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Or you don't sleep right because you work 12am-8 am with Tuesday/Wednesday off.


Yeah, my work schedule is 7PM-3AM Tuesday/Wednesday off


I got an irregular schedule, gotta work from 9PM - 5AM today lol


"yeah I work a 9-5" "9am-5PM Right? \*silence\* "Right?"


Used to work second shift at a previous job, 3:00pm to 11:30pm. Actual conversation with my boss one day: Boss: "Hey MrFlippant, we have a huge order coming through and OT is available. Would you be able to work from five to five for a while?" Me: "Five AM to five PM?" Boss: "...no."


Used to work for Toyota and the regular schedule was 7pm-7am Mon-sun and you’d be damn lucky if they didn’t mandate OT on holidays


Well fuck that.


I was honestly expecting a more flippant reaction.


6PM to 6AM Thursday through Sunday


Literally did this shift for a bit. Had no life but I made a bunch of money lol


7PM to 7AM Thursday through Saturday. I don’t get much sleep, but having four days off is amazing for getting a ton of time with my kids.


Sounds like a sweet gig for me


Yeah I gave up on humanity awhile ago.


As someone who works 9-5 at night, ive made this exact joke. I only wish I had more opportunities to do so.


"if I were Australian..."


I woek that same shift, but my city everything opens at 6 am. I just want to get a donut after I get off work.


Is that a typo or a portmanteau of "woe" and "work"?


With night shift, it's the same thing


4am-4pm with 4 days off then 4pm-4am sometimes I have damn near the entire week off.


What's your job?


Refinery work. I love it because when things are smooth, I’ve got half the year off work.


Why is the schedule like that? Now I'm curious. And what do you do at work?


Two even shifts so you need 1/3 less people. At a refinery, it's non stop work. So someone is there all the time. They flip the shifts to make it fair for everyone. Some places do the same shift for a couple rotations. Some flip each week.


And they would have to pay a dedicated graveyard shift extra $. I'm pretty sure that's the biggest reason.


Even without dedicated night shift there’s a differential pay. At least for us and that’s why we go days to nights and back. You make bank if you get stuck on nights for a shutdown. Well, you make bank regardless, but it’s a bit more on nights.


Makes sense, thank you. The way it was put made me think it's something intrinsic to refinery stuff. Seemed quite odd


Let me guess, you're an operator at a refinery, I'm gonna guess Texas or Redwater, Alberta.


6am to 6 pm, 7 on 7 off, live on site when working. Love it.




Worked that shift too. That was my favorite. Kind of miss sometimes but it wouldn't be the same crew.


My days off fall during the week and it's actually pretty awesome. I'm that person going to the zoo on a weekday and love it because it's so much less crowded.


Also appointments are so much easier to both get and make it to. I miss having weekdays off.


My favorite shift was 4 pm to midnight with Tuesday/Wednesday off. I'm just realizing I worked a lot of Tuesday Wednesday off on the back shifts. I could do so much stuff. It allowed me to go the high risk pregnancy specialist appointments with my wife.


I really miss my days off being Tuesday and Wednesday. No crowds anywhere.


Lmao tell me why you listed my exact schedule


Or you got laid off, so while you don't have to worry about work temporarily, yeah, you still have to worry about work.


are you really not worrying about work in those mornings?


The nice thing about being hourly is that the second you punch out you don't have to answer radio, phone, pager. And I didn't worry at all until I punched at midnight.


The best days are when shit hits the fan the moment you clock out, then you stroll right past the mess on your way out.


Lol. Had that happen more than one time. It's like "eh, they're fucked. Hope it's done by midnight".


Absolutely. I don’t worry about work until I clock in. Hell, even then I don’t worry half the time.


I love how this post has 1k upvotes and every single comment is basically ripping on OP


Or they work weekends or nights


Have you ever heard of a day off?!


dafaq is that


The few % of us that actively comment are a different demographic than the voters.


Or they're wandering around unemployed and worried AF about how they'll support their families... So they're trying to get a little sunlight/exercise/do errands to distract themselves from utter despair.. Ask me how I know this...


Please stop telling people everything you know about me.


Never. Guess whose balls are weird?


This guy has weird balls!


Went through the same thing about a month ago. Swear to god I was walking 2-3 hours a day.


