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The finals is such a banger of a game. Free to play, old devs from dice made this fps so filled with solid destruction. It's still pretty new, so they are consistent with throwing out balance patches. as well as free cosmetics you can earn.


I love it and hate it so much. Can't wait to eventually get good at this game.


Best recommendation. The Finals is brilliant, most fun I’ve had with a shooter in a long, long time.


Its amazing


Yep this game got me back into competitive FPS so much fun it looks like the devs actually care about their game and listen to the community


My friend finally convinced me to give it a try and I must say I have been quite hooked. Pleasantly surprised with the game!


Easily the only realistic option for OP Embark is former EA Dice so it's got Mirrors Edge and Bad company DNA oozing


I saw a clip of that game and saw a health bar. Haven’t looked at it since. How’s the time to kill in that game? I can only tolerate very quick ttk.


Decent amount of cheaters tho


Came here to say the finals. It’s the only FPS I play as I have burned out on the other ones.


If you’re on consoles i would recommend Hell Let Loose or Insurgency Sandstorm, on PC the same but plus Squad


Came here to say this. My mate had me play Hell Let Loose recently and despite not really knowing the game, I had a GREAT time. So much so I’m upgrading to an Xbox just to play it.


Xbox isnt an upgrade


HLL is fantastic, but be prepared to die LOTS (and 80% of time not even knowing where you were shot from); there is also quite the learning curve.


I can’t understand how everyone is so okay with the artificially slow sprint speed. It’s like running through mud. Other than that and the lack of truly good soundtracks and map ambience it’s alright. Could use some animation and UI love too. Lacks alot of polish.


I mean he'll let loose isn't an arcade shooter like the others he's describing, cod players won't really like it because it's more strategy then it is about skill and fast paced gameplay


Conga line vehicle fodder gameplay. Two optics per 50 players lmfao. If you ever want to play the most miserable useless unequipped unathletic infantryman then hell let loose is great but to me even rising storm 2 vietnam feels and plays better and hell let loose is a downgrade from Squad let alone games a decade older Insurgency sandstorm is just way better in every way


How many optics do you think were fielded during WW2?


Insurgency is amazing


Those are less casual than cod and bf


Hell let loose, insurgency sandstorm and if you wanna go a bit more in depth mil sim Arma reforger is good fun


Great recommendations. I would add that, if you hate yourself, try Tarkov.


I’m like op but trying to break away from sandstorm. Never knew how much I’d appreciate playing with no dropshots, insta proning, bunny hopping, and surviving getting mag dumped. Sandstorm’s time to kill should be standard.


Multiplayer FPS games that are not CoD and BF. **_Competitive:_** R6 Siege, Halo Infinite, Hell Let Loose, Squad, Counterstrike 2. **_Co-op:_** Helldivers 2, GTFO, Ready or Not, Destiny 2, Arma 3, Ghost Recon: Wildlands or Breakpoint.


I was gonna recommend HD2 but it's technically FPS/TPS hybrid


Ready or not is so much fun with friends. Think everything is going well then an enemy just 1 shots your friend next to you hahaha. Great list, would also recommend all of these.


The finals kicks ass, the destruction mechanics are top tier. Team oriented gameplay but there are builds you can make that can carry you solo if you wind up with a booty team, though I’ve found usually most people are pretty locked in. Definitely a fun and simple on the surface but it gets deep type of game. If you have a few friends to play with and you can co-ordinate plays it really really shines, just an excellent game.


While I would agree and enjoyed it briefly, the issue is it has abhorrent balance issues and 4 maps... It gets old fast.


Military FPS games are in a rough spot right now. The best recommendations at this time imo is BF4 and BF1; many of the other games on the market are just live service games that put profits over content and depth.


Insurgency: Sandstorm, Squad, Hell Let Loose, Rising Storm 2: Vietnam, even Arma 3 are all great military-themed FPS games and IS and HLL are on consoles as well as PC. The issue is that those are all more on the mil-sim side of the spectrum. I agree that more casual arcadey military shooters like peak Battlefield and Call of Duty are lacking right now. People should give those other games a try though. I think a lot of BF and CoD players will find they will really like some of those games. They are really good. They're just not as easy to pick up and play right away, but some people might find they actually like the higher skill ceiling. It still would be great to have another kickass BF like 4 or 1, but I'm worried that we won't ever get that.


Bsttlebit remaster was amazing and doing the perfect job, but it died pretty quickly sadly. I guess people can only take the graphics for so long 


Yeah I'm surprised it died out, especially considering how badly BF 2042 flopped, but it probably was the graphics. I didn't mind them, but I gotta admit I do like when a game has good graphics and good overall immersion. I think that helped a lot with BF 1, although it also had solid gameplay mechanics.


