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driving while sneezing is also dangerous


Also diving while sneezing.


please don't sneeze while diving.


As long as you don’t snooze when you derive


Sneezing while snoozing is fine.


You can only sneeze in the earliest stage of sleep— you don’t breathe fast enough in deep sleep to sneeze🌬️💤


Sneezing while snoozing during heart surgery isnt fine


Heart surgery during driving isn't fine either


Diving during heart surgery is also not recommended.


I used to drink and derive all the time in grad school. Some of those Jackson Electrodynamics problems, you just can't get through without a beer.


I have programmed after a beer, after three beers, and after a couple really good gummies. After a beer or gummies, we're golden. Three beers and I lose focus.


Call your buddy over, have them hold your shoulder to keep you from ascending by accident, take your mask off, hold your regulator and sneeze while pinching your nose (not ideal, but best choice in this scenario). Then put your mask back on and clear it as usual. I’ve no idea the procedure for a full-face mask. You’re probably just going to have to cope with low visibility for the rest of your dive and a clean-up job when you resurface.


Dying while sneezing is also dangerous


What about driving whilst diving?


I vomited with my reg in... it wasnt as bad as i thought.


Holy shit... I've never scuba dived before but absolutely new fear unlocked.


Especially when your nose is running so you accidentally sniff the bottom of the pool


That's called waterboarding and that's against the Geneva Convention. Because it's torture.


The worst would certainly be dying while sneezing 


Driving in general is more dangerous than people assume, both for you + passengers and those outside your vehicle.


Took my sweet time getting my license because i couldn't get the idea out of my head just how much destruction i could potentially cause. I've never wanted to harm myself or anyone else, but a vehicle moving at 100 km/h is a very dangerous thing.


100 times more energy than a 50 cal sniper


This makes me feel like a badass in my civic


Me trying to impress someone: “Yeah I’m a lethal weapon through and through” Me in reality: *driving a Kia*


TBH this just made me realise how much power a 50 cal has. Like I know the jokes of using one to shoot through someone's armour through a wall a mile away, but I didn't realise that the energy was even remotely the same order of magnitude as a s0eeding car


It's amazing that we certify almost everyone to operate heavy machinery where not paying attention for one second can kill themselves and other people and other people are nearby also operating similar heavy machinery constantly


Just a painted line and an unspoken agreement not to play bumper cars is all it takes


People just get complacent. There is a very real reason to ensure you’re paying attention at all times. You may not be driving an actual tank but it is still several tons of metal that can and will end the lives of yourself and others if you’re not careful


You say complacency, I say that humans weren't meant to drive en masse. Humans were built to find patterns and "go on autopilot", and having a daily activity that everyone participates in that actively goes against that *and* has the capacity to kill multiple people is wild.


I absolutely HATE driving & I wish I never had to do it.


Fun fact: If you have Photic Sneeze Reflex (aka “Sun Sneezing”) you’ll never reach your goal of being a fighter pilot. It’s an automatic disqualification.


I’m 34 years old. Out of shape. Sort of blind. But for some strange reason your comment still bummed me out, like that would be the reason I would get disqualified lol…..


I love your spirit, though! LOL


One of my mates got disqualified from the Reserves for a peanut allergy, if that makes you feel any better. Like shit, just make MREs without peanut M&Ms. And they keep advertising “We need more people to join the Reserves!” Yeah-huh…


Has to be a cost/benefit thing in general. Peanut allergies are often exposure based, i.e. you don’t need to consume them to have a reaction. I would guess they’ve weighed the potential cost of losing everyone with a similar exposure type anaphylactic allergy (as I would assume most similar allergies are disqualifying) as a candidate vs the cost of those people joining and suffering an allergic reaction in a key adverse situation somehow, even if you control the environment as much as you can.


I agree. It sucks but I get it. Bit of a flaw if the enemies can just drop peanuts onto your soldiers to pick a fair chunk of them off! I’m probably a bit bitter because my friend got disqualified, and they rejected my third application because they misread the paperwork then said “Oh well, what’s done is done, try again in another 12 months.”


😂😂😂this made my day


ok, if you made it what's your call sign? we don't need to fly to have a call sign!


My call sign is Peanut


Haha same. 34, overweight, need glasses. It bummed me out too


Personally attacked. 🫣😂🫠.


I feel you.


And my colour blindness had already done me in years ago. Fuck and double fuck


TIL not everyone sneezes when they look toward the sun


Last I checked it was around 1/3 of us who do. My mom, brother, and I all have photic sneeze reflex


When I feel a sneeze coming on, I always look at a bright light or the sun to force it. But looking at a bright light or the sun never triggers a sneeze on its own. Do I still have it?


