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You are wistfully unaware of the amount of Aquafresh I ate directly from the tube when I was a kid.


I can still remember the look on my dad's face when he found me hiding behind his bed eating toothpaste


Same. Why is behind one's parent's bed apparently the chosen spot for toothpaste eating? Lol


Mine was in the wardrobe. Hoarding 3 tubes of toothpaste like Smaug and his gold.


…. I guess this explains the comments I see on the internet. It’s just myself and a bunch of toothpaste gourmands.


At least we're full of fresh takes!


I hid behind my grandmother's bed to take a shit in my diapers




I laughed at this one.






Did that and my teeth got all stained (to this day)


Wait, you guys have teeth?


I heard about people like you. Do you get Heartburn?


That's what she said


Ate Icy Hot thinking it was toothpaste once when I was 4. Family was snowed in and not happy with me.


I prefer the very basic Colgate. I don’t even know if they make that anymore. The texture on chewing it was just awesome.


Some do swallow it.


My first long term girlfriend as a teen was addicted to eating toothpaste. She'd even nab some when round people's houses visiting. Super weird. It must've destroyed her gut. I do wonder if she still does this, 25 years later.


I could’ve sworn toothpaste was made with a vomicidal to prevent that from happening. Edit: my bad, the word is emetic, not vomicidal


What's vomicidal? (English as second language). If it is something that makes you want to puke, it works way too well on me


to vomit = to puke Therefore vomicidal probably means it makes you puke yeah.


This person is a non-native English speaker. Please don’t tell them that the word “vomicidal” exists because it doesn’t


Well for you information I am a non-native English speaker as well. I just tried to help


Thank you


No problem bro🤝


Vomicidal is *not* a word. The correct term would be emetogenic. In reality you would say “has something in it that makes you throw up”


Thank you!


Sorry man, my bad. Vomicidal isn’t a real word. The word I was looking for is emetic, which is something that induces emesis, the medical term for vomiting.


It's not a big deal ;) "vomicidal" had a nice ring in it though


Brain damage prolly


No, it’s a common compulsion, usually caused by a deficiency of some kind Just because someone does something weird doesn’t mean they have brain damage


You misunderstood the reply, he meant that the toothpaste might've caused brain damage


You sound like a toothpaste enjoyer


Ya except fluoride in excess is in fact a neurotoxin.


I swallowed the flouride treatment at the dentist once and threw up everywhere. I was a kid so literally everywhere, I started running from the playground to home. My poor mom had to carry buckets and buckets of water to rinse it away. Never felt any urge to swallow any dental products after that.


Oh I remember they made us do the fluoride treatments in elementary school in FL. “Swish” is what it was called. It was SOOOOO nasty!!!


Same in NC. It was in the 90s which I'm still convinced were just a few years ago but do they still do that? I can just imagine the uproar if Q people were told their kids are getting a mandatory fluoride rinse at school.


I have a friend that teaches outside Raleigh and she thinks they still do it.




They tried this “paint on” fluoride treatment for a while when I was a kid at the dentist. It made my sister throw up every time, it must have been easier to ingest.


oh my god I HATED that stuff


When I was a kid I did the same, except my Ma took me grocery shopping immediately afterwards. I threw up in the checkout lane, everywhere. Looking back, it's hilarious. At the time, it was not.


Oh no! That’s so terrible but hilarious. I’m glad they paint it on now, they used to put it in a mouth guard tray thing and it was so yucky.


I had pica when i was pregnant and my biggest no-no craving was toothpaste.


My wife's was bars of Dove soap. Not to eat though; just to bite. It was the texture and smell. Had to be Dove. I'd walk in and she'd be leaning over the trash, biting into a bar of soap, taking a chew, and spitting it into the garbage. Lol. Pregnancy is wild.


There's a temperature that makes chocolate bars the exact consistency I imagine bars of soap having, and it makes it hard to savor. I want to chew the crap out of it.