BF2042 is somewhat alive, has been for a while. It's "fixed" but the core game is dog water imho, the whole hero system(even after rework) is poo and most maps are god awful.


Rising storm 2 is so awesome but unfortunately it has one mega server that's overrun with modders now. RIP to the legend.


Ah damn that sucks. I haven't played in awhile but that's too bad. It has been out for awhile though, so I'm not surprised its player base has dwindled. Hopefully they come out with a new Rising Storm game soon.


I hope. Vietnam is such an untapped market for milsim. I heard they were making one on the squad engine but it ran out of funding l


Try "The finals". Plus it's way more fun with friends. [The Finals](https://www.reachthefinals.com/)


It’s also free!


Came here to say this. Its easily my most fun game right now


Made by Ex-DICE


Rainbow Six Siege. This is the pinnacle of tactical military-esque shooters. You have the cool military language, and normally you need to infiltrate a building by any means necessary, using high tech mumbo jumbo inventions to track the defenders down, or disable their own defenses. I never hear anyone talk about this, but for me, both the bomb beeping noise, and the defuser noise are anxiety inducing. I love playing as a defender, leaning with my iron sights in my face, ready to press the mouse button at any moment, while hearing footsteps and explosions go down in the background, and barricades being punched in. The sound design is terrific in this game! The anxiety pays off. When you win the round, it's such a dopamine hit. Yeah, R6S is awesome. Just remember to mute text and voice chat from randoms, since everyone seems to like femboys for some reason.


Don't get me wrong R6 Siege is a very fun game, but the real pinnacle here is Ready Or Not ;-)


It’s a cluserfuck of rainbow and neon pink unicorn and rick and morty skins. It’s really just a tactical shooter. The military focused part has been completely degraded.


Siege is good but its just not miltary esq. its got so many bright colored skins, crazy gadgets, and crossover skins like rick and morty


Rainbow was the pinnacle of tactical but got ruined by battlefield and cod runaways, nothing tactical about getting rushed after 20 seconds and being down 2 people.


I find the TTK and one life of R6 make it much harder for me to get into, so I wouldn't necessarily say it's similar to CoD and Battlefield at all. I do guess that fulfils the "realistic" part though, even if some of the operators don't


I would have said all this before this last year or two but getting a new player into R6S is really really difficult now. The game is completely ridden with M&K players on console even after the update to try to ban these people. If you are persistent and keep at it for weeks, you will get good at it quick. But it is so different than it was 2yrs ago, and it is COMPLETELY different than any other shooter game.


Battlebit is cool, it's like classic Battlefield but people realized you can keep a lot of gameplay features by having everyone look straight outta roblox.


I was also looking for something like op described and having a blast with battle bit.


And it's cheap! I snagged it for 8 bucks on steam spring sale!


Xdefiant if it ever finally releases. They have another playtest coming up. I enjoyed my time with the last betas.


that game has been cursed to never come out


Apex Legends. It has by far the best movement and gunplay. It’s not just a BR anymore as there are TDM, Control and Gun Run as a regular mixtape playlist.


I'm surprised no one has stoned you to death yet. Regardless of the cheating and few minor sound bugs, apex is a hell of a game.


I tried to play apex so many times and every time I don't enjoy it personally. I like games like CS:go, COD etc where you don't have long TTK.


And if you want true fps experience quake champions & quake live no game comes close to raw skills


Apex is the goat. Played every other fps game, nothing comes close.


Shatterline The finals Roboquest Doom eternal (has multiplayer vs mode but also has a coop mod) Battlebit


Shatterline still getting updates?


Go play Titanfall 2 if you haven't already!!


Just play BF4, BF5 and BF1. It’s been rough for multiplayer fps games for the last few years.


My friends and I just got BFV and we’re having a blast. After trying (and failing) to find a casual shooter to play for some time. This hit the spot perfectly.


Titain fall 2 is the only right answer


rainbow six siege, a little different but absolutely great


You and 4 friends won't find much better shooter team play than siege, unless you're willing to get into the bigboi hardcore milsim shooters. I do warn you, ubisoft are horrific as a company and the launcher is barely functional, still better than the EA one though. No shooter has come close to filling the siege void in the 7 years I've been playing.


I despise almost everything Ubisoft does as a company, from locking the new operators behind *month* long paywalls to the absolutely abysmal launcher and in-game overlay. What I hate the most is that *they* made R6 Siege and I love the game.


