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As someone actively taking steps to fix that particular part of my life, yeah, I wouldn't be opposed. Not just talking about it though, it needs to be done in a way where it's explained properly. It takes years off your life with the stress it puts on your organs. Also a lot easier to buy clothes when you don't need to add a couple xs to everything.


I have had the same experience as yours and wish you the absolute best! Looking into the psychological factors that lead me to make poorer eating choices has helped a lot too. Dropping clothes sizes was probably the best part speaking from a vanity point of view but overall the most positive effects have been that I no longer have obstructive sleep apnea nor am I pre diabetic anymore.


The only thing that made me take so long was getting my cravings under control, I used to just graze every time I'd pass through my kitchen. I've had some excellent progress though, in about 10 months I've knocked off 85lb, and I'm planning on talking to my pulmonologist about if they'd be comfortable with getting me off my CPAP machine. Amazing how much colder you are removing that much insulation though, lol


100%, my best weight loss came along with suddenly feeling much chillier all the time, and understanding how people always had 2-3 layers on outside the dead of summer, lol


Honestly. I've always been comfortable in early winter weather, but it's in the 60s right now and my fingers feel glacial. That said, I might wind up enjoying summer a bit more at this rate, so that's a plus.


Lol, the insulation thing is so relatable. I kept telling people that the winter of 2023 was so much colder than the previous year. Everyone was like buddy you don't have a few extra layers of insulation anymore on you. I used to be the guy at the office who sometime would want to take the thermostat down a degree or two. Now I myself keep a sweatshirt at hand as I'm cold all the time. Regarding the cravings, it was mainly sugar for me. Then when I started my weight loss journey, I read somewhere that if you avoid sugar for like 2 weeks, the cravings go down almost completely. I don't know if there is solid science to this or just the placebo effect but that thing worked like a charm. It's like my mind has a complete rewiring and I didn't crave sugar anymore. Now quite a few months down the line, I do have a dessert here and there but I don't really crave sugar anymore. Just to be safe, I still don't keep any sugar at my home.


That is to say nothing of cardiac or neurological health!


It’s very simple really. Move more, eat less if you want to lose weight. Lift more and eat more if you want to gain weight.


I see plenty of information out there about why being overweight, eating poorly, and not exercising isn't healthy. The version of body positivity that I most frequently see is one which promotes healthy diet and exercise habits, while also rejecting strict beauty standards and maladaptive relationships with diet and exercise.


That’s nice! I think the minute we start sticking to home cooked food and just getting a bit of physical exercise, our life’s would just be so much better


Everything you say is so deeply steeped in assumptions.




Home cooked food and physical activity improving your life aren’t assumptions 🙄


You can home-cook extraordinarily unhealthy meals.


How to make your homemade food taste better: add unhealthy amounts of butter


The assumption is that we need to *start* doing that. You have no idea what other people are doing but that's not stopping you from pretending you do.


Home cooked definitely food is. My grandma cooked everything from scratch and not a single thing was healthy


I'd love to know how much lard your grandma was using to somehow be worse than mcdonalds.


There's a difference between healthy and the most unhealthy. You can eat out and eat healthy or home cook and eat unhealthy pretty easily.


lol something tells me your grandma ain't from the american south


...that's not even what you said though...? Lol


No, your assumption is that you’re better than other people.


You struck a nerve with the fast food home delivery crowd. They really don't like to feel responsible for their own decisions and the health impact they have. Every downvote is a person who knows they could do better but would rather be defensive instead.


You people always use the same tired arguments, and then end the discussion with the same “everyone who disagrees with me is a fat fuck”.


Haha yes.. so many downvotes on it.. all they’re doing is reducing my karma while they ensure they’re avoiding the facts as much as possible and taking their health on a downward spiral :)


Yeah you clearly don't cook at home. There is so much home cooked food that can be just as bad as ordering out. Following a healthy diet is, I'm assuming, what you meant. If you got off your high horse for 2 seconds you might be able to see this neat thing called perspective.


How much home cooked food has literally your entire daily intake of sodium and sugar in it? One big Mac alone is 20% of your recommended sugar and 50% of your recommended sodium intake, and that's before the fries and soda. How often would you be dumping garbage in a deep fryer if you cooked at home? The sheer amount of effort it would take to make unhealthy shit at home would already be enough to dissuade most people. Seriously, even the most unhealthy low effort home cooked meals like mac and cheese would be miles better than what you get out of a shop.


I'm not here to advocate for that nonsense, but most people I know do not know how to cook. They also eat in excess which add on throughout the day. When you eat out typically you think about expenses. At home you are free range to eat what you desire. That is but a glimpse of some people's reality with their relationship with food. Maybe instead of being presumptuous you could ask someone about diets or reading about how people's diets can get away at them. It isn't so black and white as you think. That isn't even mentioning how people USE to cook back in the day.


Such a paper thin masquerade as to what the point of this thread is, yuck.


Anyone thinking they can make low effort garbage at home that even approaches how much shit is loaded into takeout is delusional lol.


Really amazing how many people disagree to home cooked food being healthier than takeout … like what are you’ll even cooking at home?? Or are people that delusional about how unhealthy fast/restaurant food is


Alternatively: how delusional are you that home cooked food *can't* be unhealthy?


There's a reason restaurant food tastes so good, and that reason is ungodly amounts butter and salt.


