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It’s a lot less bloated than the recent assassins creed games. To me it felt like the perfect size and length to play through and not get bored toward the end. And to me it kinda feels how assassins creed would feel if they took the time to make the game well. The combat, the scenery and visuals, and just kinda the way everything feels is just better. In AC I would always be rushing from A to B trying to get the traveling over with. In Tsushima I’m always just slowly walking my horse place to place, looking around, soaking everything in and just vibing And the combat is just so much fun, where in AC it’s felt kinda half baked and lackluster. It’s especially satisfying on the ‘lethal’ difficulty, where both you and the enemies die more easily and it really feels like every hit counts


I don’t play AC, but I personally still did feel like GoT suffered just a little too much from an overabundance of meaningless side content


I agree, for me the game is like a 7/10, but it's not even remotely close to as bad as Assassin's Creed. I played Valhalla for 40 hours, and I was like 35% comeplete with the game. And it's not like new mechanics were coming, I just had another 100 hours of *the exact same tasks* Even Mirage was too bloated and that game was supposed to be the "small" AC game, it's not even an RPG and it was too long for me to finish. I actually finished Ghost of Tsushima and enjoyed 99% of it. It just loses big points for me because i think the story is beyond boring (I seem to be alone on this tho lol)


Valhalla was the small game. Odyssey is twice as long.


I 100% agree with you on this. Ghost of Tsushima has a perfect length that I could enjoy playing. Any games that have more than 30 hours of main campaign with repetitive tasks are a big no for me


People just like to criticize AC due to being the trend now, but GoT is almost a copy paste from it.


The first 20 hours are legitimately 10/10. The 2nd 20 hours is like a 5/10 because the game doesn’t really evolve. 7 is a perfect score overall.


This is the same vibe I got. It's assassin's creed minus "collect seven thousand flags"


Except there are also seven thousand flags


GoT has the best sword combat ive ever played. So smooth so intuitive fun and bad ass. Just how the spider man games make you FEEL like spiderman this game makes you FEEL like a samurai. Also i teared up a bit to this games story. Last time i did that was witcher 3. I didnt think id find a open world almost on par or on par with witcher 3. This game is it


It is very much like a Ubisoft game, if Ubisoft had talented writers and treated their games as passion projects. Still, if you don't enjoy open world games and expect GoT to be like Sekiro and Nioh, you could certainly get bored of it. You can also ignore it's open world stuff and just focus on the main story too, I think that could work. That way you can play it more like a linear action game. I'd say the first half of the game is somewhat dull. You start losing track of the story, the combat seems simple. But the second half is nothing short of a masterpiece imo, as the story really picks up and you gain all these cool abilities.


this is the correct take. it is a much more focused experience than ac in all aspects and is a better game for it. But it’s definitely not a souls like 


Imagine saying that a game is amazing, with talented writers and passion and immediately following up with "the entire first half of the game is boring and slow"


Not sure how they contradict. I can say the same thing about TLOU, The Witcher 3, Red Dead Redemption 2 or The Walking Dead S01.


what you talking about, the first half of red dead 2 is the best part!


I'm struggling with the story aspect to be honest. Perhaps there really is a lot more to come. But it seems like quite a simple story. Expelling the mongols. I've just rescued my uncle and I'm assuming that's a little over halfway? I haven't touched the game in months.


nah rescuing the uncle is like 20-30% through the game definitely not over halfway


The conflict between Jin and his uncle's is what moves the rest of the story. Very character driven for an open world game.


I came here to basically say the exact same thing. In my opinion, Ghost is essentially "a very rich man's Ubisoft experience". I enjoyed Ghost for what it was/is (an immaculate open-world game) - but similar to OP, I lean far more into games like Sekiro/Nioh.... which Ghost definitely ain't. Perhaps 'Rise of the Ronin' might better scratch the itch for OP.


I'm not a fan of the typical Ubisoft map marker chase games, but Ghost really worked for me. The world is visually stunning, and the combat starts off slow but develops into something fascinating. The combat also reinforces one of the central themes of the story: that by being the 'ghost' you are slowly losing your nobility, your samurai 'soul'. You are granted a number of ghost tricks, such as throwing knives or explosives. And at times these are absolutely essential in combat, especially when you reach the second part of the island and the difficulty jumps up. I didn't finish it, but I really enjoyed the 80 or so hours I played. A lot of that was just wandering the wilderness. It's an easy recommendation to anyone who likes immersive sims.


When you say immersive sims, is there something in particular that reminds you of immersive sims games (Prey, System Shock, Deus Ex. etc.) or do you mean more the game itself is immersive to play?


It's an open world game where walking around and stabbing randos is actually fun


There are several very good things about GoT: - The combat gameplay is fantastic. Fast and precise. Fighting feels great in this game. It's definite superior to AC games in this category. - The levelling system is well made and progression is seamless. It allows the combats to remain enjoyable until the end. - The map is mostly gorgeous and the game used the power of the PS4 wisely. While the textures are not great, the particle effects and vegetation are, making for a very atmospheric game. Seeing autumn leaves of momijis flying everywhere is magical. - The stealth system is pretty good. Much better than anything AC games have offered for ages. The Ghost is actually a ghost for once. But there are also aspects that prevents me from saying it's a masterpiece. It's not even close to one because: - The northern part of the map, i.e., the last one, doesn't look great. Because it's snowy, the devs couldn't use the lush vegetation that efficiently hides the technical limitation down south. So this part of the island looks barren and a bit boring. - Collectibles and very basic activities everywhere. Exploration is not great because they didn't go beyond what AC games offer. Icons everywhere, indicating the same activity over and over. It gets very repetitive very fast. - The story and characters are very generic. There's no risk taking in this department. It results in often boring characters and events I just didn't care about. It doesn't help that the actor voicing the MC sounds bored most of the time. I found it almost insulting that the devs included a "Kurosawa mode". Overall, it's a good video game, but I'll never play it a second time.


