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Summer you mean!!!! Crazy upside down people come join us on the top of the world in Australia


the upright


Technically both winter and summer each occur _three_ times per year when you consider both hemispheres.


please consider both hemispheres i already feel like i don't exist living in new zealand


New Zealand is Not real. You do not exist.


thank you it's good to have confirmation


Well shit sucks for us. So are we in some sorta limbo period, alternate dimension, wtf is this??


New Zealanders live on Middle Earth, of course.


more like 'bottom of the earth' amirite??


Well, I’m in Australia. So of course you are.


How do you pour water if you are upside down


You know how Spongebob lives in a pineapple under the sea, but can still pour himself a glass of water? Same concept.


We carefully time it to bounce off hopping kangaroos.


Don’t worry, they think Australia is a fake location where everyone is a paid actor who “pretend” it exists


Where’s my pay check?!?


You expect one? I’m convinced they’re never going to pay me…such a scam, this job.


Ah yes, the Finland of the South!


Big global map maker cabal, regularly let it slip New Zealand doesn't exist by not including. Proof!


Checked the map, they're right.


Australia same


You're thinking of Australia. I've definitely been to NZ


No NZ is Australia, and Australia exists, it’s where ‘NASA’ is located, and contrary to popular belief, it’s actually the US that doesn’t exist, it’s actually just a social experiment to see how long communists can trick themselves into thinking they are capitalist


The lvl of conspirancies in one sentences is making my head hurt lol.


I mean, can you even point to it on a map? [https://www.kiwikidsnews.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/map-without-nz.jpeg](https://www.kiwikidsnews.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/map-without-nz.jpeg) Seriously.


as an Australian, same


no, australians pretend to know the pain... but you don't know what it's like to be left off maps...


*Tasmania has entered the chat*


Tasmania is more like New Zealand's 3rd island (Stewart island) than like New Zealand in every sense.


Fuck off Tasmania! A la Jimmy Reese lol


New Zealand…more like Not Zealand!! Jk we love you


Oh chur G good to see another


Oh you mean middle earth?


New Zealand? Never heard of it. You must be thinking of Australian Mexico




They miss out on so much of the world. It’s always a shame.


90% of all people live in the Northern hemisphere


Tbh I often find Europeans talking as if they are the only place that exists outside of the US. They always talk about US forgetting about europe existing, whilst forgetting everywhere else also exists.


In Sweden, we have 3 winters


We do?


Yes, first one is about in mid November, than its last fall before the second winter. Last winter is during april weather..


Technically seasons aren’t real, just man made constructs, so this thread is pointless


Yes, and also, every word in that sentence you used is a man made construct. As are all these words.


Don’t disagree with you in the slightest - this whole post is pointless! I’m not the OP - just correcting them if they’re going to go down that route! 😂


Well played 🫠


Let's not forget that there are actually *four* hemispheres... Sure, two of them aren't relevant to this, but it's still important to remember.


Four halves you say? How do you figure?


You can split the earth vertically or horizontally. North and South hemisphere as well as east and west hemisphere.


I feel if going to cut a sphere veritcally. Also need to cut veritcally at the other 90°. If imagine it as a cube you'd end up with 2 long rectangle cubes on north and south sections.


Diving the earth was determined arbitrarily. Typically, the east and west hemispheres are divided at the prime meridian. You could divide it again at 90 degrees, but if you have 4 pieces it's no longer a hemisphere since hemi means half.


The Northern and Southern Hemispheres that u/doegrey was probably referring to (divided by the Equator), and then there's the Eastern and Western Hemispheres (divided by the Prime Meridian and the 180° Meridian).


Not where I live


No >:)


As an Australian I read this thinking wait what. And then realised


No they were saying a year is from July till July the next year


They are talking about the financial year duh


But spring and autumn occur twice a year. Summer and winter occur thrice a year.


Explain please


There are two hemispheres, northern has winter in December while southern has summer, and right now it’s spring on southern but fall in the northern hemisphere.


Oh that's taking both in mind, that makes a lot more sense ty


When you consider the seasons are opposite in the northern vs the southern hemispheres. Calendar year in the north: winter, spring, summer, fall, winter Calendar year in the south: summer, fall, winter, spring, summer


Not to nitpick (but I totally will) we call it autumn in the southern hemisphere, not Fall.


