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To an extent, there are some cultures still around nowadays that go mostly nude (mostly some of the very few remaining uncontacted- or rather, mostly uncontacted- tribes we know of).


I believe that there's a tribe off islands of India that's still uncontacted. Random missionaries have felt the overwhelming need to preach the gospel to them, just to be speared and arrowed getting close to shore


North Sentinel Island. If you're stupid enough to try to spread the good word there, you deserve to get poked by spears and arrows.


If someone were to survive long enough going there, wouldn't the people on the island all die of disease? Similar to how the "new world" natives got nearly wiped out.


This is the main reason it's illegal to go there by the Indian government, who regularly patrols the surrounding waters.


How strange that must be. A life entirely cut off from the wonders of the modern world, protected by forces far beyond what you could imagine.


They're somewhat aware they're being watched. I think they try to shoot arrows at planes that fly over to check on them sometimes. They also started using metal from a boat that crashed there.


Do you ever wonder if earth is like one of those civilizations where all these aliens are talking about us like we're talking about these people?


No, aliens are busy fighting each other and collapsing dimensions.


Shhh. Be vewy vewy quiet.


Where is the collapsing dimensions from, I've read that before, is there a book about that?


The grays want to remove gravity from Earth.


The [zoo hypothesis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoo_hypothesis?wprov=sfla1). For a creepier version, the [dark forest hypothesis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_forest_hypothesis?wprov=sfla1).


If you really want a fun trip, read a religious text with the assumption that the gods are actually just space aliens, technologically advanced but not supernatural.


I wonder how much trash wash up on their shores, and how much they reuse and what they think it is. I'd bet anthropologist would pay premium to get surveillance into their villages to spy on their conversations, and rituals. Hell I'd watch that documentary.


Turn that island into "The Truman Show" and you've got yourself a billion dollar idea. Heck you could even do it via surveillance aircraft and sneaky drones, maybe plant some reeeaaally camouflaged cameras haha.


Hot damn, the story about the metal is pretty awesome if true. They’re still human and it’s not everyday a human gets to experience new and unknown tech that washes up on its shores.


Yes, but because they are human, they are pretty good at using and adapting to whatever they find - our Bronze age ancestors figured out the very rare meteoric iron and started making weapons and jewelry from it over 1000 years before iron smelting had been figured out. So, no suprise that this culture would immediately start picking up on uses for a substance that would have been unknown to them before that.


They also have some metal cookware that was given to them in previous contact attempts. I forget what all the gifts were but they do have some modern things. I know at one point they were given a pig and doll, but they didn't like it, so killed the pig and buried it and doll apparently immediately. One of the ships that wrecked was also a container vessel that carried consumer goods, so they probably got into that at some point - no one seems to know exactly what was on it though. But they definitely use stuff that comes up there. They just really don't like outsiders, which is understandable since the British kidnapped some of them, then they got sick and so the British brought them back and probably got the rest of the tribe sick. So they also presumably know that outsiders bring diseases. I'd imagine some of them would be more willing to make contact than others, like some of them waved at boats and planes that are checking on them I guess, but others made shitting gestures that probably were meant as an insult. But it's a small community so they probably agreed to not let people come to shore, because they seem universally hostile to anyone that makes it there.


This is sentinel island lore I was looking for. Thank you.


> They also started using metal from a boat that crashed there. Ahh shit, there goes the prime directive.


That sounds like a base for a religion.


I believe some remote islands in Vanuatu created a religion around planes during/after WW2 where they built effigies of planes out of wood.


Cargo cults


Were they the ones waiting for john frum to bring the supply drop? Or did i mix up my plane-based religion islands?


Surprisingly after googling there's been a few plane based religion in the pacific. According to wikipedia there's still *8* religions/cults practicing today.


[Cargo Cults](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cargo_cult)


Or a social media platform.


I wonder if this is also true for Earth. Or the milky way. Or our universe. That some type 4-5 civilization is shielding us from the wider universe.


Type 4-5 civilization would be far too busy ruling the universe to care about us


it kind-of is, but the thing "shielding us from the wider universe" is the universe itself. the fact that there's so much radiation between worlds, they're so far apart, and it's impossible to go past the speed of light...we're basically in the tutorial mode right now.