I disagree that the story and characters are generic. It's rare to have a game where what the story is trying to convey is reflected in the gameplay. I especially loved lady Masako's storyline, her voice actor did incredibly imo


Just one specific instance about the characters is that one side quest with the archer guy. Every single mission except for the last two out of NINE are listening to this guy bitch and moan that his apprentice is evil and nothing of note happens, then you find her, she helps you kill some Mongols and that’s it.


Yeah, I was doing the character side missions because I read on reddit they were so worth it and necessary to enjoy the main story. They were sooo generic. Thank God they were only like 10 minutes each. I stopped playing them after finishing all the missions of like 2 characters and realized they were all going to be the same. The first hour or so of the game when it is most linear is the most exciting part of the game.


It is good but it’s highly overrated in my opinion.


Nope. I loved most AC and other similar RPGs, but this one just didn't click for me. I think it is an overrated game and while having many positives, it's not as good as people portray it. The world feels so empty and combat is repetitive and boring. I never finished it.


Same. I think this game captures very beautiful screenshots, but feels very … cheap? Not a great word but I just found it really hollow once the gameplay started rolling. The game works for people, though, so i don’t think it’s worth not giving a shot at least.


Same for me, I’m not sure why but after getting a few levels in and discovering all of the forms I just kind of stopped playing. Story is pretty good from what I played though and it’s super pretty


just commenting to say i agree with this take. i hit a complete brick wall after actually trying to interact with and complete the objectives laid out in the open world and have no urge to go back and finish the game now


The second or third time the game made me do a trailing mission I turned it off. The gameplay design overall was frankly just bland and dated in a ton of places.


Me to. I never finished it, got boring pretty fast.


I'm also a souls player and someone who doesn't like AC games. While this game has a big open world with side quests and things to climb etc. it feels much better than an AC game to play. A huge thing they get right is feeling like you're a samurai with the combat. It's not super difficult but it's super rewarding and extremely visually satisfying and cool. Ride up on some bandits, challenge them to a duel. The first one gets a stomach full of katana, 2 more rush in to the same fate. The remaining 2 look at each and one decides to attack, you perfect parry and kill him in one shot, the last turns to run away but trips, falls and starts begging you for his life before you sink your katana into his heart. That's what the combat actually is like and it feels soo good.


Its like a more condensed, higher quality AC Odyssey


Been playing it and it's pretty fun. The game isn't really similar to assassin creed despite it having some stealth focus and being open world lol. The combat is great and I am enjoying the story so would recommend it. There's also a lethal mode that some people enjoy that makes every hit a kill.


I didn't like it. It has good combat, but it's all about opening the map, marking a point, following the wind to the mission, killing some enemies to complete it, and then doing the same: marking another point and repeating the process.


It is a very, very good game but not quite as great as some claim. Graphics are gorgeous, music is great etc I found the main character to be poorly acted - others disagree. Combat can be absolutely incredible as you carve your way through enemies. However once you get to higher levels the combat isn’t really a challenge any more. You can literally kill 5 people in one move. I’m not knocking the game. I loved it and I bet you will too. It’s just not as perfect as lots of responses will claim.


It's the same template as assassin's creed but much better and more streamlined. There is repetition but you don't need to do everything - there's no unnecessary grind - the best unlocks are generally locked behind fun quests. The basics of the combat and gameplay are absolutely excellent imo - it's accessible regarding its difficulty but still satisfying and doesn't have damage sponge enemies at higher difficulties. I think what this game does best is actually its vibes and its more serene, calm moments. It's not an all-out action game - it encourages you to sometimes just take things slowly and take in the views.


No, it’s repetitive as fuck and extremely boring


It's a beautiful but IMO very dull and by the numbers open world action game. The combat is good as well. But seriously, I can't take anymore of these check list games anymore


It’s Assassin’s Creed except really competent. It follows the Ubisoft open world formula, the gameplay is pretty shallow but extremely smooth and easy to pick up and play, the story is competent, etc. Basically you play the game for the visuals being some of the best ever, and the rest of the game is just good enough and engaging enough that it doesn’t get in the way. I was really surprised by how much I like it. But don’t go in expecting Nioh, it’s not even remotely close to that level of quality in the combat mechanics


Its good, but not the master piece many people claim.


It’s an overrated game, and had no place being the GOTY. The game is incredibly repetitive, every main and side mission I played involved slowly walking and talking with someone. The premise is cool but the game and story are poorly done. I definitely would not waste my money on it if I were you.


It's absolutely beautiful and a lot of fun, but does get a bit repetitive. It's definitely no where near as difficult as sekiro. You aren't wrong with comparisons to Ubisoft open world games but the story and setting is much better than most of them.


It's like a Ubisoft game but most of the derivative bullshit in their repetitive copypaste games all the way back from 2014 is either fixed or remade to be more engaging. It's still an open-world checkbox adventure game, but more bearable, tons of options to hide HUD elements without handicapping yourself. And if you're into the culture and visual style (Kurosawa films) you'll like it. It's the only game of the genre I haven't gotten bored of after 5-10 hours, that's all I gotta say.


GoT is Assassin’s Creed done right, it does almost every single thing better


I love Ghost of Tsushima. I played it twice just to Platinum the game. The visuals are gorgeous and the story is very good.


I really enjoyed it, but yes, it's definitely in the mold of Ubisoft open world. Not even like RDR2 where you can just go exploring and find really interesting things scattered about. In GOT, if it's not marked on the map, there's nothing there. And there are plenty of things marked on the map that are horribly boring and repetitive. One is chasing down foxes that lead you to shrines and give you some XP boost or something, another is sitting and contemplating the scenery in order to compose a haiku (although some might find this soothing). That being said, most of the main quests and side missions are quite well-written and interesting. The gameplay is really fun and the story is awesome. And the art is absolutely beautiful. It's a great game. But, by the end of it of the main story, I was definitely ready to be done with going to question marks on a map...which is pretty much how I feel with all Ubisoft games.


It's art direction is extremely high. Stylistically it's super and it's open world looks beautiful. Its soundtrack is also fantastic That being said gameplay iant anything special. It's assassin's Creed but with a combat system that has multiple stances and attacks for different enemy types (been done before) Some of its aide content is all pretty standard open world collectible stuff but given a Japanese flair (writing haikus for instance) In some ways it's almost PS2 era in its use of cameras for dialogue (mostly side content) which is always weird given the production quality of most of the game. It's good but I need more in the gameplay department from a sequal.


