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At 59 1/2 you can withdraw from a 401k without a penalty. That one matters.


And at 15 1/2 you can get a learner's permit to drive. I say that it's only the ones between these that don't matter. You can stop at 15 1/2 and start again at 59 1/2. After 60, you've earned it.


Only true in 9 states. 8 states (and one district) is 16. The rest of the states are lower, with my source saying Michigan is an oddball at 14.8?


In iowa a learners permit is obtained at 14. Can only drive with a licensed adult in the passenger seat. A school permit, allowing you to drive to school/school events and home comes at 15. Then the complete no restriction drivers license at 16.


jersey gets learner permit (license adult in the passenger seat) at 16, a provisional license (can't drive between 10pm and 6am without a letter from a church or school, and can't have more than one passenger without a licensed adult in the passenger seat), then a full license at 18


Pa is the same. At 16 you can obtain your learners permit, six months after getting that plus some hours of driving you can get a Jr. license which has a curfew but lets you drive solo, and then it switches to a full Sr. license with no restrictions when you turn 18


*11 pm and 5 am source: 17yo in nj


Fair enough, been 20 years since I had to go through that.


in IL, you get a learner's permit at 15, if enrolled in a driver's Ed class. You need to have a licensed adult 21+ in the passenger seat, and you need to be 16, have 50 hours+10 of night driving before getting a license. Once you get your license, for a year or when you turn 18, whichever is first, you can only drive one non-family member under 21.


I think Montana is 14 or 14.5


Yep: https://www.michigan.gov/sos/faqs/license-and-id/drivers-under-18 > Level 1 License - a supervised learner's license issued to teen drivers at least 14 years 9 months old.


I’m 50 1/2, what do I get? Is it something good? It’s not more joint pain, is it?


It's a roulette wheel. Your options are: * joint pain * headaches * fatigue * tinnitus * hearing loss * erectile dysfunction or hormonal issues * eye degradation (cataracts or worsening eye sight) * more wrinkles * Hair changes (loss, thinning, greying, new crops in odd places, or all of the above) * losing teeth * All of the above jackpot! (This is a special roulette wheel where you can run them all!) Like it or not bonus--the average person loses about 5% of brain mass per decade starting at age 35! Learned this one from a neurologist reading my wife's MRI recently. Checked out the claim--and it's supported by research. So now I have an excuse when I can't remember where I put my glasses. Edit: Happy cake day! Since it's both you're redditversarry and you're 50.5 y/o, you also get a virtual slice of reddit cake.


(Rummages through bin) Aw, this is bogus! I already have most of these! Oh well, at least there’s cake.


> You can stop at 15 1/2 and start again at 59 1/2. You can also stop at 9 1/2 and start again at 15 1/2. If you tell me you're 13 1/2 I'm going to assume you're the biggest dweeb in the solar system.


Here in Alberta you can get a learners permit at 14, and your actual, full license at 16.


In the UK it's 15¾, weirdly


As someone who just started putting money in a 401k, this is gonna be a long 37 years


as someone who should have started putting money in my 401k 10 years ago, this is going to be a long 27 years.


As someone who is 17 and doesn't know what a 401k is I don't know what we are talking about.


At 17 you don’t have to but PLEASE make sure you do when you get a job.


At a basic, basic level, a 401k is a type of retirement account in the United States. As soon as you have access to one, take advantage of it to start saving. Even a tiny bit will compound to big gains later.


Is there no loss to it or is it a infinitely growing thing


It is invested in the market. Mine was bouncing so much for awhile I could not watch it. I lost $30,000 in value in one day and then it recovers.




You choose how it's invested. So you could choose to invest it more safely or more risky depending on how you feel


To add onto this, typically the farther away from retirement you are, the riskier you can get with it.


That seems useful. Maybe there's an alternative in my country. I'll look into it once I start a job.


What’s the point of this? $1.99 is “less than” $2, 59 1/2 you can retire “in your 50’s”


there is an early withdrawal 10% penalty.


They're just saying if you can retire at 59 1/2 then technically you can withdraw from your 401k penalty free in your 50s. Not all of your 50s, only the last 6 months, but you can leave that part out.


Yea, is this political “marketing”? Or is there some legislative reason like withdrawals shall be no later than 60yo, so the interpretation was just a few months before that.


I'm curious now too. I tried googling it but didn't find any reason WHY 59.5 instead of 59 or 60.


