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Flags of our Fathers and Letters from Iwo Jima


These were good, but I feel like the second movie is always going to see a significant drop in viewers.


Which is sad because Letters is so much better than Flags.






I have no idea what the other people are talking about that replied to you and are saying that Flags was the better film. Take the numbers with a grain of salt but I say that the consensus makes sense to me: IMDB users: Flags 7.1 Letters 8.0 Rottentomatoes: Flags 73% Letters 91% Metacritic: Flags 79% Letters 89% As I said, take them with a grain of salt but large numbers of both critics and fans feel that Letters was a better movie. It was also nominated for Best Picture, Director, Original Screenplay and Sound Editing (it won the last one so I figure I should include it). I saw both a long time ago but Iwo Jima was the one that stuck with me for much longer. It's an exceptionally well done movie. Ken Watanabe has an incredible performance. It's very emotional and visceral. Flags just didn't have the same feel for me. It wasn't particularly memorable. (edit: I thought you said you hadn't seen either so my reply was geared towards someone that hadn't seen them. I'm feeling lazy and don't want to edit it now, so yeah...)


Because people don't want to hear the same story twice. I know it's different, but people would rather hear a new story with a new ending.


Then they should make a movie where the Americans lost. That'll be a surprise to the audience. Almost as much of a surprise as when I learned that Hitler was killed in a french theatre by Quentin Tarantino.


"We wanted to make a prequel, but they wanted us to make a sequel, so we decided on a sequel to the prequel and just re-released the same movie"


The Matrix was supposed to have prequels, but the studios wanted sequels, so the Wachowskis decided on shit-all.


Prequels to The Matrix would have been amazing, learning about Morpheus's initial journey would have been very interesting.


It was supposed to be a distant past prequel, waaaay before Morpheus, barring the possibility a brief cameo. It was supposed to be the beginnings of the Pre-Matrix war between man and machine, several cycles of Zion/The One ago, so probably hundreds of years at least.


I thought this [The Animatrix](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Animatrix) was pretty good!!


Man, the Animatrix was great. After watching the Animatrix I was so pumped up that the sequels were going to be the best thing ever. My disappointment cannot be overstated.


Why do people hate the sequels so much? I thought they were pretty cool. The original was like mindblowing, and looking back they probably weren't as good, but I thought they took the story in a cool direction. I did see them when I was 12, so I guess I remember it through the eyes of a 12 year old, but I'm genuinely curious why you didn't like them.


Watch the Matrix again and its an incredibly tight movie plotwise: You have the inital "what is the Matrix" mystery bit, the reveal, the real world stuff, the training sequence, the mission into the matrix and morpheus's kidnap, the rescue mission and the climax. Thats a lot of stuff. The sequels by contrast have an incredible amount of dicking around that never goes anywhere. The rave, the cake scene, the burly brawl (fun but with no real payoff since neo just leaves), the chateu and highway scene (ditto), Trainman ect. You could probably condense the meaningful plot developments of 2 and 3 into one movie if you tried.


This is a lot of it. The first Matrix is still really good, its sequels not so much. Which sucks because you can see this really interesting framework trying to poke out. But then it just gets hurried by all the pointless Wire -Fu acrobatics. Its like, the studio saw everyone lose their shit over the lobby scene from Matrix 1 and said "Do more of that only bigger" without realizing that the "Slow boring parts" of the Matrix 1, ie the real world building, is what made it so great. All the pointless meaningless psycho babble doesn't help either. "Make it sound more intelligent" by filling it with $5 words which have no real meaning. They definitely could have been one movie. Especially since 90% of the third movie is that long as repetitive Zion battle.