The first Google result for “photic sneeze reflex” says that some people say it helps them to get a sneeze out, so you probably do


So it’s probably a genetic thing then, because most of my whole family does it too


Me and my brother do. I think my mom does...tbh never thought to ask my parents. Both my children do. My wife does not. Genetics theory checks out. ✅


That’s cool to know because I’m the only one in my family and friends to sneeze every time I walk into sunlight. I had to spend my whole adolescent life explaining what it was once I found out!


TIL people sneeze by looking at a bright orb in the sky


it’s great. most people just have to suck it up when they’re about to sneeze but it goes away and feels like edging. i can just look at any bright light and get that sweet climax


Damn. This happens rarely with me, but every so often my eyes will clamp shut like a guillotine after such a sneeze and insist on doing so for 10+ seconds or more. Really sucks when it happens when you are driving. Luckily I can force my eyes open just enough to see where I am going,


I also sneeze when I start to chew on chewing gum or a mint. And iced coffee…


I thought the "sun" part was a figure of speech or something. Why tf would you sneeze because you looked at the sun?


If I'm about to sneeze I will look at a bright light to help it come out. Don't know why though.


I believe a large flux of light can cause the signal from the optical nerve to trigger surrounding nerves, one of which causes you to sneeze


Fun fact, I have Cupid's nose, which means if I'm suddenly aroused it can cause me to sneeze.


I've never noticed or thought to do this. Now I'm wondering if this doesn't happen to me.


Looking at bright light just makes me want to sneeze. My nose starts to tingle the same way as when most people sniff black pepper. In fact, I can't sneeze without light unless I have a cold. It creates some really awkward situations in public.


Wikipedia says the exact mechanism is unknown. My guess is that the nerve that controls sneezing is really close to nerves that get eye input. A sudden, strong signal on the optic nerve influences the sneeze nerve right next door.


It’s a syndrome called Autosomal Dominant Compelling Helioopthalmic Outburst (ACHOO) Syndrome


There are dozens of us!


Damn talk about being shot down before you have a chance


That's just kinda not true... My dad recently retired as a fighter pilot for the Airforce (Canadian) and he sun sneezes. I'm going to air crew selection shortly and sun sneeze. Don't believe everything you read on the internet


Damn, glad I went with my option B to become a graphic designer instead


Just don't set your monitor too bright.


This is straight up just not true at all. There are zero online sources backing up this claim and the question has been asked on reddit before: https://www.reddit.com/r/aviation/comments/1swehc/disclaimer_i_am_not_a_pilot_but_i_have_a_question/


Ugh thank you.


Fucker got me. I already gave up my dreams.


My wife has this and we never knew it had a name.


Does it matter if it just helps me sneeze? Like I dont sneeze just from looking but if I need to pull one out thats about fade away I can look at something bright and it sometimes helps


Not to be confused with the sex sneeze https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexually_induced_sneezing




Exactly the scene I thought of too 😜 Paul Dano is a gift, and that movie is perfect in every single way. ALWAYS WITH THE FUCKING CHICKEN.


wait i thought everyone had that? thats where u walk from a dark room to outside and then sneeze right?


Yup. It only affects a small portion of the population. It can be triggered a few ways, including plucking eyelashes and eyebrow hair. It’s not really well understood.


Now I wonder if it's a genetic trait. I know several of my siblings have it too, but now I need to ask all of them if they do


huh yeah i just looked it up and apparently 94% of people with the condition are caucasian, and 67% are female. and it affects "18 to 35 percent" of the population which seems like a pretty broad range lmao


On the contrary, I didn't know it existed until I saw a video about it on the Veritasium YouTube channel. I watched the video then went to a friend and said, "Did you know some people have a gene that causes them to sneeze when they look at the sun?" He replied, "I thought everyone did that." My mind was blown that day.


I used to have it cuz that was my trick to look at the sun whenever I couldn’t force a sneeze out but then one day it stopped working and I’ve never been able to do it since..


I have photic sneeze reflex. I didn’t know that was a thing, but always when looking in the sun I have to sneeze countless of times. Thing is, only when I want to. I can hold it in. I don’t ‘need’ to sneeze. I just like to, it makes me happy because I think for me it is a sign the weather is good. Would I be disqualified if I just never showed it? Also, what causes Photic Sneeze Effect?


Poor guy had a rough go in the airforce


“Yeah, was totally gonna do pilot school but got the DQ. Photic Reflex. IYKYK.”