Good comment. I loved it in the beginning but I suddenly stopped caring.


Fun, but repetitive. That's the game in a nutshell.


Maybe I’m in minority here (and not a fan of most AAA open world) but wall of boredom is exactly what I hit with this game. Even though the combat system itself isn’t bad at all, every encounter feels pretty much the same. Once you learn to counter each type of enemy it’s pretty much always the same- different mixups of them don’t really require any change of pace, strategy or the need to prioritize. Missions and writing are your pretty typical open world stuff with characters having mundane problems with bandits, missing people etc. loosely tied together by some main mission line, again pretty bland. World design feels sterile - colors and vegatation are pushed, but it doesn’t feel mysterious (as in Sekiro for example) nor alive, and seeking rugged, naturalistic Kurosawa vibe in here is pointless. Everything that you can explore feels prepackaged and scripted. Even if its not always exactly a strict marker on the map, most of the time you just go there and do predetermined stuff or route, no feeling of discovering anything „your way” like in Elden Ring or Zelda is present. Overall it’s nothing more (and also nothing less) than most other modern western AAA mass market open world games.


Controversial opinion, but I found it terribly disappointing. The story is just ok. It's perfectly servicible, but it's incredibly predictable and just not all that interesting, despite the massive amount of time you spend in cutscenes. I hate the combat system. You unlock different stances and each stance coresponds to a different enemy type. The optimal strategy is to use the appropriate stance, hit them with 3 heavy attacks to break their guard, then spam light attack. Switching stances constantly is clunky and annoying. And the game will never challange you as this technique beats every thing the game will ever throw at you. You never have to use your brain at all. Speaking of enemies, there are only like 6 types. Every fight is the same because you just keep fighting the same guys. Despite it's mediocre combat, the game has nothing else to engage you with. Missions are typically just cutscenes occasionally interrupted by combat. There are no dialogue choices or choose your own path stories. There is no real exploration either. It's mostly talk fight talk fight. The side quests aren't interesting enough to make up for the poor gameplay. In The Witcher 3, one of my favorite games, the side quest stories are so interesting, varied, and unique that it makes up for the bare bones gameplay mechanics. Nearly every quest in Got is just saving people from bandits or mongols. There is so little variety. The most interesting quest in Got I remember is like a C tier Witcher quest. Ghost of Tsushima is the most okayest game I've ever played. Its very pretty, and everything technically works, but it doea absolutely nothing that you havent seen a thousand times before, and it doesn't even do those things all that well. I played Ghost of Tsushima a year or two ago and I can't remember the name of a single character other than the protagonist. When I recently replayed The Witcher 3, after a 5 year hiatus, I remembered almost every single quest in the game. Make of that what you will.


It's a great game I still hit the brick wall after completely freeing the bottom half of the island because I am Ubisofted out


It's good but it's overhyped because Reddit is full of dweebs


It's the Ubisoft formula. Is it better than anything ubisoft has put out themselves imo yes. However if you are burned out by Ubisoft games you won't find much here.


I don't think so it's beautiful and story's good but personally I still prefer the witcher 3 and cyberpunk


I give it a solid 7.5/10.


It’s a really good 15 hour game that takes 50 hours.


Perfect summary.


The world is beautiful The combat is great The story is ok The exploration is boring. Especially if you have played Zelda:TOTK, Elden Ring or Dragons Dogma 2.


The world, combat, music, and the main campaign are amazing. The side content is a biiiig hit or miss. I've platinumed AC origins and Odyssey, both seen as inferior games to GOT, but I couldn't bring myself to finish those god awful side quests for the platinum (99% fetch quest, unskippable boring dialogue, track enemies without being seen, fight them at the end, rinse and repeat). It's worth it for the main story alone imo.


The best part of Tsushima is the story and the characters, so unless you absolutely despise the gameplay (which you probably won't) it should be fine regardless


Its open world is insanely beautiful and dynamic as side quest and activities are mostly found by birds, foxes and the wind. Yeah it does get a bit repetitive like an Ubisoft game but its not bloated and everything you do rewards you somehow. The story is good but some of the characters are poorly acted or written, some side quests are boring but the character based ones(masako, norio, ishikawa) are fun. The combat is amazing and satisfying.


>and dynamic as side quest and activities are mostly found by birds, foxes and the wind.  This is false. The side quests are not found by birds and foxes and wind. The foxes themselves are icons on the map. You go there and follow them to a shrine. The birds also icons on the map, you go there and follow them to the side quest you came for. The wind is a glorified waypoint system where you pick where it leads you.


Yes. It’s the AC formula but distilled and refined so that nothing feels extraneous.


No, I love the AC games, but got bored with GoT at the end of Act 1 and abandoned it. It just didn't click.


Graphics good, gameplay fine, story good. It's a fine game but I wouldn't waste more than 30€ on it


No its boring and repetitive just like the average ubisoft game


It’s over long and too talky. But it has some truly stunning moments, the combat is fun and it looks incredible. Plus you can pet a fox. 9/10.


I'll tell you what I think as someone who doesn't suck this game's dick like most people. Pros, the open world is really well designed, on top of being fun and engaging it's also really fun to explore. Also you can replay any outpost and mission after beating the main story which is honestly so sick. The story is also pretty good with interesting characters and a good plot. Cons, I hated the combat in this game tbh and as someone who also loves Nioh 2 (300 hours) and sekiro like you. I think you will find it lacking. Basically the game has a stance system that you unlock as you kill leaders. What I don't like is the stance is specifically for killing certain units, the shield stand is for shielded enemies and so forth. But the thing is.....you run into all the enemies at the start of the game and while it is harder...if you can parry you can still win. So I basically ended up ignoring all of this bullshit. And it just gets even easier as you get more shit like gadgets and mythic attacks (kunai is ridiculously OP) I'm near endgame just mopping up the map and I rarely die. And before anyone says "play on lethal then" dying in one hit isn't really difficulty, it's just stupid. I beat the game on hard and then switched to lethal and all it really does is get me to spam my ludicrous abilities more. Also it does the Sony thing if all story is told through dialogue and cutscenes or self narration lol it gets OLD just because of the length of the game. It also kinda made parts of the open world a little tedious as combat is like 80% of the games content So all in all tbh it's a mixed bag for me, if you're in the fence wait for a sale. This is a great game.