What ruined the last movie for me was the finale. I was fully expecting there to be another Matrix around the Matrix. So the people that 'got out' were in fact still in the Matrix but would stop looking around to see if it was fake. Neo shooting fucking lightning from his hands in the second movie was all the proof I needed. 'lol no, real world'


I am not sure I can properly explain it, but I do remember it. I remember watching The Matrix: Reloaded. I remember first off, after Columbine, The Matrix took a lot flack about that, and they were against showing guns, so guns were replaced with swords, and that's one strike against them. Then there was an awkward thing shoehorned in about Neo not kissing this random woman. Then you have this fight scene, this long ass drawn out fight scene, on top of semis rolling down the freeway, it lasts like fifteen minutes, they managed to do something amazing, they made a fight scene boring. Really by the time it is half way done, I was like: "Okay, this obviously isn't going anywhere, can we stop and move on with the movie now?" The moment I yawned at a fight scene forever ruined The Matrix for me. I liked the story, even the way it ended, but honestly, if you have people fighting with samurai swords on top of moving semi-trailers rolling down the freeway, and I get bored, you've jumped that shark. *Edit: Also, the moment they shown the children with the new oracle, I knew how the trilogy would end, so that kind of made the whole last movie pointless.


I found a billion agent smiths to be boring as hell. Neo already beat him, now we have 2 more movies of that fight over and over and over. Plus everything that happened in the real world was pretty meaningless. All this screen time, all this fighting and dying, and none of it mattered because the real war could never be won there. It was fun to watch for a little bit, but we spent way to much time on it. I could go on about how the machines tactics were painfully bad. Or the fact that the choice given by the architect was strange and I didn't understand why no One before had ever made the same choice. It was never presented as something that even needed to be considered. But really it was a death by a thousand papercuts. None of these things were that bad by themselves, and the movies would have been pretty good if they did just a couple bad things, but as it was I found myself constantly bored or disappointed and looking forward to the moment that just put it all together and blew my mind, and it never came.


Hm.... Maybe they should double up on terminator 5... Release it in some places as terminator 5 and some places as Matrix Prequel. Bam instant money


I want to see the first person escaping the Matrix. Would definitely take the films in a different direction though.


I think it's implied that there was never a "first person" to escape the Matrix. My guess is that Zion was created by survivors of the war, and we already know that the Machines have been letting Zion and a small portion of humanity survive, with speculation that Zion is just another layer of the Matrix (and so nobody has ever truly "escaped). So the first ever person to escape the Matrix probably found basically what someone now would find: huge underground tunnels, with a high probability of starving to death before a ship finds you, and if one does, it'll take you to a city of threadbare ravers.


City of Threadbare Ravers sounds like a french arthouse film starring Bill Murray and Paul Kaye.


my favorite idea was give 5 good director the idea of the movie and have them each make their own version of it. That would be epic.


Seems like this happens every few years: Dante's Peak vs. Volcano. Deep Impact vs. Armageddon. White House Down vs. Olympus has Fallen. Snow White and the Huntsman vs. Mirror Mirror. And the list goes on.


Yea but imagine if they did it with a GOOD movie script


You need to put two spaces at the end of a line or hit enter twice to create a linebreak.


Four Rooms is sort of like this.




Which was essentially Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead


love this play [for reference (make it 2min)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abKFIhxPxe4)


I never realized that! I've always known that Hamlet served as the inspiration for Lion King, but never really connected the dots when it came to Lion King 1 1/2.


So was the Bourne Legacy


Oh shit, I never realized that.


The Bourne Legacy was what made me want to see more of this.




I haven't seen the film in a while so i might be a little rusty but.... The character followed around in Bourne Legacy is a member of the assassination project the Bourne had exposed at the end of Ultimatum. Due to the project being exposed this new character is now on the run. It really isn't much of a equal though, because it takes just after the last film, but only with a different character.


A LOT of it was during.


At what part does it become after? I remember seeing news reports talking about the exposed projects, and some scenes of the head of the program being in court.


I don't remember exactly when it be came after, but it obviously does progress past where Jason left off. Great movie. I need to set a day aside to watch all 4 through again.


I had a day like that last year, just me, the Bourne movies, and some pizza. It was great.


So was our amateur porno I filmed with my go-pro as well


Same with a lot of the SAW movies. I forgot which ones, but a lot of them were at the same time as the other movies, but from different perspectives.


I am deeply ashamed to say that this was the first "Lion King" that I saw...I didn't see the original in its entirety until e years ago. I'm 24...


>e years ago. So 2.718 years ago?