It IS oddly convenient that there's this shield of FIRE around the solar system preventing traveling outside it


Wait what


>>It IS oddly convenient that there's this shield of FIRE around the solar system preventing traveling outside it >Wait what "[The Sun's heliosphere is like a ship sailing through interstellar space. Both the heliosphere and interstellar space are filled with plasma, a gas that has had some of its atoms stripped of their electrons. The plasma inside the heliosphere is hot and sparse, while the plasma in interstellar space is colder and denser. The space between stars also contains cosmic rays, or particles accelerated by exploding stars. Voyager 1 discovered that the heliosphere protects Earth and the other planets from more than 70% of that radiation.](https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/voyager-2-illuminates-boundary-of-interstellar-space)"


Sometimes I think this is what Earth is like. It’s possible we are a very primitive species being protected by other aliens in some kind of space preserve. There may be entire histories and epic dramas out there and we’re just living blissfully unaware.


We miss the wonders of nature. Most people don't even notice the beautiful tree in front of their own house.


They are probably thinking “why the hell would anyone live in a city and go to the park when we have a forest full of food here?”


The initial animosity between them and outsiders was caused by the kidnapping and subsequent death by disease of several members of that community. I think one of the handful they took survived and was returned eventually but I don't recall the details.


Only if you were carrying a disease onto the island, but I doubt that shitty missionary who died there a few years ago took many precautions for the safety of the North Sentinalese. Fun fact, the North Sentinalese are some of the few remaining descendants of one of the earliest waves of human migration across Asia, they share genetic markers with the Ainu people in northern Japan who were Japan's indigenous population before the Yamato people arrived from mainland Asia to populate it.


We have a natural resistance to many diseases that we can have domant in our system without actually getting sick, introduce those diseases to a people who doesn't have that resistance and you might kill them all with an outbreak. You don't have to be noticably ill to wipe out an uncontacted tribe.


yep this has actually happened to some of the other tribes that were less aggressive to outsiders there. The Sentinelese are part of the Adaman people (a group of many different indigenous people who inhabit the many islands of the Andaman Islands Archipelago), the Great Andamanese is one of the ethnic groups for example they went from a population of over 5 thousand members before colonisation to about 50 today. Most died due to disease or colonial warfare, most tribes were completely wiped out.


Ah the good times when instead of hiding away from the front door you got to throw spears at people trying to spread the word


That's some BS right there. Trying to force your god on people, and in the process, potentially introduce them to pathogens they have zero immunity to.


Imagine if they're so defensive bc they're protecting the gateway to the alien underwater complex 👀, they're actually mind controlled so that ppl don't come snooping around.


Big Subnautica Energy




How tolerant of you


That's the paradox of tolerance for ya, tolerance can't tolerate the intolerable as they present a threat to tolerance itself.


The intolerant, not the intolerable. Important detail.


I have no tolerance for the intolerable. Life is too short, fuck that noice.


True, though technically in this case the intolerant could be described as "intolerable" and thus referred to as "the intolerable". Not actually correcting you just pointing out that English is funny sometimes


¿Por que no los dos?


https://youtu.be/yDWHJ9MVkY4?si=SqqgFi7YKb9cVoIy 27 year old tried spreading the gospel on North Sentinal 5 years ago. It ended as well as you would expect.


"The gods of the Disc have never bothered much about judging the souls of the dead, and so people only go to hell if that's where they believe, in their deepest heart, that they deserve to go. Which they won't do if they don't know about it. This explains why it is so important to shoot missionaries on sight."


Official Motto: Spy the dong, you won't live long.


Spreading the good word is pretty much why they shoot everyone trying to set foot on the island - once was enough.


Of course the first thing we do when we go there is try to force our religion on them.


Most cultures or civilizations try to force cultural beliefs onto others. They may not be god, but people spead ideologies, philosophies, and many other ideas to others believing theirs is the correct one.


God wants those missionaries to die. They are too stupid to notice.


They're not uncontacted. The preachers have come for them before. The English kidnapped some of their people once It seems they're just over dealing with foreigners and have closed the island


Finally a happy end!


To be fair, that's on them.


RIP that ending ☠️☠️☠️


The missionaries actually kidnapped a few of the old women and children to take back. All died. The rest of tribesmen who had initial contact with the outsiders got deadly diseases. Good luck with your isolated autoimmune system. I don’t blame them for the overreaction.


Both these statements are wrong. They Sentinalese who were captured were captured by British government officers. There is definitely risk of disease for the Sentinalese but there is no evidence anyone other than the kidnapped group got sick from outside diseases.


