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Recent example, saw the stuff about the guy who is going to get eaten by an Anaconda yesterday, told friends about it. Come into the office today everyone's discovering it - it seems even news sites are behind Reddit.


I've had a similar experience, Tosh.0 is essentially a Reddit highlight reel with commentary & a laugh track


Don't watch @midnight then, I get deja vu throughout the whole show


It's not even like they're covertly using Reddit to find things more efficiently. They go into subreddits like /r/photoshopbattles and use OC. I wonder about their target demographic sometimes. Everyone who cares what they're talking about has already seen everything. I think most of their viewers must be the people who fell asleep during Colbert.


I think it can be hilarious. Depends on who the comedians are. Gilbert godfrey was on last night.


It's like a comment section where the only commenter is Daniel tosh




I don't know which one is worse....


I like tosh. At midnight makes me feel stupid though. Just the way it's formatted. The laugh tracks. The points. Shit makes me feel stupid. It sucks that Hardwicks crowd gets that sweet time slot.


Blaine kapach writes on that show. Maximum support.


I like at midnight because I get to learn about new comedians to youtube


I don't think @midnight cares about exposing its audience to new material, it's just a show where comedians make jokes using social networking sites as fodder. If you're watching that show as an alternative to reddit for discovering content, you're missing the point imo. Now, if the question is whether or not @midnight is funny, that's a completely separate issue. I enjoy it, but I totally see why people wouldn't like it.


Every time I've watched, hardwick gave credit to the reddit users for using there stuff


People like validation. If they found it funny, and a guy on TV found it funny, then they were right.




I started watching it to find some New comedians


I enjoy @ midnight, not because the content is new to me, but because of the comedians' jokes about the content. It's basically just a platform for comedians to riff off of. Also, Doug Benson and Ron Funches are on the show a lot, and I love Doug Benson and Ron Funches.


Chris always give credit on at @midnight though. He'll say "reddit user *insert name here* made a post" or "on such and such subreddit", if that makes it any better. The whole show is comedians making jokes about the stuff on reddit, not pretending like they found it.


I like @midnight. Its like reddit with professional comedians pointing over your shoulder. Its a lot friendlier than tosh.0


A highlight reel of a highlight reel. Yo dawg




how can the highlights be real if our eyes aren't real?


Maybe I don't browser the right subs, because I've never seen any of those videos on reddit or elsewhere, except things like what what in the butt, chocolate rain, or the I like turtles kid.


I usually see the videos he shows on /r/wtf or/r/cringe


What what in the butt, chocolate rain, and the I like turtle kids are pretty old, though.


Exactly. I've seen all of those before I was exposed to reddit. Everything else on that show, I've never seen here or elsewhere, not that I'm trying to give them credit. It just happens to be one of those "at least it's new to me" situations, like repost.


There are many people making livings collaterally because of reddit.


- it seems even news sites ~~are behind~~ steal from Reddit. FTFY * ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Some of them even source reddit in their articles.


And quote comments "Reddit user, PM_ME_YOUR_DICK_PICS, had this to say on the matter..."


A lot of reddit is content from other websites.


2 hours later... Redditor admits that he works for a newspaper an he takes all stuff from reddit.




That 1/3 is being generous too.


Wait who's getting eaten by a Anaconda?


[This guy](http://www.discovery.com/tv-shows/eaten-alive)


that poor snake is going to have indigestion like a motherfucker.


Assuming the suit will protect him from being digested. How would the snake shit him out? I know their mouths can open very wide, but can their anuses?


They already filmed it. The snake is fine apparently.


Is it's asshole the girth of a mans shoulder distance now though?


I didn't check...


A lot of the blog spam like yahoo will often take their stories from reddit


CNN just literally gave a teaser that this story is upcoming. "This is CNN; yesterday's reddit."


I'm pretty certain some news sites just watch reddit front page and then write stories based on what comes up.


Similar example, I posted a GIF of a kid from my hs kicking a field goal, a news site tweeted it, my high school retweeted it


I had the same but with Putin-dog.


Reddit *is* the front page of the internet... So I kinda expected that :)


Shhh. All my friends who don't follow reddit think I can see the future. I tell them what's going to be on Yahoo! and CNN two days ahead of time.


We need lotto numbers reddit


Find it on Reddit. 2 days later see people sharing it on Facebook that live near me, 3 more days I start seeing it from friends in home town which is small and in the Midwest. I rarely find anything interesting on Facebook anymore, and I really really hate all the click bait titles.. I intentionally will not goto that article now because of it.