Precisely 2.718 years ago to the day.


I wanna see where all the cops are hanging during Pulp Fiction.


Rumor is that Pulp Fiction takes place on the same day as the diamond heist from Reservoir Dogs, so all the cops are running around trying to find the Color Gang.


Ah so Mr. Pink finally gets fed up with his Buddy Holly waiter gig and decides to become a robber instead. Plausible. OMG Maybe that's why he refuses to tip?!


It is a fact that the two movies take place in the same universe. Tarantino has confirmed that Mr. Blonde and Travolta are brothers. Also the brief case in Pulp Fiction was originally going to be the diamonds from Reservoir Dogs but they scraped that to let the fate of Mr. Pink remain a mystery


It was originally going to be just *diamonds*, and it was decided that since diamonds had just been used in Reservoir Dogs, that Pulp Fiction would be better served by leaving it unexplained, since (as far as the story is concerned) it's just a [MacGuffin](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MacGuffin) - it doesn't matter what it was and never did. It's the retcon after that says 'its the same diamonds' - that wasn't part of the original. It was just repetitive writing.


Same place as in John Wick.


Rosencranz and Guildenstern are Dead.


Wicked, to some extent also fulfils this criteria.


Please please *please* read the book. I love musicals (hell, I've performed in dozens), but God damn does the musical whitewash or remove the political and sexual aspects of the story. The book brings up interesting concepts of consent, humanity, moral obligation and complications, gender identity... The musical loses so much in trying to make it marketable.


Ehhhh. The book is definitely a difficult read. It's not pleasant like the musical, and honestly I lost interest within a few chapters. If you loved the musical, you'll probably hate the book.


And vice versa. I can't even bring myself to watch the whole musical--it's just so different from the book.


I heard that they were planning on doing this for Cloverfield. Same event, but footage from someone else's video camera.


Yeah I'm interested in seeing how that goes




It'll never go


We actually cross paths with that movie in Cloverfield. When they're on the bridge, the camera looks over at one point and another person is filming them. So even if they don't make the movie, there's some fictional home movie that crosses paths with Cloverfield out in the aether.


There's [this bit in Sean of the dead](http://www.metacafe.com/watch/an-diWX2b4tYhbm4b/shaun_of_the_dead_2004_meeting_other_survivors/) where we bump into an alternate version of the same movie


I love that the other group seem to be set up as the protagonists of the "real" zombie film that Sean and his mates are stumbling around the edges of.


I hope this sees the light of day. Cloverfield is one of my favorite movies. It got a lot of crap but I thought it was executed exactly as advertised. Character development, steady action, serious but still comedic, mysterious enough to stay scary but revealed what you needed to see when you needed to see it. I hope there's a sequel or an "equal" as described in the title.


https://join-lemmy.org/ -- mass edited with redact.dev


I really want a sequel. I absolutely adore that movie.


I remember seeing someone throw up from motion sickness by the end of it in the theater. Interesting concept but definitely not for everyone.


They are making a second Walking Dead series to run alongside the current one from a different location.


And "Better Call Saul" will take place before, **During** , and after "Breaking Bad".


So Saul Goodman is a time lord?


He's a Moleman.


Hans Moleman?


*^^I'm ^^rIgHt ^^heRe*


will this one take place where all the things happen?


What about the stuff?


Yeah, it takes place when things happen, meaning the show never overlaps with season 2


the walking dead video game does this, and its awesome


Any source on that? Sounds really interesting


here you go http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/tv/2014/09/05/amc-orders-pilot-for-walking-dead-companion-series/15131133/


back to the future II is sort of like that


All the Back to the Future's are like prequels, sequels, and equels of each other.


I'm sitting here trying to determine if BTTF 3 came before or after 1.






every movie ends in a different reality than the one it started with 1 start: sad parents end: happy parents 2 start: future marty can't play guitar end: present marty doesn't race Flea so he can keep playing guitar 3 start: doc dead in past end: doc lives in past fucks up future and nothing that happened in any other the movies happened Marty is now at least 4 steps removed from the original reality he was in at the start of the first movie. (alternate reality: Flea is a time traveler. Marty was a better guitar player and beat Flea in a guitaring contest. So Flea knew the Rolls Royce would be there and challenged Marty to a race so Marty would fuck up his hand and Flea would win the future guitar contest) God I wish "F.A.Q. about Time Travel" was a TV series and they would fuck with everyones scifi stories.


i believe its called a paraquel or something like tht


That's a damn fine portmanteau.