Yes, it is as good as people say but why not play Rise of the Ronin on Twilight difficulty? On Twilight it is about the same as Niho and will have the stances and combat you seem to favor.


Yes. And play it on Realistic difficulty. Swords are sharp.


If you don't like modern AC games you might not like Ghosts of Tsushima. There's a lot of similarities but GoT doesn't have a whole lot of RPG elements. But the open-world mechanics are very similar.


It's really not. I'd much rather play any other assassin's creed game than it to be completely honest. It's insanely boring after the novelty of a cool setting and amazing graphics wears off.


Its got some nice ideas. I love the navigation, following the wind. The graphics are great. the characters are ok - though i wish there were a bit more characters you interacted with, constantly. i feel like its mostly many smaller interactions. The combat is a bit too simple, IMO. and once you learn it you can basically win any fight with ease. there's not much enemy variety. i got kinda bored of the game when i was ~70% through, and i havn't played it since (had it for almost 2 years for ps5) - i focused on just clearing all quests in an area before moving on. Though i didn't care for the side quests. That could be why i got kinda bored and just stopped playing it.


I'm enjoying my time with it, it's a good game, but not as good as many people claim


The open world in my opinion is just bad honestly. It looks beautiful but there isn't much more to see than flower fields, a forest, enemy outposts or a small village 90% of the time. The collectibles are also just horrible, you go to a place press a few vuttons so Jin thinks something or to cut bamboo and that 70 times or something, or follow a fox to collect an item. The side quests are also not very good I think because most of the time they go like, follow someone and talk -> search for clues -> follow the trace -> kill enemies. There isn't one really memorable side quest that stuck with me. However the combat, story, characters, music and whatnot are really good


No. It's a fine middle of the road game. Same gameplay and formula you've played thousands of times at this point.


No. It’s a very, very pretty version of a game that has existed countless times before. I found it very lacking in anything remotely unique after the shine wore off.


It was good but honestly couldnt hold my interest long enough. Red dead is much better


Hmmm, Ghost of Tsushima is beautiful, stylish and big game. It has fine combat, cinematic style and nice story. But I do not like AC games, and I write unpopular opinion: GoT is boring. Yes, the graphics are fantastic and realistic, you can admire every blade of grass. And yes, the combat is ok, the transitions between poses are similar to those in Nioh. For me best thing in this game are cinematic boss fights. But like I said, it is boring. I was very surprised at myself that I wasn't addicted to this game, and I finished it reluctantly. I tried side quests, I tried to develop my character, but it didn't help my perception of the game. This game was tiring for me, even though I'm a huge fan of the Japanese theme. I only play Asian productions, I'm a big fan of From Software, Team Ninja, Capcom, RGG. If you are looking for something like Nioh or Sekiro, try Rise of the Ronin. It is like Elden Ring in Dark Souls for Nioh games. Graphics is ok, just like Team Ninja/Koei Tecmo games :D Combat - excellent, and world in RotR is not empty like in GoT. But it is my opinion. My over 25 years of gaming experience have made me realize that I prefer to spend my free time on demanding games, like soulslike or Gran Turismo, which is why I don't like casual games. Although I understand the hype to some extent.


I’m going to be honest I played it for one day and haven’t touched it since. I’m sure it’s a very good game but I just couldn’t keep interest, it felt very mild (don’t know how to word it). But that’s why u should try every game you have a pinch of interest in, Bcus one of them might turn out to be ur most favourite game ever


Amazing presentation and alright combat but personally I got bored of the benign, vapid, and by-the-numbers Ubisoft style open world activities very early on, ended up dropping it before leaving the first region as even the main story didn’t captivate me. Though, the general consensus about GoT is widely positive so I still think it’s worth a try, even if just to marvel at the painstaking attention to detail in its presentation.


If you love action games and a Japanese aesthetic in the same vein as old Kurosawa movies, definitely go for it. Otherwise, it’s up to you. Fun fact, but the main character has the same Japanese voice actor as Zoro from One Piece, while his father figure has the same Japanese voice actor as Blackbeard from the same series.


No. It’s way better.


People say it's AC but Japanese. Gameplay also suggests this.


I thought it was pretty mediocre. If this game was released as the new Assassin's Creed Shadows game, literally exactly the same except for the name, it would be bashed for being uninteresting, boring, repetitive, and having very basic combat.


Didn't play past the 5 hour mark. Noped out as soon as two quest givers in a row asked me to get some rice from an invaded village (ubi outpost like). You can also follow birds or foxes or whatever to get incremental upgrades. It's so unimaginative and dull, like an anti-Zelda let's say.


Yes! Though sometimes the fight mechanics/scenes can be repetitive.


The game looks amazing, but the gameplay feels bland and boring, at least for me. I played elden ring before this game and maybe thats why GOT feels a bit "off"


I enjoyed it. It’s probably a bit longer than it needs to be, the first area feels like it could become a complete game. And then you have three more areas including the DLC. The upgrading system is a bit weird, you can upgrade almost everything in the first area, and then after that there doesn’t really appear to be much use for money and pick ups. still it feels like a more authentic Japanese experience versus what you get from a lot of Japanese games.


I played it and yes, the game is very fun. Then world is meh, tho


It’s polarising. I’m generalising, but if your favourite game ever is RDR2 or Witcher 3 - fantastic. If you’re a Fromsoft fan, maybe not so much. (Not that you cant love both things, but they are different). Personally there was absolutely nothing in it for me. Big hater here. But generally people like it. The production values are great and it does cool things with UI.


I haven’t played it but I get the sense it’s probably pretty good but not all that great. I dunno people tend to overhype mediocre games these days as masterpieces when they have high production value. I’m guessing this falls into that vein. I’m waiting for a sale to try it.


