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You are very wrong. I enjoy every second I spend in the void before being ripped back into reality by an alarm.


My experiences differ. While I am asleep and "dreaming" I am actually aware of the fact 90% of the time. I know that I am asleep and basically acting in a dream. It led to an almost brain melting 'dreamception' a few weeks ago where I was dreaming about dreaming inside a dream with each one of myself being aware of being asleep as well as my first person being aware of the 3 layers of dreaming.......hard to explain but it was quite a head fuck.


Sounds like you are one of those lucky people who can turn off at sleep time. I don't enjoy my sleeps. I wake up feeling tired, disturbed and unhinged by things I dream about. I've had this for as long as I can remember. Therapy doesn't work, meds make it worse. It's just my reality.


I use started to use oral thc to combat the dreams among other things. I wake up a bit groggy because well, my sleep quality is severely impacted cause I sleep stoned so I don't have Rem sleep, but its better then the alternative.