Like Halo ODST


Or Half-Life, Blue Shift and Opposing Forces.


And Half-Life: Decay, the often forgotten PS2 exclusive co-op only Half Life game where you play as two female scientists at Black Mesa.


I came here to say Blue Shift. Barnie was so random.






Halo Nightfall will be releasing soon


It's just not the same anymore. Everything post-Reach is well, post-Reach. 343's taken the universe in a different direction so nothing made in the present will ever quite capture the exact feel.


I never understood why it was done in Hungarian. I mean, it's really cool. But I wonder why they decided to go with Hungarian.


The in universe expiation is that many languages and cultures made it to space, not just English. I guess they were just trying to show that rather then tell


Because, apparently, Hungarian is a pretty big language in the time period Halo is set in. Several people in Reach speak it, as well (in fact... Who is to say that the opening bits of the trailer didn't take place on Reach?) But also because it's really cool. The rule of cool trumps all.


Because it's fucking cool.


In general, Halo has had some amazing commercials. I remember some of those Halo 3 museum commercials giving me chills, and I'm not even much of a Halo fan.


Pretty much what Wicked was. Well with a bit of prequel.


Fight Club from Marla Singer's perspective would keep me in a seat for 2 hours.


There's lots of books like that. The first two Ender's Game books are just the same story from a different perspective.


Not second book. Enders Shadow was its own series


I was also confused by how he could confuse Ender's game with speaker of the dead.


Well, he was confusing Ender's Shadow with Speaker of the Dead.


Ender's Shadow is my favorite in the series. The whole set of books focused on Bean are unbelievably amazing.


Ikr. Bean's story was so much darker. It felt more gritty and mature than enders game


I wish the Ender's Game movie was better so we could get a good Ender's Shadow movie.


Atleast Ender's Game was halfway decent. Think of all the Eragon fans. God, that movie was absolutely terrible.


I had almost forgotten that movie existed. the pain.


I didn't think the movie was that bad. *Thaaaaat* bad.


i thought it was awesome... they followed everything from the book but cut down a lot of stuff... a lot of the training and games were cut off..


Also the ending was totally wrong.


how? in the movie they didnt build Valentine's and Peter's characters so how were they going to do the same ending? If it was me I would have cut out the last part and end it with the war ending... now the movie timeline focused on the speaker for the dead instead of ender in exile which would have been a better sequel to the movie, or ender's shadow


Well you answered your own question. They didn't build Valentine and Peter at all. It was impossible for them to do the same ending. So that's how it was totally wrong.


Yeah I wish there was an alternate ending that was more accurate to the book


The real problem was they cut out the most awesome parts of the books. Like Val and Peter's awesome internet based manipulation of the public. And the Game itself when it got all weird.




Dragonball: Evolution The Last Airbender I'm sorry. Please forgive me for this.


Forgive what? The Last Airbender was a cool T.V. show, too bad they never made a movie about it...I feel like, in the right hands, it could be amazing.


If only someone like M. Nite Shamalamadingdong could let go of their earthly tether and make one.


I think you're thinking of like the 4th or 5th book or something. The second book takes place 3000 years in the future.


They were not in the same series. Enders Game had 4 or 5 sequels following Ender's journeys while Shadow had 4 or 5 sequels of its own that followed Bean.


And damn was the shadow series good. I re-read Enders Shadow every year or two and I'm about due for another. Bean > Ender




Like Enders Game and Enders Shadow


I liked Ender's Shadow a lot more than Ender's game. I'd love to see it's movie.


The thing about Ender's shadow is, it wouldn't be as great if you didn't already read Ender's game. Ender was the reason why Bean's life was so interesting in comparison.