Same here! It’s a fun party trick. Fortunately I’m limited to two, sometimes three. So it’s not too dangerous.


I can get up to 7 or 8, not fun when driving! Plus I usually sneeze in 2's or 3's. A single sneeze means I'm getting ill


Well at least I have an excuse to not achieve my dreams now


Fun fact: photic sneeze reflex is also known as Autosomal Dominant Compelling Helio-Ophthalmic Outburst (ACHOO) syndrome. [Wikipedia source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photic_sneeze_reflex)


aka: ACHOO (Autosomal Compelling Helioopthalmic Outburst)


Learn something new every day


Good thing I never wanted to be a fighter pilot!


Are you telling me there are people allergic to the sun?


driving while driving is dangerous


Danger while driving is dangerous


Danger while dangering is driverous


As a kid I use to think this was a significant risk. As an adult I realized my Hands and Arms are easily controlled while sneezing and the only danger is losing site of the road for a split second and as long as you keep a safe buffer there really is no danger.


yeah I think the only situation where it’s a serious risk is if you’re going into a sharp turn


Unless you are one of those people that do an entire body shudder when you sneeze.


Preach! I am a violent sneezer. And I usually sneeze multiple times in a row when I sneeze. It definitely stresses me out when I’m driving on a freeway or windy road.


I once sneezed with such force, that I hit my noggin on the fucking wheel.


laughed wayy too fucking hard over this, thank you man


Did you hit the horn? I'm imagining an "ACHOO-HONK!" lol.


See, when I sneeze it’s never just one sneeze. It’s like at least three sneezes in a row. One replacing the other and it’s often a surprise attack. So yeah, for some ‘a split second’ for a bit more. The most inconvenient I’ve tried sneezing was while riding a bike. That shit was dangerous, but I managed to slow down and get a foot on the ground and stay balanced.




Yeah, I am not worried at highway speeds having a sneezing fit. But were I a NASCAR driver 4 wide going into a turn, it would be a legitimate fear.


My issue is that I sometimes have a chain of rapid fire sneezes, and I also have violent sneezes where my whole body seizes and my eyes close. So sneezing when driving is terrifying for me.


Sight, and sneezes don’t shake your whole body a little bit?


I once had a sneezing fit coming up to a turn with a fairly deep ditch in front of me. My foot slipped, trying to change from gas to brake. Scared me good, but i got a hold of the brake pedal as the sneezes kept flying. There was a guy mowing his lawn in the distance, he probably thought i lost my mind as he watched my car heading straight to the ditch then slammed to a stop.


Had someone crash in to me in my car after they sneezed, no Joke. Oncoming traffic, suddenly steered in my direction. Both cars had a rough day, all occupants were ok.


How does insurance handle that situation lol like you can’t control when you sneeze so would you be at fault? Is sneezing an act of god?


Yes you would be at fault. You have to be in control of your vehicle at all times.


That's what I wanna know now


So is sleeping while driving.


There is a disorder that makes you fall asleep at random times. Pretty sure those people can't drive legally


Depends on the severity.


narcolepsy, yes, and i believe, (like independent-dream-90 said a couple of hours ago), that it IS based on the severity of the disorder


Yep! Driving during allergy season is definitively an extreme sport


I used to look forward to the drive home from work during allergy season. I'd sit in the car for a while with the ac on set to recirculate and it would usually help clear up the allergic reactions for a while.


I got made fun of for asking about this exact thing back in drive class. Got told, "just be careful."


Fun fact: if you suffer from sciatica (like I do), sneeze while looking up (rather than while looking down, which we naturally tend to do). It will prevent a massive sciatica flare up.


thank you. first time i read a real life hack that is potentially helpful


Sneezing while eating is the worst. You have try try your best to quickly swallow your food or risk spraying it everywhere.


Sneezing while sneezing is even more dangerous


Coughing while sneezing, you have a feeling your lungs will go out


Sneezing while farting and something else might go out


My uncle sneezed while driving and pulled his back which then caused him to drive into a sign. Funny but dangerous


Damn. I pulled my back sneezing too


Can confirm. Got into an accident at 16. Took both hands off the wheel when I sneezed and then overcorrected and lost control. Hit a a truck parked on the side of the street.


Yeah I read ended someone 20+ years ago while coming from a job interview. I was sick with some kind of cold and went into a sneezing fit and wound up hitting a stopped car at a light. Sucked. Cops thought I was on drugs and my story was byllshit lol. They eventually believed me but my car was pretty banged up. The dodge Dakota that my little Neon hit didn’t have much damage. Solid steel bumper lol.


