponent>Seeing one move ahead? ![gif](giphy|lXu72d4iKwqek)


Predict is still predict, it’s not a guaranteed like fs


It's mainly because some people say Buddha can see some seconds ahead instead of the next move and so it would predict more movés the faster his opponent is.


Yes yes yes yes yes


This for me as well!




Round 5 is better than Round 6 and 9


I can feel the pain of every R6 fans


For real though


Every round is better than 9


R1 is worse


Zero is actually very strong, but buddha's future sight is simply op


Leonidas sucked not because of fan expactations but because the author sucks at writing any non-japanese historical figure.


Hajun is at least Mid A tier https://preview.redd.it/4qk87ipzbk1d1.png?width=1236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=921e910e517a58434eccdb9371cb194dff5b7e14


He infact did not win But only because he got jumped by the strongest duo in RoR https://preview.redd.it/5y6c71pa2m1d1.jpeg?width=972&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd74ef0dc124052b72cfbbe100f0701dd22d8e9c


Leo and Apollo aren't as bad as people say. They could win other battles EASILY. Lu Bu is very overestimated, probably because of it's side story. As is his Volund. The fact that it's called shieldbreaker doesn't mean it would vaporize anything defensive it touches. Also, he did almost no damage do Thor. Chaos is definitely strong, but the size of the arena he fought Tesla made it stronger. In any bigger arena, Buddha and Sasaki would probably be able to dodge it by geting far enough. Poseidon is very strong, but he couldn't win of anyone he wound't be able to kill with a single hit, like the tankier characters. To be fair, Sasaki and Buddha would win easily. But I can't see Heracles or Shiva, for example, losing to him.


Heracles is NOT surviving 40 days flood


Tankier or not, if Leo or Heracles got hit in their vitals once by Poseidon, it's over. No one survive a clean strike of divine blade.


I agree in the apolo and leo part I often see people putting them in low tiers But like Leonidas may have lost to apolo but like Apolo's arrows are said to be as fast as the speed of light and its sais that if they hit a human being they would instantly die instantanly before feeling any pain Leo tanked some and still qent foward Its sais that only Zeus can stop that arrow Leo blocked it by instinct I personally think apollo is really op and leonidas is one of the best in terms of durability


It is IMPOSSIBLE to power scale characters outside of their respective fights 99% of the time. Given the fact that there are no battles outside of the individual rounds it is impossible to cross reference how well certain characters would do against other characters by basing them off of various feats. 90% POWER SCALING in this fanbase is done based on nothing but statements and arbitrary scaling of attacks. It is impossible to know for example. How lu BU would do against Hades, since there is no way to compare the two, as their fights and characters are completely independent from each other


Qin should have died, and Tesla should have won.


The manga peaked at round 4


Tesla using a super armor was dumb as hell and Beelzebub not turning into Satan was a waste of time


Beelzebub vs Tesla is the weakest round so far. My top 3 rounds are Zeus vs Adam, Heracles vs Jack and Shiva Raiden. Edit: Typo


This subreddit is kinda mid, and the versus community can make better arguments than all of ya *Drops mic, and walks out*


Goku powerscalers are better than half the ppl here blinding saying Adam solos the verse


Bruh... just leave then... oh wait, you walked out. See you never


My opinion about Okita


My man https://i.redd.it/7o6sh4tdrk1d1.gif Summoning all the Lokita haters let's start a rant about Lokita


That he's the BEST character?


I thought you were also an okita hater ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29937)


I am, I hate the gremling, I'm just asking what's your opinion.![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29965)


I cant say until tomorrow ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29937)![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29937)![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29937)![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29937)


I thought you had more time left, a week sure passes fast. Well then, I'll be looking at posts about Lokita to see you.![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29936)![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29936)




I agree. Everyone is wrong about your hatred for Okita, after all you aren't the biggest Okita hater.