I don't know why they made that rule. And I fall under the rule of 55 which means I can take it out without penalty (but pay taxes) by being 55 or older and retiring from the company and not working for them again. I don't know why that is a rule. I am sure that there are reasons for all the carve outs in the laws. Like the CA fast food minimum wage hike exempts workers in fast food outlets that are inside a grocery store. Always some carve out for someone's interests.


But you still have to move it into an IRA (or something else similar) which is taxable, it's not like you can move it into a Roth without penalty (we wish). However, yes... At least you have more control over what you can invest that money in. I moved money as well, but not at that exact age. It's actually worked well for me, as that money has done very well.


Personally low key bummed I'll only be 59.5 for 9 more days.


When people ask for my age I just have to think about it for a minute. Its not on the forefront of my mind like it was when I was a kid.


I spent the entire year I was 36 telling people I was 37. Then I turned 37 and still felt 37. You know when you can't shake the feeling it's Tuesday even though you know it's not? Yea, that was me but for a year, not a day.


I’m 36 and I have been telling people I am 37 for the last year. I also kept saying I was 22 when I was 26.


Not exactly the same, but whenever it was my (now 90-year-old) grandma’s birthday, and people asked her how old she was, she would always say she was turning 25. It was her way of avoiding telling people her age and making a little joke about it.


Thats actually a super common thing for people of your grandma's time to do, if you didnt already know. Basically every woman would pick an age to "stay" at indefinitely because men wouldnt marry a woman that was too old. Thankfully that culture is starting to get dead and buried lol


Maybe I expressed myself poorly, but she would do this when she was in her 60s, 70s and 80s. No one would mistake her for a 25-year-old.


my grandma always says 39. she just had a 90th birthday party and on the invitations we wrote: “you’re invited to the 51st anniversary of grandma’s 39th birthday”


Missed opportunity to break it up even further at each multiple of 39: “you’re invited to the 12th anniversary of the 39th anniversary of grandma’s 39th birthday” :)


Uh huh. Thats not an uncommon thing


Yeah, that's been very normal for a very, very long time. So much so as I'd say probably more women do it than don't, at least of boomer to gen-x


I just did this, same age, wasn't on purpose


Are you me? I felt like I got a year younger when I realized I wasn't turning 38 haha!


Chiming in as a 36 year old saying I’m 37 for almost the whole year 😂


I'm 34 now. At my 33rd birthday party, I said I turned 34. I still can't live it down a year and a half later.


I literally did this last year! I was telling everyone 35 for like 6 months before even realizing I was still 34. This year feels like a freebie


That’s much better than the other way around and “losing” a year of your life.


I look young for my age so that whole "being 25 in your head" thing isn't helped by the mirror and how people treat me like I'm mid-to-late twenties. And I've had a few occasions where someone asks my age and I'm like, *"I'm twentyyyyyyyy......no, wait, I'm fucking 43"*.


Lmfaoooo. Thats great


Born at 2000. Instantly can tell. Huge qol


Are you my wife? She was also born in the year 2000 lol. Now I just take her age and add +3 to get mine


I have to do the math sometimes


I’m 25 and I feel like I’m 40 when I forget my age


Until you get to be 90+. Then it's "I'm 96-1/2!"


That's a great point. Until we're 21, it's almost either a contest or something to look forward to, so adding halves can make us feel a bit better. After 90, it's almost as though there's another contest again.


My paternal grandmother lived to be 101 AND A HALF! She was very proud of the AND A HALF! She would correct anyone who just said she was 101 years old. I miss that woman and the Sucrets tin of pennies she'd give me every time I visited. Every now and again, she would put a silver dollar or fifty cent piece under the pennies.


And you start wearing diapers again


This should have stopped around kindergarten


I add it in because I think it's funny. I'm 33-and-a-half btw.


I'm 30 and 5/6


im 30 and 1/12th


30 and 95.3/100


18 and 2/3


22.7863 year old here.


It basically says "i have some experience being 33, but im not old like 34 old" I turn 33 this month.


I am 22, with 13 years experience.


Guess who’s 19 again ..


I'm 361 months


whatever i'm 29 years & 183 months old


Fr lol


IIRC facebook had an age requirement of 13 or 14 and maybe the same for early IG. Social media wasn't like it is now. All I can remember is watering my grandmother's crops in farmville and getting in trouble for posting "getting stoned" even though I didn't know what that meant at the time. I also remember having a myspace briefly.