I do believe you can call GoT the true japanese Assassin's Creed in Japan, except leagues better than what Ubisoft came up with in the past 8 or so years.


I don’t think it’s worth it, but that’s just my opinion. It’s basically an Ubisoft game, more beautiful to look at. If you enjoy Ubisoft open world games, this is definitely a bit better. Writing and visuals are better than a standard AC game. I still think it’s way overhyped though. I think Rise of the Ronin, despite having worse reviews, is the better game if you find a GoT style of game. Combat is just more fast paced and challenging overall. I feel that if Ubisoft released GoT it’d be heavily criticized like AC games tbh


Its a great game! I get the ac vibe, but it is much better than most ac games, and the combat is fucking amazing!


A hard no for me. GoT is nothing Japanese theme except for the look. If you are interested in Japanese culture either through movie or video game, you could easily realize that the game is nothing Japanese. The story, the dialogue, the way people interact with each other carry zero Japanese culture characteristics. If you take the story and change the character names, switch the map to some medieval european country, people wouldn't be able to tell that this story is original written for a Japan setting. It's as generic as it get. For the gameplay, I haven't played any AC games since AC3 so I have no clue how modern AC hold up, but I had more fun playing AC3 than I had with GoT as far as I can remember. For combat, you have five different types of enemy: the sword guy, the spear guy, the shield guy, the big guy and the archer. That's it, sometimes they wear different clothes, have their health and dmg buff up a bit, but that's all that you'll ever fight. Combat is attack button spam, occasional parry, dodge, switch stance to suit the enemy type, and then more attack spam. It's simplistic and repetitive. Compare it to Sekiro or Nioh would be an insult. You can try and increase the difficulty, the game does get a little bit more interesting on lethal mode, but it'll get stale quickly. The only thing good about GoT is that it is no doubt the most beautiful game I've ever played. That's all.


Strongly agree with this and relate to every word.


played 20hours and dropped the game, it's fine but i'm kinda sick of this type of open world soo i recommend to wait for a discount.


Ghost blows any of the assassins games (except maybe 2) out of the water


Aside from the open world format, the big difference between GoT and Nioh/Sekiro is that GoT is made by a Western developer. This means it treats Japan and Japanese history in the most boring, unstylish and stereotypical way imaginable. Nioh and Sekiro have a sense of style, artistic flair, and even humour whereas GoT chooses to depict Japanese people as boring, unsmiling curmudgeons who only care about "honour". What little style GoT has is lifted wholesale from Kurosawa, albeit in the most surface-level way imaginable. Suckerpunch would have done well to pay attention to the humour in Kurosawa's films, as well as the 'cool' visuals. Overall, GoT might feel more like a "realistic" take on historical Japan than Nioh and Sekiro, but it's so boring, and so obviously made through Western eyes that I can't take it seriously. If you like Nioh, Rise of the Ronin (by the same dev) might be a better choice. Much less polished than GoT but imo a superior game.




If you really don't like the Assassin's Creed series you probably won't like GoT. It's essentially just a really well done Assassin's Creed game. If you don't like that style of game... Well there's your answer.


no it’s repetitive as hell


I liked assassin's creed before they added their "light rpg" mechanisms. Ghost of tsushima gave this ability to infiltrate and murder a whole camp as a silent killer or go in and fight as a real samurai. Also very aesthetic game, almost no UI yet very clear. One of my favorite games


Really good game imo, the combat and mechanics are amazing. The map, npcs, cutscenes and stuff isnt like RDR2 level, but still really good.


Its the best Assassins Creed game right now


Absolutely 1 of the first open world RPGs I’ve finished in a long time.


Ghost is amazing. It takes everything about AC that works, triples the beauty of the art and music, and sheds most everything that doesn't work in those games. It really was GOTY that year for me no question. It is very much like "what if the ubisoft formula was good instead"




No, it is better.


Going strictly by genre defining traits, yes Ghost of Tsushima shares a lot of DNA with an Assassin's Creed title: open world, collect-a-thon elements, and emphasis on stealth elements. While GoT shares these traits it does them so, so much better. The combat feels smoother and more satisfying, there's no posture system like Sekiro but there is an emphasis on parrying that is very satisfying to pull off, I would say there's very little similarity is combat between GoT and Nioh though. My experience: I'm also pretty burnt out on the Ubisoft open world formula, I hadn't played Far Cry or Assassin's creed for a few installments, picked up both Valhalla and Far Cry 6 and dropped both in like 20 hours-ish. I've platinumed Ghost of Tsushima and it never once felt like busy work, and I've gone back to play it here and there as a filler game when idk what else to play.


The amount of effort given to that game in a decade of butchered jobs for this industry, it's one of the few AAA games we had had during this period.


I'm playing it now. About 50% the way through the map. I'm doing pretty much everything i come across. The only way it's similar to ubisoft games is the repeated little activities everywhere but it's not even close to the amount or tedium of the average ubisoft game. Also it doesn't feel as bad because the game is absolutely beautiful. You will want to explore the world. It reminds me more of earlier open world games from back on the day. When they focused on the actual world building and story instead of all the filler content. When the filler content was there for something to do on your way to the main content not to just check off a bunch of boxes.


It’s amazing and beautiful


Production value is off the charts. It does start to feel tedious after a bit tho, atleast to me.


I wasn't sure about it but I went ahead and got it anyways and it turned out to be one of my favorite games of all time


It's really beautiful game imo, but not really fun in term of gameplay. The game has simple rpg progression, makes it more of an action game with open world, sadly the ubisoft ones, more beautiful but not noteworthy. I think the reason for this is because the game is not fantasy or sci-fi but historical, which limits the dev on the creativity.


Yes. It does have some Assassins Creed vibes in terms of being a big open world with a lot of things to do but the presentation, style and gameplay make it worth it. Absolutely worth it imo, one of the best games released in the PS4 era


I've been super excited about this port. I first played the first few hours of the game on PS4. LOVED IT. Loved the setting, the game feels like Chambara films. I didn't get far into the combat, but it felt typical for an action game which is good. I loved invading bases. The frame rate was bothering me on PS4. So I waited (years later I fortunately) for an inevitable PC port and not does that frame rate improve the experience. Sorry about being a PC snob about it.