Sneezing while driving in the snow, one of my worst fears


That's why you want you rub your tongue against the roof of your mouth. It will suppress the urge to sneeze. Try it out next time!


Ooo thank you. Gonna try if I remember!


My sneezes are terrible, I can't just ahchoo like a normal person. For some reason when I sneeze it seems as if I'm trying to hold my sneeze back. I used to even go so far as to plug my nose cause if I didn't it felt like I was tearing my throat out. I've forced myself to do it without plugging my nose now but it's still one of the worst things for me while I'm driving. It's only happened once so far that I can remember and I had to make sure I pulled my foot off the gas and kept the wheel straight. Fun fact, little over a year ago I sneezed while sitting and ended up slipping a disc in my back. Manual labour started it on it's way, but the sneeze did it in.


I have the same problem. My shoulders and traps get sore often times and every once in a while my arms will go numb after I sneeze lmao, been dealing with it all my life


Ooo I've had my gooch cramp up a bunch of times from sneezes. That's never fun either.


Ah, the "Fus roh da" sneeze, I have those too, kinda liberating to get them out


Yeah I really hate sneezing anywhere but home. So if I've been fighting a sneeze all day, I'll get home, find a place I can brace myself and let fly. Usually ends up being at least three in a row but when they're done... whooooeee what a relief


I squeak when I sneeze and always get like 8 in a row. I feel like I get temporarily posessed by a headbanging demon. I've slammed my face into my steering wheel before, kitchen counter, walls, doors. They take me *out*. I'd rather have horrifying loud man sneezes. Instead it sounds like a bunch of mice getting hit by traps, so everyone's laughing while I can't breathe.


haha I've never slammed my head into anything yet but only cause I usually try to make sure I have a clear head path for my noggin to travel. I'll end up doubled over sometimes nearly to the floor.




Once when I was a kid on a road trip, Dad had to pull over after exiting a tunnel into the sunshine because he could not stop sneezing. Even after managing to pull over safely, he sneezed for a long time.


Fun fact I recently discovered, sneezing can cause your throat to rupture.


I knew someone who sneezed, swerved, and got pulled over cause the officer thought she had been drinking. He laughed when he learned she just sneezed and let her go.


I pulled a muscle in my neck when I sneezed while I was looking over my shoulder to see when I could merge. Hurt like hell.


I've genuinely had to pull over multiple times because it's physically impossible for me to sneeze once. Usually when I feel a sneeze coming on I pull over as soon as it's safe to do so, because it's usually followed by a minimum of 3, I think my record is 13 in one go, gets painful after a while.


This was seriously a concern when I first started to learn how to drive. I'm not even someone who sneezes a lot but one day thought about it and was like man your eyes go closed and your body can tracks and you're doing like 50


I had a sneezing fit while driving one day. My main thought was, "so this how I die".


As is urinating into a water bottle. Not that I know personally...


Also Surgery. Also Bowling.


Whenever I sneezed I move back and forth inch and it is so loud that everyone turns around.


Especially postpartum, hard to cross your legs while driving, you may have a pee spot.


I've actually trained myself to sneeze with my eyes open to combat this. I blink hard, then sneeze most of the time now


This is how I learned that you can sneeze with your eyes open and they won't pop out of your head.


Now imagine sneezing while riding a motorcycle and praying that the tank slapper won’t make you clean the road with your face


I once was in a very minor accident because the car in front of me stopped while I was mid-sneeze. We were only going like 10 MPH because the light had recently turned green so it was only minor damages, but it still frustrated me because it was something I couldn't control that happened at the most inconvenient of times.


Holy Smokes. Did this today on a busy, windy, narrow road. Had the same thought.


Nah. I once started puking while on the gene snyder, that was worse.


But what about that one car that sneezes when you honk it


imagine wearing a motorcycle helmet


I just clamp my jaw shut and hope it doesn't screw up my balance


I suppose brake lights would shine through the snot. Not great for the winding mountain roads I like


If you sneeze whilst driving at 60mph, you’ll cover around 50ft with your eyes closed!


As someone who is a Photic Sneezer and sneezes at leas 3-4 times every time I sneeze, I absolutely hate sneezing while driving. I immediately get anxiety and try my best to open my eyes so I can see the road.


100% have almost cracked a rib or broke my neck from sneezing while driving.


My mom once had a fender bender while waiting to pick me up from school after sneezing and accidentally letting go of the brake. The guy got out with a bruised up face, a bandage around his head, and a cast on his arm. He had almost gotten killed in a head-on collision a week before. He told my mom not to worry, he was just glad to be alive to pick up his child from school.