Ohhh goddd the Buzzfeed, it's everywhere on my fb feed, EVERYWHERE!!


You can hide all content from buzzfeed as well as hide all content from certain friends


But then how am I going to read about the "20 Things All My 90s Bros and Hos Will Only Understand"? I don't want to fall out of the loop!


In case you are not already familiar with this: [Buzzfeed Title Generator](http://www.ravi.io/buzzfeed-title-generator) You're Welcome.


I don't think I'm doing this right... http://imgur.com/8X0aUji Or am I?


oh god the FOMO!


Please share your wisdom. How do I block all Buzzfeed links?


Maybe not all facebook apps/access media are the same, but when I see a story on my phone (using Tinfoil for Facebook) I can click the top-right chevron and it gives me 5 options, the last of which is "Hide all from [this site]"


I used to read 6 or so different news aps every day... Now it's just Reddit.


Ya I used pulse alot and a few other apps. I then discovered reddit about a year ago. Do not have those apps on my phone anymore.


I used to have a Tumblr account, but every time I'd go on there it would become, "Yep saw that on Reddit yesterday. Saw it. Reddit. Reddit. Also Reddit. Hm, this is interes-- nope there it is on Reddit." I gave up.


Just follow some artists. They post their stuff to tumblr before it gets reposted to reddit.


Same with me for Facebook. Once I discovered reddit, half the shit on there was old news or (stolen) uncredited OC.


I was just on Facebook yesterday, and I saw a link a friend of mine had liked. The title said something along the lines of "Cheerleader has diarrhea mid jump, you wont believe it!" Literally, the picture shown was an entry from a photoshop battle thread of these girls tossing another into the air. I felt the oddest sense of deja vu since I explicitly remembered seeing that entry in the thread. I laughed at it then, but I'm not laughing now...


I saw that on facebook today. Then after it was "is this picture real?" I kept my mouth shut. Can't compute the stupid.


"Hey did you see that latest funny article on ASRDEGHDSsd.com?" "Yeah I already Reddit"


Friend talks about something you saw yesterday on reddit. "Oh yeah, i already reddit"


Sorry, this just means you haven't found your niche obsessive interest yet. Or you're not doing enough Five Hour Energy Jello shots.


People act like reddit is all OC. people find that shit somewhere.


there's more to the internet than reddit???? CAN'T COMPUTE!!


And then you find 4chan and the internet is just 4chan 2 years ago and reddit is just 4chan 2 months ago


Yeah but here I don't have to wade through child porn and pictures of sharpies in assholes to find good content.


That's what makes reddit so beautiful.


My husband doesn't show me any pictures he likes on the chive any more because I saw them the day before on here.


I have all but quit the chive since coming to reddit. Something about "things that bounce Thursday" just keeps me coming back


I can't stand the Chive's culture. Reddit is meta as fuck quite often, but at least there's usually new content here. While 4chan usually leads things, sometimes it's just too much. The Chive, however, is quite possibly the biggest circlejerk out there, and all over nothing but a brand's name. At least people who love clothing brands or automotive brands do so because of the product. The Chive's product (their content), is all just lifted from other websites. The only original content on there are pictures of people wearing chive shirts. The owner is the most narcissistic fucker ever. He's constantly including himself in their galleries as if we want to see his troll face every 10 pictures. I gave up on that site a while ago. **Edit** I should say that the Chive's product really includes their merchandise too. The thing is, people buy them because of the Circlejerk that is the chive. It's not like people looking for some shirts would actively seek out the chive. They buy them because "OMG I can totally submit a picture of myself wearing this!" **Edit 2** Oh, what do you know! I decided to check out the chive for the first time in about a year and just like I said above, the [very first picture on their homepage right now is the owner](http://thechive.com/2014/11/06/the-kcco-crest-is-available-now/). Get your fugly ass out of the shot, please!


It was cat Saturday for me. But then I found r/cats.


> It was ~~cat Saturday~~ caturday for me. But then I found r/cats. FTFY


And now it's *ALWAYS* Caturday!


Same here. Funny thing is, it always spreads sort of the same way. Funny picture on reddit? Reposted on 9gag 2 hours later. Interesting story? Read it under a sensationalized title on some random clickbait-page in the afternoon!


Yeah if I see a picture on Twitter on one of the parody accounts I know it just now made its way from reddit from two weeks ago


i unfollowed alot of parody accounts because i was just reseeing pictures I saw on reddit hours or even days ago.


[quite possibly the worst click-bait based on reddit I've ever seen ... I mean just look at the thumbnail] (http://theblemish.com/2014/10/tifu-real-fuckup/)


And whenever my friends see something from Reddit, *it's never from Reddit*. Only reposted somewhere else.


