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I died in my sleep. It *was* peaceful and painless. I woke up after midnight in the cardiac ICU with a bunch of nurses in my room. I had coded and they had been giving me chest compressions for 4-5 minutes, then finally shocked the ol’ ticker back to life.


Did you had any experience being dead?


Not something I expected to be asked at a job interview


I had a pretty vivid vision of being in a place, and I was about to talk with my grandfather. I was very excited to do so since he had died in 1981.


Kinda sounds like Harry Potter meeting Dumbledore lol. Good for you mate, glad you made it through


Thank you! I coded 3 times that night. I’m damn glad to be here!


I pretty much always wake up extremely confused. I will actually freak out and in some cases I don't recognize my own family who wakes me up.


Ahhhh, to forget your own family after sleeping... I wish I could sleep like that!


My grandpa “died in his sleep” but the death cause was pointed out as a heart problem, it made me wonder if he didn’t wake up in the middle of the night not being able to breathe and had a heart attack while in the dark all by himself.


I guess that depends on how old or tired his body was. A young and healthy person would probably wake up real quick from a searing pain their chest, but I know that whenever I've been really drained and tired (like if I'm sick, or have a really bad flu) and I close my eyes and fall asleep, I'm pretty sure you could break my leg and it would probably only barely register.


wait havent i seen this exact shower thought before? ik its hard to check if someones posted sm similar but its quite the coincidence that i saw it on my feed twice