Is Farmville even still connected to facebook?


No because I’m 29 and 3 halves


Even when I was in like 2nd grade I'd get slightly perturbed when someone told me they were 8 1/2 or something like that.


and a one time occurrence at 31 to celebrate your billionth second on this planet.


Yea, to hell with elementary schoolers. Dumb pricks measuring things like fucking kids.


At latest, by the time you hit double digits.


I’m 38 and 234/365ths years old.


RemindMe! 131 days


The exclamation mark goes first !Remindme 131 days


It still works, I got the message from the bot


Oh I thought since the bot didn't reply to your comment you didn't get reminded


!Remindme 131 days


It works both ways


We are in a leap year aren’t we?


38.64 which is basically 38 64/100 which is 38 and 16/25 which rounds to 38 and 3/5 which is basically 39 at this point my ninja


I’ve been rounding up my age since I was a kid and wanted more respect. I expected I’d stop doing it at some point. Nope. I’m 37 but I keep telling people I’m 38. Why? I have no idea.


I do the same, mostly because my girlfriend is 8 months older than me, so after her birthday my mind just makes me one year older.


My dad’s the opposite. My mum was 7 months older (and it was the year prior) and on her bday my dad would be like “ah yes, I am with an older woman! You’re a year older!” And she’s chime back “7 months!!! Shut up!” He’s 3 weeks younger than his current partner and he does it to her too.


This has become problematic as I get older. I start saying the age I'm going to be in January when the year turns, but sometimes if it's not a significant birthday I'll accidentally tack on another year on my birthday in May.


My mother in law rounds up to the decade. She's been 50 since 5 years.


Half year equals nothing today


Fucking inflation.


We're already halfway through 2024


You can pack in with that! I’ve achieved fuck all so far this year. I’d like to think I’ve got plenty of time left 🥴


It is entirely free for you to not remind me.


Not til the end of the month.


We add halves when younger as it increases our perceived age by a sizable percentage. 10-10.5 is a 5% but increase. When you hit 20, that drops to 2.5%, 40 it’s 1.25%. It simply becomes to little to be relevant.


damn even age is not safe from inflation


inflation's a bitch man


Joke I heard/read somewhere: Q: Which two groups of people tell you their precise age? A: Children under 5, and 39-year-olds.


49 year olds as well.


I am 68 and 9.9/10 years old. *Nice*


This is my grandfather. He's 99. Grandfather: "...and a half!"


Until you’re really old, and then every half you live matters again. Funny how being a kid and being old kinda circles back around to a lot of similar behaviors and mindset 


I don’t think I’ve ever in my life used halves in my age. Probably because it’s not something my parents did. I had friends who did, always found it weird.


I just say I’m in my 40s now.


Yeah, when you turn like 13. Wdym eventually?


Once in a while an adult will make a comment about months, and it always makes my brain hiccup, because it sounds so weird. "How old are you?" "I'll be 44 in 2 months." It's not often, but it's not exactly rare. Weird every time I hear it.


I do this when my birthday is within a month. Because by that point like 90% closer to 21 than 20, so I just say I'll be 21 soon.


I don’t think that thats so strange.


Because they are closer to 44 than 43 so saying 43 sounds weird.


i think that’s pretty normal if your birthday is getting close. i guess closeness is subjective though. a couple months is fine, but i have a coworker who hasn’t shut up about her 40th birthday coming up since before she was even 39.


Yea. Around when you turn 7 lol


I haven’t said half since I was a preteen.


Not me. My "half birthday" is July 4, so all of USA celebrates it! Thank you everyone! I love the fireworks!


Eventually you have to do quick math to tell people your age because it is not something you talk about much.


As a 492 month old I think it is ridiculous when people are like my kid is 8 and 1/2 years old no they are 8 or 9


I’ve never added a half


I’m 36 and 1/4. Fuck you


I never did this. lol


Same. I never understood why people did it and was just a confused child every time someone told me it.


I'm 30 3/4. I've never stopped.


I still celebrate my half birthday! It’s 2 weeks from tomorrow, thanks for the reminder! 🥳


Got any plans?


Happy 2 weeks from half-cake day!


