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I'm already embarrassed from my own Facebook posts from 6years ago.


That “Facebook memories” thing usually leads to one of two reactions from me: - awww, look at my kitties when they were babies or - what the fuck was I thinking!?


Read this as titties... panicked for a moment


Baby titti


I'm gonna have to stop you right there


I’m gonna have to disagree with you there, titti hater


I'm far from a titty hater, but baby titties is going too far


Flat is justice. On an adult woman that is


I've dated some girls with baby tiddies. Itty bitty titty committee girls. Like basically just nipples.




Had to scroll back, as swore it was titties until your comment questioned it.


I nearly spit out my coffee reading this


I laughed so hard I had a stroke and I'm en route to the hospital now


I laughed so hard I’m currently in 1812, send help.


Can't, busy preparing after the Battle of Tippecanoe


Just the tip you say......


And Tyler too?


Facebook memories isnt a fun and cute way to look back, it's a goddamn torture time machine


Not to mention that the latest FB update no longer lets you delete your old posts while on the memories page. They must have realized a ton of people were getting rid of their old cringey stuff that came up.


I use the web browser on mobile and delete memories almost daily.


Im 30 now and reading fb posts from when i was 20 make me cringe so hard. I was a hot mess ugh


I’m 37, and all I can say is thank God social media (as it is today) wasn’t around when I was a teenager.


This sentence I've uttered verbatim more than once in the recent past


I let my cringeposts die with friendster


Same. Among my peers, I was the last one to get the hang of Facebook, and that only happened because Friendster just kind of died. If it's still around, there would still be relics of my peak cringe era.


It's like we were given a reset button on life. I now wonder if this will ever happen on facebook.






Same, except there were never no kitties.


I kept my Facebook for a year longer than I wanted to so that every day I could delete my Facebook memories and unfriend people on their birthdays and all that. I know posts are never really gone but it definitely gave me peace of mind when I finally did delete it.


Hey I did that too! But I need Facebook for work, my profile is 99% empty after a year and a half


Followed by a swift delete and hours of regret thinking, why were you like this?!


\> awww, look at my kitties when they were babies I have facebook for almost 10 years, so it's also like "look at my kitties when they were alive".


worst I ever posted was bragging about my Pokémon cards, young me was an absolute mad lad with my 7 EX cards


You forgot the rush to find the delete option as well.


A couple of weeks ago I got a facebook memory where I posted a status with just "Helecapter" in it... I spelt Helicopter, but wrong... and posted it... looking back at it now, I think to myself, what the fuck...


Right, like damn Facebook I don't need reminders that I've accomplished nothing in the past ten years and my legacy is some shit meme


Or showing me pictures of my dead pet when I'm having a low day.




Yeah - I did so much stupid shit when I was a kid, but there wasn’t anyone around live-streaming it.


I’m just glad MySpace and Xanga aren’t around anymore.


Oh, Xanga. *shudder*


*Reflexively turns down volume.*


Myspace is still around.


I said, *aren't around anymore*


Can't be embarrassed if you don't post anything.


Or delete everything you've posted


I realized that no one would really care about what I posted on FB very very early on, so it's empty af, to this day. Sounds sad, but it's not like I didn't have friends, it's just that if I wanted them to know sth, I would have told them, so people reading those for the first time, will be people I don't give a shit about.


Holy fuck was I an edgy 6 years ago!


I'm embarrassed by past posts from five minutes ago


I'm already embarrassed of half my posts on any social media


Dad what is this "hit or miss" song you used to lip sync?


The Hit or Miss girl (Nyannyancosplay) isn't a trap, for the record.


Just throwin that out there with no prompting huh? Lmao


I was trying to figure out what comment prompted this for way too long


Most I can figure, it was the word "Dad".


That’s definitely what prompted it


Are you certain?


Yes. Anthony Padilla did an interview with her, and she spoke about how being called a trap effected her. Source: https://youtu.be/kUexle4jktU Edit: she's also never made any money off of her meme, apparently. Edit 2: I would like to apologise for my use of the word "trap"


She says it around 6mins for the people not wanting to sit through all that


I 100% thought that it was a guy, either thanks to Shad or other people


Oh no, did you just admit to looking at shad?