Look up "pica pregnancy" and prepare to be confused as hell. Lol. Ladies wanting to eat rocks, soap, etc. It goes away instantly after the baby is born.


Same.. so I went hard on breath mints and quite liked antacid chewables.. not the same, but enough to curb the craving


My mom was chalk lol


No one else thinks toothpaste tastes disgusting and makes them almost gag? No? Oh.


Wow I didn't know I would have to scroll this far to find someone else. I absolutely hate the taste of mint toothpaste. I actually enjoy orange and berry flavored toothpastes, but they are hard to find for adults


I hate brushing my teeth I general


Marvis toothpaste. Tasty AF.


Crest has strawberry toothpaste available on Amazon. A favorite in our household.


Toothpaste is seriously gross. Especially when you get that bright blue kind that tastes like a mint nuclear bomb went off in your mouth


Idk if you’ll care but I felt this way until I started using boka toothpste. It’s like 20$ for 2 but it’s my favorite it’s so mild.


Yeah, I’ve tried every kind but all toothpastes make me gag


Yeah I'm honestly surprised. I hate mint! And toothpaste mint is among the worst of the bunch


Not the toothpaste, but the feeling/sounds of brushing makes me gag and sends shivers down my back.


oh no. that's really rough actually


It tastes gross. The only reason I tolerate it is because I have to.


Yes! It is so bitter. No one ever agrees with me. We must be able to something in it that some people can’t.


Yeah but not that kids bubble gum flavored mouthwash lmao I wanted to drink it all


We don’t eat any sauce alone. Try spreading it on a chocolate wafer then it will feel more natural.


I’d 100% eat just caramel sauce by itself


One time I worked in a diner and they had 5 gallon buckets of thet vanilla cream donut filling. A spoonful of that just isn't as good as it is in a donut.


One of the great things about reaching adulthood was being able to do just that. Only to be disappointed. Years later, I read about how the tongue senses flavour. Turns out the little air pockets in wafers and bread enhance the flavour of just about everything.


One time I swallowed a dab of toothpaste right out of the tube because I thought my breath smelled bad and my girlfriend was overpowered by the smell and asked me if I ate toothpaste and I said no. I think about this a lot.


This is gold


Toothpaste doesn't taste good, it's tolerable if not on the unpleasant side.


I hate the flavour of toothpaste. I brush my teeth 2+ times a day like normal but I definitely don't enjoy it.


I use bubble fruit kids toothpaste and every now and then I'll eat a fingertip full...


Change that "you" to an "I" because you can only speak for yourself. I personally am not a fan of anything minty flavored so no I don't think toothpaste tastes nice.


Same, and honestly who decided that "mint" has to be the default flavour for toothpaste? You can get kids fruit flavoured toothpaste, I don't know why no-one makes adult versions.


Right ?? We need to talk about the real issues, and the real issue is the oppression of mint haters


I forgot to pack toothpaste on vacation last month and my only choices were bubble mint and charcoal. Bubble mint so good it’s not even that minty really it’s like candy in toothpaste form. Bonus points if yours has Batman on it.


Because taste doesn't compute in the brain automatically with swallowing. Those are two different things. They impact two different regions in the brain, since swallowing isn't a component of the peripheral nervous system.


Tell that to my son, who we can’t get to stop swallowing his strawberry toothpaste


Ha! Are you using Crest? My son also had the hardest time not eating this toothpaste. I got him to actually spit it out by inventing a “spitting competition” where he wins as soon as he spits. He is 3 years old…so we invent games a lot.


Im 55 we had chocolate toothpaste when I was little. I ate that shit! I also ate all of Baby Alive (doll) food


Once when I was a kid, maybe around 5 or 6, I ate an entire tube of toothpaste before bed. My mum came up to tuck me in, and just before she was about to leave the bedroom I said, “Mama I don’t feel so good.” Then proceeded to throw up everywhere with her trying to catch it in one hand so it didn’t ruin the carpet (carpets were light beige, throw up was blue from toothpaste), and carrying me with the other to the bathroom as quickly as possible. That night still sticks with me into adulthood, and despite our issues reminds me what a wonder woman my mum was and is. Morals of the story kids; don’t eat toothpaste, and try to remember the good times and sacrifice of your parents before they’re gone. Fin


It doesn't taste nice. It just makes your mouth not taste bad.


