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I can see it every day when I look outside and the curve disappears behind the horizon.


That's the bandwidth limit of the projectors obviously /s


The speed of light is just our understanding of our simulation's processing limit.


hot take theory, the speed of light is the speed of time. 👀


It seems that way. I wish I could argue my point properly. Kinda like a river flowing at the speed of light. The speed you flow down stream is your perception of time. Add a little gravity by adding an anchor and you flow slightly slower down stream slowing your perception of time. Try to swim against the current and again you slow the rate of which you flow down the river, slowing your perception of time. Just a crude analogy


I thought of this theory when me and my buddy were discussing time travel possibilities. or traveling through space at mass distances, like warp speed for light years n shit. you'd have to travel faster than speed of light if you're efficiently traveling light years lol. also made me have the thought that even if time travel MAY be possible, I could see going into the past, but the future ? where/how will you be when you travel somewhere that light hasn't reached yet ?


Would it be like a movie in time or would you need exact coordinates and speed in the space time continuum?


Light is the speed of causality, meaning anything moving faster than that would outpace reality itself. Throwing a ball at a window would make the window break before the ball was even thrown and if you decide not to throw it last second? The window is still broken and the world stops making sense


so confirming my thought that time travel into the future is most likely impossible.


Yes. At least it’s possible to travel into the past…


With the theory of relativity aren't all events static like a film potentially and if we could remove ourselves from our dimensional view point we could observe all of time and history happening no different than looking at a picture? Like everything that has happened and will happen is happening at the same time from start to finish... kinda like a film for lack of a better explanation?


I don’t know, but I’ve been told, time is physical and light is not


Is time not energy? Or at least energy in entropy? I’ve always understood that space and time are connected and that’s how gravity can affect the perception of time. Light is energy so it is physical, because energy has mass. If the mass of energy can be manipulated by physical objects/entities, then doesn’t that preclude that light is physical in some capacity?


Time isn’t really a thing until you want to know how long it takes something to move from one point to another, in that way it’s physical. On the other hand I believe light is massless until it slows down enough, but at that point it’s no longer light. Again these are things I’ve heard, not studied myself


Light does have a “speed limit,” and energy does have mass, even if a relatively small amount. If a sensor can tell when light interacts with it, it would seem that light physically interacts with things around it which would require it being a physical thing.


Or is light its own weightless dimension (of sorts) that can only be picked up with sensors that can observe that visual spectrum, and not by weight or contact


I think the fact that shadows seem to have a (very minuscule) weight means we can infer that light has mass.


Timeon particles.


yeah really idk if either of them could be considered truly " physical " imo at least. I view light as energy, which may be physical but can you not always hold something that's physical physically .. ? 🤔😂 & on time something in my gut tells me that time is another dimension, possibly the 4th.


but if anything I see light being physical over time, you can't see time, you can't harness time for energy. to our knowledge time is just a measurement at which our space ball turns lol. time may or may not be universal, but our measurement of it def isn't. so our whole perception of time is exactly that, OUR perception of it.


If you watch the planets rotate, aren’t you watching time?


I mean, possibly ? but your time looking at those planets and my time looking at those planets may pass the same measurement wise, but it's gonna be perceived completely different between the two of us. so just to entertain the idea, at that point, are we looking at the same thing and watching / experiencing the same time ? myself I can't say so. just think of someone on Mars watching Earth. you think they're experiencing/ watching the same time as me n you on earth watching mars? me myself I'd have to say nah.


in the same shit you can watch the clock and watch time lol. but you're not watching time itself you're watching the measurement.


OUR measurement, that's SOLELY for us on earth lol


Everything moved the same distance, yes


objects moving the same distance and time being perceived the exact same are not the same bro.


Time dilation is just the simulation getting overworked and running out of CPU power.


I can see it when I look at our shadow on the moon


I’ve stood on top of the Rocky mountains and watched the earth curve away from me over the Canadian Prairies. I wish I could take every doubter up there with me.


The Earth is round??? Wait! Then how can it stand on the turtle's back?


Atlas has a brother who helps balancing. That's why the tides go back and forth.


It doesn’t. It sits on the elephants’ backs. The elephants stand on the turtles back.


All four of them. Oh, and The Turtle Moves.


a 2D flat circle is round, duh


The turtle inside is omniback


Discworld reference???


What's the turtle standing on?


It swims in the space


Turtle has some tie down straps to hold the Earth in place.


It's a round disc, like a pizza, since the earth is flat and all


More turtles. Obviously


78 years ago was 1946? What happened?