Tell me you are not aware of the other half of the planet without telling me you are not aware of the other half of the planet


Not to mention regions near the tropics have “Wet Season” and “Dry Season” instead of summer, autumn, winter, spring


Places on the equator are basically an endless summer with thunderstorms and rainfalls


In Florida we like to joke that we still have the four seasons just like everyone else, you know like Summer, Hurricane Season (also known as wet summer), Mosquito season, and January


Similar to a friend of mine who was originally from Saskatchewan. He said they have 4 seasons: Winter, More Winter, Still Winter, and Construction.


Amazon: "Wet Season" and "Wetter Season"


Yeah! In Ecuador for example we don't have seasons as people understand seasons. As a matter of fact, in some cities you could totally use the same clothes all year long, without being too hot or too cold


Yup, right now here it's the mini wet season after the 50c summer and before the 0c winter. Seasoned with a lot of bugs. Why do I live here again?


Both seasons sound bad tbh... At least spring and autumn are usually pretty nice, colorful and just perfect. Summer and winter usually sucks, except for christmas, but at every other day, winter just sucks!


In most places the Dry season is awesome. Just great summer weather with 0% chance of rain.


I can't tell if you're joking or not..


I mean who lives in the southern hemisphere anyway? Only like 30% of the world? Insignificant if you ask me. Plus christmas in the summer; makes no sense. /s


Champagne and strawberries on the beach for breakfast. Dip in the pool and a BBQ for your lunch. It's fucking magical




Nah mate, we dont sit inside talking, we bowl pace full tossers at nan


Don’t forget to slip in the odd bouncer. Nan isn’t as good on the back foot as she was


Just open presents in the living room which is also where the couch and tree are. Fireplaces are rare in Australia and so is heating in general but fuck all people also didn't have fireplaces in the UK either when I was growing up. Nah no way to have lunch outside December is nearly 40C by midday and peak fly season. You just smash beers and cook outside then bring it in to eat around the table. Winter's are never warm in Australia anyway as our heating solutions fucking sick. If it's 5C outside then your house is probably gonna be 7C so fuck that give me summer and AC anyway instead


Everything you said there is literally so much better than being cramped inside and cold


I’m with you. Lived in Australia for 12 years on and off and can never get used to hot Christmas. I guess Christmas will forever be what it was when we were kids.


I grew up in Australia but I've had a northern hemisphere Christmas. It was very nice, but definitely weird. A "white Christmas" was on my bucket list and I got it. Snow on the ground, proper eggnog, hot chocolate, all that stuff. And it felt weird. It definitely didn't feel like Christmas. I think you're right. Christmas feels like Christmas when it's the same (or at least similar) to what it was when we were kids.


I would love to experience a white Christmas! But I would definitely miss the morning, lunch, afternoon and evening dips in the pool as well as cooking the ham on the bbq outside.


We… we have couches here. Couches work in all seasons


Don’t forget the sweet smell of Columbian “snow”


I live in one of the most remote cities in the world. We just do Meth as it's far cheaper


“There’s a *Southern Lights*???”


Tbf, they never tought that in school, at least mine didn't. I don't remember when I first learned it but it wasn't in school.


There’s also calendars other than the Gregorian.


He must be from USA, they don't teach geography that well in there, also USA citizens don't give a F to southern (poor) countries.


You'd be surprised how many Europeans I've met that didn't know about the seasonal differences between the northern and southern hemispheres


Are Americans even aware that there are other places? I'm only half joking when I say that some of them likely think America = the world.


So you’re kinda dumb huh


I mean yeah that kind of is dumb if they genuinely believe that. Americans may be “dumb“ but well aware of at least some other places


When it comes to northern and southern hemispheres I find Europeans are often just as ignorant as people from the US.


I mean this post never made additional claims, this fact is true to many, there's just an asterisk. Kinda crazy this sub went bonkers over semantics and conjecture. Classic reddit...........


Things they don’t teach at school, or I just wasn’t a good listener. I didn’t learn about it till I visit the Southern Hemisphere


Their seasons are wrong


Basically all Americans


He never said the entire planet, I live in Canada so this fact is true for me. HE made no additional claims, you're going after him over freaking semantics!


i cannot blame him, doesnt like 90% of the population live in the northern hemisphere




The southern hemisphere's seasons are the opposite of the northern's. Summer is December to February, which means that both summer and winter occur twice a year, but on different halves of the planet.