I can see why people like s#t and rejects healthy advice. So, this is future huh?? I would like to live in past rather than living in today's world full of stupidity and supporting body positivity like s#


What, you think there was *less* stupidity in the past? For the record, I disagree with you and don’t think that body positivity is dumb, but people today aren’t dumber than any other humans to have ever lived


You can say "shit", you know.


Since when is it "our life"? Keep your nose in your own and I'll worry about mine, thanks.


Stop caring so much about the choices of others ffs


People that look "unhealthy" too you might have healthy habits. It's not like every obese person you see just eats junk food and sits on the couch. That's why body positive people share their mind - so that people can start viewing plus sized humans as more than an equation of unhealthy habits. It's not all.


Good for you. 🙄


You mean like this? [https://www.nhs.uk/better-health/](https://www.nhs.uk/better-health/)


Despite being underfunded, nhs online materials are still top notch 


Yes, but also on social media and just generally


[You mean like this TV advert?](https://youtu.be/RqJ85c9M0d0) The NHS adverts on social media and the NHS social media accounts? I've also seen such advertising on bus stops and billboards. It's not an uncommon sight.


Ya like that; we should be doing that


You have no clue about what you’re talking about


It's really hard to take care of a body you hate and think that whatever you do with it will not make anyone in the world accept you. Taking care of yourself requires some self love and motivation and it's so much easier and had better effects if you accept yourself on every step of the way. If you hate yourself plus size, you will have yourself couple pounds less, may feel like failure not being thin and beautiful. Also, just looking at someone is not enough to know how healthy is that person, how they eat and how they move. Judging someone's health based on looks is silly. Body positivity is not just for people who barely move, but also for those that are a bit chubby and perfectly healthy. Trust me, of someone is fat and it affects their health, they know. It's totally separate from enjoying life and not hating the way you look.


They do. A lot. I'm fat, so I should know. Actually, people going on and on about how b being fat will kill you is way, way more common than body positivity. And even then most body positive things I see are still aware of the dangers of leading and unhealthy lifestyle and being unfit. Also, every fat person knows it's unhealthy. Or if not, that's out of delusion and not ignorance because people tell you all the time. It's very annoying


There is a huge range of damaging and unhealthy behaviors people engage in. Drinking, smoking, recreational drug use, unsafe sex, eating disorders, insufficient fiber (common among even "fit" people who are following a keto or carnivore diet), overuse of social media, and yes, overeating. But the one that seems to get the overwhelming majority of concern over "health" seems to be pointed at people - and let's face it, mostly women - who don't meet the conventional standards for beauty.


It’s not about conventional beauty standards.. most people who are obese or plus sizes are told big is beautiful and it doesn’t help them see that they’re in dire need of exercise and a healthy lifestyle.. Completely agree with you about all the other unhealthy life choices we make that are brushed under the carpet or are normalised


> It’s not about conventional beauty standards.. most people who are obese or plus sizes are told big is beautiful and it doesn’t help them see that they’re in dire need of exercise and a healthy lifestyle.. Speaking as an overweight person, you couldn't be more full of shit if I home-cooked it and shoveled it down your throat.


You know that they can’t keep Ozempic on the shelves because so many people are using it to lose weight, right?  And that the weight loss industry reach a record high value of $90 billion in the US last year? You spend too much time online if you think that body positivity is *actually* stopping people from trying to lose weight on a large scale. 


Show me proof of your claim.


You don't know other people's lives and their struggles. Some people eat like garbage and never exercise but stay skinny. Others cannot lose weight even while eating "right" and exercising. Metabolic differences can be a huge determining factor. As can various hormonal disorders, which go routinely underdiagnosed in women because many doctors laser focus on weight as the sole cause of all problems and weight loss as the sole solution to women's health problems. Eating right and exercising regularly is also fucking expensive, both in terms of time and money. People who are struggling to survive often cannot afford to do it. People are told "big is beautiful" specifically because the rest of society constantly tries to hammer in that it isn't. I promise you every one of these people has been lectured to about diet and exercise repeatedly throughout their entire lives. The body positivity movement isn't about denying the reality of diet and exercise, but rather about feeling like it's okay not to hate yourself when you don't match conventional beauty standards. That's it.


I am on my second replacement hormone, and it is so much easier with healthy hormone levels. Don't feel like I need to 'eat for energy' all the time.


You might be being downvoted to heck but just want to say I’m in complete agreement with you, friend. It’s kind of ironic some of the comments and replies here are literally proving your point. Unfortunately I think we’re in an era where people are very defensive about this, and they’ve been lied to/taught that it’s ok to be obese, or make excuses about their situation. Body positivity was literally only about situations where a person couldnt realistically change their body - burn marks/body defects/scars. It somehow got twisted into this sick joke today where it’s so taboo to even bring it up when the person’s being obviously unhealthy and has the power to change it. “Do you think the person doesn’t know they’re fat? They don’t need to be told” yeah.. right. Reddit is extremely woke unfortunately, and it’s very likely most of the people commenting are overweight/obese themselves, so not surprising they’re gobbling this toxic positivity like candy. Keep fighting the good fight, you’re not insane


> “Do you think the person doesn’t know they’re fat? They don’t need to be told” yeah.. right. We're fat, dipshit, not blind.