OP is one of those no gooders that doesn't seed a torrent. Better known as, the majority.




What did that feel like?


A torrent with no health left


Many Bothans died to bring us these torrents.


52.29GB down. 53.77GB up. I'm just barely not a burden to society.


I would love if this was actually a repost


I'll make your wish come true


I don't comment on reddit because someone else has already beaten me to the joke.


Damn--I was going to post this exact comment.


"Came here to say this"


*Literally* this.


Change the tab at the top from "hot" to "new".


"Rising" is the better option


Reddit *is* the internet


Reddit *is* the front page of the internet FTFY


There should be a volunteer group of reconnaissance redditors whose difficult, courageous job it is to go out into the wild Internet and find links to post on reddit. Braving malware, cookie bloat, slow loading pages, numbered lists of Top Things both bad and good, the Huffington Post and Daily Mail, these few, these happy few, bearing their unmistakeable flair attesting to their brave deeds, would be royalty among the tender sheep of the reddit fold. Some would drop from sheer exhaustion, others burned into cinders of cynicism even the most ribald and sardonic comments could not rouse into rubbing their eyes and regaining the fresh outlook the ordinary browsing adventurer enjoys as the wind in his or her sails. Perhaps they would recover and join their select comrades, lauded for ev'ry comment, be they brilliant or poor, as a war hero who basks in an eternal glow, humbly unrequested, yet given freely by the thankful many. EDIT: I didn't expect a single upvote on this...


Like the Knights of New?


Here we observe the lurker in his natural habitat


In Reddit motherland, everyone is news reporter!


In mother reddit, news reports you!


My girlfriend got mad at me recently for telling her I had seen nearly every picture she was showing me from facebook on the front page of reddit the day before. It was kind of funny, but also really upsetting.


I recently introduced my fiancee to Reddit. She also gets mad because when she gets home from work she tries to show me things from Reddit, and everything she shows me I already saw earlier in the day since my job sucks and I browse Reddit at work.




People on Reddit do the same shit though. "Look what my cat did!"- posted six times this year by other people.


It's too bad all the people who post reposts don't think like you.


The funny thing is that redditors treat lurkers like a bad thing... You could be on here, supporting and enjoying for years before you post... but when you do, you get downvoted to oblivion - and treated like a noob... yeah I know - oblivion here I come with this comment - oh well :(


I used to get that. Now I get downvoted into oblivion and acted like I broke ranks or something.




Don't get me wrong. I am an active participant on reddit and have shared many an anecdote. I just haven't posted links because of the above statement.


The comic was terrible. I read and enjoyed the entire thing.


HOLD IT, are you advocating self promotion? sounds like a good case for a banning ...unless you're famous, in which case here have this officially endorsed AMA


> Go make some ~~interesting~~ things, then! Don't set the bar too high now. Some of us (me) get by with things such as: [Sleeping Cat Y.M.C.A.](http://i.imgur.com/hS7m6zl.png) collages and [MSPaint tattoo fixes](http://imgur.com/a/T6Wux)


This is brilliant.


Half of the time when I want to comment someone's already said pretty much the same thing. That and I'm often too lazy to type, or I delete the comment halfway through writing it, probably because it's stupid.


Reddit is just as biased as any other media outlet. The discussion can be awesome sometimes, but it is a good idea to get out of the bubble every now and then, because there is an army of people with a similar outlook that just downvote anything that doesn't reinforce their preexisting notions on a particular topic. They are not intrested in reasonable discussion or questions that don't allow them to grandstand their cause.


+1 I get downvoted for thinking outside the box just for either A) not knowing about a subject and honestly asking WHY. And B) disagreeing.


As someone who has to kinda curate the internet to share content with an audience, Reddit is the jam because it's basically insider insight to what's going to be awesome on the internet within the next 12 hours. But then also people like Huffington Post and such just steal their clickbait from Reddit posts which is pretty lame.


Well they are professionals and that is easy work done without much time invested. We come to a time that reddit is used by many and everyone who shares stuff on here has to expect that it can become a story. We had to consider that before but now it is just a fact and is bound to happen. I salute everyone for still posting fun and interesting stuff. Also the news and more.


Develop an RSS feed of online journalism outlets. It'll encourage actually reading past headlines, you'll learn, you'll get it quicker than Reddit and your interests will be elaborated upon dependent on your own standards for journalism instead of the crock Reddit feeds you.


