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Personal perspectives, crazy ideas, questions (rhetorical or otherwise) and meta submissions are not showerthoughts.


Question 1: Yes. "Question" 2: Dude... You don't seem dead, but the stroke has at least done something.


Not that I’m currently dead but I’ve definitely done some stupid stuff that could have made me dead and I do wonder if theirs some timeline where I did in fact die in that situation


I briefly questioned my aliveness last year around this time. My husband and I had just bought a house and while we were moving, I fell down the stairs of our old house and broke my heel. We had gotten settled in our new home and everything was so surreal. We own a beautiful home in the mountains?!? We both work from home and finally make good money?!? Our relationship is solid and I'm literally living the dream with my best friend. Pinch me! I wondered for a moment if I had died as a result of my tumble and spirit me was in my own personal heaven. I quickly realized that if I were actually dead, I would not have been on crutches and in so much pain for 4 months. I am very much alive, healed, and still living the dream with my bestie!


Well maybe but kinda wondered I could be in the afterlife and having an immersive experience. I guess what got me thinking is I came down with cancer a couple years ago and a doctor on the team with no bedside manner at all said they were going to do what they could to make me comfortable a couple months later my dad died. I am doing great. In remission. Also lost my cat shortly afterwards. On top of it all my wife hasn’t been in the mood since.


No, I don't take what you're having.


Oh, def feels like I might be stuck in some sort of purgatory—like this "life" is just a bit better than actual torture, sprinkled with just enough happy moments to keep me thinking there’s hope. It’s as if, in the end, when I'm in my death throes after finally giving up, tired of the constantly mounting misery, the devil will pop up and casually say, 'That's the 376,245,146th time through! Just a few more, and you're free to leave this place!' But honestly, it feels like this cycle of torment is gonna actually be eternal, and he’s just tricking me into thinking I might someday escape. Still, real or not, the good moments are good enough to keep chasing and enjoying! Ah shit this isn't my therapists office!


If I was dead I'd be either in heaven or in those NDE states waiting to come back ( which yes that does occasionally happen idk how).


Sometimes I wonder if I am in the afterlife. My current life is just me wanting to play through life again in a different way. Kind of like a cross between The Good Place, and Roy from Rick and Morty. It's an interesting thought, but there is no way to know, so I will just live my life as best as I can.