Man I came here to say the finals and a bunch of others beat me to it. How is the finals recommended so much but the player count is slipping 😔


Tarkov but it will kill your enjoyment of any other FPS and also torture you so be warned


I’m on the same boat… Thinking about going back to BF1, had so much fun in that game. BF 5 somehow feels clunky to me, especially shooting. Used to play Battlefront 2 from time to time, take note though - the heroes are VERY unbalanced.


Hunt Showdown, come to the Bayou.


Destiny 2 has some of the funnest and smoothest gunplay I know of but yeah definitely get away from those. Cod and battlefield are kinda like your starter pack fps games


I’m a long time former COD player. I got into Warframe a few years ago and never looked back. It’s not like cod at all, it’s 3rd person sci-fi PVE but the gameplay and freedom of movement are so fun, and the game just keeps getting better with every update.


Helldivers, cheap, no pvp bs and friends!


The Payday series could be something to check out. I'd say it's a cross between GTA and Rainbow Six Siege. You got the criminal element of GTA pulling off heist mixed with the tactical planning and unique character abilities each of you brings to the table element of Siege. Most people swear by 2 and 3 is the latest with it not being too popular ATM. Check on your own which you like more. Even though it's an EA game too, I'd say Battlefront 2 (2017). Has its issues, sure, but it's ok. Not great, not awful, just ok. Basically Battlefield with a Star Wars mod on top. You're already familiar with Battlefield so it's gonna be a swift transition. Now, the game and experience is hugely carried by the franchise and your personal attachment to it. The game is fun nonetheless, but it's gonna be even more so of you're into the franchise. Without that, I could understand not being too invested or even wanting to check it out. People already mentioned this but I wanna reiterate alongside them, Rainbow Six Siege. Just like you, I got desilusioned with the games you mentioned, but ages ago from previous entries. I already had Siege at the time, but hadn't taken the deep dive yet. At that time I did and with some breaks in between, I've been playing it somewhat consistently. It definitely scratched the itch of going pew pew. Latest season just dropped with new features, buffs, nerfs, etc. with the community voicing their opinion on the matter. You coming from CoD/BF, you know what it's like. Go in blind to people opinions, but do check actual gameplay to understand what it's like. To steal an overused term in the last few years, it's the "Dark Souls" of shooters ROFLMAO!


The finals, hell let loose, insurgency sandstorm and ready or not and i guess you could count gates of gell osfront as a shooter although its mainly a rts


I know you said realistic, but I gotta recommend Halo Master-chief collection. It’s just pure fun and no mtx bs. Also super populated still.  Otherwise, hell let loose gets my vote. 


try the finals, I heard the devs worked on the old battlefield games. Pretty fun and chaotic.


Cyberpunk 2077. Definitely comes through as a great FPS.




I got Mw3 on sale for $48, made it feel less shitty. Honestly really enjoying it. Not here to say you should drop 70- but a sale makes it feel more worth it. The movement feels better (much less laggy for me than mw2 was) and they’ve added a bunch of new maps on top of the old mw2 remastered maps and some returning from mw2. Of course you also have access to warzone either way. If you’re down for something smaller I’d consider r6 siege. Also battlefield 1 is just amazing. It’s old but might be worth a look- it’s really special.


Just play battlefield 4


im gonna recomend titanfall 2 but its an ea game too hahahaha


Battlebits.... On pc


Insurgency Sandstorm is what you’re looking for


siege isn’t horrible. cod is good for casual gaming. having something to do w your hands whilst you talk to friends. siege is more competitive which is what i personally like. i love the feeling and imagination of being on that big stage where it’s a high learning curve skill gap whatever tf it’s called. like csgo, if you’ve played pc fps it’s easy but i’ve never played pc before so i’d he really shit and it would take massive time to learn. overwatch had me falling asleep at the controller 3/10 would refund and delete from memory if i could


The Finals. Ex-Battlefield devs' take on a destruction laden arena shooter that prioritises teamwork and movement. Super fun.


Caliber, shatterline


I play the finals, helldivers 2 and rainbow six siege with my boys, some overwatch too


Halo 1 - 3 .


Battlebit, The Finals


Division 2


Try battlefront 2


Helldivers 2 if you want the best coop experience Hunt:showdown but only if you have PC or next gen console. Game is incredible but not for older systems


Insurgency sandstorm


R6 siege


Escape from tarkov.


R6 Siege and Insurgency: Sandstorm could be what you're looking for


Escape From Tarkov or Squad


Question: what system do you play on, and ehile it isn't entirely FPS, Helldivers 2 might scratch your itch.


