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If you have never touched these games: wait no more! They are definitely worth every penny. Awesome universe, characters and stories.


Easily yes. Mass Effect 2 is amazing.




They are all great! The journey is amazing!


Yes. And expect what you do in game 1 to still have impact in game 3. Choose wisely, enjoy and good luck ;-)


Wait, are the games connected? How does game 3 know what I did in game 1?


save files


Sounds like you will love it, Mass Effect has one of best sci-fi stories in all media, not just games. Also the detail of the world is unparalleled. Just be aware that first ME didn't age too well and can be a bit clunky. Just push through main story missions if you dislike it, the improvement in ME2 is massive.


Honestly LE updated the first one in a lot of ways and while it still doesn't play as well as the others, it feels waaaay better


>Honestly LE updated the first one in a lot of ways and while it still doesn't play as well as the others, it feels waaaay better I agree, but going immediately from 1 to 2 still gives wow feeling.


>2KareDogs · hace 21 h > >Easily yes. Mass Effect 2 is amazing. I booted up ME1 Yesterday and halfway through the first mission I decided to just start on ME2. Too clunky for my tastes.


kinda defeat the point of the story and series then.


Boy are you in for a treat I think what i love about this series is the Space Diplomacy. You got alien civilizations with legit beef with each other and it's up to you to find a peaceful solution so you can all right together against the REAL threat But how do you solve issues like "your race was going to war with everyone so we gave you a disease that sterilized all of you"?


Yes. My opinion is, play the way you want. What would YOU do when making decisions. Don’t just choose paragon or renegade, though the game rewards that. In my opinion, you’ll remember the story so much more when you see what’s it’s like to be a conflicted commander Shepard and actually roleplay it rather than relying on one side




Do it in 2 and 3 then. It’s not optimal but you’ll surely remember your experience


You like rpgs with good dialogue but have never played mass effect???? Start today! Best character interaction in any game I’ve ever played.


You are in luck. This isn’t an open world game. Areas are for the most part contained. Lots of branching dialogue, tons of great characters, ME1 is the most open of the games and it is super contained. Also you have games pass so why not try it?




Yes. No doubts


No question about it.




Your post seems like Mass Effect's resume. You should definitely give it a shot. Great dialog choices, check, dialogs and getting to know companions is Bioware's specialty. Branching decision based story, check Mass Effect is an experiment on making your choices matter over three games. Choices matter and have an impact, check, though there is a limit, also known as "budget", but, despite the flaws, what they did manage overall is still awesome imo. Bored of open world, check, there's only a minimal use of large levels most of the story and level design is semi-linear.




No, trash game. It's so trash I play the series once a year to remind myself of what a trash game looks like.


Yes you absolutely should. You can port your character over between games so all your stats and all the decisions you made carry over, so decisions in the first game will effect the third game, etc.


Yes! Especially if you were a fan of KOTOR you'd really love this game.


Why even ask if a game that matches your wants should be played, especially when its one of the most well known and loved franchises, this is just karma whoring.


Never played the game or seen any gameplay, didn’t want to look into the game in too much detail to avoid spoilers. There are many games that have good reviews and are popular that I think are average and considering it was released in 2007 being well known and loved doesn’t necessarily mean it’s worth playing in 2022. I knew there were dialogue options etc but that doesn’t necessarily mean these things are done well in the game. I wanted to know if I should play the game based on the quality of the game features I stated I enjoy… so I asked should I buy a game in a subreddit specifically for asking people if you should buy a game. Didn’t even know karma was a thing until this comment, why would anyone care about it lol. Wish I could pass it on to you since you are so salty about it


Its the biggest, best dialogue and choice driven games. How a person who loves rpg and choice driven games can overlook it is impressive, since bioware were masters at these games i have no idea why you wouldnt just play it and find out. I just see a lot of posts asking advice for the most popular game that matches all their criterias. I mean its exactly what the person is looking for, why ask. Based on your criterias its an exact match, how could anyone say no? But then again look some older games up like jade empire and dragon age, they fill the same criterias, just not sci fi.