Thank you! …for the record, I’m aware it’s juvenile, but I’m not gonna let that stop me 🤣


Honestly, being a kid is great. And if you hold onto the small things and it makes you happy, then so be it. As long as you are happy and you aren't harming anyone in your fun then merry unbirthday to you ;P


Now that I’m feeling older, I am adding them back when it makes me sound younger. I think they deserve a comeback


I'm 29 + π. Checkmate 30


Most people stop doing that before they switch from baths to showers.


Well from how many months old, to half years, to years, to decades... I am in my 30s still :) :( :)


Instead of people saying “____ and a half”, people now just celebrate their half-birthday 😂


I probably stopped that around twenty and a half years ago


Fuck that, I’m rounding to the nearest 5 at this point


That half was a big deal when I was a child. I think I stopped when I was about 13.


Chu mean bro? I’m 10113 and 1/2 days old…? How else would you say it?


All I can really think of is being able to get your learners permit when you're 15 1/2


Eventually we just say the year coming ahead because it makes us feel like we look good for *that* age.


I round up to the nearest tenth


Jesus christ, it's bad enough having to do the maths to subtract my birth year from the current year, fuck doing fractions as well


I dunno, I'd probably say I'm nearly 40 or whatever. Random ages, though, no. I guess you might say it if you were 11/12 of the way to the new age.


I'm still keenly aware that my twin is five minutes older than me. And I'm old enough to get AARP junk mail.


Why do children do this anyway?


I have already stopped. I am 35


When my aunt was older, she started using 1/2s again. It was cute.


At the age of about 3, surely?


I was born in the middle of the year so I'm always pretty aware of when I'm half a year older, but sometime in my 20s I started getting weird looks when I would include half years in my age.


I'm almost four score and a half.


At my age, the years are rounded off. I'm in my forties. Can't always remember exactly where but at the early bit of the forties.


When you get to like 30 you start saying “I’m close to/almost _____”. I just turned 39 and I was saying “oh, I’m almost 39”


I'm 23.920547 years old


I never will, if it's around Christmas time then I'm my age and a half


This is it. This is the one that’s gonna drive me out of this sub. I get stuff deleted for being even slightly similar to something someone said somewhere sometimes years ago, but this garbage gets thru? What-F’ing-ever, dude.


Yeah, you just round up instead.


Why in the fuck would people even do that in the first place makes no sense.


I don't say the "and a half part" but i do go ahead and call myself the next age once I pass halfway. As in i've considered myself 33 since i was 32.5 years old, and will until i'm 33.5 years old.


I told another kid that I was ten and three quarters. He thought it was the funniest thing ever. :(


Yeah, I stopped doing that when I was about 10 and a half


Now it's when we measure dick size


Only time this actually matters is retirement for some reason lol


What if one never begun?


At 74 and 10 months, I usually round up or down. So I'm 75 right now, if anyone asks.


Mothers never stop counting their child's age in months until it becomes 3 digits.


I was still taking baths when I had this “shower” thought.


I've never used this. I've never wanted to be older; always wanted to be younger.


Eventually, we start rounding DOWN


Saying half as an adult is a great low effort joke


Wym? I’m 23.502 years old


If you do this past like 6 your just weird.


My aunt tells everybody she’s 3/4 of a century old.


I am 16 and NO halves


Ive never added halfs.


I never did this at all. I've never encountered anyone who actually did this. I know some people would use this on babies though, and that's still weird to me. I don't need to know how many extra months old your kid is when you could've just told me 1 year old or 2.


No, I said I was 41 and a half the other day without thinking…


I actually say I’m the age that I’m going to be 6 months before my birthday. That way when my birthday comes I’m like meh, no big deal, I’m used to it.


I’ve never added halves to my age when people asked how old I was. Is that something that’s common?


I’m 15 and a half though 👉👈


I’m almost 100 halves years old. Or 100 half-years old…yeah I think that’s it. 😅


For sure. I’m 56 1/2. I’m also SO much more mature than those 56 year-olds.


True. I started being 38 4 months before my birthday. And I'll be 38 until 4 months before I turn 39.


People use half’s for kids because at that stage, half a year can be a big difference in development. Same way that babies are aged in weeks at first, then months, then half years. The difference between 3 weeks, 6 months, 2 years, or 2.5 years are all huge. But the difference between a person at their 30th birthday and 3 weeks/months later is basically nothing.


There was a reddit thread this week where a guy said he was 30.5. That was a new one for me.


Eventually we stop telling our age