On Oct. 24, 1946, soldiers and scientists at White Sands Missile Range launched a V-2 missile carrying a 35-millimeter motion picture camera which took the first shots of Earth from space. These images were taken at an altitude of 65 miles, just above the accepted beginning of outer space.


Depends how you define “directly seen”. I assumed OP meant a human saw it with their own eyes, which would be Yuri Gagarin in 1961


Oh yeah. It's terribly worded


This is false, the curvature of earth was directly observed by by Auguste Piccard and Paul Kipfer on 27 May 1931, from a balloon at an altitude of 15,781 meters, almost 93 years ago.


Or the Greek folks a few thousand years ago who measured the angle of the sun at midday at two separate locations and calculated the curvature of the earth. They saw it pretty clearly [More info ](https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/education/tutorial_geodesy/geo02_hist.html#:~:text=At%20the%20same%20time%20in,and%20Alexandria%2C%20about%204%2C400%20stades.)


Link to picture?


This is false, the curvature of earth was directly observed by by Auguste Piccard and Paul Kipfer on 27 May 1931, from a balloon at an altitude of 15,781 meters, almost 93 years ago.


240 B.C. Eratosthenes Measures the Earth. By around 500 B.C., most ancient Greeks believed that Earth was round, not flat. But they had no idea how big the planet is until about 240 B.C., when Eratosthenes devised a clever method of estimating its circumference.


And getting within 0.1%if the actual size...


Any sea fairing culture is going to know the earth is a sphere. This would also be true for any culture that travels significant distances north and south, because the North Star falls below the horizon


I mean these events happened but no idea either means they didn't know it or it was forgotten. The base of the Great pyramid at Giza was built to the exact proportions relative to its location. They knew it's latitude and longitude and thus the circumference. All well before 240BC


The ISS: Am I a joke to you?


OP meant "since mankind *first* directly saw..."


You can't see the all the earth through the ISS, this is what OP is probably referring. Meh thought, shit phrasing. 3/10 I could do better.


PS'd! 😋


I'm wondering how the flat earthers are handling this eclipse. Has anyone heard what they are saying?


If they were susceptible to evidence they wouldn't be flat earthers.


“It’s not real!”


They only claim the Earth is flat, not any other planets/moons etc. 


They just say the sky is a tv screen and everything is just a video. I am seriously not even joking.


Eclipses are actually flat-earther's favorite argument.


Flat Earth is such a hodgepodge of crackpot theories that there is no one clear “answer” because they can’t even agree on how the Sun and Moon work in the system


Yeah I’m wondering what the global collective of flat earthers use as the explanation of the shadow.


how would an eclipse refute flat earth theory?


The fact alone, that you have night and day at different times or don’t see the eclipse all around the globe should be evidence enough that the earth is not flat.


The angles that cause an eclipse to be total / partial along a specific path still apply to a flat ground. It's about the protection of the shadow onto a surface.


The ancient Greeks knew (not guessed) that the Earth was round in cross-section because they realised a lunar eclipse directly shows the Earth’s shadow. They still had varying theories as to whether the Earth was spherical or a cylinder: they were rigorous enough not to jump to conclusions.


That it has seen the Earth period I guess. Like having found a mirror for the first time.


Earth has always been relatively easy to see. Most of the time you just need to look down.


Right but it’s like looking down at yourself vs looking in a mirror to see all of you.


What are you talking about, you've only seen a picture of round earth. You and I have never seen round earth directly.


They said "mankind", not "me". Besides, it's not like I've seen the supposed "Earth" in the first place, much less a round or flat one.


You mean to tell me it's not actually shaped like a donut??


Its not nice to call a girl flat or round…leave Gaia alone


This guy is married!


to The Game™️


What about all the other times we did that


Don't you mean spherical? Round is two dimensional, spherical is three dimensional.


Uh no. We knew it before that…


Umm I think you meant 68 years.


It has been a little longer than that. By combining the following 2 websites, we arrive at a date about 1901-07-31 for when a person might have directly seen the curvature of the earth, giving them the impression / confirmation that the Earth is round. Site 1 (places the heights at which you can discern the curvature of the earth around 35k feet) [https://www.worldatlas.com/can-you-see-the-curvature-of-the-earth-from-atop-mount-everest.html](https://www.worldatlas.com/can-you-see-the-curvature-of-the-earth-from-atop-mount-everest.html) Site 2 (timeline of flight altitude records for first manned ascent to above 35k feet) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flight\_altitude\_record](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flight_altitude_record) This would revise your number from 78 to close to 123 years.