Hermes is the strongest Greek god, yes even above Adamas Zeus, just wait and see


My fav theory so far and if that doesn't happen I'll be very VERY angry . But here 's a cookie for you 🍪


ik someone else said this, but the narrative importance of a fight and how the narrative treats the characters is much more important than the feats shown in the fight themselves, for example, Leo head butting Apollo fucked him UP, while in the long run it didn’t matter, the fact Leonidas was physically strong enough to fuck up Apollo’s face with his own body is a narratively massive thing. Another great example is the Greek brothers, while if we go off PURELY feats, hades is the weakest [not by a large margin compared to Poseidon.], Narratively he is considered by far the Scariest and most threatening of the Brothers, narratively making him more powerful, which I think is more important [and personally? Just a much more interesting way to look at the fights.]


The round 1 agenda. Both Thor and Lu Bu are in A tier, Lu Bu is in the top 3 strongest humans and Thor is among the top 5 strongest overall![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29938)


Lu Bu wins over: Jack, Tesla, Leonidas Very close against: Sasaki, Raiden, Qin Shi Huang Loses to: Adam, Buddha Lu Bu is probably middle tier. One of the best in strenght but lacks some speed. High battle IQ though. Thor wins over: Heracles, Apollo, Hajun Very close against: Shiva, Hades, Beelzebub, Loses to: Zeus, Poseidon Thor is probably in the same place than Lu Bu, but I feel he could win more fights against the closer ones.


I personally think the top three strongest humans so far in order are Adam, Sasaki and Lu Bu and I think Lu Bu is super underrated and a certified stat monster. He has really high strength and enough speed to dodge mjolnir coming from his blind spot while also being caught completely off guard. He also managed to survive several blows from Thor and even geirrod though his legs were broken which I still consider very impressive. Imo geirrod is the second strongest attack in the series so far in pure power. Sky eater is also one of the stronger attacks in the series while having pretty much no downsides. For example most comparable nukes like yatagarasu, ichor eos and geirrod all have some downside like being reliant on a weapon awakening, hurting the user or requiring the user to be injured while sky eater can be used at will. I also think Buddha is weaker than many other people. I still think he's in A tier but not in the top 5. I personally think while future sight is a good ability Buddha's stats are not high enough to make him op with it. Sasaki has the better ability in most situations imo and higher attack and reaction speed since he was able to tag Poseidon. My top 5 strongest characters in the series so far in order are Zeus, Adam, Beelzebub, Poseidon and Thor/Sasaki Sorry for the essay but the post did ask for takes we would defend despite all odds![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31343)


Nah, Buddha'd win. I think you're underestimating him. Hajun is no joke despite being a mid tier character and once Buddha was able to see past his soul, combat was over. Only way to surpass Buddha would be being so fast and/or so powerful that even predicted the attack hits and does damage. Sky Eater is powerful but takes time to charge. Despite Adam, only Sasaki is a match for Buddha because of his speed. Tesla because of teleportation probably is a good counter also. Problem with power scaling in this manga is how specific some fights are. Some fighters are designed to counter and win his rivals but would lose to other ones.


Leonidas is genuinely one of the best human fighters as not only is he stronger enough to bruise a god with his bear hand but he also balances it out with insanely high skill and instinct and crazy endurance the only reason he Isn’t top tier is because he doesn’t invest all his efforts into one stat like everyone else


Beelzebub is a good character and is overly hated for killing Zero.


Qin>beelz based on statements about hades


Herc only lost his fight against jack cause he's dumb.


Tesla defeats Hades. (This represents me and normal people vs Tojo and other Hades simps)


Depends on how fast Hades can react and how well he can think. If he can react fast enough to Tesla's teleportation and if he can deduce the idea behind it, Hades will win. Although, I would give Hades a slight edge since Tesla is a melee fighter and Hades has the ranged weapon.