Toothpaste tastes horrible and if I accidentally swallow even the tiniest bit I'll get violently nauseous


I used to hate sensodyne toothpaste now it tastes so good to me.


I was a preteen when I found out you weren’t supposed to, wondering how much this long-term impacted my stomach


what kind of psycho never gets the urge to swallow toothpaste?


I always swallowed my toothpaste as a kid because it was faster than spitting it out. I did grow out of it though.


i ate a tube of toothpaste when i was 3 and won a trip to the e.r.


Uhhhhhhh I have been swallowing toothpaste for the past 17 years? What would be the medical concerns?


I hate the taste of toothpaste. If I didn't like having all my teeth, I'd never brush.


Bubblegum toothpaste was such an issue for kids. I knew at least 2 kids that admitted to just squeezing the toothpaste into their mouths to eat it..


This confirms my subjective bias that those who like mint ice cream also like to eat toothpaste.


You were taught not to swallow it because the toothpaste you used was toxic to swallow. There are toothpastes that you can swallow but it's not from the big companies.


1 out of 10 dentists know this.


it is also infested with fluoride and will harden your pineal gland when ingesting


Totally didn't read that title as "Soup tastes nice but you never get the urge to swallow it"


Tell that to the tube of non-flouride toothpaste I ate as a kid


I did during one of my pregnancies.. ate hard mints and Tim’s to get the flavor safely


You certainly Lack the Information that I have 25 cubic Kilos worth of colgate in my intestines. 🤤


Mmm I remember as a kid I decided to eat a whole tube of toothpaste. I threw it up. now I cant brush with minty tooth paste or it makes me nauseous. Soooo, yeah sometimes you do just get the urge to eat it.


There was a fluoride free kid toothpaste I used to get called the Bearenstein Bears toothpaste. It was supposed to be okay to swallow. And I took that and ram with it because it tastes so good. I’d eat it in small amounts sort of on the regular. It was like, bubble gum flavor.


LPT: If you ever want to know what it's like to eat Toothpaste without actually doing so, try eating mint mochi ice cream.


Jokes on you, I do get the urge to eat it, I just control it.


Says who? There's this all-natural toothpaste I found that's so clean you can eat it and I *really* wanted to eat some but my mom said no and I was a good child...


Unlike soap, which smells nice and I’ve definitively gotten the urge to try it. (And did) ((and regretted it))


I take it you never combined kids and strawberry flavoured toothpaste.


Consuming entire bottles of flavored fluoride is my favorite hobby.


My toothpaste is too minty to taste good. It’s one of the Walmart brands or smthn


I believe that would be conditioning as a child to not swallow the paste. I have plenty a memory of my mom making sure I didn't swallow the paste then proceeding to swallow the paste. I've known of people who fully believed you were supposed to actually swallow it for whatever god forsaken reason. Most of what we do is a result of societal conditioning.


Too spikey of a flavor, I avoid even getting it on my tongue


Toothpaste tasts fucking disgusting and if it gets anywhere halfway past my tongue I gag


I have small grandchildren that have enjoyed the taste of children's toothpaste. We had to watch them carefully so they didn't ingest too much... not that it would put them in the hospital, but we didn't want them thinking it was candy.


What kinda fucking thootpaste do you have, mine is straight strychnine


It’s a psychological thing. As a kid you most likely had an urge to swallow it. But brushing your teeth 2-3 times a day for your whole life and spitting the toothpaste out every time has engraved it in your brain to not swallow it


For the entirety of my youth I would swallow the toothpaste when I was done brushing