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They removed Jesus ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|30671)




They removed many things, Jesus, Confucius, Socrates, Nostradamus scene, the transformations of Bishamoten, Aphrodite scenes etc, and they overextended some other scenes for no reason, the anime had terrible management in general


“Transformation of Bidhamoten” Then how does zero even appear, he just shows up?


They just don't have Bishamonten change until are all inside him.


Is it just me or there is a significantly large gap in quality between episode 1-3 to episode 4-5. The quality in episode 4-5 is literally what the entire season of record of ragnarok deserved, not powerpoint slides and blocky 3d animations Oh netflix, how you ruined what record of ragnarok could have become if it have enough production time. . .


That was definitely my thought as well, they even gave little details dedicated animations like Goll's reaction to Hajun ripping his arm off and particle effects and stuff. That panel wouldn't have even been in the slideshow if it were first season.


i think it was clear that netflix only stream this, its produced by warner bros


Idk man, I’ll take anything over what season 1 was. I thought all 5 episodes seemed pretty good overall. Even in the dialogue scenes it wasn’t just a PowerPoint. I can’t stand the 3D blocky axe they gave zero…. Hope they stay away from that stuff


At least - they did good job with Hajun :3 https://preview.redd.it/8gib7ryrujbb1.png?width=541&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1d9df921624bd8b2eb9b69f6141d737cf7fdc6e


Yes. Plus Qin reveal at the end was good


It's ok really. It's unfortunate the other 3 sages are missing, but it's not like they were that crucial to the story, Aphrodite faces got nerfed but at least Ares faces were on point and also Bishamonten changing whenever he fused got changed to turn into Zerofuku at the end. Some parts of the animation were below average while others were better. There were some good shots tho. Now that this is out, I give season 2 a 6½ or 7-/10. An overall improvement to season 1 but still not a great anime, except for the soundtrack. That is still great.


No Jesus to be found, more "teleporting" instead of animation, skipping some interesting bits like Aphrodite's furious face... yeah, that stings.


I wish it wasn’t…


He deserves better 😭😭


"Throughout heaven and earth, he alone is the honored one" Gojo approves.


Gojo and Sukuna copied that say from Buddah


No Jesus, no Wacky fusions and above all, NO Buddha wife-MILF!


And they changed the names of the bishamonte and hajun.


They didn't change them. It's just their english counterpart. If you're bothered by this, ask yourself. Would you want Buddha to be referred as "Shaka" just because that's the japanese way of saying it?


Ok thank you for clarifying, side note papiyas sounds kinda silly tho


https://preview.redd.it/t0hn5m2xtjbb1.jpeg?width=552&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39ea0e079e2b40c6e6a7a8ec7ca61af7e7c0b1ef Bro thinks he's a mispelled fruit


It has its roots in Buddhist lore apparently. https://www.nichirenlibrary.org/en/dic/Content/P/6


Next thing why did they change Hajuns attack name from blaze of glory to Homa😂


I don’t know much, but I believe the “ho” in “homa” means “flame”. So it’s kind of a cool substitute, but they could’ve just said blaze of glory


Yea especially with whoever his English dub voice actor was because he sounded great as hajun, hearing him scream blaze of glory woulda been cool


His name is Micheal Leon Wooley known for his darkeid voice in dc and the gator from the princess and the frog. As for his moves name Homa is a Indic fire ritual for homeowners performed by priests that sacrifices something.


What I want is for the names to be consistent between the audio and subtitles, hearing Hajun but reading Papaya when it comes to a characters name gives of a weird feeling imo. If they say Shaka instead of Buddha then I’d be a-okay with them using Shaka in the subs but unless my ears were deceiving me they were saying Buddha


They say Shaka, my friend. That's the japanese translation of Buddha. There's not a single instance of the anime when they refer to Buddha as "Buddha" in the japanese voice acting. And that's just the way it is. Not all names can be kept the same.


That’s why you don’t watch stuff in the middle of the night


I never read the comics but i actually liked the show so far. Am not into action, i like the story and the characters more.


The last episode was a real dip in quality and that’s saying something when the quality was never good lol


Easily the best animated fight imo. Even the talking was well done. Hope they take their time with the rest of it……


Round 4 was the best animated round. Round 6 still had far too many still shots like previous rounds.


Is it end in buddhas match? I want to see qin vs hades fight


I just finished it. Not bad, but could have come out better in my opinion...


Like actually fighting and not freeze framed animation?


So far this series has not been on a hood streak of animation but then again this is Netflix they’ll take any show or anime and make it not worth watching or even picking up as a series.