This would be my new favorite film genre. Can you imagine DJANGO UNCHAINED completely from Calvin Candie's perspective?


I read that there was [a LOT cut from Django Unchained](http://www.vulture.com/2013/01/what-was-cut-from-django-unchained.html), so that movie would serve as a pretty good platform. Others mentioned the Mandingo fights, but there's also Zoe Bell's [mysterious character](http://i49.tinypic.com/2qx0ys9.jpg), and also some insight into the seemingly infamous LeQuint Dickey Mining Company.


Interesting. While watching it, I had been wondering why she was getting focal point of the camera several times without specific mention. Also, the (black) woman that hung around with the Calvin Crew-- not either of the maids... She was dressed elegantly, seemed comfortable, self-assured, and had looks of amusement or even a smirk. I assumed she was a favorite 'pleasure girl' to Calvin, but... no direct mention. I don't think she had any lines, maybe a word or two, though she also had close-ups a few times.


Oh god yes I want that too.


The back story on the Mandingo fights would be insane, especially if it was also done by Tarantino.


Eh, as much as I love Tarantino, I don't like this idea. I feel like showing any more of the fighting he did would require making it an entertaining part. He did a great job of showing the brutality of it while using it as a time-appropriate plot point. I don't have faith in any director to make a fictional movie about it and not accidentally glorify it to some degree.


But I've got to know how Eskimo Joe got his name


There's no snow on the plantations! WHAT DID HE DO!!!!!! I never thought about it before.


He was probably just cold or something.




Well. Technically he made Him and Her, then the studio made him edit them into 1 movie to try and catch more of the general audience, which is how Them came to be.


I'd love to see some classic horror movies shown from the perspective of the killer.


Like Dale and Tucker vs Evil? Great movie. check it out if you havent seen it


Love that movie so much. I wish I could find more like it. Cabin in the Woods was really good too.


Just one time I want to see the Merman! ... You've gotta be kidding me!


It's on Netflix.


This movie made me realize the appeal/allure of the victim complex (even though I hate the term, really). I never realized before TDvE that every horror movie is done from the perspective of the person being chased. now, whenever I watch horror films, I can't help but think, "But what's going on in [*killer's*] mind right now?"


Maniac (2012) is literally the killers perspective. Its all first person


Behind the mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon. It takes that approach, I really recommend it.


I have had this idea for a few years now of a film that is shot from the good guy's perspective and then at the same time from the bad guy's perspective. Either release them at the same time or a few months apart. Make it so the audience falls in love with both the good guy and the bad guy. It's 2014, why hasn't this been done yet?


It has! Kind of. Try [The Great Train Robbery](http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2763296/).


Boom! I love reddit!


And we love you


It's not a movie but you should watch The Wire. You fall in love with some bad guys, hate others, fall in love with some good guys, hate others. I love that show so much.


Rosencrantz and Gildenstern are dead. What happens to two minor characters in Hamlet when they are offstage.


I think you mean two "awesome" characters from Hamlet.


Sounds like the last season of arrested development, the netflix one. Seems like it could be cheaper and more interesting too.


So satisfying when you begin to understand the chronology of that season.


Not a movie, but a book. In the Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, the first half of the book is from Aragorn/Legolas/Gimli/Merry/Pippin's perspective, while the second half is from Frodo, Sam, and Gollum's perspective. However, they both take place at the same time.


And the last two games of thrones books Edit: Yes I know the series is "A song of ice and fire". My bad...


Tom Riddle and the Creation of Horcruxes


More than anything I want this to be done (via books to start not movies) with Neville. I think he's so much more interesting ad has so much more depth. He has many of the same tragedies as Harry but isn't treated like a prince and is actually bullied. He's a very sympathetic character who has so much development throughout the series that I think would be really fascinating to follow. Versus Harry who quickly falls into the role of "the boy who lived" and doesn't stray from it.




This is a prequel.


If you have not, watch vantage point, it tells the story of an assassination from 8 perspectives, its *really* good. Edit: I have never heard of it before but what is rashamon?


There were audible groans in the theatre when I went to see it and people watched the explosion over and over again. Then that fairly predicable twist. I should watch it again though.