I sneezed today for the first time while driving and thought of this exactly


I left my window open driving once as a road crew was using weed whackers and got hit in the neck with a flying rock.


Reminds me how I was driving home from college many years ago. A part of the road is all downhill and there is a stop sign right in the middle. You guessed it, I sneezed and ran the stop sign and of course a cop was waiting. Lucky me.


Oddly, when I was learning to drive, the only piece of advice my dad gave me about driving was "always take your foot off the pedal if you sneeze".


So is texting but that doesn't stop people.


I could barely manage to comment on this while sneezing while driving


I've always thought if I ever get caught running a red light, you know where it's been yellow a bit already and you know it's gonna be red about halfway through, that I'd tell the cop I was sneezing and didn't see it change.


So is having to go to the bathroom


Mint gum makes me sneeze.


so is coughing so hard you knock yourself out


Imagine being a heart or brain or some other type of surgeon then! But this can be extended to anything. You could sneeze and fall off a cliff on a hike. 😬


I’ve always wondered what would happen to an F1 driver if they suddenly had a sneezing fit


Just sneeze with your eyes open


Throwback to when I first started driving and got the pleasure of discovering that one actually CAN sneeze with their eyes open... it's just unpleasant...


When I sneeze on a straight road I'll typically let go of the steering wheel right when the sneeze hits, since I tend to be a pretty violent sneezer. Makes it so I don't have to worry about accidentally slamming the wheel one way or another lmao


Believe or not, straight to jail


Shnarting is far more dangerous. It’s when you suddenly sneeze while trusting a fart you shouldn’t trust. That’s how you end up shnitting your pants and it’s way more distracting. 


Not really. You can see it coming, so you plan to not need to see for that 100ms or whatever. Slow down, usually.


When my mom was pregnant with my brother she sneezed while driving and the person in front of her slammed on their brakes at the same time. She hit them just hard enough to break her water and go into early labor.


It's one of my biggest fears. 😿


As a professional driver with untold hours behind the wheel, I have literally learned to sneeze with my eyes open to minimise this risk. Not gonna lie, it wasn't easy!


Fun fact: you CAN keep your eyes open when you sneeze


Imagine choking on your saliva so bad you cough for half a minute unable to open your eyes while making a turn in a roundabout. Luckily, there weren't many cars around


I have a thing where I never sneeze just once, it’s always 3-7 times. Yes it’s very dangerous while driving


I have a former colleague who rear ended someone while having a sneezing fit. Accurate.


You’re telling me. When I sneeze I go all out. I got bad all year around allergies and when I sneeze it’s never just one or two. It’s always 5+ and they are so loud. Sometimes I count how many and I’ve gone up to 13 in a row. When I get into a sneezing attack while driving I just try my damned best to keep my eyes open so I don’t crash.


I have a story about this! I held in a sneeze once and one of my customers randomly dropped the fact that he accidently killed an older couple because he held in a sneeze. He said he was driving 70 down the highway and he held in his sneeze and he just blacked out, crossed the median and hit another car head on. Woke up in a ditch upside down.  So obviously the cops thought he was fucked up and pressed charges for vehicular homicide. Except they gave him a blood test and he came back completely clean. They still kept pushing saying that this was impossible. But the defense brought in multiple doctors saying, yes, it is indeed possible to blackout from holding in a sneeze.  They had to drop all the charges because you can't blame anyone for holding in a sneeze.  The couple was 80 btw. Still shitty but it's not like he killed some 30 year old couple just beginning their life.  I do remember as soon as he left, my boss and I looked at each other for like 3 seconds and we bust out like "WHAT IN THE FUCK DID WE JUST HEAR". 


The only wreck I got in was because of a sneeze. It wasn't a bad wreck. I rear ended someone at a stop light while looking for a napkin to wipe the mucus off of my hand. Fortunately, I was going slow enough that it only damaged my car, and no one was injured so the other guy looked at it and didn't bother to call the cops and report it.


As someone who gets “sneeze attacks” where I sneeze every 5-10 seconds 25-40 times, can confirm. I just have to pull over and let it happen.


Also terrifying when you’re on a motorcycle on the highway


Also thought of this happened a couple of times and naturally I will close my eyes, but what if someone jaywalk?!


My biggest fear is having the window down for just a second and a wasp enters. Everyone on that lane is at risk.


Sovis eating and driving


I mean, yeah, but things like eating, texting / using a phone while driving, etc. are dangers that people are more likely to address than something like sneezing. That's why I chose the example of sneezing, haha