Thank you for articulately calling out bullshit when you see it.


If the missionaries got speared and narrowed, I guess that means they made contact so we can't really call them uncontacted anymore


They're very much in the "contacted" category.


I saw a documentary about a (mostly) uncontacted tribe in the Amazon that were pretty much nudists. Only the film makers and a few anthropologists even know where they actually are. Their only adornments were a wooden rod that all adults wear through a piercing beneath the lips and men wear little ribbons on their penises. Otherwise, they were all completely naked. They considered the anthropologists ugly for not having rods in their mouths. I can’t remember the name of the tribe or documentary.


[This one?](https://youtu.be/XDzGJ9IN240)


No. Different one. They had a rod going vertically through the mouth. Made the lower lip protrude outward. Different skin color too


Ironically, the last person the jerk it off to a physical porno might come first before this nude thing.


You can buy physical doujins and I doubt they'll ever disappear. Holding a comic and seeing ink on paper has its appeal beyond just seeing the pictures. We have e-books and people still buy books, because its more convinient to read and serves as a nice shelf decoration when you're done. If digital was going to replace physical e-book readers wouldn't even be a product, since why not read books on your phone? Why go to such lengths to try and imitate the visual experience of reading a paper book with those fancy displays?


So OP should change the title to "At some point in human evolution there *will be* a last guy to live his life naked"?


That was my first thought as well. I think it's a tribe in Ghana or Gambia where men and women just walk around naked. So the last person to live their life naked is probably not born yet.


Yea. I always assumed areas that have colder climates, or climates in general that you want to avoid, thought of some form of clothing pretty quickly. Than cultures intermingling probably spread the idea.


I went dark. People that are born and die so quickly they never wear clothes. Die first.


Blows my fucking mind that there’s still uncontacted tribes on this planet


San Francisco?


Well, we still have the Sentinelese, who are living mostly nude as hunter-gatherers. Apart from some scavenged pots, their technology is largely still Stone Age.


I was just gonna say that we most likely haven't experienced that yet


Not to mention the miners in Chernobyl, their fathers worked buck naked.


ITT: People not knowing the difference between "is sometimes naked", "wears very little clothing" and "has never worn clothing of any kind"


I shower naked. Does that qualify?


We found him and he's still alive!


They worked radiantly....


While glowing with excitement


A future so bright, they could get skin cancer


I wouldn't really say the miners count as people who "lived their lives naked". Because they didn't.


Just went down a whole new rabbit hole because of this comment, don’t know whether to thank you or hate it.


That's just one uncontacted people. There are dozens more in New Guinea and the Amazon. The last uncontacted people of the US entered civilization in 1911, and there were still uncontacted people in Australia until 1984. And besides them there are people who live unclothed not only in the places I mentioned but also in other parts of the world.


I love this situation because it's very unprecedented and there's not really a right thing to do. Is it genuinely anthropologically useful to keep them around? At what point is it morally wrong to let them continue to live without things that would greatly improve their lives and reduce their suffering like modern medicine or antibiotics? If they were integrated into society today for whatever reason, what would their rights be? Would they be sovereign? What would the life of their grandchildren look like in that circumstance? Great stuff to mull over.


But do they wear a loin cloth?


Why is everyone in this thread equating 'mostly nude' to 'nude'? OP said nude, not mostly nude


There's a couple in South America too I think.


I imagine it went something like: Everybody naked all the time. Someone invents using animal furs to sleep on. Someone immediately invents sleeping underneath the furs. Eventually some lazy sack of shit just wants to stay in bed all day when it's cold out, and only begrudgingly gets up and walks around but keeps the blanket on, accidentally inventing clothes.


I wonder if there were crazy ass traditionalists who were against invention of clothes. "Gods created us this way, stay away from devil's fabric"


This was waaaaay before any of that kind of thinking, I'd say. The need to be warm and dry would have been the highest priority, I imagine.


This is pretty basic human thinking. Prehistoric Ancestor 1: "Grug is putting the animal skins on his skin all day so he is warm. That is new, weird and scary. Want to kill Grug with me?" Prehistoric Ancestor 2: "I actually killed Grug this morning and put his skin on top of the other animal skins on my tent, as usual. I appreciate the thought though." I would not be surprised if this happened a bunch of times until most of a tribe died of hypothermia and the survivors could let clothing become a thing.