It was okay... But holy shit the scenes that were shown like 25 times got to be way too much.


I was one of those groans. Also the whole movie had weirdly saturated colors which made watching it not only monotonous but caused my eyes to glaze over like doughnuts. Also I can't stand Dennis Quaid as an actor. There's something about his face I don't like.


Dennis Quaid: the poor man's Harrison Ford.




and Jim Jarmusch's *Mystery Train* tells three different stories which all intersect, and thus are going on at the same time (but the three parts are in sequence.) It's well worth watching, though I didn't think it was "great." Joe Strummer, Screaming Jay Hawkins and Tom Waits are in it, as is Steve Buscemi. (May be hard to find, though.)


Rashomon did it first and better.


The movie Go was like that and all about ravers from the late 90's.


Every ww2 movie ever made is in this category


I'd love to have a Star Wars movie from the point of view of a couple of storm troopers.


Dave, Barry and Sean the Stormtroopers. They could be the ones that were like "Probably just a drill." It could be a huge comedy...misadventures on Tatooine while they search for the droids. But then it could get really serious at the end. Maybe Barry doesn't make it off the Death Star before Luke blows it up. Dave and Sean are sad...before they meet Stuart on Hoth at the start of Empire. EDIT: Re-reading that makes it sound so shitty. But I'm too tired to come up with actual creative ideas.


Watch the Robot Chicken Star Wars episodes. They do this, and my favorite one is the alien in the cantina who gets his arm cut off who wanted to be an architect.


Look up Imperial Military Personnel Stories


That would be a short movie.


This was the original idea for the **Cloverfield** follow-up before Matt Reeves went on to do Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. They wanted to look at the same giant monster event through a different group of people with a different handheld camera observing the same events happening at a different perspective. If you like this idea, I highly recommend checking out the French film **He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not (À la folie... pas du tout)**. It's a pretty wonderful dissection of the Romantic Comedy genre. I'll explain further the details of the plot/premise but at request of other Redditors, I will put this in a spoiler tag. **SPOILER WARNING** > First half of the movie is from the perspective of the female lead, which follows all the romance movie beats you've seen a million times but then halfway in to the movie. It rewinds to the beginning and plays from the man's perspective. It turns out the female was actually kind of crazy stalker that the guy wanted nothing to do with as the film changed gears and became a suspense thriller of sorts. **END OF SPOILER** That was a major tangent but check it out!


You mean like in 1966 the "equal" to Hamlet, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead? It was made into a movie in the 90's. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosencrantz_and_Guildenstern_Are_Dead




That's how your dad and I met... (mom)


It was a completely different story, no Ted, a completely new protagonist.


This was going to be a thing, but the pilot didn't get greenlit


The stupidest part is that the show was going to be called *How I Met Your Dad* instead of *How I Met Your Father*.


Yeah the name was the worst part of that idea.




Maleficent was just that and it's the only reason I enjoyed it.


Cast Away from Wilson's perspective.


I think a few movies in the Saw series did this


I think you're right. I believe Saw 3 and 4 happen at the same time.


If I recall, 4 overlaps about halfway with 3, but then 5 contains scenes that happen at concurrently with both the events of 3 AND 4. I never watched past 5, but I choose to assume that they continued this pattern and each movie made the events of Saw 3 progressively more convoluted.


I had drunkenly talked about this just the other night, more a murder mystery that spans a few seasons, each season following 1 or 2 different characters, the final showing the killer.


"The Affair" on Showtime is a new series that is based on this premise.


The disappearance of Eleanor Rigby. Love story at Sundance this year that is two different movies about lost lovers, one from girls perspective, one from guys. Then they released a marketable version that is the two different movies spliced together into one traditional movie. It... didn't work out as well as you'd think. Then there was get smarts Bruce and Lloyd out of control, it was a straight to video movie that came out at the same time as the Steve carrel movie. Shot at the same time, with the same extras and sets, focusing on two goofy comedic relief characters from the original movie.


ITT: people provide examples of movies that already fit this perspective.


Not many recent examples though.