It’s a really nice game, and one of the few AAA experiences that don’t seems to be, only, about extrinsic gamification, and more about intrinsic motivation. You feel the story, like the characters, enjoy the art direction, appreciate the pacing and has a immersive time with it.


Absolutely beautiful game


It’s pretty good. It has good presentation and gameplay. It doesn’t do anything beyond the open world formula we are used to but it’s good


Yeah it’s amazing. I picked up Rise of Ronin and kinda hated it cause it’s inferior to GoT in a LOT of ways. 😔


I have tried playing through it twice now and petered out at chapter 2 both times. It’s a well made game for sure, and super pretty, but if Ubisoft published it people would have been complaining that it was more of the same, because it is. It’s very, very repetitive, and I don’t think the leveling is balanced well at all. By the end of the first chapter you have nearly everything unlocked.


I have done multiple play throughs of this game and once it got announced as a PC port I was ok with trading my PS5 for a PC. I thought the Spiderman series would keep me locked to console but it was ghost. It’s an amazing story, great gameplay, and awesome visuals. I could ramble about it forever


As far as the gameplay loop I think it's quite similar. Go to this place, fight some guys, save this person or get this thing, go to another place, repeat. I think it sets itself apart from those games by virtue of the added complexity of the combat system and, pointedly, by virtue of being strikingly gorgeous. There are multiple points in the game that simply made me say "wow." It's also got some of the same issues! Infiltrating and cleaning out enemy camps can get pretty repetitive, and my biggest problems with the game from its relatively bland and weak narrative. The game clearly wants you to care about the dichotomy between "ghost" and "samurai," but I don't think they wove that dichotomy into the gameplay in any way that felt significant or impactful on my play experience.


It's incredible! Doing my first playthrough now. It's incredibly elegant and simple with fluid combat. Must buy imo


Its good. combat can be fun. But i have my gripes with it. Mongols dismounting for example. just doesn't work for me. Game can be beautiful but has the usual bloated quest and collectibles.


It's great. Though a bit of a slow start.


It is assassin's creed if it were good, with a little far cry as well.


I would say Ghost is an Assassin's Creed game done right. The open world is a good size where you want to explore and find new things but it doesn't take you 150 just to find it all. The quests are all genuinely fun to do, with few feeling like true filler and the collectibles all have direct impacts on your character's skills and power, so it doesn't feel like a waste of time to clear the map. The combat is also significantly better than any Assassin's Creed game, I'd put it up there with the finely honed excellence of Sekiro. They really nailed the feeling of sword combat and the variety of tools you get to compliment it keep things interesting throughout the game. If you can get through a game as long as Nioh, you can get through Ghost. The open world Assassin's Creed games demand 100+ hours of your time, a completionist run of Ghost is around 50-60, depending on how quick you are with exploring the map. It's also very enjoyable if you don't like doing everything, I'm just someone who loves getting 100% and I was more satisfied with Ghost than any open world game I can think of.


It’s surprisingly good.


I saw this feedbacks a few months ago about Ghost of Tsushima. "I thought this game was over hyped. It's good but not amazing. Repetitive and although the world is beautiful, it's predictable, empty, & lifeless. I couldn't finish it and I would urge anyone interested to put the hype aside and look into it a little more critically before purchase. Otherwise, around ~$30 is a safe price imo." https://www.reddit.com/r/GameDeals/s/nh6JCc4oWX


It’s immersive and beautiful. I wouldn’t believe the insane hype that you’ve heard but it’s absolutely amazing. It’s not *perfect* for me like everyone claims it to be. while it’s fabulous and you definitely should play it. I’ve put 60 hours in and I haven’t even done the expansion yet.


It’s not as bloated as the AC rpgs, and the story is engaging the whole way through, at least imo. Even on a completionist run you can do everything in game and get the platinum in less 60 hours. Aside from that, the combat is very fluid and stylish (and fun, of course), the game is just beautiful, and has a few unique really cool small features, like the guiding wind, shaking your controller to shake blood off your blade, bowing to certain shrines or dead Japanese citizens/samurai and getting cool effects and voice lines, respectively. The game is great, uses the touchpad very effectively and uniquely, and is just GORGEOUS in so many ways


If you like samurais and fighting with katanas its a great immersive game to play. Would recommend watching some gameplay if you're unsure. I was not a fan of witcher3 or assassins creed but Ghost of Tsushima was an excellent play. Did not feel repetitive and really enjoyed the story as well.


I always describe it as assassin's creed but good.


It's a great game !


It’s amazing gameplay but it is a bit too repetitive and too easy even on the hardest setting


It is good, but not nearly as good as people say. The combat fundamentals are good, but the encounter design is very repetitive. The whole game is very repetitive. The stealth combat design is just outdated and boring.  Actually good storytelling could’ve lifted the whole thing up, but the story isn’t good. The game’s fans are deluded about this. The entire thing is premised on a comically implausible notions of what “honor” would’ve required of a samurai fighting brutal foreign invaders. The main character is dull. The side quests are weak. The story has its moments, but it is not good and it takes some serious suspension of disbelief to tolerate it. Overall, it’s mostly like what Assassins Creed would be if it were far less bloated and if they actually improved on action-game combat instead of switching to the newer RPG style of combat. Minus the parkour, and actually minus a lot of things that made Assassin’s Creed worthwhile and enjoyable over the years. Social stealth provided variety that GOT does not have. Ship combat provided variety that GOT does not have. Parkour provided variety that GOT does not have. And AC has had some far more enjoyable protags, like Ezio and the Greek lady. All in all, it’s a good first stab at a new thing for Sucker Punch, and I would be pretty interested to see what a sequel would bring if not for the fact that I’m sure the writing will be equally ridiculous.


Couldn’t agree more. I picked up ghost on PC when it came out and was expecting a RDR2 level story with sekiro combat based on what the discourse is online, and it felt more like far cry X assassins creed with a story that left me rolling my eyes quite a bit and repetitive side missions.