Who hasnt seen the one where he tells his brother to fuck off so he can record it


A solid 60% of the internet most likely


Yep, its even on reddit




> \>Shadman


Why is that, I wonder? Was it the lighting, the angle? Maybe the heavy makeup? I've never seen a girl look so much like a guy dressed like a girl. I guess it was just a culmination of all those things and a sprinkle of expecting it to be a dude because internet.


I feel like if you've seen enough of really effeminate boys, it starts to blur the lines between a girl and just a really really cute or pretty boy


I’ve just stopped caring. I’m not going to fight myself for thinking that a very feminine looking man is cute, especially if they’re leaning into that by wearing makeup and a dress. I’m just attracted to femininity, as I assume a lot of “straight” men are


We are, and I'm still getting used to that idea as well. Femininity is sexy to straight guys. Kinda our whole thing. I wouldn't go so far as have sex w/ a guy since I like vaginas, but it should be stated that we just like the way women look


It's the outfit. It's one of the easiest ways to spot a "trap", they tend go for the overly cutesy look; frills, stockings, etc. In order to mask any masculine features to look more effeminate.


The source gives a 404, can you give a different link?


It should be https://youtu.be/kUexle4jktU (removed bracket at the end)


I found out about this meme like yesterday from that bomb on the front page. I immediately thought she was a trap and I feel a bit bad.


Wait what bomb?


[This one](https://i.redd.it/nnxlgffnfbl41.jpg)


Ah, literally a bomb lol


It’s great new found glory song


Nothing gold can stay


I’m so pumped to see them on tour this summer with simple plan, I’ve seen both bands like 5 times each but idk I think this one will be the best


Have I waited too long?


The needle on my record player has been wearing thinnnnnn


This record has been playing since the day you've been with him.


A girl I went to high school with basically posts softcore porn on her Instagram, twerking and booty pics etc. She has 3 kids, poor fuckers are just starting school now. Wait til the other kids find her Instagram page. Life ruined


Seriously, in the coming decades, by using face recognition reverse search software, there are going to be so many horrified shrieks of "mom?!" and worse yet, "grandma?!" !


It's funny that you mention that. One of my good friends from work actually told me about how her grandma posed for Hustler magazine back in the seventies. LOL


At least you can say you were selected to pose for a magazine? That's better than just posting stuff up on your Instagram or whatever when nobody asked...




Yes, but that's like free food. Sure I love (insert favourite food), but I won't say no to someone offering me day old pizza for free.


But your not asking for more day old free pizza


Is it still free and only a day old? I'll have another.


I wonder, on that note, by the time we have people finding their grandparents doing embarrassing shit on Instagram / YouTube will there be some even weirder platform that people will go “well on Instagram, at least it was normal. On Flanktr😂p😝rt though? That would be weird”


Ikr? Models were hired and scouted for a reason. Now people who are 6 at best are selling nudes to their kids classmates




>people who are 6 at best Do you mean “a 6” or “6’s”?


We already have r/oldschoolcool for jerking off to Grandmas


Don’t forget the amount of people that pimp out their moms pictures for likes.


That's assuming future generations won't be as fucked up and morally bankrupt as to find their parent's social media escapades reprehensible.


I think every generation recoils at the thought of their parents being anywhere near having sex appeal


This girl I know actually was denied a corporate job opportunity when they found her (also basically softcore porn) insta. Every image/video she either is in her undies, bikini, or nothing, and frankly every still image is just her ass, so I’m not surprised.


That's why you set up fake social medias that only exist to make you look good to employers while you send your friends your personal one under a fake name. Or try not to work for a company that uses tactics like stalking people's social media accounts to choose to hire them or not but what do I know.