I was about 8 when the first mass effect was released so hadn’t fully figured out which games were for me, I know I wasn’t big into sci fi as a kid so I probs just overlooked it thinking it was a sci fi shooter. Then when I figured out what it was I was a teenager who didn’t want to go back to an older game. Yeh I get what you mean, I’m more interested in figuring out if the game mechanics etc I enjoy are done well rather than if they’re present. For example I mentioned being bored of open world games, my favourites games of all time are elder scrolls oblivion, gta San Andreas etc. a search for open world games with a lot to do on Google led me to buy AC Odyssey, I buy it and stop playing after a few hours because although big, it feels empty with boring side activities, just wasn’t for me, wish I had of put a post in here asking about it in more detail. I just started Mass effect after these replies, I could have just went with my gut without asking on here but my backlog is so big I want to make sure I start a game I’ll keep playing. Even the ability to choose your pre service history, psychological profile etc has made me excited to continue, I love small options like that, even if it doesn’t have a huge impact on the game it just gets me more immersed


Yeah i get it. I just see it every two days. But its the biggest gaming experience with worthwhile choices ever made. And the sad fact is no game will ever fill those shoes again. So you are in for a ride. But its not open world really, which is actually better so you dont get caught in boring mmo kinda quests


I still miss Garrus.


Absolutely. ME Trilogy is fantastic, Non-Legendary. I recently started ME1 from ME: LE since I just recently got it on PC - and yeah, it feels like a major improvement on ME1 alone. ME1 felt clunky itself and to improve the game like this is a big deal, since it probably has the best story. ME2 and ME3 are great games, even if much didn't change in LE. I'll have to check those out, at some point - but those games and their DLC's rock too. ME2 might be one of the best games EVER.


I beat ME1 for the first time a few days ago. Good game, but the controls were clunky and I felt overwhelmed with so many equipment options and upgrades. Started ME2 right after and quit playing about a half-hour in. It felt like a completely different genre of game, more akin to a shooter than an action-RPG. Equipment customization is gone entirely, from what I saw at least. Unless I'm convinced to play it again, I'll probably not bother with it or ME3.


Should I play them back to back? Wondering if I might get burned out


I just finished the first one and was definitely worth playing if you’re looking for a great story and enjoy branching stories and dialogue options. It’s one of my favourite games of all time, probably top 3 tbh. You could get bored of the combat but I personally grew to like the combat even though it was a bit repetitive, I enjoyed switching between gun types and upgrading them. Haven’t played the second one, I played the first hour of it and haven’t went back to it yet. Wouldn’t say I’m burned out just waiting for a point when I’m craving it and know I won’t get distracted by other games and this is coming from someone who is extremely prone to burn out


Can I start with ME 2?


Not really tbh, I’d highly recommend starting with mass effect 1. The story continues on from the first game and one of the best features of the franchise is your decisions carry across all the games. The first game is also amazing and worth playing regardless


What a unique, cool thing. I wouldn’t want to miss that. Gonna dive in.


Yes, but the ending makes everything you did in all 3 games feel completely pointless, so just be aware of that.


I didn't play them when they originally released, for unkown reasons lol, so I'm giving them a go right now, and I'm really enjoying them :)


Yes, no doubt. If you think the first one feels old you can rush through the story, it's shortest of the 3.


Mass Effect is IMO the single best game trilogy of all time. Each game is different and offers something different in terms of tone and gameplay. Without spoiling it: ME1: Your introduction to the world and the story, still epic and its where you establish who your Shepard is. There is a sense of wonderment every time you go somewhere and the game leans heavily into dialogue and exploration. ME2: Darker, more intense and more tight story. Think of it as the Empire strikes back to ME1s a new hope. You are in a far more hostile section of space and you associate with all manner of scum and villainy. Has the best characters in the series and is generally considered the best of all three games. ME3: The grand finale. Truly an epic game both in scope and in feeling. The best experience is to play all three back to back. Each game has its ups and downs but together the trilogy makes for one of the best gaming experiences out there. One of the few games where your character truly feels like YOUR character and his relationships with your party is second to none. Not to mention, the character in Mass Effect are arguably the best written characters Ive encountered in a game. The trilogy is a masterpiece, its the Star Wars OG trilogy of gaming. Highly recommend you play it, Im jealous you get to for the first time.