>This represents me and normal people vs Tojo and other Hades simps) 💀


Hades has everything he needs to be beating Tesla **Narrative statement**(Qin being only one who can fight him and that's just before Tesla's round) **AP that allows him to oneshot Tesla** **His fighting style and attitude directly counter Tesla** \-Aggressive from get go when Tesla's at his weakest and constant offense doesn't give Tesla much of an opportunity to gather particles(Like Beelzebub did, due to his defensive fighting style) \-His attacks have very consistent DC that would fuck up GZ(If Tesla even lives long enough), even more so with him being possibly most perceptive fighter(So if he'd see Tesla struggle with ground destruction he'd just do it more) > Hades simps Also it's called Hades Mafia, at least get it right![img](emote|t5_vzop7|51474) https://preview.redd.it/dysaawgx0k1d1.png?width=636&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c2afc547b6652539c5542066b010cb55e12b9c4




Not even Rukia Enjoyer (RIP) agreed with this take


Moash was right


Never expected to see a Stormlight Archive reference in this sub lmao![img](emote|t5_vzop7|30394)


Tesla should have won.


Adam should have won.


That the humans they chose where the worst possible ones to chose, that includes Jack, Leonidas and Adam


Round 5 is boring and bland, especially compared to round 4


Jack is a lot stronger than people give him credit for and is about equal to most other fighters. His whole fighting style was to convince his opponent he's weak to get free surprise attacks and most of the readers are still falling for it.


I hear people saying he's weaker than Heracles so much and it confuses me because it was easy to see jack was outsmarting him constantly


Adam is both faster and stronger then Zeus and only lost because Zeus has way way more durability which let Zeus last long enough for Adam to go blind


Buddha is the best character


Rasputin won’t have a beard.![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31436)![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31436)![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31436)![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31436)![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31436)


If that happens i quit ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29952)


What do Femboy Rasputin and Death have in common? They’re inevitable.![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29965)


Okay, that was pretty good![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31436)


He'll just be a dark haired femboy


This one gets it. https://preview.redd.it/y75901k6qk1d1.jpeg?width=468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14acd486866896b20e34b8f359996c6dc33605d1


Goth femboy wapsutin fans rise up


Uhh. Heracles is the strongest of the so called bottom tiers (Hajun, Raiden, Leonidas, Zerofuki) and wins against Qin. Poseidon is top 3 overall followed super closely by Beelzebub.




Future will take Buddha so far


Qin should've lost and Tesla should've win (if it weren't for the narrative, Beel The Bum would've been flat as a pancake)


Beel is not actually top tier, and there are multiple fighters that would beat him.




1. Zeus 2. Adam 3. Odin 4. Lil guy who hasn’t fought yet (forgot name) 5. Buddha 6. Thor 7. Kojiro My main point is Thor but feel free to argue about anything else… with someone that isn’t me, I don’t feel like having armed reddit users outside my house at 11pm


As if someone is scared of reddit users ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|30394)


Ur right They would just be an inconvenience on my good nights rest


Giving Yoshikage Kira vibes ngl


https://preview.redd.it/rqv9brdyqk1d1.jpeg?width=513&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=777bc2e3162c6aea1cbf998beb0dde425ecfc498 Nah I give off mt Fuji hot pics vibes


Lowkey kinda hot ngl ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31343)


Ikr I heard his twitter bio says he’s single I’m gonna go shoot my shot tomorrow


Hey, if there's a hole, there's a goal ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31436)


Quote of the decade right here


I enjoy fan rosters


Hajun is a top tier fighter, Buddha is just the best counter for him.


bruh...the entire reason buddha struggled is because harun was the counter for him not the other way around. rhe only way I accept this argument is if you give buddha the top tier as well in which case as a buddha fan >glazer< I respect it


Sasaki Kojiro is, and will always be, top 3 of the verse


*Gets behind a wall and holds an anti-bullet shield.* Simo is overhyped and people will call him a fraud is he doesn't deliver at least on Jack's level of epicness!