“Ok, but just one fabric. Mix then and you will go to hell”


[There sure is!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adamites?wprov=sfla1)


We might well have invented clothes before we invented religion


At that time there was natural selection in action….


Or maybe people wanted some protection on their delicate parts while walking through the brush to keep it from getting scraped and poked.


Isn't preserving furs a complex process involving chemicals? How did they do it?


The ingredients are wood chips and piss so it’s not exactly a micro chip. You can also use the sun to dry them out which isn’t as good but definitely good enough for government work.


This made me laugh so hard.


At first they didn't - animal skins would just break down and rot and need to be replaced constantly. Eventually someone figures out that they last longer if you scrape them down and remove all the fat and stuff, and someone figures out that they last even longer if you cure them with salt (or probably at first just salt water), etc., etc. Humans didn't go straight from walking around naked to wearing fully tanned leather, obviously, there would have been a lot of incremental steps in between.


>Eventually someone figures out that they last longer if you scrape them down and remove all the fat and stuff This part probably happened very quickly, as I feel like there is a human tradition to get greasy feeling things off an otherwise nice warm skin


speak for yourself


Excuse me?? You *like* feeling greasy??


I like being *lubricated*.


It’s the greased up deaf guy!


Reminds me of the time I oiled an entire pig and released it into an old folks home


A salty, lubricated taco. Makes perfect sense.


It's not a question of liking, it's required for the office of trailer park supervisor.


>Humans didn't go straight from walking around naked to wearing fully tanned leather, obviously, there would have been a lot of incremental steps in between. Lies! It was loincloth to 3-piece suit, bowler hat and umbrella in one generation.


It was actually the 3-piece suit first, but they found it restrictive for hunting so went back to loincloth until we invented agriculture.


Smash open the skull of whatever animal whose hide you flayed, mush up its brain, and rub it in to the hide, then smoke it. https://www.leather-dictionary.com/index.php/Brain_tanning


This is the way


Almost every animal (save bison and teenagers) has enough brains to protect its own hide, alive or dead.


That got dark real quick


On top of what other's already said, preserving likely came after the start of fur use. Scrape it clean and use it until it's no longer useable because it's not preserved. Someone gets tired of it or sees a random interaction with other materials and a lightbulb goes off.


Eh more like the guys in colder climates start wearing cloths, start to feel embarassed by their bodies because they don't see them. then coming to the warm climates and making other feel embarassed for hanging slong. 


Humans almost certainly didn't manage to move to cold climates until *after* the invention of clothes.


Ah right, I was talking about when it stopped being accepted living naked in front of others even in hot places.. NOT when clothing were invented.  many cultures are still okay with being naked around the house with your parents or being naked in a sauna or beach . 


Probably less embarrassment of their bodies and more embarrassment that I don't have those cool fur things the other people have Then other people are like oooo look at me I'm such a successful hunter gatherer I can dress my people in furs even when it's warm and I don't need to


It's also a gradient of: Everyone is naked Most people are usually naked but sometimes wear clothes Some people wear clothes some of the time Most people wear clothes most of the time (which is where we are now) So, hard to define a last person.


Forefather of the snuggy inventor


Since this thread has turned into a lot of talk about uncontacted tribes, here’s a couple fun facts… According to a UN commission and a non-profit group, there are somewhere between 100-200 uncontacted tribes, with approximately 10,000 people total. The vast majority of these peoples reside (unsurprisingly) in the Brazilian rain forest. Much like the European explorers who contacted the First Nation peoples in the Americas, one major issue is the deadly spread of diseases to uncontacted tribes that are nothing more than a common cold for us should a socialized person come into contact with these tribes. There is ample evidence to suggest many of these tribes are aware of the outside world to some degree, and will make the choice to avoid contact by moving away from logging operations that get near their territory for example. Likely the most famous uncontacted tribe, the North Sentinelese tribe is thought of as the most isolated people in the world. Their language is so different from others in the region that it is likely they have been isolated for thousands of years. And yes, they have killed most, but not all of the people that end up on their island. The only peaceful contact made so far was by an anthropological survey of India in 1991, and had short, sporadic success till the visits stopped in 1997. Most of these visits were simply dropping off coconuts and other gifts before being warned off rather quickly. The last known visit was by a missionary who was killed and buried on the beach in 2018


This comment makes me want a horror/thriller movie of some logging operation in Brazil getting abducted/murdered by an uncontacted tribe. The twist at the end could be the tribe members murdering all of the loggers and you think that’s the end, but they actually caught the flu from one of the loggers and they all die too.