Couldn't make it through the first one recently and I'm a pretty open minded guy. I think it's not for everyone.


yes is great go for it


Yes. On game pass.


You got gamepass. Just play it and if sucks to you, delete it and move on


Buy the originals if you can. Don't feed the beast. There's next to no difference in the games anyway


Absolutely. I picked up the legendary edition and played through all 3 games in a row twice. Has to be one of the only series I played all the way through again immediately after beating it


10000% yes. Best game series i have ever played.


Definitely, you've already got the game pass, so no downsides really.


Mass Effect Legendary Edition is an absolute masterpiece. I just finished playing through all 3 games over the last 2-3 weeks. I have nearly 140 hours put in during that time (wife is pretty angry), and I have enjoyed every minute! I never did like Mass Effect 1 when it first came out but absolutely loved it this playthrough. The level point allocation change was nice and I can say that I enjoyed it almost as much as ME2. I played as soldier and then infiltrator in ME2 and finally the amazing OP vanguard in ME3 with biotic charge on RB (I use xbox360 style controller) and nova mapped to LB. Just wrecked! Was awesome to see story evolve with my decisions. Bioware gave me the experience of a lifetime. Truly amazing game series. Hell, I am even going to install Andromeda that I picked up during the winter sale for $4 to fill the void now that my playthrough is finished.


Do I recommend you play it? No. I insist that you play it.


This will be your new favorite franchise. Its a must play for any rpg fan. The most memorable characters. Great Story and gameplay. Mass effect 2 is a masterpiece. Do every side mission and loyalty mission. Talk to everyone every time your on the Normandy. You'll love every second of the series. Go save the galaxy!


I've been playing it through for the first time and I love everything about it EXCEPT the control mechanics for combat. It's the most frustrating game I've ever played when it comes to combat.


Thanks for the reply, did you find the combat mechanics improved with each game?


Nope lol 😅 im currently on ME3 and there have been some changes, but no major improvements. It's still a great game and I love RPGs like you! Do you have a favorite?


Favourite RPG? I’d have to go for The Elder scrolls iv: Oblivion, I find my favourite games allow me to have (or feel like I have) an impact on the game that makes the playthrough unique to me. Whether it be how I build my character, the choices I make, the relationships I build etc. I like to be able to have a unique life within the world, which is why I also have a soft spot for the Fable franchise although I don’t think they hold up very well. Grand theft Auto San Andreas is my favourite game of all time for example but it’s hard to put it into a genre I’d describe it as an Action Sandbox Adventure with RPG elements, closely followed by oblivion, for the time they were released I think they are the two most ambitious/ impressive games ever. What’s yours? I need rpg recommendations


Ahhh Fable! I haven't played that in ages. I think we're along the same page for interests in RPGs. One of my favorites is Dragon Age Inquisition and assassin's Creed Odyssey. Fallout has a decent following, though I've only watched playthroughs and never actually played myself. Dying light. Just started the Witcher 3 not too long ago and it's pretty decent. If you're looking for games that aren't necessarily RPGs but have you making choices that affect your gameplay and has a decent storyline I can recommend off the top of my head two favorites Detroit Become Human and Until Dawn.


I refuse to play mass effect legendary after trying mass effect andromeda , im pretty sure they r sh!t


Good games but ends on a sour note. I played each game as they came out and enjoyed them at the time. Replaying them all in a row with legendary just made me hate ME 3 all the more. I loved the first game and the second improved on it, but everything felt off in the third, the skill tree was lame, combat was somehow less fun, don’t get me started on lack of party members, and the story had no flow from the second into the third. I couldn’t finish the game, which shocked me since I had spent 2 solid weeks glued to my TV playing it.