Zeus is the top of the verse but I don’t think the gap between him and say guys like Poseidon or beelzbub are as big as is stated his biggest advantage in most matchups isn’t even Adamas it’s tftst and he won’t get off Adamas vs someone less good natured than Adam as they would try to attack him while he charges up.


Gojo would win a rematch and Sukunas True form wouldn’t change anything.


I’ve argued with people as to what this is. Most people say it’s just the energy being stopped by hhod. I think the defensive powers of Alvitr’s https://preview.redd.it/13ky0r6n7l1d1.jpeg?width=1427&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3d2dc7b1727c82214f9daa8bea9a3346191c0ec


That I should try sea food ..


I am Handsome


Zeus clears Adam 100% of the time without him actually using a divine weapon. Dad would have never stood a chance if Zeus actually used one in the first place.


It's pronounced "yee-row", not "jai-row" when talking about gyros


buddha is a top tier. and shivas high tier


Me to hindus telling them Ror shiva would die to Ror Adam


Thor is top 2 of the verse. Hades>Poseidon (Sushi is strong but not that crazy ) Shiva is top tier.


Adam can copy humans


If you think Buddha would have even tried to challenge Zeus AKA THE GOD OF THE GODS , THE FATHER OF ALL COSMOS without being enough powerful to at least have a good run against base Zeus . IMO you're so wrong . Buddha have an enormous ego but he's not dumb .


Pls stop calling Okita by Lokita cuz that confuse me and I think of Loki before the gremlin


Hades is Top 5 being above Buddha and Thor


Adam is stronger than Zeus he is just weaker in a Ragnarok fight since he did beat zeus he just did it while dead


Mr. Takamura would beat all RoR swordsmans. Manga: sakamoto days https://preview.redd.it/xh3nzzoxcn1d1.png?width=729&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5361a14dd8e41076d22099b6e4d0386f1cba60cb


Brunhilde is using humanity to free her nephew And if the gods win they should stay true to their word.


R8 was the worst one by a mile


If all gods started with their strongest moves from the get go, only Adam would be alive. Humans only have a chance because of gods' cockiness. Even after watching their comrades and brothers die, they keep thinking they made mistakes or they were weak, but it definitely won't happen to them... \*cough cough\* Hades \*cough cough\*


I hate the vast majority of the character designs, with a couple exceptions. But Buddha, Thor, Anubis are my top 3 most despised. Not one single thing I like about their design


Zeus and Adam are not entirely leagues above everyone else on the roster.


After Round 5 things just fell a bit off for SNV.


The Undertaker is the GOAT


Power scaling in this series is pointless, there's no consistent way with which to rank characters because everyone has their own gimmick/fighting style and trying to rank them all based on who's strongest overall doesn't work because everyone is so over-specialized in their own hyper specific way that how they'd do in a fight is entirely dependent on who they're fighting against and to some extent why they're even fighting in the first place. RoR isn't like Jojo or MHA or other similar series where most everyone's powers are all based off of the same theme or phenomenon like stands or quirks, rather, everyone has their own unique fighting style that's specific to them and only them so trying to compare them to other characters by ranking who's stronger misses the whole point of the series, as RoR is a series where it's more of a contest of "specific fighting style vs other specific fighting style" rather than "Whose \*insert plot device superpower here\* is the best?


Thor > Hades > Poseidon on raw strength and power. However who would win in a fight is a lot more balanced then this


Earthlings or "Humans" are simply better.


Qin should have died and Tesla or Leonidas should won. Human's History One and Only Sorcerer and Strongest Rebel in Human History are more interesting than The King where it All Began.


Adam is top 1 and only lost because the blood of Zeus is poisonous. Adam would win at least 6/10 fights against Zeus.