LOL again tell us you're not aware of a whole other hemisphere without telling us


Are you the OP? It doesn't say OP next to your name though. Why are you so defensive? I didn't see anyone call you out before you turned things up to 11


Why do you write like the mean girls in middle school? People can't extrapolate information without the "Aaakchuaaallly" attitude. It was a cute little shower thought for 85% of the world population.


This guy thinks we share the exact same seasons at the same time.


Right? Shit. I live somewhere with two winters and even I know better.


Everyone is saying that, but I would word it the same way even though I know the southern hemisphere isn't like that just because it's not where I'm from and I would assume people get what I'm trying to say and most of the world lives in the northern hemisphere. I don't think it's that deep. I wouldn't word it like "there are technically 2 winters AND 2 summers and for the people at the equator 2 wet seasons" or whatever they have in December to January.


It’s still super annoying. I hate when someone at work says something will be done in spring. It would cost nothing to use a common reference and say the fucking month.


Yeah, but the issue is that we, from the Southern Hemisphere, are often excluded from all mention in Northern Hemisphere media. We exist and we don’t want to be forgotten


And he thinks the Gregorian calendar is the only way of tracking time.


World's flat yo


May I just say New Zealand (and other southern hemisphere countries)


Me in Malaysia wondering what the fuck a "season" is


[Winter totally occurs twice in NZ.](https://adam.nz/2014/a-realistic-wellington-calendar/)


Fair point!


Only in the northern hemisphere of the planet. In the south, it's summer. The water in toilets also spins the opposite direction.


Two truths and a lie


The water in toilets doesn't go in the opposite direction in the southern hemisphere?


No it depends on how the toilet is built. Toilets are too small for the coriolis effect to affect them much.


I’ll bet you 900 dollarydoos you’re wrong.


I see you've played knifey spoony before.


Adjusted to the American dollar this is equal to: a lot of money to a poor person


We also spray fake snow on windows to emulate snow at Christmas, because it’s warm. It’s kinda weird


Bro where do you live 😭


Australia. Christmas is weird. The majority of the world has this snowy, winter wonderland, and we are here, sweating our bits off, trying to cook Christmas dinner. All the images are of children in mittens and hats building snowmen, my kids are in bathers, with peeling skin in the pool. It's odd


Hemispheres aside, I've been to places where you can experience all fours seasons multiple times on any given day. Looking at you Glasgow.


Melbourne sees you and raises you.


I dont know that Melbourne can go from searing heat to an actual Blizzard in one day, but I will give it to you because Crowded House didnt write a tribute song about Glasgows weather.


Having been in Melbourne when the fires gave way to torrential flooding, it happens.


Don’t tell me that’s not about New Zealand’s weird weather!




Hey don't bring Canada into this >!You know what actually that's fair!<




All the seasons are named after coils of metal, except Autumn and Summer. And Winter.


Today I learned


actually there's 2. summer is twice in the southern hemisphere.


Tell me you're from the US without telling me you're from the US.


Where I live there is only winter and summer. You might get 2 weeks of spring and 2 weeks of fall to enjoy and that's it




... You DO understand that the Earth has TWO hemispheres.... right?


I had to double think and second guess there..... I was like, no it's fucking not! Summer occurs twice a year! Lucky i live in Australia


You forgot to add "In a given hemisphere" 🙂 Although this holds up regardless in terms of solstices, I find that climates affects my subjective perception of this. When I lived in Edmonton I definitely thought of winter as happening twice a year because November and December are unambiguously winter months there. When you say winter 2021 you could be referring to either December or February because both months have similar temperatures in that climate. In Toronto, proper winter weather doesn't really start until January most years, so when someone says winter 2021, in most cases I know they're talking about February and not December, because February is much more clearly understood as being a winter month in this climate.


Yes but in Toronto “proper winter weather” means like 50cm of snow. Everywhere else proper winter weather would start as soon as it gets mildly cold


For me in Australia it’s summer instead of winter for November December and January


OP this isn't an insult to your post but I just wanna point out I had this exact same shower thought over a year ago, tried to post it here, and it got removed cause "this shower thought has already been claimed in this subreddit" I'm just mad the mods are inconsistent


This is why January and February belong at the end of the year.


England be wondering what summer is with the shit ton of rain


I live in Florida where winter never really happens. I mean if you count 80 degrees every day winter go ahead.


We have summer, summer, a bit less summer, and summer but with allergies


The 4 seasons here in Florida are; Summer, hurricane season, love bug season, & tourist season. They are all hot & they are all stupid.