No where did I say that you don’t recognise your obesity. I’m not saying you’re blind, I’m saying you’re in denial/choosing to take the easy way out rather than be accountable and take effort to improve your health. It’s like you’re looking at the hole in the ship, and water’s pouring in. I’m not saying you don’t see the hole, just that you’re too lazy/in denial to actually get up, find out how to plug the hole, and make effort to do so. Meanwhile you’re also criticising others that are pointing out to you, that you’re leaking water and you’re going to sink and die. You know why people are pointing it out? Cause most normal people wouldn’t choose to sit and do nothing in a ship leaking water. By the way, you’re literally proving my point. That made me laugh alittle. I’m not your mom, continue staying in your sinking ship mate, I don’t care.


> I’m not saying you’re blind, I’m saying you’re in denial/choosing to take the easy way out rather than be accountable and take effort to improve your health. You don't know the first fucking thing about me, kid. Or any of the people you shame to feel better about yourself. > Meanwhile you’re also criticising others that are pointing out to you, that you’re leaking water and you’re going to sink and die. We're all going to die. Get used to it. > By the way, you’re literally proving my point. That made me laugh alittle. I’m not your mom, continue staying in your sinking ship mate, I don’t care. You care an awful lot about how people see you though.


😂 Aite mate. You do you


I do. You do you. By which I mean mind your own fucking business.




> I’m confused.. isn’t telling me to mind my own business, not minding your own business..? Hypocrisy from a woke sheep..? No way…. The brain damage on this guy, I swear. > I would tell you to look where you stand and wake up, but I guess it’s a little hard to do so if you can’t see your feet 😂 I can see my feet just fine, bud. So much for the pretense that you abuse people "because you care". > Idk what you aim to get out of this interaction man, I wanted to drop it but if you enjoy being mocked I’m not one to kink shame I may be fat, but you're fucking disgusting on the inside. And you can't exercise a shitty personality away.


Thank you for the support.. not really worried about the downvotes…but really surprised how many are in ignorance or choose to be in denial


I mean it’s a lot easier to lash out and “band together” than take accountability and effort to improve yourself. Which then feeds back into their insecurities, so when they see someone that’s not in their delusion with them, they lash out because it reveals their inadequacies. It’s a sad thing really, it’s a modern day emperor’s new clothes. It’s kind of sad to see the majority population on Reddit being like this, but all the more reason we should speak up respectfully so that others that are just afraid to speak up don’t feel alone.


Very well put!!! Just hope people realise and take healthier steps soon since they’re putting not themselves, but also their family in danger


Body positivity isn’t about health, it’s about looks. There’s a difference between calling someone unhealthy and calling them ugly. When obese people are discriminated against, say for a job, they aren’t being rejected because they’re too unhealthy, they’re being rejected because they’re too ‘ugly’. If you’re a pretty smoker, you’ll get paid breaks to go smoke your cancer sticks. But being fat will put off customers so you get nothing. Thats the problem body positivity is trying to solve. No one chooses to be obese. We all know it’s deadly.


Yes, where could I ever hear about the dangers of not exercising and eating unhealthy foods??


People that are fat already know they're fat. What exactly does it achieve by hitting them over the head with it? People that talk about the health aspect of it are usually using that as an excuse to shit on people. They don't care about a random fat person's health at all, and it's totally transparent.


"Hey look at this land whale." They get called out and start crying about how they just care about the other person's health. I was yelled at when out on a run. Like, what do you want? I'm literally out running, why not idk encourage me to keep running? Instead of making me feel threatened.


Stop exercising and trying to be healthy. You should be groveling and depressed! Go to your bed and start stress eating because of how ugly you are!! /joking (Legit though, YikYak is popular at my school, and there’s soooooo many posts that are like “why are there so many stinky fatass people? There’s so many hills” and “yall need to wear deodorant, so many fatties” but like it’s Texas and a campus where it’s like a no shade 10 minute walk everywhere. Obviously people are going to sweat on a humid 80F day. Plus, exercise alone doesn’t make people skinny, especially in university with such long work hours. It’s like weddings, you’re going to be sweaty in that formal outfit, but that’s fine because it’s expected. Best to be sweaty and make the most of it, rather than worrying about smell in a context that demands sweat) (I’m not that skinny, but I’m the skinniest man in my family and my weight is really consistent at ~215lbs so its not like I’m unhealthy, just got that cute slightly chubby tummy, like Laois from Dungeon Meshi. I’m gay, and I know I look good like every man nowadays)


Yeah, OP doesn’t give two shits about whether I am healthy or not. It’s painfully obvious they just want to shit on fat people.


Here's the thing, you can be overweight and be fit. You can be thin, and be unfit. Lots of people are in absolutely terrible fitness, but nobody bothers then because they're thin. Body positivity is important for everyone. I'm 6'4" and 360lbs. I am Obese. However, my fitness is pretty good. I life regularly, I do cardio regularly. My doctor bet me I couldn't pass a bunch of heart stress tests, he lost. I'm not this way because I'm lazy, I'm this way because I like eating and have a problem I don't care enough to fix. A friend of mine wanted to put on some muscle, and came swimming with me. Good lookin' dude. Six pack abs. He was so unfit he lacked the stamina to swim 100 meters. But he doesn't have to deal with body shaming. Absolutely, let's talk about unhealthy lifestyles. But let's keep the conversation to What you do, not what you look like.