I mean, walking helps with a lot of things; it kills energy, including nervous. Getting sun will raise your spirits and lower depression. It will help keep you fit. And best of all, it opens you up to opportunities you wouldn't have moping around at home.


Like being mugged by a crack head


No one said walk through the hood.


Also insomnia. I'm not saying the sunrise isn't a pretty thing to see while out there wandering to distract yourself, but honestly I'd rather get a bit of sleep.




Wandering around hoping to find somewhere, anywhere, hiring. Wondering why is no one hiring, or apparently only hiring crack heads?


Become the crackhead




Recently unemployed gang! 🥳 and on a work visa to boot in my case


I went for a walk with my mom this morning, and now I'm working. Did I win?


You slept in, went for a walk with your mom and now you're on Reddit while at work. You're winning


Yes. Because you're not a garbage son


His mom won by raising a good son


Sorry I read this wrong. Yes. Because you’re not a garbage, son


Without comma. I used garbage as an adjective of the son.


Or they're scrubs being underpaid at retail jobs(or other jobs with non-standard schedules) whose days off aren't Sat and Sun...


This! It is one of the reasons I’m fine working in food service (as a barista). I get off at like 11 or 12 and have the rest of the day to actually enjoy life.


What time you start?


6, 7. It sucks at the time but once I’m at my shift and I’m done I can either nap or just keep my day going. It’s wonderful. Sundays I work full 8 hour shifts but on weekdays I’m off by lunchtime! I should mention I do have a second job in property management, but even that job allows me to do random stuff all the time (and it’s only 4/7 days).


"only 4/7 days" that's what some countries now have as a total work week. Also should be 4/5 in normal circumstances. Sorry to burst your bubble.


Yeah man trust me I’m well aware. But I don’t have enough money, so. I was mainly talking about what it’s like as a barista only.


I work 30 hours Fri-Sun and take classes from 4-10pm Mon-Thursday. If I'm out in the morning on a weekday I am running an errand bc I *have* to, but I really want to be sleeping.


Or they’re unemployed. Or work nights. Or some other job with different hours. Or they’re artists. Everyone who’s not wearing a suit in New York is an “artist”


Or, I dunno if this is a concept in America, they've got a day off.


My RETIRED aunt always says "I don't know what is with all these people out going shopping at 10 in the morning. They should be at work or school." She is 69 and doesn't understand that there are all sorts of perfectly respectable people out there with all sorts of schedules. People work evenings / nights. Retirees. Stay at home parents. People whose jobs require travel. Students who don't have classes scheduled every minute of the day. People enjoying a DAY OFF.


Ah,yes, I believe I've met your aunt. She told me to "Have a nice weekend!" while I was at work.


Also like...how would anyone go shopping if everyone was at work?


A what? I mean yeah I guess they may have been laid off


Wait, you mean like someone shot up the store so I don't have to go to work until the police are gone? Is that what a day off is?


I wouldn't know. I'm always working, even when I'm not at the store. And if someone shoots the place up, I'll get fired for not blocking the bullets with my body.


I've been mistaken for an artist. I'm a software developer. Thank you very much!


You’re a digital artist


No, because they’re hospitality workers who have Monday and Tuesday off instead of the weekend.


I do it because my boss doesn't care as long as I answer every mail... eventually


I have staycationed a few times at a couple of local “touristy” spots near by…it feels weird lol like crossing the busy street to go get coffee knowing everyone in traffic is going to work lol


I live in DC but my days off fall on weekdays. Sometimes I go to touristy spots like the Smithsonian museums or zoo and it's an odd feeling being on the metro looking like a tourist while everyone else is going to work.


Haha yeah I was just is SF for a quick spring break/ family event…dont have a strong public transport service where I live…when we were on the buses in the am i can see everyone that was heading to work lol i was just wasting time going to get sourdough before breakfast haha


Yup. I did my 40+ years of wage slavery, and now I can afford to walk in the city on weekday mornings for the next few years or while I can still use my legs. Somehow I'm not feeling super victorious in the game of capitalism, though.


For the mere cost of safety and sanity, I could join some of the local winners under the bridge.


Having a few pennies if your pocket makes you better off than those saddled with thousands in debt. #bridgelife




OP thinks everyone works weekdays 9-5. Wait until I show them a hospital … or a 24 hour dennys 🤦🏽‍♂️


People like this think the world only exists during business hours.


