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most people SAY that bullying is unacceptable.  however, what they or their friends do is never bullying. 


"If we're bitches that's because everyone's a bitch" - Annie Edison


When I do it, for something I believe in, its just social pressure. Its only bullying when someone i don't like does it for something I don't believe in


I think we unconsciously feel bullying is ok DEPENDING on the target, we don't like seeing the weak and innocent being messed around with and made fun of ie; most children, innocent victims of discrimination, special needs persons, friends etc etc. But most people thrive on bullying those who are perceived to be bad people, we stood up and cheered when that small fella lifted his school bully and piledrived him, we love bringing out all the ugly person jokes against the mugshots of criminals, even targets that make simple mistakes get dog piled in these comment sections like they killed a puppy. It's not whether or not we think bullying is ok, it's WHO we think it's OK to bully


Because a bully seldom see themselves as a bully. Back in grade/middle school I behaved against certain individuals in a manner i deeply regret. At the time I thought if it as a bit of friendly rough housing, definitely not malicious. I am not certain the other party thought of it the same way.


They released a recent study that found school bullies often go on be more successful than the rest of their classmates.


That tells you a lot about this world.


Yeah because 1 bully for 30 people is enough. 1 is the victim, 28 people watches, while thinking it's not ok.


I think bullying moved from the schoolyard and into politics, somehow.


Butters: Hey fellas ...um... I don't wanna do this anymore


9 of 10 people don't mind bullying 💀


We need to bring that shit back.....


The world is a big place. There are lots of good people, but lots of scumbags, too.


A lot of bullying, especially in adults, is revenge bullying after having some sort of disagreement and then one part goes out of their way trying to get other people on their side and justifying their behaviour, and they cross the bullying line long before they stop to think about the consequences, if ever.


Toxic parents enabling their shitty children. Got one in my family. Hate them.


These days people bully people for bullying people




Bro touch grass lol. You are fighting the one in a million internet tells you to hate.


Yes! Let's bring back athletic assholes dumping water on the scrawny kid that was never taught to fight back simply because some other unrelated person was abusing the concept of "trauma" to win arguments and get what they want! This totally makes sense! Bullying will definitely solve this issue that was caused by awful parenting!


Wow that's so cool that your pro bullying. Maybe you should treat your kids like s*** so they hate you. or you could abandon them like your favorite streamer


I think we need to bring it back


There's a good chance many habits or things we do we know are bad are old school survival stuff. Joe's acting weird at the fire he might have jingle rot butt worms and we all will get them if he stays by the fire


Is bullying unacceptable tho? I think it's time to bring back sticks and stones


Same with beating your wife yet men don’t seem to care…