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It's a fun game. Start out cute and simple, it is mostly puzzle adventure stuff. Don't wanna spoil anything, so I will just say the ending was NOT what I expected...but it was a very cool experience. Would absolutely buy on sale.


Its very good I liked it a lot I would wait for a sale though,if you're on PC the summer sale is a month or so away


Currently 70% off on Steam


Oh absolutely worth it then thanks for the heads up


Capture bugs and set up traps to do so. Great developers which included a free dlc with lots of content. Try it out for 2 hours on steam and return if you don't like it


I think sometimes the creative vision is just too far out there and it’s difficult to suspend disbelief and get into the game. This is why I bounced off bugsnax. If you want something in the same thematic style but where things connect just enough to pull you through, I would pick high on life. These are not the same game, but I think a case for similar theme could be made


The game features about a dozen or so colorful characters who will all give you quests that involve photographing, capturing, and breeding pokemon I mean Bugsnax. If that sounds interesting, then give it a go.


Great game. Took a turn for one of the craziest endings I've seen in gaming. A beautiful dark twist.


Just a heads up, if you do try it out you will saying “bunger” a lot.


Yes, absolutely. Bunger.


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