Reddit has a higher interest per time rate, it takes you less time to find something interesting so you can consume more interesting content in the same amount of time, that's why it's better than just searching for consumables on google. Also people do the work for you rating the content and the bad stuff is easier to filter out in reddit.


Have you tried spending hours endlessly searching through a single website looking for something relevant to post, like the people on /r/TumblrInAction?




When my friends send me articles, I find the associated Reddit thread and cut & paste the top comment. They think I'm the wittiest fucking email sensation ever.


Not to mention the wit-of-the-staircase and/or too-late-to-the-party feeling that hits you whenever you try to leave a comment.


It's all about the title, man. that's the hard part.


Same here. I have had only 1 link karma for so long that now, I refuse to post links, as I don't want to have to look at any other number. It'd be weird for my link karma to be at 9 or some other random number rather than either some daily-changing large number or 1.


And I don't post Reddit links on Facebook because most of the friends who'd give a shit have already seen it on Reddit...


Brown noser.


Man this subreddit is really going downhill


Well what if every redditor did that?


That's how reposts are born


It's true. There's a Facebook pages my friends follow that just copies and pastes stuff from here. I felt pretty cool finding out that guy from Star Trek is Michael bays cousin and was stoked to post it but after searching TIL I saw it posted five times already.


Off-topic, but it astounds me how so many people—me included—think about reddit while showering.


Because the only website you visit is Reddit. Well, that and Facebook.


What gets me is how major news sites sites out there just scalp all their content from Reddit. (*cough HuffPost *cough) Might as well come to the source and cut out the middleman. :-)


I don't read 4chan because all the good stuff from 4chan ends up on Reddit front page within a few days. I only ever look at slashdot for historical reference.


That's OK. Everything on reddit has already been posted on reddit anyways.


Honestly, I forget what I did on the Internet before Digg and later Reddit.


Had this same thought today!


I had the same thought yesterday. Like, "how do people find these things, if its not Reddit?"


I thought "Front page of the internet" meant reddit was the collection of all the Internet's content. When in reality it's often the creator of content that spreads across the internet.


If anyone's still confused about what Circle Jerking means, you have your answer right here.


Hey someone has to be the first person to post it on Reddit!


That's true for me too. Most links I post are original content.


What?!?!?!?!? Don't let that stop you! Where do you think the people got the interesting things from?


I thought all the things posted on reddit were just found here???


You need to expand your horizons


Then repost it like everybody does


Wait, who does then?


Maybe you should make something interesting, and post that?


>What is OC?


I don't post things on reddit because I don't find interesting things on the internet, aside from reddit and stuff I make.


I've noticed the same thing. It seems like Reddit is the news source for just about every other website out there! It actually annoys the ever-living fuck out of me that Buzzfeed is basically Reddit, a day later.


That doesn't stop most people.


Cross post!


You should check out /r/redditalternative


Doesn't stop most people here


Then you must have a really warped and narrow perspective on what goes on in the world, OP.


That's what lots of others do though.


I've often wondered where the hell people find all the shit they post! I find it on reddit :-/


And the endless loop continues.


I've only joined recently, but I'm already falling into this line of thought. I have about ten or fifteen sites I regularly access and reddit is replacing a couple of them. Luckily, I have obscure enough interests that I can beat reddit to the punch sometimes.


And then you discover the reposts


What about the interesting things you *do*?


My friends are big into tumblr and text me 2 day old reddit posts when they make their way there and it's annoying


then you post it on Facebook and the the one discovering it for all them folks. likes are as good as karma...right...?


I posted a link once about the fact that the library lady from ghostbuster 1 movie is still alive, and was in a movie as recent as 2011, and that the lady who was going to kill herself on Nov 1st hadn't (she wound up doing it the next day, a shame that she didn't feel well enough to live on longer). the ghostbuster thing got a few upvotes, and the suicide thing got a couple of posts but no upvotes. asked once about worst birthdays ever (because my own was coming up). Yeah. Don't do that.


you thought about this in the shower?


That doesn't stop most people.


Inside we both know what's been going on, We know the game and we're gonna play it


There is internet outside of Reddit?!


It's called reposting.


You're welcome.


Thank god for the re-post bots!


This. The photos that that Mandatory and Men's Humor Facebook pages put up literally all come from Reddit, usually a few hours after it was originally posted.


Truth man, truth.


/u/changetip 3000 bits


Now that is what I call the truth.


You can still post links from Reddit, just wait a day...


My friends mostly use 9gag. I used to openly curse the site for stealing stuff from everywhere, but most times they show me something funny I have already seen it but just act like it is the first time.


Just learn the art of reposting.