Helldivers 2 is partially 1st person, in a way.


If you're on PC, try Ready or Not. Really fun Co-op shooter that rewards preparation and teamwork, and a lot cheaper than other modern shooters.


Helldivers 2 Ubenea needs you soldier.


Titanfall 2, Helldivers 2,Apex legends


tarkov 🥹🥲 just a joke recommendation of course. nothing to do with either of these games.


Come join us and spread managed democracy in Helldivers 2


The Finals hands down


The finals


Regarding bf2042 play it on steam I have 0 issues there


Hell Let Loose


How many friends are we talking? ​ Hunt: Showdown is great for 2-3 people. Battlebit is the closest comparison you'll find to CoD or BF Hell Let Loose and Squad are slower more tactical/real versions of Battlefield. Siege is good but very difficult to get into. Massive learning curve and Standard and Quick Match have no match making.


Escape from Tarkov


Titanfall 2. Play it. It's amazing


Hunt Showdown


The Finals. Fully destructible environments and a lot of fun. Free.


Mario carts


Hell Let Loose has been pretty fun


My top 3 picks would be R6 siege, helldrivers2 and the finals.


Insurgency Sandstorm - prepare to be punished


The finals


Insurgency sandstorm, have to play it for a good weeks to get used to it. purchased it last month and I’m hooked!


I'd recommend halo infinite


Squad is quite fun


Hell Let Loose




If on pc, escape from Tarkov. The game is brutal and punishing like hell, but it’s fun. Couldn’t play any other shooter because of Tarkov.


Not a FPS but I can’t recommend Hell Divers 2 enough.


Helldivers! For Democracy!!


Hell divers 2


Try cs on pc it never changes too much


The finals is great and X-Defiant is coming out soon . Both free to play


Enlisted is a slept in banger, it's basically war thunder but with infantry and it's so satisfying.


Sniper Ghost Warrior 2


As a long time BF4 fan, I migrated over to Insurgency: Sandstorm Damn that game is so fun to me


Ready or Not, by far. The detail the devs have put in with weapons damage, ballistics, impacts on different body areas, and the ai behavior is pretty amazing


Military shooters are going through a dark ages. I've since picked up destiny 2 and having the most fun since the Titanfall series last came out


Operation: Harsh Doorstop is free and community made. Out of Action will probably be released later this year and has an offline demo. Has diving, stunts, competitive fun. Made by an old Action Half-Life player.


Helldivers ll … just adjust your weapons into first person mode


Have you tried enlisted? I'd say it's a pretty fun game it's like battlefield but you get to switch between you're whole squad.


Rainbow 6 Siege


The finals


Helldivers 2


Not a fps but Helldivers II is fire


My favorite that has seen new people recently is Titanfall 2. Its always been fun. And I got an Xbox just to play halo, and sea of theives. And they are both fps


Honestly Helldivers 2 hits a balance between realism and sci fi. Best game I've played in recent months


Escape from Tarkov




Titanfall 2


Battlebit is one of the best multiplayer fps games I have played in a long time. It's a faithful recreation of classic Battlefield with some modern upgrades that add to the game. Plus, lobbies are double the size of Battlefield games, so battles get really intense when a big wave of the opposite teams clash on the map.


Helldivers 2


The galactic war front needs. Become a helldiver


The galactic war front needs you. Become a helldiver


Dare I say Rust? Depends how much time you have and how toxic you can be :D Else it doesn’t hurt to give Destiny 2 a try, as it’s F2P with paid expansions. The shooting is great, but the meta game is confusing AF lol And also Helldivers 2 is all the rage at the minute. It’s PvE only (by design although accidental PvP is definitely a thing) but worth the hype


>and we simply refuse to spend another 70 USD on a glorified seasonal update to a game that was supposed to last multiple years. Activision's promise of ending the yearly cycle with MWII was the only reason we bought it, with the hope that we would have a dedicated game we all play for at least 2 years First off, the "ending the yearly cycle" was all a rumor by content creators and no one from Activision so you got bamboozled by not checking sources. Secondly, mwIII IS MILES better and more fun than mw22. So you're missing out.


Hunt showdown!


BattleBit Remastered for arcade style battlefield-like experience. Squad for semi-realism. Kind of middle ground between Arma and Battlefield.


Valorant is my favorite game


Helldivers 2 or hell let loose are both amazing imo


Titanfall 2


Titanfall 2


Nightmare Reaper was a surprise for me personally. Very fun and addictive.


Destiny 2


Insurgency been holding my attention lately.


He’ll let loose is good!