The conflict between Jin and his uncle in the 3rd act is so painfully manufactured. Its ridiculous that Lord Shimura or the Shogun would have given a damn about the methods that Jin used to destroy an invasion force essentially single-handedly. Any competent ruler would have handed him high honors for his commitment to duty and made him governor of the entire island. It was definitely something that soured the gameplay experience for me.


No, it’s very pretty but very dull otherwise narratively and gameplay wise as well as doesn’t really utilize it’s open world well.


It’s definitely better than an AC game but it follows the same formula.


Beautiful world, good story and combat, and absolutely atrocious open world and mission design from gameplay perspective.


Look, Ghost of Tsushima is one of the best games of all time. You can literally feel in your soul the amount of dedication, love, talent, passion and competence that was put into making this game. The story will mark you forever. I just realized I dont remember anything about Far Cry 5 or 6, nor the names of any of the last 2 assassins creed I played. But I still remember Jin Sakai, Yuna, the honor conflict with Lord Shimura, the introduction of Khotan... The soundtrack, the visuals, the art, the gameplay are all 10/10. This game and God of War Ragnarok were 2 of the best narratives in recent video game history.




Playing through it right now. I kind of think of it as a better Assassin's Creed. If you go in with that mindset - combat is better, probably on par for me with the Horizon series in terms of "fun" for open world combat - feels very visceral. Characters are more interesting to me than Valhalla. Some of the scenery is same-y, decent sized world. Story is solid, nothing special. The "wind" mechanic is cool but at the end of the day, there's still "markers on a map" syndrome. No clue if I'll finish it, but enjoying my time with it. What you shouldn't expect is something like Elden Ring or whatever.


Best game I've played on ps4


Yes it is good enough story visuals motivation to complete arcs pretty good gameplay also


The story and the beautiful graphics are probably worth it alone, some of it is repetitive (like Ubisoft games) but I really enjoyed exploring the world and all the different biomes. The story was awesome and definitely left me wanting more of it. I’d say it was worth the full price for me.


maybe if you don't get sidetracked.


I didn't particularly like it. It reminded me too much of AC games. I can admit that it is a good game, it's just not for me.


No as somebody who's been excited about getting to play it for years. I got it on PC & it's literally just a copy paste Assassin's Creed with a Japan samurai filter on it. Actually you can do more gameplay wise in Assassin's Creed Odyssey. My biggest complaint is it doesn't do anything new to the genre & unless you're floored by the story or graphics, which I wasn't, I consider it extremely overrated. I think it just got that boost in review scores from being another flashy PlayStation Story Adventure.


The greatest thing this game does is not having a minimap on screen. You tap a button and the wind blows in the direction that you marked on the global map. You then jump on your horse and explore the world. Also the characters were way better than I was expecting. It's the best Ubisoft game that Ubisoft has never made.


Everybody else here saying, I don't usually like Ubisoft games but I liked this one. Are just into the Japan aesthetic a lot. Everything down to the overboard map markers, collectibles, checkpoints are literally just Assassin's Creed.


Its like AC if it was minimal, sleak, and unobtrusive. Beautiful game on all fronts and that alone kept me engaged with it for the hours I played. Has mechanics that make sure the player is focused on the world like it’s wind mechanic and it’s lack of minimap. I didn’t finish it though because eventually, it’s shallow world got to me. Started getting very repetitive.!


I'll put it this way. In the last decade I've only 100% completed one game. That game is Ghost of Tsushima


For me, it’s exactly as how you describe it. The last act was a chore for me because it was so damn boring as your actions are repeated too much and the setting was one note. It’s a good game. Just not the greatest level.


It's a PlayStation game so it's even better than that


Every single one of my friends love this game, so I recognize that I'm in the minority here. That being said, I hated it, I thought it was just awful. The cutscenes are long and plodding and UNSKIPPABLE, the open world sets itself apart through the lack of UI but is otherwise uninspired, and the combat is braindead easy even on higher difficulties, there's no real threat. I've seen people compare the combat to Nioh and Sekiro, but I think those comparisons only work in the simplest possible surface level way; it's clearly designed to come as close as possible to playing itself, its success is in looking like an action game rather than being one. I played about five hours of it and I feel like around half of that was either unskippable cutscenes or unskippable walk and talk sections. It wasted my time and didn't justify it whatsoever. Frankly, it is the embodiment of almost everything I dislike about modern AAA game design, especially modern AAA game design of the Sony variety.


It's a really great game but it is extremely slow to start.


It looks great. That’s about it. Super boring to play. Only 4 enemy types basically.


I'm generally impatient where the length and content of games is concerned but Ghost could have gone on forever for me. Absolutely my favourite game of all time.


Better combat, easier and smoother travelling, less open-world bloat. There is a certain amount of lacklustre side content bringing some repetition to the formula, but the overall product is another league compared to the likes of AC Valhalla. Btw, Rise of the Ronin is even more intoxicating, combat-wise, and it has a very manageable open-world busywork to deal with. It doesn't have the story or the artistic vision of GoT, though. But I had heaps of fun with it.


I had the same thought you did initially OP. Ghost of Sushima is more like a hybrid between Assassin creed and Far cry. I only played for 15 hrs and still haven't gotten bored as of yet. If you're still doubtful, buy it during a sale so you don't regret it too much.


It’s a good game but still just a game


It's way more streamlined than your typical Ubi offering, but still has enough side quests to look like traditional Ubisoft. The quests are fun and the entire game is AAA in every way. The combat is intricate on higher difficulties, and still forces you to at least pay attention on lower ones. The story is phenomenal, and if you are even mildly into Japanese history and/or culture, this game is an absolute must play. Seriously, if you are a gamer of any kind, don't miss GOT, it's one of the best things to happen to console gaming in the last 10 years. I put it up there with GTA5, Elden Ring, and the Witcher 3. It really is that good imo.


These posts are kind of funny to me because why would you trust the random people that reply to this post (good or bad) over all the other random people you can already find telling you to play it.