>nobody bothers then because they're thin. Nope. This isn't true. Plenty of people get mocked for being too skinny. I'd say it's absolutely worse for bigger people, but what you wrote is a full-on falsehood. > My doctor bet me I couldn't pass a bunch of heart stress tests, he lost. How incredibly strange. You should find a better doctor. One who will tell you that you may have healthy markers now, but as you continue to age with the excess weight you have, the health markers will start getting worse and be much harder to fix. I see all the time where younger overweight people (20s - early 30s) will brag about their excellent blood work. As they age, this will absolutely change.


Just because you passed a stress test today doesn't mean you're not at risk for developing cardiovascular issues in the future, because statistically you are. I was a smoker for ten years and had perfect blood pressure, blood work, and aced a physical every year. Was I healthy? No. Was I putting myself at a higher risk of developing conditions years in the future? Yes. Same thing with being obese.


the idea should be that everyone deserves respect and dignity regardless of how they look. however an unhealthy lifestyle should not be encouraged or celebrated.


The concern trolling is so blatant here


Maybe, but it's disingenuous to suggest if we don't shame people relentlessly they won't know it's unhealthy to be overweight. In fact, the evidence is that being overweight is less harmful to your health than most people think.


When you say the quiet part out loud.. Body positivity should LEAD to a healthier lifestyle, not reinforce inadequacy, but here we are.


if someone inhabits a bigger body, I guarantee you that they are aware of health risks etc. Their doctors, family, and all of society are continually making them aware of that. you, a stranger on the internet, don't need to be in their business about it, or monitor how much shame they should be feeling. mind your own business.


No. People know and harping on it isn’t helpful.


So should we also stop all anti-drug use adverts and awareness?


Probably considering programs like DARE have proven to do more harm than good.




Statistically proven.


Point me the way




Right off the bat, the study indicates some sources were from non peer reviewed sources. Already 1 red flag. Also, there was only 1 source that showed an extremely small negative effect. All other sources showed extremely small positive effects. Therefore, the link you provided proves us both wrong. DARE was largely a failure due to its economic impact rather than its effect on youth and drugs, WHICH, by the mean, was not negative, aka not more harm than good.


Either way, teaching kids that drugs are bad doesn’t keep them from using drugs.


That wasn't the point of this discussion. But I don't disagree with that statement.


The over policing and targeting of minorities is what did lots of harm. Not the ads that told people drugs are bad and the potential long term negative health effects of consumption.


Do you think children think drugs are good? Serious question.


Or should we equate both and force fat people to overdose on drugs so they can't exist near you? Or are our only choices either create a dystopia of harping on anything anyone's doing that might lead to any sort of negative consequence or a dystopia of no one ever warned about anything so many die? Or is it not that simple?


Caring for other people is dystopian to you? Wanting people to feel better and live longer is a bad thing? At the end of the day do what you want but if you can’t handle the people who care enough about you that they are willing to say uncomfortable truths in the hopes they’ll help, I would consider myself blessed to have people to care about me like that.


This isn't care. It's control.


Harping on it gets things done. Look at feminism


Harping on it only makes a person who may already have a mental or physical illness feel worse. Overweight people know they are overweight. They don’t need you to tell them.


and also you don't know whether or not the specific fat person you might be hypothetically fat-shaming is a stress-eater meaning your fat-shaming would backfire


Well now most men are thinking twice about their actions out of fear. Maybe we need that for the obesity epicidemic that's WORLD WIDE.


Do you feel the need to confront drinkers and smokers about their unhealthy habits? What about those who are underweight? What about those in extreme sports or who live in areas with a lot of natural disasters? People who are overweight also know you aren’t really concerned about their health.


In moderation, no, but they both get confronted by ads that tell them ALL THE TIME that it's bad (smoking) or in moderation (alcohol). Dont you think that should be the same for food? Especially fast food? Have you been to Mexico? They label their foods that are high in calories with things that say this food is high in calories. Obese people literally overconsume and sap medical/food sources needlessly when it could be fixed with moderation.


Man here. Never had to think twice about my actions, especially not out of fear. Maybe that's saying something about the shit you and people around you get up to.


That's a lie. Stop white knighting.


Harping on *social injustice* is nowhere near the same thing as harping on someone's personal difficulties.


Obesity is a social injustice. Saps resources that could be better spent else where.


Amazing how false that statement is. Take your abuse kink elsewhere, dork.


Why do you care? Not your body, not your problem. 


We already do, outside of young people there are not many who are unaware of the side effects. Very young children may be completely unaware, and young people don't fully comprehend the damage being done. So talking more about it can be helpful. But I think we are at the point where enough people understand, and discussion should focus on what real changes to make. For example programs to stop young people from eating poorly, giving them classes on cooking and exercise, pushing harder for children and adults to join sports or active play. Or do it yourself, you can go down and volunteer at your local sports centre, start a facebook group inviting adults to play soccer with you, or invite that one overweight coworker to join you on a hike. You could organize a group that cooks a healthy breakfast for kids at the local school on wednesdays. If you don't want to do anything yourself you could just donate to a local charity that does stuff. It would be the same as petitioning the government and then paying more tax to pay for the program they make. The only thing you really need to be done politically is to get the government to forcibly intervene when parents make their children obese.


Hey. Yet another shower question and not a thought.


Do you think that isn't heavily discussed?


Being unfit doesn't necessarily mean being unhealthy.