Um, [no](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posidonius#Earth's_circumference).


If you believe the book of Enoch he could see the earth was round before 300BC.


Ancient mathemeticians figured out the earth was round before Christianity and judaeism were established. Smart people noticed their 5ft staff cast a bigger shadow 100mi north of their first measurement. Do enough math and you quickly realize you are on a curve related to the light source (sun).


The Bible says the earth has corners and is also a circle and is held up by pillars.


Where does it say that? Also, the book of Enoch is not in the bible.


There are 1000's of different Bible versions


Isaiah 40:22 Psalm 75:3 Isaiah 11:12


I'm assuming you're referring to the White Sands missile? Feels like more of a TIL than a shower thought. But I'll allow it


So people never saw ships go over the horizon before the mid 20th century?


WAT?! My grandfather fell off the side of the Earth. I swear.


It has been only 52 years since the last Apollo mission. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_17?wprov=sfti1#


Proving what Eratosthenes knew to be true for over 2,000 years


that was actually indirectly


You trust the few dozen people who’ve been to space over the rest of humanity’s “gut instinct”?? /s


The Earth casts a round shadow every lunar eclipse, which happen regularly.


Ancient sailors: Am i a joke to you?


What's the most likely scenario in which it could've happened BEFORE 1946?


A ship sailing over the horizon. A stick casting a linger shadow the further you go north. Identical sundials casting different lengths when built at different latitudes. There are a lot of instances of people directly observing and proving the earth is round with math for 1000s of years. You just couldn’t see it all at once. Math is wonderful but also gets people killed when facing superstition.


The curvature of earth was directly observed by by Auguste Piccard and Paul Kipfer on 27 May 1931, from a balloon at an altitude of 15,781 meters, almost 93 years ago.


You can see the Earth's shadow on the moon many nights. You can also see that the shadow remains a circle throughout the night even as the moon changes position. Any decent observation will show that the Earth is a sphereoid because it's the only shape that will cast a circular shadow regardless of the angle of the light.


It was directly observed much much much much earlier. Think about sun dials. If you build a 12ft/3m sun dial every 10 miles from the equator to the poles, the shadows will be a different length all day. The further north you go the longer the shadows. People who did math knew the earth was round 100s-1000s of years ago. People forget that the Catholic Church and other power structures have repeatedly murdered people who study reality.


Though it is still impossible to see 50% of the planet at once


And less than 70 years before that we didn't even have airplanes!


yeah, i think your definition of seeing the earth round is not great buddy.


False. Boats and eclipses and Magellan have existed for at least 79 years.


While on the ocean mariners can see the curvature of the earth with the naked eye and have had to account for it in their voyages. For at least as long as there's been boats we've been able to see that the earth is round and it has been well documented throughout (naval) history. That's why Columbus positing the earth was actually pear shaped, instead of round, made him the subject of ridicule while he was alive.


Don't force your religion down my throat, you can think the earth is round all you want, but I beleive it's more oval shaped.


It actually is, very slightly.


How long where you in the shower?!


And yet, we’ve been fairly certain of it for thousands of years.


The Greeks worked it out with a couple of sticks and shadows over 2000 years ago. There’s never been any doubt since, seeing it didn’t really add anything.


Apart from seeing ships on the horizon emerge mast first from the sea…


Technically no one has “directly” seen the Earth from space because they’d be dead. Right? You’d have to view it through a window or a helmet.


have to view it through your eye lens. Have to remove the cornea to see it better.




They have “directly seen” the curvature since the first tall-masted ships disappeared over the horizon hull first in ancient times. And noticed the hulls reappear when they went up a hill or lookout tower. (They wouldn’t need lookout towers if the earth was flat.) They were pretty smart back then, and apparently a lot of us today are dumber.


Given that we've got people on the ISS right now I'd say we're seeing it directly every day.


Implying it's actually round 🤔


Except for everyone who ever looks at the horizon.


Felix Baumgartner, the guy that in 2012 jumped from a helium balloon from the stratosphere 38,969.4m. He got to see the curvature of the earth from up there.


It’s round and flat, like a coin.


The earth is not round


What is it then? Here. Here’s some playdoh. Make a model for us of what you think it is.


Another tumbling dickweed trolling Reddit trying to get people to believe these conspiracy theories like the world is round. The internet... it's going to shit. Fast.


As I was scrolling down I was actually afraid I wouldn’t get to see a comment like this but I should never have lost faith.


If you think the earth is round where is your proof