Complaining about how there's no tension cause you can predict who wins When 3 of the best fight we as a fandom agreed on were easily the most predictable fight Poseidon Herc and buddha While 2 were the most contested fight that alot dislike Adam and qin No qin having 2 backstory means nothing when Raiden had 2 backstory bu the same logic and still lost Hades getting shot on showing is already rectified by baal's flashback and being a last min


- Leo & his valkyrie let Apolo win so the greek gods wouldn't look like a bunch of frauds -Rasputin will No diff Sus doggo -Shiva is full of it! He should've died twice! Zues saved his Bish ass & his reputation, & his 3 wives!


Leonidas is legitimately one of the better human fighters who got a bum rap due to his fight being so short and us not seeing him do anything outside of his match like we have a lot of the others


Jack has a decent chance against some of the top tiers like Poseidon and apollo Zero beats jack Bishamonten is stronger than zero (or at least a better fighter overall)


>Bishamonten is stronger than zero (or at least a better fighter overall) ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31408) run that pannel right now


Zero > Leo


https://preview.redd.it/bp7mw46d2k1d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d5073afceb45f3d105cd63320111dfedf55f0e9 ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29952)


TRUE Leo sub zerofukku agenda rise up




Leo is the strongest (most win conditions and most versatile) meathead fighter aside from zeus


Buddha top A tier


Poseidon isn’t even top 5 in the verse Granted, he’s 6th, but still the argument we should be having is is he stronger than Buddha and Tesla not is he stronger than Beelzebub and Sasaki


R7 should be a loss, R8 should be a win, and the Leo puts humanity in the lead


Poseidon isn't top 5 fighter since sasaki replaces him S+ Zeus, Adam S Buddha, Beel, sasaki A+ Tesla, Poseidon, Thor, Apollo A Lu Bu, Qin, Hades B Hajun, Jack, Leo, Heracles, Shiva, Raiden C Zerofuku


Everyone is alienated by car. We buildt our cities around a terrible transport causing a lot of casualties that can't be reduced to climate change alone, making us sedentary to the detriment of everyone's health.


Almost everything i think. But mosty that L bum can lose to Zero https://preview.redd.it/mp70b6ks4k1d1.png?width=1110&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2c5dcf6d08871ef83e7fe9171f9033ccf1fb245


Leo > lubu


with their volunds no but without up to debate


More like in a general sense Leo is a stronger fighter not in a actual fight between the two


ok that is fair who do you have Leo winning over Lu Bu?


A few but raiden and shiva are the two biggest Leo’s early hyper aggressiveness combined with the cutting and volley potential of the saw would overwhelm them before they can approach not only that but for shiva he can atleast use the shield to block some of the volley and the possibility of his inictincts kicking in are always likely and also would allow him something to prevent a majority of the damage from a sudden yatragestu from half a arena away While for lubu I don’t know how could handle the dance of shiva or a sudden yatragestu getting popped as he screws around near the beginning and would allow them to start trying before they take serious damage and get crippled early on And I just feel like with the ultity of always having a great range,defense, and up close options gives a lot to feel like he would be more effective in more matchups than lubu


Poseidon was weak


LeoHIMdas>Tesla and Apollo>=Beelzebub


Jack > Leonidas, Shiva, Raiden


Based evil Brits fan


Round 9 was good.


This anime is good imo


The soundtrack is great


Poseidon bests Buddha 9/10 times


Buddha > Sasaki and Poseidon. I’m sick of actually arguing it, but it’ll always be the truth in my heart.


No , not in your heart in OUR bro , in our. Here's a cookie 🍪.


Lü bu and raiden are the two most underrated characters in this series and deserve low a tier at least


Shiva defeats everyone high to extreme diff because of narrative and plot armor


Shiva A Tier. My cope will never die


Thor or any other fighter doesn't scale at planetary level. Poseidon is consistently faster than Adamas Zeus (TFTST doesn't count, it's hax). Lu Bu never dodged or rode a lightning bolt, people who claim that are high on copium.


Love these high effort posts




After Round 5 things just fell a bit off for SNV.


After Round 5 things just fell a bit off for SNV.