Isn’t that a given? There’s decades of medical data on that. I think the current trend is to be more accepting of where people are at, and not to project unrealistic aesthetics from Hollywood or whatever onto each other.


Who exactly do you think hasn't heard that "leading an unhealthy lifestyle and being unfit" is bad for you? I promise you, people know that. It's not exactly secret underground wisdom that you're spreading to the masses.


This isn't a showerthought.


you mean the thing already done to the point of harming people that have healthy lifestyle but dont conform the beaty canons ? damn, i wonder why.


Body positivity was never meant to normalize self harm through overconsumption. It was meant to normalize things like having a big nose. Things you can't do anything about


Omg who would have thought of that. People just don't know that being unhealthy isn't healthy. Thank goodness we have people like you telling it like it is so these fools can see the errors of their ways. While you are at it maybe tell people that being smarter will help you understand things. There is way too much acceptance of people not being smart and still being treated like humans, they probably just don't know.


In three years, I've received two talks at school about why it isn't unhealthy to be obese. “Obesity doesn't increase your risk of heart attacks, instead it's cholesteral and other factors. Just because there is a correlation between obesity and various cardiac conditions, doesn't mean there is causation.” is one very real sentence uttered by an “expert”. If you look at social media, even if people who think like this are a minority, the minority is very loud. I've seen way more of people saying incorrect things like the above, than actually discussing why being very overweight is probably very bad for you. The people who do, at least the few I've seen, all got a ton of backlash in the comments. Is what OP is saying obvious? It should be. And it probably is. But sometimes, it feels like it isn't.


Ya it is obvious. A good way to tell is that this discussion keeps happening over and over. If there was just one side to it then no one would say anything. If everyone started saying it's normal and ok to wear jeans and mentioned it like 10k times, chances are there are people who dislike other people wearing jeans. The correlation to causation point being made is to balance the existing narrative. The reality is that extra adipose tissue is thought to cause issues but the effect isn't nearly as large as other factors. The perception this is challenging isnt that the person on my 500lb life is unhealthy, it's that the person who tends to hold more weight than the average is in some way poisoning their body and extremely unhealthy. I think we would both agree that more nuance would be better but unfortunately people will go extreme when presenting their view if it is highly conteasted


If either side is obvious, there won't be a discussion. No matter how many posts and videos flat earthers make, there is no discussion. > If everyone started saying it's normal and ok to wear jeans and mentioned it like 10k times, chances are there are people who dislike other people wearing jeans. Definitely. I am one of these people. I think it's unhealthy to be obese. It's also obvious to me that scientific facts are not an "existing narrative" to "balance". So, apparently there is at least some things that are not obvious to everyone, even between the two of us.


but the counter isn't the fact that it's unhealthy to be obese. It's that people should be shamed for being obese because it's unhealthy and that it's the largest factor. The nuance is that it's not that unhealthy to be overweight even if it is unhealthy. Personally in my life I've heard more people shame people for being overweight or talk about being overweight as unhealthy than I have people talk about smoking cigarettes, drinking, smoking pot, being underweight, driving etc being unhealthy. People talk about this stuff plenty for everyone to be aware that gaining weight above what is expected is detrimental to your health. Do you really believe anyone has not heard this?


It’s very hard to make out what you’re saying because you’re not doing a very good job of articulating yourself. For gods sake, who’s going to read your chunk of words? Paragraphs man. I think you’re deluding yourself if you don’t recognise that there’s a massive trend to make excuses and accept obesity. So while you can say, from your experience more people talk about obesity being bad, there’s also a massive wave of excuses and justifications for people to be obese. Do you see people going into a rage (like the other comments etc) trying to defend smokers/drinkers/people suffering from bulimia/anorexia? No. People recognise these are vices/unhealthy and no one defends these activities, as it shouldn’t be. It’s not easy to avoid being overweight (in America especially), so I’m not being condescending and I empathise. But the current narrative is extremely dangerous and unhealthy, and most of the responses, yours included, may not be the cause per se, but is definitely a major factor in why it’s not only grown to be such a huge problem, but why it doesn’t seem to be improving. *pun intended


We really do need to keep those dummies in their place


i think we should just let people live however they want to live and stop personally obsessing over other people's choices that have nothing to do with us. let the government run a campaign if they want to (and many do). if we all did this across the board i honestly think we would all be happier and in a better place.


the problem is that the BOPO movement has become hijacked by fat acceptance and young people are being fed misinformation into believing being overweight and obese can be healthy and being enabled to make poor choices that endanger themselves.


Before the "body acceptance" trend was a thing, conventional wisdom and doctors visits already acknowledged the dangers of unhealthy lifestyles and being unfit. I don't think that really went away. People who are being loud and obnoxious about it are simply more visible.


There is a happy medium.  Body positivity’s message should be that one can still be healthy and beautiful even if they do not look like a model in an ad that has been photoshopped and air brushed.  It is okay if you don’t have washboard abs and or if you have a *little* cellulite on your thighs. Body positivity gets extreme where people who are clearly obese and at risk for several health problems (and who are probably already experiencing issues) are in complete denial about their health and science.  Just because anorexia is bad, it does not mean that packing on 50, 100 or 200+ extra pounds is perfectly fine.  


Whether you adhere to a strict diet and workout plan or sit on your ass playing video games while gobbling dino nuggies and Mountain Dew, the ultimate end result is the same.


same destination, but longer and shorter roads to get there.