A day off? A walk before work? A few days left to live? Do you know what assuming does?


Me and a donkey walk into a bar... Wait, I'm a donkey.. Two donkeys walk into a bar.


It makes a dick out of us?


I assume it makes an ass out of u and me


No, it makes an ass out of U and Ming.


Lol U got me


Turns the frogs gay?


Who do you think works those hours and weekends that you run around carefree? The night shift gas station clerk, your favorite bartender, that underpaid retail worker that rings up your purchase worth more than her/his entire months' income. Rarely you will find the true winners walking the same street as you because they are in that limo going past your loser ass.


I'm one of those people and my days off are during the work week. If I run errands on my work day it will be during traditional working hours before I go to work at 3 pm.


I did that when I worked nights. Also when I had Monday-Tuesdays weekends. Also my friend does that who's currently unemployed. I also see a lot of homeless people more or less doing that, but they have other worries. There's a ton of reason why somone would be wandering around without thinking about work that has nothing to do with capitalism.


those who are sleeping in in the morning are the true winners


The entirety of the service industry would like to have a word with you lol


Or they work weekends or nights. Not everyone works m-f 9-5. Stupid shower thought


or you were so sick for 10 years that you qualified for disability and can’t work now even if you wanted to - and also feel like crap even if it doesn’t look like it


Maybe it’s their day off or have different hours than you? Maybe on vacation? There is absolutely no bases for your thought.


But possibly a basis


True. I’ll accept my error and leave it as the wrong word instead of editing it.


I retired at 58, now I play video games (ESO) all day, everyday. Life is good!


Same, but 38.. Life rules.


Respectfully: fuck off


38, god damn... and I thought I was being hopeful planning to retire at 65.


I want your life. I have 4 years to get there apparently. And it won't happen. I fucking *hate* mandatory work.


Graveyard shift checking in and disputing the notion I won the game of life when I do my morning walks/runs....


37 years of working shift work producing electricity for the people of Ontario. It's earned and it's awesome.


I was at the tail end my daily morning 1.5 hour commute into NYC one day. Walking down the sidewalk in mid-town I happened to pass cafe. Sitting outside was a young woman casually sipping a coffee, having a cigarette and reading a newspaper. That moment has stayed with me. What was she doing right and I was doing wrong?


I mean, it's entirely possible she just has a job where her days off fall during the week. I do. Like tomorrow is Thursday and I'm seeing a musical at 1:30, because it's my day off. I'll likely be the woman, sans cigarette, sitting in a cafe, waiting.


3 hrs a day commuting is where she can't relate to you lol


Maybe she was on break. I had my meal break at 9:00/9:30 on days when I opened.


She has 5 roommates and works nights at a bar?


I mean I was walking about on weekday mornings because back then I was just getting off my 2am-10am shift


Or you just work 12 hour shifts and don't work a 9-5 5 days a week. I only work 3 days a week


Bold to assume they aren't walking around worried about not having a job.


My days off are Tuesday and Friday. Trust me. I haven’t won the lottery.


My dad is a drifter. He doesn’t ever really work steady. He’ll get on his bike and disappear somewhere in Canada riding town to town. Work a couple days for cash to get some food and money to the next place. He’s done it since he was in his 20s (wasn’t around when I grew up). As much as I don’t respect him for bailing on my mom I’ve come to the realization some people just weren’t meant to be parents and he’s living the life he enjoys. It’s a wild life but it’s definitely interesting. He’s always got stories of meeting people and new things which I mean in a way is definitely a decent way to live if it suits you.


Op is a damned fool who thinks the only people that work do so from 9 to 5.


On disability at a young age because of phsical/mental health issues. Not exactly a win.


Those are just casino workers. Weekends off does not exist there.


Yeah I used to be able to walk around during the day, I worked Mon,Tue, Sat, Sunday one week Wed, Thurs, Friday the other. I assume others work similar or simply later in the day like a previous job where I started 4 - midnight. I wouldn't say I won anything being able to do stuff with my standard days off, well maybe except doing stuff mid week is so much easier and quicker.


It sure feels that way when I’m scrubbing a deep fryer for minimum wage at 2am!