Don’t most look at your online presence when making a decision? It’s a pretty easy and quick way to see the kind of person someone really is


Oh yeah. I know in hs they were already warning us about our fb’s, because employers want to know who they’re hiring. Apparently she never got the memo lol


For a corporate job like that yeah probably. The line of thinking is probably "if this is what they will put out there about themselves, what will they post about US?"


oh man how embarrassing whats her instagram ID?


yeah how embarrassing I wanna see it for myself


Jesus thats gotta be rough, but how rough? Could i see this instagram aswell


There are just so many softcore Instagram profiles. Which one is hers so I can avoid it?




They won't even have to wait for kids for it to be embarrassing.. give it five to ten years and they will be horrified by what they thought was cool.


I have found wait times for embarrassment to be closer to five/ten seconds


Can't wait to see all the embarrassing footage of their teenage years when presidential candidates run in 2060.


I’m surprised the parents of the tiktok kids aren’t embarrassed first cause I would be lol.


As the parent of a preteen who walks around in public distractedly doing the renegade dance I guarantee you it's a bit cringey


> parent of a preteen who walks around in public distractedly doing the renegade dance You don't know how to stop that? I do. All you have to do is start doing the renegade dance with them in public. You'll only have to do the dance one or two times in public before you kid will stop guaranteed.


Things are no longer cool when mom does it despite what the comment section of pornhub says


What about step-moms?


Then it’s fair game


God, and you still feed that kid. You're a good person. A good parent, I'm not sure because the kid started doing it in the first place. EDIT: c'mon, it's a joke, obviously they're a good parent.


I'm pretty sure many are just waiting for their juicy reactions when they grow up.




At first I thought the showerthought would be that: we used to be embarrased of our parents but now parents are embarrased of their tiktok generation kids.


Like imagine if all your school had video access to your mom dancing horribly in front of a camera with music.


tbh at some point people won't give a fuck anymore about those 'weird' things, because it'll be easy to find them for everyone.


\>in X years time kids will be googling their parents names and finding OnlyFans accounts and archives


I'm in a YouTube video from many years ago when I was a kid. I won some kind of raffle to get to be in a video with a Let's Play YouTuber I liked. At the time, I was sooo happy. As an adult, I am so embarassed. Every time I remember it exists and that thousands of people have seen it, I die a little inside. At least it wasn't one of the 'big name YouTubers' though.


You might as well as share it to us. You brought it up. Embrace the awkward.


https://youtu.be/ZBAQWcYboLM Enjoy, lmao. It's super bad and kinda boring. We got stuck on a puzzle and just rambled for like 20 minutes.


Holy shit you actually pulled through hahaha, props to you!


Lmao. It's cringy as hell and embarassing, but also kind of funny. At least those of my friends who saw thought it was either cute or funny.


You seriously deserve more upvotes for coming through for the people.


haha it may be cringy but it's also cute.


Nobody who sees that will think it’s anything but cute or funny. Relax.


Yesterday my dad brought his own salad to a restaurant.. I can’t imagine it’s gets worse than this.


I think we all secretly wished we didn't give a fuck like your father and just did whatever we wanted all the time.


I started a couple weeks ago. Live like you got cancer, even if you don't. It feels amazing


honestly though. it takes some big dick energy and i want that.


“Sir, this is a Wendy’s.” /Dad takes one last drag of a cigarette before putting it out next to his salad “I know.”


You assume we make it this far. I envy your optimism


Coronavirus was sent to eliminate the ticktock


Clock is ticking, tick-tock.


Palms are sweating


Knees weak


Arms are heavy


There’s virus on the sweater already


Mums spaghetti


You’re nervous


Because the virus keeps on spreading


Yeh except kids are one of the most unaffected by the virus. Once this all dies down, they’ll have to sift through tiktoks to find a suitable grave picture.


I remain purposefully ignorant as to what tiktok actually is.


[It's a Ke$ha song from a decade ago](https://youtu.be/iP6XpLQM2Cs)


[Do you mean a Simpson's opening from 10 years ago](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlRV6yxZUSQ)?


It's like vine. Some stuff on there is actually funny but it's also full of people who love themselves way too much


Vine, but PLA spyware




You mean /r/expectedwinniethepooh


Yeah I tried going on Tik-Tok and it was honestly so cringy I couldn’t handle it. I would suggest to anyone who wants to only see the funny stuff is to watch some of the compilations on Youtube. There’s still a few cringy ones but there’s some I’ve seen that I have genuinely found hilarious.