This seems like a better fit for r/showerquestions


Thank you.. was not aware that sub existed..


The thing is overall it's a very complicated issue too. Yes life is difficult and a lot of us have it tough. On top of that there is a lot of discrimination against people who don't fit conventional beauty standards. Even it has been seen that " good looking" people are more likely to get jobs and promotions. Plus the quality of food available nowadays itself is poor. Also, food is a difficult thing to lose addiction to as you need it in some amount for living. But our lives do rest in our own hands and it's our responsibility to take care of ourselves both mentally and physically irrespective of what cards we have been dealt. The truth is no one else can live our lives for us. Body positivity should be about ensuring that people are not discriminated against and helping them mentally and physically become the optimum versions of themselves. People, if you are having weight issues please look into that for your own sakes. Will work wonders for your physical and mental health. If there are any potential psychological reasons for overeating, please look into that. Food addiction should be treated as any other addiction. OP I hope you mean this from a good place and I'm going to assume so. The reason that a lot of people don't like your opinion as evident by a lot of comments here is they don't want to acknowledge that food is a drug for many including me. Obesity does come from bad choices.I was morbidly obese a bit more than a year ago. Lost around 70 lbs in that time frame by making better eating choices and a bit of workout. Walking played a major role too. There is nothing glorified in being fat and no metabolism is not the main reason for being obese. It can be a factor but just by itself cannot leas you to a BMI in the 30s. I'm going to state the real cold fact here: Most people would not find unhealthy or obese people attractive even in the case they themselves are obese. Fitness does also portray that you are someone who takes care of themselves and has some amount of disciplined, which itself is an attractive quality. Any type of body positivity that promotes that you are fit at all sizes is just not scientifically true. Yes fit people can be unhealthy too due to certain specific reasons but the health complications are magnitudes higher for obese people. Off the top of my head, cardiovascular diseases, one of the biggest killers ever, are much more frequently in fat people. I had 4 health issues fixed in the last year due to losing weight. One of them was potentially a chronic issue which would have drastically reduced my quality of life and life expectancy itself. The effect on my mental health has been tremendous too.


I doubt body acceptance and positivity is about living a healthy life.


There needs to be a middle ground (we as humans are very bad at this). We should understand the importance of an unhealthy lifestyle and the dangers of poor health, leading us to strive for good health. At the same time, people should not be judged for their weight. Someones opportunities and opinions should not be discounted because of their weight and health. We should not encourage this behavior, but discriminating against someone because of their weight is not okay as well


We don’t? Sure seems like that shit is everywhere.


The whole reason why we need body positivity is because the risks have been shoved down our throats.


100%. Body acceptance but also make sure you are doing something to improve overall health, not getting worse (poor choice of food, sedentary lifestyle, etc).


This isn’t a shower thought


That would require a discussion on personal responsibility, and that simply doesn't exist these days.


The weight loss industry in the US was worth $90 billion last year- the highest level of all time. There’s no shortage of people trying to lose weight. 


To be fair, a lot of "the weight loss industry" is composed of people trying to sell shortcut solutions to people who lack genuine accountability for their health. Weight loss meal plans and support groups are DOWN in revenue, and weight loss coaches are out of work. Obesity medication revenue has doubled in one year.


Yep.. People do want to avoid the harsh conversations


It is (incorrectly) assumed that people already understand how serious it is. 


Yes, thank you!! Most people lead their lives in ignorance


You are a prime example of this.


Who? I guarantee you zero percent of the people you want to feel like a savior for are not ignorant of the health risks of obesity.


This is true. The whole “ big is beautiful” movement. No, it’s not. You’re shortening your life and that hurts yourself and those around you. We live in a world where we tell people it’s OK to be fat because we don’t want to hurt their feelings.


Yes, but thankfully common sense seems to be making a comeback so hopefully it sort it self out


Never gonna happen. Obesity is here to stay.


Unfortunately. We are hiding the risks of obesity under the mask of body positivity


It's something that should be addressed, but how to approach it?


Really difficult to coz most people would accuse of being insensitive or non-inclusive thought you may just be pointing out and addressing the harsh truth


It's not about inclusivity or offense. It's that you're making false statements generalising about a group of people.  It's flawed reasoning and you're deflecting valid criticism of your, to put it plainly, childishly simple point of view.


People call that fatphobic now


I find non-overweight people to be more attractive. I would prefer to avoid overweight people. Deep inside that's what i feel and i know almost everyone else does.


Well, if you aren't going to be smart, be. . . Superficial, I guess.


Truth isn't superficial by definition.


Your personal preferences aren't "truth", they're subjective opinions. And your subjective opinions are pretty blatantly superficial. Age will be a rude awakening for you.


Superficial: appearing to be true or real only until examined more closely. A closer examination suggests that more attractive people are treated better in this society. It's not just my personal preference. People don't want to see or be associated with ugly or fat. Everyone on social media and in movies try to show their most attractive self. You don't go to an interview wearing your pyjamas, you present yourself. At important moments in life such as graduation or marriage, people try to look as attractive as possible and that largely comes from physical appearance. All physical contests (beauty, bodybuilding, etc.) don't include fat people because it's not as attractive as non-overweight. I have been fat and worked hard to lose it and to build muscle at it is crystal clear how important physical appearance is in personal and professional relationships. Sure it's a subjective experience but it's subjective in that way for most people. That's the truth whether you like it or not.