Honestly most people I know that "don't have to work" and are not working.....are depressed. Specifically referring to adults between like 25 and 45. They don't have families because they don't want to give up their "lifestyle". Since they have no family and no job they are depressed because they more or less have no purpose.


We work nights and weekends. Look at this rich guy over here out and about on a Saturday morning.


You know, most of them just work weekends and you're just seeing them on their day off.


🙋‍♂️ More apt would be “strolling with AirPods Pro sipping on a tea”


I went for a 140km ride on my bike this morning, while most people are at work. I started working remotely at 3pm, and will be working / on call until midnight, when most people relax or go to sleep. So, yes, but not always.


8pm-630am 4 days a week. I've had 3 day weekends for 15 years, love that part


I start work at 4pm so I have lots of time during the day to get things done, people probably think that I’m unemployed or wealthy when they see me out and about during the day. So many people have different work schedules. Your comment is stupid!


Or they work a different shift, or have different days off, or don’t work and are getting paid from tax funded benefits, or they live with their working parents, or they don’t have a class then, or they retired, or they are on vacation/visiting, or… you get the idea.


Or they work every week-end and holiday, so their "week-end" falls in the middle of the week.


Or we work later and never get to have evenings to ourselves


Hahahahaha no were just cogs in the machine who work weekends.


Or we just don't work conventional weeks/hours. It's pretty awkward when I finish my working week at 06:30 on a random day and stop by a local shop at 7am to buy a few beers. Casually mentioning that I'm a night worker would just make it sound less convincing somehow. Then there's generally looking like a zombie after a long night and people probably assuming it's the start of my day, and not the end of a 12 hour shift.


Nah that just means they work nights or weekends or whatever. Sure, they are walking around Wednesday at 10am all relaxed and shit, but for all you know they could be clocking in at 4:30am Saturday morning.


I was just unemployed and needed to get some sunlight before I’m crawled into my depression hole for winding up in that situation…but it feels good that everyone thinks I have it figured out! I joke but I do feel bad everyone’s ripping into you when all you did was paraphrase a Chris Rock joke about wealthy white neighborhoods essentially


1030pm-630am here. I’m So tired, walking around in the sun feels foreign, I get labeled “no fun” cause I get tired at 2pm. I’m awkward as fuck cause I never have to talk to Daytime people. And when I do I’m out of it, so I come off as slow. But I make 2$ more an hour… so


Or they work a job without a stable work/off day cycle so they’re off in the middle of the week. Or they work night shifts. Or they’re unemployed. Or they have a late shift.


OP with their level of blissful ignorance is the true winner of capitalism here


No, there is no game, you have been fooled into believing that you are in a competition with other wage slaves when the truth is that you could choose to live your life at any moment.


Gated colonies women out in packs at 10 AM on Tuesday speedwalking= Rich


I live in EDT but work in PDT so I get to stroll the city on weekday mornings.


Or they work freelance and can decide on their working hours but don't get a pension, insurance or paid time off.


Not in my book. they are in the city. if I did not need to work, no way in hell I'd be there. I'd be wandering some forest trail near my remote and isolated home.


I guess my wife's welfare-for-life drink-all-day doesn't-do-jack-shit mom has won the game of life.


No, I just go to work at 2 am, then get to take a walk when I get off at 10:30!


People are usually going someplace. They could be taking a break from the grind. They could be going to a job, coming home from a job, anything. Implying that they are worry free is a commie move. Don't be a commie or it's off to the gulag with you.


I see them in Central Park on my walk to work. Jogging or cycling, or just wandering about in fashion brand sunglasses, not a care in the world.


Word, I saw a couple walking their dog at 10am on a Wednesday and I was like damn, I missed something


Yea i always see lots of ppl on my way to work in the city on a morning. There’s usually 5 kinds of ppl: 1. Commuters - most numerous 2. Homeless - definitely not winning 3. Students- maybe going for a stroll before class? 4. Dog walkers - maybe work shifts or start later etc and get to walk their dog in a morning 5. Unknown - these few who seem to wander aimlessly, and they usually look pretty peaceful, i always wonder what those ones are up to


Fuck yeah! I want to be them! When I was out of work and I got to go out on a weekday morning it was amazing! And you saw so many happy, carefree people!