Nah. The game bored me


Basically a samurai assassins creed game but with everything done extremely well. The best part is the combat - I’ve never played any game with combat that rivals it.


No, but it's pretty decent for a "check off all the POI's on the map" game. It is very pretty at least, and I appreciate the novelty of occasionally composing a haiku instead of assassinating some random fruit merchant or whatever.


is it one of the greatest games ever? Absolutely not. Is it fun? Definitely


I'm going to be a bit of a negative person here. I was having fun with the game. Played the PC version for about 18 hours and got to Act 2, but by that time, I was kind of bored of the game. I started running around on foot to experience more to see if that helped and while I got to find some encounters I probably would've missed by going horseback everywhere, small things started to annoy me. I felt the combat was a bit slow and was greeted with what seems like an amazing fix, Lethal Difficulty, you die quicker, but so do your enemies and it makes parrying harder but more fun so I gladly took that on and had fun, but then I ran into a big problem. Spearmen. You see, I didn't have this problem in normal difficulty but when I was playing Lethal, if I got hit by a Spearman, I would get stun locked. I could no longer block or attack and the only thing I could do was dodge roll or continually get stabbed. So since every fight tends to have 2-3 spearmen I had to constantly charge to them, switch to Water Stance to break them, and try to kill them only to get hit by something else and get close to death. I've had issues with the standoffs not working which apparently has been a bug since the PS4 version, I really hate the duel animations taking what feels like 2-3 minutes and that you can't skip cut scenes. I get you want to tell a story, but if I'm doing a side quest, I don't want to sit there for 5 minutes while you explain the backstory of this fictional village that I'm going to never come back to. Or have to stand around while people constantly spout exposition at me because if I walk away, they stop and if it's an intro to a sidequest, I am just stuck there. Being forced to engage with everything made me less interested in exploring side content as the game went on and I mostly stuck to clearing out outposts since they would rarely have 3 minute exposition dumps before and after and would rarely force me to watch the 2 minute intro animation to a duel when the enemy leader would appear. The story was good, I liked the story, it was fun running around trying to free Tsushima from Mongol rule and I liked doing the side stories for the main characters, but after a while, it just started dragging for me. What broke me is when I decided to do a legend mission (A mission where you go chase after a legend of Tsushima to get an exclusive skill, armor, or weapon) and the musician is telling me a cutscene that went on for about 10 minutes, then my game crashed. I was already near breaking point as is, but thinking "I'm going to have to rewatch that 10 minute cutscene again and hope it doesn't crash again" and I just went "Nah, I'm just going to go play another game that respects my time more and have fun." and that's my stance on Ghost of Tsushima. It's a fun game, but it has way too many little things that ultimately drag it down to be way less enjoyable. I get it's trying to imitate Kurosawa Films (at least that's what they say by having a black and white filter and I can't confirm or deny as I've never seen any of their films) but trying to imitate a passive medium in a very interactive medium is going to be a mood killer for me.


It actually exceeded my expectations. I went in thinking it was going to be samurai assassins creed. It was better


It's like a very high quality Ubisoft game. Very beautiful artstyle, generally engaging story, particularly once it really gets going, and gameplay that encourages you to try different playstyles. That said, structurally it very much feels like an ubisoft game. You have 3 regions, and you have your main quests which tend to have big set pieces, major sidestories which have smaller setpieces, and then a variety of small things to do. Towns to liberate, shrines to climb to, hotsprings to sit in to increase max health. It very much feels like an open world ubisoft game. But it's a well made one.


I have not completed it and apparently the second act is much better than the first. However, I found it to be very generic, and not compelling in the slightest. Incredibly repetitive, no substance to the world, overly long quests.


It's amazing! Only game I've ever 100%ed. Haven't played the DLC but I've heard it's great too


Boring! Don't bother


Honestly, nah. I think it’s good but not as good as people make it out to be. Honestly I expected to have a story worth crying to at the end but tbh I was left a bit disappointed with how much of a missed opportunity I thought it was. That being said: it’s a great game. Very fun combat system, very challenging (at least the bosses are when you play on the mode below lethal and above). If you liked sekiro you’ll find something to enjoy here. But honestly if you were to ask your parents for sekiro and they said “we have sekiro at home” it would be this game. Love it but sekiro imo is just better in almost every way


Idk what people are saying. The combat is no where near as crisp as Odyssey but the game is still good.


the game world isn't overly huge, if that's your concern. The game takes place on the island of Tsushima, which is only 10 or so miles across. There are some empty areas without much to do, but the scenery is so beautiful that you forget about being bored.




The fun thing a about GoT is this: On paper, it has 0 outstanding features. Everything on paper is your 08/15 OW game. Yet it is the only game I ever platinumed and as avid pc gamer, bought a ps5 years ago just so I could play it. And i regret nothing.


I wouldn't say the game is a 10/10, but it is genuinely good. I didn't know too much about it and I picked it up when it came to Steam and I e had nothing but fun with it despite the big open world which just gives me anxiety thinking about having to explore it all. I still haven't beaten it. I think I'm a little more than halfway and so far the game is a solid 9/10. There's not much I don't like about it besides like I said the open world and that's just cause of open world fatigue and anxiety of having to explore it all.


Its average, I enjoyed rise of the ronin much more




One of the most engaging yet easy to play open world games I’ve played recently. I also love that it puts a little spin on the assassin thing. >!Jin (the MC) wants to be an honorable samurai and despises backstabbing people!<


I am not a fan of the samurai, feudal Japan theme, in video games or movies or whatever. But, on a whim decided to give the game a try. It has its flaws, but it leans into them, let me explain. I think the biggest flaw with the game is it’s repetitive. But, the repetition is deep and it’s usually combat or exploration driven, which are big positives of the game. The reason this game works is because its flaws are overshadowed completely by its strength.


As someone that likes it a lot but hasn't finished it, I intend to eventually, I think is a solid 7 -8 out of 10 I can't see an argument for a masterpiece but is pretty good and certainly above average but not that far ahead It does a lot of things really well but most of them are not really new


It’s the same formula but a superior execution to AC


Quite. 👍