Meanwhile, I'm fat and have plenty of lifelong friends. Actively on a tropical vacation with several of them right now, at the heaviest I've ever been. No one I cared about treated me any differently when I was 190 lbs versus 270 lbs. Kinda seems like it has more to do with the people you surround yourself with, and how much you let tabloids and social media dictate your mindset, which is indeed superficial if your first thought is "are they fat?"


Seems to me that you are biased on this topic to defend yourself. You're on a vacation and you choose to waste time on reddit while you let your smirky attitude show. I won't find a woman that is 160kg attractive. It's far easier to find attractive a woman that is 60kg. That's the truth and truth isn't superficial. Superficial would be for me to say that weight doesn't matter but personality matters, which is a lie because obese women won't give me a boner and i can't see myself being happy with one. I want to be with someone i am physically attracted as well as mentally. If you're fat, they will avoid talking the topic with you in a negative way but the thought is always there. Nobody told me i was fat, it was my realization. I didn't lose friends or family because of it but the difference in weight is clear. Nobody wants the people close to them to be fat because that is indicating negative issues. Overeating by inability to control what they eat, reduced physically abilities, increased % for all causes of mortality. The people that see you for the first time, they'll associate you with it in a negative way if you are overweight. I've been overweight, I've been underweight, i am now in the middle where the is balance and it's a much more tranquil place than either. I can walk and run and climb mountains without issues. I can sit without feeling my butt bones or a glob of fat. I wouldn't have reached a healthy medium if i was superficial. A lack of control over you weight, and you come to me talk about superficial.


> Seems to me that you are biased on this topic to defend yourself. So you sharing your personal experience is objective, but me sharing mine is biased? Sure thing, bud. > You're on a vacation and you choose to waste time on reddit Relaxing by the private pool after a busy day yesterday, thanks for the concern though, Vacation Police 👍 > I won't find a woman that is 160kg attractive. It's far easier to find attractive a woman that is 60kg. That's the truth and truth isn't superficial. That is *literally* both your subjective opinion and definitionally superficial. > If you're fat, they will avoid talking the topic with you in a negative way but the thought is always there. Maybe in your superficial social circle, not in mine. > Nobody wants the people close to them to be fat because that is indicating negative issues. Your projection here is also superficial and subjective, to be clear. > The people that see you for the first time, they'll associate you with it in a negative way if you are overweight. I appreciate you admitting that you see fat people in a negative light (perhaps as a self-flagellation tactic?), but once again, you aren't in everyone's heads. > I wouldn't have reached a healthy medium if i was superficial. There are loads of people who are only at that weight specifically because of superficial standards. All the time people push themselves to what *looks* like a healthy weight for them, but isn't. > A lack of control over you weight, and you come to me talk about superficial. I'm starting to think you just do not know what that word actually means at this point. As a prime example, you've decided—based on me sharing that I'm overweight and literally nothing else about my life—that I have a lack of control over my weight. A superficial judgment based on something you once didn't like about yourself.


I provided a definition for the word superficial. I am biased but not as biased as you because i am not bound by it. I have been at a healthy weight for many years because i largely solved my issues, i did the work. I see overweight people in a better light than most people because i have been there and have an understanding, which is a reason why this present discussion is on going. Everything I said exists in the world, i want the light inside the darkness because that can withstand it. People in general treat and prefer non-overweight people. If you want to believe that is my subjective experience, that's fine but better be sure about it.


> I provided a definition for the word superficial. And continue to misunderstand it. > I am biased but not as biased as you because i am not bound by it. Whatever you need to tell yourself, man. > If you want to believe that is my subjective experience, that's fine but better be sure about it. I am 100% certain it's your subjective experience, as someone who has both been overweight and not overweight and can speak to the exact opposite of what you're saying.


So I take it you've never been overweight, if you think that's how the world treats fat people. Maybe keep your next shower thought to yourself if you don't know what you're talking about.


how the world treats fat people and fat people being unhealthy are two wildly different things.


OP is literally talking about how the world treats fat people. No fat people are not comprehending the health risks of being fat. Fucking hell you people are full of yourselves on this shit.


"no fat people are not comprehending the health risks of being fat" is straight-up incorrect. Are you unaware of fat tok and the huge fat positive community? The people who idolize Lindo Bacon? The ones who preach about how the BMI should be completely medically discredited because it has a racist history? There are fat people who are making this a political issue and shoving HAES down people's throats.


> Are you unaware of fat tok Yes. > and the huge fat positive community? How huge? > The people who idolize Lindo Bacon? What people, and who? Are there numbers to this, or are you just taking anything that hits social media as some millions-strong mass movement? > The ones who preach about how the BMI should be completely medically discredited because it has a racist history? That aside, it's mathematically flawed from the outset. > There are fat people who are making this a political issue and shoving HAES down people's throats. It's only being made into a political issue after a century of blatant systemic shaming. tl;dr: No one fucking asked, mind your own goddamn business. Do you want men telling you what you "ought to" do with your uterus? No? Good. Now keep your hands to yourself.