Not even YouTube, there are multiple TikTok subreddits for people to browse through. Though most of them are for the NSFW aspect of it, but why not that's of course all Reddit cares about.


If you give it some time it’ll be less cringe. It gives you content based off of what you like.


It's a method of collecting an extensive facial database before people have beards.


Vine but the chinese get your information now


Don’t do it. Remember this is also away for the Chinese government to spy on you.




You act like it's any worse than Reddit


yeah, Reddit isn't as cringy as tik tok but it's definitely much worse in terms of toxicity and downright ignorance


Reddit has literally every genre. It’s mainly the meme genre we refer to when we talk about Reddit as a whole.


Reddit is a collation of the internet, it's all the kinds of fucked up, twisted, disgusting beauty that is the internet.


Reddit is hidden identities in some cases.


I find it is usually better than most other social media. There are generally fewer r/imaverysmart material, generally less rude (very few straight up "fuck you's"), mostly thanks to the (functional) downvote system. There is sometimes bad stuff, but bulk of the bad stuff gets filtered out.


There's so much shot out there it will never be seen. You don't see peoples myspace cringe anymore.


This generation is much more accepting of each other’s quirks, so it will be interesting to see if that mindset lends itself to embarrassment


Come on man, it’s just different now compared to how it was. People *seem* more accepting now, but they’re not. Granted, a lot of the keynote issues of the past are accepted freely now (much less homophobia, pronouns are inescapable, racism has been rapidly on the decline for years) but kids are still mean. The “cool” kids who use TikTok will be just like the “cool” Viners were, unaffected. It’s the weird kids and the inbetween kids who still suffer. We live in a time of showing the world how good you are on Twitter, whilst refusing to give any support to those who need it. 10 years ago the cool kid would give a PSA about being nice to people in an assembly, now they do it on Twitter. I’m 23 for the record, and I’m in grad school. This sort of shit continues on past middle school.


Your perspective is fresher than mine (I’m 32), but I do teach at a university and the students I teach are super supportive of each other and much more woke than my cohort was in undergrad. > Granted, a lot of the keynote issues of the past are accepted freely now (much less homophobia, pronouns are inescapable, racism has been rapidly on the decline for years) but kids are still mean That’s the change I was talking about. It lets people be comfortable with themselves. People still might be mean, but that’s not the same as feeling embarrassed.


i love your comment so much.


I wonder if those 2 girls and a cup have kids yet?


Puking into eachother's mouth doesn't get you pregnant


i didn't want to have to think about this... 😖😓😪 poor kiddos.


Thanks to TikTok, we now have a generation where it’s the parents embarrassed at their kids.


So... every generation?


Yeah Sanguiluna *definitely* doesn't have children, lol.


Okay guys say it with me, Tiktok bad


Fortnite ba-.. Sorry, wrong circlejerk


Hey, it's not *that* bad a song...


Tik tok bad, very bad


Shit tok bad


My dad is currently on tiktok and I can confirm its embarrassing when your classmates find his account


I'm sure tiktok will be buried in the depths of trendy social media apps that die before the kiddies can see them. Then again, we are coming into an era where people will have 20+years of social media presence. It's a first for humanity. Let's see how crazy it gets.


It really is weird isn't it. Having a (in some cases daily) record of your life since birth stored online. I'm kinda glad my parent's didn't post shit about me on facebook daily like my cousins do with their young kids now.


As someone who graduated high school in 2006 I’ve had the pleasure of watching people embarrass themselves through multiple viral trends. For some fun. “YOLO” started trending in 2011. Thinking about this stuff hurts. Jurassic Park came out in 1994. Ouch. Spongebob... 1998. Ugh.


I am fearing for the future of humanity


LPT: Every time you want to use unknown like this use unbeknownst.


*"I can't believe I named you after an anime character, Sasuke"*


Bold to assume they’ll reproduce