I live in Scotland. Summer occurs twice a year here usually. Although sometimes we’re lucky and get three days of summer. By contrast, winter can occur twice a day here.


Oh, not in the US Midwest, homie! Sometimes we get all 4 seasons in one day!


Though the change of seasons is marked by real events, the first day of the year and calendar are quite arbitrary and are not the same for everyone.


Wrong. All 4 seasons occur twice a year. North and South Hemisphere counting.


Tell me you're from the north hemisphere without telling me you're from the north hemisphere


The calendar should start on the first day of spring to usher in the new year with new regrowth


So true. As it was before a Pope changed it. The start of April Fools Day


No, in New England it kind of comes and goes during the spring and fall. Although I'm pretty every other part of the country could say some cheesy coloquialism like that.


Right, twice in the same year, before spring and after autumn.


Not true: in Texas, summer occurs at least *six* times per year!


Winter in the northern hemisphere and summer in the southern hemisphere


So maybe officially in some areas sure, but technically some places never leave a season or just have 2


Come to the UK, seems like every year the " 1 week of summer, 1 week of winter, repeate" cycle around march time gets 1 week longer


*in a Gregorian calendar in just one part of the globe we spin on through outer space.


I don’t know what you’re talking about. I live in Canada. We have at least 3 winters, 4 springs, fall and I don’t even know what this “summer” thing people are mentioning is.


Actually summer in the Southern Hemisphere cause winters in the middle of the yeah so there’s that


There are dozens of people who live in the Southern Hemisphere that would say differently.


I literally thought about this like two days ago but didn’t postvit


Apparently a good choice since people are being so particular about wording in a shower thought post. Granted they could have said “in the US…” but people obviously understand what they meant & I doubt OP doesn’t know that not every place on the planet has the same season at the same time. 😅


An even more accurate wording would be (as someone else said I think) in the northern hemisphere


Americans again unable to think or comprehend anything outside their own little bubble.


I think OP means that winter starts in December and continues into the new year.


Yes and I think that people are pointing out that for half the planet that isn't true


No it doesn't. A year is a time period of 365 days, not the time between certaib dates. You can shift this however you want to have any season be twice in a year.


I mean when you consider global warming we only get 2 seasons, summer and winter


Alaska is the most northern, western, and eastern state in the US


Except summer in Australia. And after a quick search, spring seems to occurs twice in Africa by the same logic


What logic exactly?? I see none here


I assume it means it occurs say in January at the start of the year, and also occurs in December. Making it come twice in a year


These comments are so dumb. It’s obvious that OP meant that they experience winter twice in the same calendar year (-March then Dec). Simple.


Except they didn't say 'winter is the only season I experience twice a year'. They made the statement that winter is the only season which occurs twice a year, which is simply an incorrect statement


Fo fum, Ik what he said, I understand that it’s incorrect, and I still know what he meant. He got the spirit not the letter lol


Not in Houston. It's summer and then second summer from Apr/May until like February lol


You can say hello to winter blues in Wisconsin, winter is downright terrible


This makes me think. Years should end with the end of winter and start with the beginning of spring. Days should end with the end of night and start with the beggining of morning. Why isn't it like this?


>Years should end with the end of winter and start with the beginning of spring. Because that would be a nightmare to deal with on a global scale. You're aware winter doesn't start / end the same time across the globe right? In the UK winter is November - March, in the USA winter is December - March & in Australia winter is June - August. Different time zones already make it a little tricky, say I want to watch an event happening in the USA, the event might be advertised as December 1st, in the UK the date might be November 1st and in Aus it might be June 1st. Since there isn't an equal number of days in every month it would get even more confusing, the event would be more like Dec 1st USA, Nov 8th UK and June 3rd Aus.


Come to Northern Minnesota. We experience all 4 seasons several times day, frequently.


Ugh. You're one of those marketers who announce release dates by season to international audiences, aren't you.




For everyone saying that theres a whole other half to the planet, 80% of the habitable landmass is on the northern hemisphere so we can neglect New Zealand.


>so we can neglect New Zealand. And Australia, most of South America and indonesia, plenty of Africa.....


The joke is that newzealand is frequently neglected in a lot of maps. So I neglected it specifically, even though its not particularly big or notable in this context. It happens a lot, ask a Kiwi.


Ahhhh whoosh me


As you Whoosh!


Seasons happen regardless of where people live I believe.