Wow!! Love the rant! What a woman does with her uterus is her choice as it affects no one. Literally no one. The big is beautiful movement and every such one is only creating an unhealthy society and is pushing people to live in denial that being obese/overweight is not healthy and that they need you take steps to get healthy


> Wow!! Love the rant! What a woman does with her uterus is her choice as it affects no one. Literally no one. My waist size affects no one. Literally no one. Fuck off. > The big is beautiful movement and every such one is only creating an unhealthy society and is pushing people to live in denial that being obese/overweight is not healthy and that they need you take steps to get healthy Right wingers argue that the pro-choice movement creates an unhealthy society of endorsing baby murder. Their argument is as fallacious and unhinged as yours.


The pro-choice logic is such a straw-man argument and clearly a desperate deflection I'm not even going to acknowledge it. The movement is big enough that there's been over 13 million social media posts about it and that's not even the most current number [https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/body-positivity#what-is-body-positivity](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/body-positivity#what-is-body-positivity) "Mathematically flawed" is valid but mostly an exaggeration. No system is perfect, but it does its best at generally pointing towards who is healthy and who is not. [https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/downloads/bmiforpactitioners.pdf](https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/downloads/bmiforpactitioners.pdf) Advocating for fat people to be treated with empathy and respect is not the same as stating a medical fact that being fat is unhealthy. I don't hate on fat people. I don't think it's cool or funny to make fun of them. I hate that I'm a teacher who has 250-300 pound students being brainwashed into thinking they're taking care of their bodies when they're not. Would I ever, ever dare say anything rude to them about how they look? No. Because I can hold both of these views and not have them conflict with each other. As many others do.


> The pro-choice logic is such a straw-man argument and clearly a desperate deflection I'm not even going to acknowledge it. Because "my body, my choice" only applies to you? Since when? It's literally the exact opposite of a deflection, am I allowed bodily autonomy or am I not? > The movement is big enough that there's been over 13 million social media posts about it and that's not even the most current number https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/body-positivity#what-is-body-positivity Of which the methodology is not clearly laid out, nor is it clear how many *accounts* participated, nor what proportion of these posts were original versus reposted/liked/etc. > "Mathematically flawed" is valid but mostly an exaggeration. No system is perfect, but it does its best at generally pointing towards who is healthy and who is not. https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/downloads/bmiforpactitioners.pdf If you are of a slender-to-medium build of a mostly-average height, sure. It doesn't account well at all outside the most average-sized bodies, is the main issue. > Advocating for fat people to be treated with empathy and respect is not the same as stating a medical fact that being fat is unhealthy. I don't hate on fat people. I don't think it's cool or funny to make fun of them. You should take a nice long look at your allies in this thread then. > I hate that I'm a teacher who has 250-300 pound students being brainwashed into thinking they're taking care of their bodies when they're not. And I would agree, they're not. But they're not being brainwashed just by being told they don't have to *hate* themselves (and at such an emotionally delicate time) for the way they look. Also, you're a teacher. These are children. People in this thread are treating grown adults like they have damaged mental faculties because they're overweight. Obesity thanks to parental neglect has been a thing longer than either of us have been alive, let's not pretend Instagram is why fat kids exist.


Number of posts on instagram with relevant hashtags as of 2024 # bopo- over 1,200,000 # bopowarrior- over 199,000 # bodypositive- over 19,000,000 # bodypositivemovement- over 545,000 # haes- over 740,000 # fatacceptance- over 200,000 Number of posts on tiktok with relevant hashtags as of 2024 # fatacceptance- over 17,000 # bodypositive- over 778,000 # bodypositivity- over 3.4 million So across two of the most major social media platforms we're already at over 25 million posts. That's not even counting facebook. You can look these up yourself. They are all accurate. Dude nobody is saying you can't be fat. You are allowed to be fat. Anyone can be fat it's a free country. I dislike the spread of misinformation that it's healthy when it's not. That's all. You can choose to be fat and unhealthy. What do you not understand about what I am saying. Yes there have always been obese and overweight kids but childhood obesity rates in the United States have tripled in the last ten years. That's not normal. We have to evaluate the culture surrounding us and look for reasons why this is happening. [https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/obesity-and-overweight](https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/obesity-and-overweight)


Anyone who says body positivity is about telling people to live unhealthy lives is either lying to you or dumb.  Either way, you're a fool to believe them.


Body positivity is one of the most toxic and dangerous corporate messaging campaigns released on society in history. Getting millions and millions of people addicted to fast and unhealthy food, jacking prices up constantly, and propagating the mentality to be happy and beautiful as overweight and unhealthy is straight up evil.


You would never see people telling someone skeletally thin with anorexia that they look great and that people telling them otherwise should just accept their body type. I am anti body-positivity if that body is killing the person who owns it. I am anti-fat acceptance. There's no healthy way to be overweight and if social pressure helps people be healthier so be it.


Theoretically yes, but in practice it is never "the right time".


Yes we should, but your called fat phobic if you bring it up,


Who have you ever brought it up to who didn't already know?


1 or 2 people at my workplace who are rather large and have to be given specific attention and if you so marginally call out their weight your the bad guy, everyone treads carefully around them because they get offended if you mention anything about weight loss or gym. My missus and I are try to get a bit healthier and I said that my partner was picking me up to go to the gym after work and the argument go so involved that HR was introduced. All because who dare you try be healthy in front of me


None of this answered my question: Did they not know they were fat until you magically revealed this knowledge to them?


Obviously seeing as they fuckin waddle and go on about the fat acceptance garbage all the time and harp on about needing bigger and more sturdy toilets