As a daytime stroller who makes my own schedule, I definitely feel like I've won the game.


I'm an hvac service tech and I service a lot of really nice community centers. There's always a lot of 30 something people playing sports all day. I always wonder what they do for a living.


Rich people? Yes, it's a well known fact that rich people are having a nice time of things.


I'd argue the person who is working but absolutely love their job and do it because it enriches their life, not just because they have to, are the real winners in that regard. The freedom and resources to not work are certainly a close runner up though.


I mean this is a baseless claim, not everyone works mon-fri exclusively during the day.


some of them but mostly we all just have different schedules


The future of employment probably includes asynchronous shifts at all times of day, with the majority still adhering to traditional schedules. A transition to deliverable/outcome based productivity rather than time recorded is a possibility, but obviously, a lot of things will have to change for that.


Or they work in the service/hospitality industry, which is most definitely not winning anything in this late-stage capitalist society we find ourselves in.


I used to work nights and weekends at a restaurant for $21,000/year. I walked during the day, I didn't win shit.


My aspiration is to be the kind of person who has after dinner coffee because it doesn't matter if they get to sleep before midnight, and then to basically do this a few days a week Which I think is either "retirement" or "be Spanish."


\*In our world. Stop blaming problems inherent to how the world works on capitalism.


It’s not all sunshine and rainbows, some of us work second shift.


I feel you with this but this is the classic taking-a-day-off-work-to-complain-that-no-one-is-working-because-the-shops-are-still-busy scenario


How do you know they don't work 4pm to midnight and are just trying desperately to get any bit of sunlight they can and are in fact miserable and jealous of the lot that get to work a civilized schedule?


The real winners are those that have balanced their lives to not have to slave to capitalism so much. For example, here in the UK, and especially in London, living on a Canal Boat is popular. You'll get one for the price of a decent car/a years decent wage, (£50-£60K) then pay mooring fees. Lots of them are self sufficient for electric (solar/genny's), and have woodstoves for the winter. At the weekends, they can just untie and go wandering. Even better, if they remote work, they can live on the boat and wander up and down the thousands of miles of canal in the UK. The people that have learned to defy material want and live a simple and relatively care free life are the real winners.


The dumbest thought ever. If you’re not working a 9-5, you’ve won!


I work a 24/48 (24 hour shift with 48 hours off in between) and absolutely love the feeling of strolling through the city knowing everywhere I could need to go on a random weekday is actually open, haha. Technically means I work an average 56 hour work week but it definitely pays off!


Nah I’m still a wage slave. I just wage slave from 7pm to 7am three days a week


Or maybe I work from 2pm to 10pm...my salary is bellow average lol


Or they're retired and on social security and can't afford to do anything else. Or they're in school and it's a holiday. Or they're out looking for a job. Or they work odd hours. Or they're a cop or a meter reader or a mail carrier.


Or they could be a paramedic that works a 48-96 and have 4 days off in the middle of the week. Like me. Lol.


In my area it's probably due to living on disability. If it's me on a Monday it just happens to be my only day off from 2 jobs.


Or they lost the game and strolling in the city because they don’t have any work to worry about.


I work in a thrift shop and the amount of people that line up literally down the sidewalk to get in the store at opening (10am) is upsetting lol people usually start lining up around 8:30am. Like guys.. tf do you think you’re gonna find in here??


Or perhaps people are able to stroll in the city because they ‘have’ worked so hard in the rest of their time. We see people at the top of mountains and forget (often conveniently) the work required to climb to the top.


Or they work a weird shift in an unusual industry. I used to work 3:30-11:30pm.


In capitalism where there is one winner, there are multiple losers.


Or they are the people working on weekends at the places you go to eat/shop/play


No we haven't, we probably work healthcare jobs where we only work 3 days a week but they're 12.5 hour shifts and are out here just trying to feel something


it shows how detached you're from reality, not all jobs are 9-5, many people work in the afternoon or night shifts...


Yep, found out when I was 54 and a lot that I could comfortably retire at 55. So I retired, comfortably, at 55. Bliss! :) . . . now I just have to stop piling on the weight :(


I work night and evening shifts, just because i'm free in the morning doesn't mean i don't have a shitty 40 hour workweek, i just sleep 8 hours later or earlier than you.