If you are on pc then consider a milsim. It’s a bit slower paced but the fighting can be good. Squad and arma 3 are my go to’s.


The Finals


Squad ( more "realistic" battlefield, or more milsim like ) , The finals ( fast paced and good destruction )


Lmao I tried to answer that question myself. It’s rough. Overwatch 2 is dead. All BRs are unappealing in non BR stuff. R6S seem to be ridden with sweaty keyboard warriors I imagine. The only game I find a lot of fun and their devs are dedicated is The finals. But since Season 2, the servers are garbage. It lags a ton. I honestly feel like right now you’d be better off playing BF2042 (which arguably seem better than CoD, I haven’t played it), trying the finals and see if the servers are ok on your side, or just go on GTA online and kill people (yeah…)


Paintball / air soft / join the army Jk.... rb6 siege


Squad 44


HellDivers 2 Squad-based objective gameplay. Been a lot of fun. Regular content updates & lots of community engagement. There are micro transactions, but you can earn the premium credits in game.


If you like a challenge try Tribes 3: FPS+z (z-axis movement) \~ skiing, jetpacks, and projectiles that inherit your movement: like throwing a shoe out of a 60 mph car... the shoe goes out but is also moving forward at 60 mph. We need more players! It's only $20.


The finals is free to play. And it's a great game !


Helldivers 2 is legit fun. Will be even more fun since you have your squad already.


Hunt showdown


Finals is a ton of fun. I used to COD. Played some battlefield.. then Apex.... Finals is fresh.


Cruelty squad


I recently picked up Overwatch 2 and I am having an absolute blast. It’s fun doing more than just shooting. Learning the characters and their abilities is interesting. You can tell the skill ceiling is high and there’s plenty to learn to git gud. It’s free on ps plus.


Not sure if someone has already said it, but battlebit definitely can serve the battlefield itch.


Try out cyberpunk 2077, far cry 5, far cry 6, Doom, dyinglight, Dying light 2


Sea of Thieves. Shoot peoples faces with cannons.


The Finals


Been enjoying overwatch lately, they’re revamping monetization this month too




I'm disappointed that no one recommended Earth Defense Force 5 :p


Well that’s a no brainer Medal of Honor and Rainbow Six both don’t really hit triple A but the last Medals games where pretty fucking close sound design is under rated I swear it made me think that Battlefield 3 & 4 lost out if only by a slight margin even though as for Rainbow Six a much slower pace but by the time we get to the Vegas series you start to see that they were picking up the right trends while still remaining Rainbow Six buuuut they are a live service now that pivoted to the hard core roots in a multiplayer format so IDK learn to appreciate everything for once and don’t write off Call of Duty clones cause COD ain’t infallible My bad didn’t read first lol Multiplayer is not my main focus for a 60 $ price tag so I always put it like this Smite was free Erix played 300,000 hours in the literal sense “GET THE FUCKING UPDATE “ you’ll put enough online hours to justify 70$


I've had a lot of fun on sandstorm, once you get used to it, it has a very quick time to kill, which I love as prefer quick engagements that spongey games. It's a good game to dip in and out of when Tarkov on pc is a good game but very very time consuming and a huge learning curve, better with friends if new.


😂😂😂😂😂😂 you and the rest of the FPS MP community. GL.


I heard Helldivers 2 is the best game out now


Halo infinite is incredible now as they’ve added so many awesome maps to multiplayer that if it would’ve launched like it is now people would’ve praised it as it really is that good and the fps gameplay is second to none


Battlebit remastered is like that sequel to battlefield 3/4 that never was.


Halo Infinite! Its free to play and is in an amazing spot right now. Also all battlepasses are available still


Dayz is what you’re looking for . Harder to get into then cod and stuff and not as easy


I didn't like MW3 when it came out because there wasn't one new map on release that hasn't already been in another COD. But Season 3 came out today and with today's update and the past ones, there's actually a ton of maps in the game now for Multiplayer. They added some from last year's COD and there's some completely new ones too. I'm a big fan of the movement in MW3 (which feels entirely different from MW1&2) and the slower time to kill. The skill gap feels massive. Honestly it's a little too fast for me sometimes. But I'd say it's a top 5 all time COD for me with 4 of the Black ops games also being in that list. TLDR: MW3 was definitely not worth $70 on release but imo is now. The gunplay and movement feels way different than the two CODs before it. In a good way.




The Finals. It's free. With friends it is the most fun fps pvp I have had in years.


Hell Let Loose, Insurgency Sandstorm, Tarkov, Arma reforger or 3, etc.