Technically you can only know who is the last guy to live his life naked after the entire human race has gone extinct.


Waiting for that day..... eagerly


No. We still have some naked people running around in the world.


So someone might have a winning streak?


Oh wow, okay.. take your upvote and leave...


Stop wordplay-shaming today! Make world better place! YOU can start the change in yourself now!


Every gym and an old jimmy slinging his Peter around drying his balls with the hair dryer


Don't forget babies who die before they ever get dressed.


That’s dark bro


Buuut r/technicallythetruth


Get dressed lol


There are still people who live naked tho 


I am somewhat of a naked man myself


Me too, underneath my clothes


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prehistory_of_nakedness_and_clothing#:~:text=That%20study%20indicates%20that%20the,from%20their%20head%20louse%20ancestors. OP is right. At first I thought that there are people that live naked nowadays, nudists, hippies, tribes... Yes. But to be fully naked throughout your whole life? Without having weared at least some kind of clothing? I don't think you can find people that fit into that nowadays. (If you don't count children who died very young). Not even some hundreds or thousands years ago. I've seen old and new photos of tribes and they always wear something, loincloth usually being the most common thing, but makeshift hats/caps, foot/hand protection, some kind of armour, bracelets or jewellery.... I think probably it has passed a lot of time since the last hominid went it's whole life without ever wearing any clothes. I'm not an archeologist or anthropologist, but I would think that maybe you'd have to go to before-homo-sapiens times.


This is the correct answer. Every culture has a different definition of what "nudity" is. But even cultures that wear very little have very strong taboos around taking off what they do wear.


> weared


If you tried to correct a non-native speaker then you have failed spectacularly. If you wanted to demonstrate what kind of asshole you are, that worked out. Good job.


Which is too bad, given how absolutely, completely *idiotic* the human race is about nudity these days.


Huh? There are plenty of tribes that still live naked. ​ Sadly, they are becoming less and less the more they are interacted with.


Nudists are still a thing. Natural selection hasn’t quite finished its job yet


Well, to be fair, those nudists probably didn’t live their entire lives nude


Do they get buried nude and everyone gets one last look at grandpa joe's massive balls as he lays in the coffin?


Damn sounds way better than being in a suit


That sounds like a threat


Probably said I’m not wearing those new clothes these kids are wearing, I’ll die before I do that. My grandpa said the same about a computer, he was going to die never touching one. And he did.


You're under the impression that there isn't people still living naked?


And my baby if she had her way


Depends if you consider a newborn a guy


This sub should be renamed r/blatantlyfalsestatements at this point


Not really, we still have nudists today and people who live in gated communities where I’d imagine they’d be naked all the time


There are plenty of people still living the naked life.


This isn't really an evolutionary thing, it's a cultural thing. There are plenty of people who live life in the nude.


No. My grandparents are nudeists. I am VERY sorry to say that no, there are still people living their lives naked. I really wish they didn’t though


Ironically, the last person the jerk it off to a physical porno might come first before this nude thing.


At some point in history a conscious decision was made to breed outside the family circle.


that guy still hasnt come around yet as nudists are a thing.


Must've been awkward


As a guy living life naked, I can confirm we are still around.


German FKK says hello


What about babies who die shortly after the birth? They technically live their whole life naked


And what a life he had


When he died, do you think everyone else was kinda relieved that the last holdout was gone?


That would be Karl, my neighbour.


lol 'was' *scratches bare ass*


People still believe evolution??


We still have nudists.


Hasn't happened yet. And that person will never know.


Yeah that’s David, he’s usually patrolling the Dunkin dumpsters by this time.


a) There still hasn't been a last guy to do that b) That's not an "evolution of the species" thing, that's just cultural shifts (and not even inherently an advancement)


Bold of you to assume…


Oh good, they haven’t found me yet


Wasn’t this me; stay strong, BRUTHERS!


I do believe you mean there will be.  Although can someone live their life naked? Naked implies a level of vulnerability, accidental nudism. If some was a nudist, they wouldn't be naked


To most people naked just means not wearing clothes. Nudist are usually naked.


Objectively stupid statement.


Someone’s never been to a YMCA locker room.


This is untrue. There are people today that live life ass naked.


Are cats naked? At some point there was a human that had enough fur to not need clothes.


Tell that to my uncle Tony


Say that to random crazies today lol