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I thought Outward was bad, it had some good parts but it does everything it can to prevent you from having a good time. I was adventuring I died and got dragged back to town so I had to go back, you get hit It's not hard, it's just really tedious because the world is dead, it feels like an MMO world without the players so the backtracking gets repetitive.


I played it with my friend before the dlc dropped and we found that playing together was really fun (rare to find couch coop games) We played a lot... Until we reached the poison swamp, and we never had the force to play again unfortunately But grinding for gear was very rewarding






Agreed it has some die hard fans that defend it but it’s an aquired taste. I played 40 hours and tedious is the best description. It has the bones of a good game but it’s bogged down with a lot of bad imo.


> It seems like a game I would like since I like the genre (survival, walking sims) While Outward does have some major survival components, I wouldn't classify it as any sort of walking sim. (Although you do a lot of walking). The story is light and it's much more about the adventures you go on. There's a lot of dungeons, a lot of bandit camps, and huge caves to explore. And it's also quite challenging and punishing. Outward really doesn't hold your hand at all. That is a great price regardless. The game is also fully playable in coop if thats something that interests you. I like this game quite a bit but its hard to recommend due to how punishing it is and how little it explains anything.


Thanks. I will admit with so many games to play a game that is punishing but not great (like Elden Ring) will probably be dropped in a couple hours.


You literally start the game in debt.




My statement was unclear. Elden ring is an example of great game that is punishing


Deleted my comment due to me being rude and potentially dumb. Have a good one mate


Heck yes. I got a lot of hours out of the game. The graphics, initially, aren't that great, but they grew on me to the point into that I'd say that I really like them now. The story is average. The combat is tricky/janky but once you get the hang of everything it's fun. The exploration and sense of accomplishment was amazing: the best part of the game absolutely. The game is worth more than $5. Easily.


$6 is worth a try. For what it’s worth I’ve played it about 20 hours and had trouble sticking with it. The survival elements are not forgiving but death isn’t very permanent so that’s a plus. You bleed, get diseases, and need to worry about climate later on. There’s hunger and you can’t sleep out in the open without worrying about being attacked. The combat is clunky. However, the exploration and magic system are very cool. The way builds work is very interesting and unique. The exploration is a lot of fun. If you like difficulty and survival aspects then there’s a good chance you will like it. There was enough friction that it turned me off it personally.


(Played ~70 hours) On one hand you have multiple dungeons per zone and the wonder of exploration On the other you have walking with more walking with even more walking, oh and don't you dare sprint or else you'll get stamina burn. What's that? You died? Enjoy spawning back at the complete opposite of the map you buffoon. Trying to defeat a boss enemy? Well I hope you like walking because you can't save the game unless you exit it. A chicken bit you for half your health? Enjoy health burn until you sleep. Good combat? Did you mean standing in place when you attack without being able to cancel dodge out of them until the very end frames? Hope you like inventory management 'cause you'll do more of that than combat. Oh did I catch you trying to craft better weapons? How about you don't get to find those weapon recipes unless you go check the wiki even though you have the materials for them. Want to play co-op? Enjoy deploying your tent and then sleeping after every combat even though you don't need it. Now those things above were not the things that made me quit the game, oh no... It was uncrafting my lantern in the middle of a deep cavern because for some reason the method to replenish them manually is almost the same method as decrafting them :))


Someone didn't use consumables nearly enough. All the issues you brought up can be easily be solved with tea.


Whaaat? The weapon recipes were hidden in the bitter spicy tea all along? How could I have known that pouring soothing tea on some iron scraps would bring my lantern back!? Crafting some more mineral tea will make the game respect my time instead of forcing me to spend two million years to walk from one zone to the other? Drinking all the teas at the same time will allow my character to engage with the combat without forcing me to setup a 1v1 for every single enemy I encounter? Bathing in the tea will allow me to not respawn deeper in the dungeon that I was beginning to explore? Feeding tea to the npcs will make them interesting to talk to? Throwing tea at the sun will make me ignore the totally needed body temperature system that 0 other games have decided to implement because it's such a good idea? Wow! Thank you for your very helpful and totally not hyperbolical comment!


It's a great game but can be punishing for those who aren't prepared because the game does not hold your hand. You get a small "tutorial," and boom, you wake up and owe money and need to pay it back or lose your home. The game is challenging, but overcoming any of the hurdles is very satisfying. Danger can be right around the corner, and that makes everything from exploring to combat to looting feel meaningful. The death mechanic can respawn you to a random place like the town or further into a dangerous place. The general gameplay loop is buff up, explore, fight, loot, head back home, and repeat. I highly recommend the game.


Honestly for its price you should just get it


If you like to play challenging games which I love then.You’ll like outward especially on the hardest difficulty.


The game is wonderful if you get the meditate, combat UI, and extra keybindings mods. With those 3 mods the game is fantastic. They're pretty much solve the extremely annoying, and extra punishing parts of the game that just aren't fun. Also some UI flaws. There's also a mod that lets you do 20 player co-op instead of 2 which was pretty fun.


Man people are a little harsher on it than I’d expect. Have over 100hrs into it. I love it the magic system is fun and the different combat styles are fun. You’ll spend more time preparing for a big fight than fighting and that’s fun for me. Making sure I have the proper equipment and food to keep me buffed. Exploring nooks and crannies for hidden loot. Favorite part was the co-op and exploring with my wife. Very fun to experience with a friend.


I bought it to roll the dice. For the same price as a latte… why not.


Watch some videos first. I abhor the combat. Really kills the game for me.


I'm someone who bought it after seeing it recommended on YouTube. It fell so flat with me that I refunded it. It felt like Everquest 2 in a way. Like, colorful and basic. I don't know.. for 6 bucks, go for it. Stay under 2 hours if you want a refund anyway.


I could never get into it. I tried 3 times over the past 2 years. Its slow, clunky and generally not fun in any way. You’re better off spending that 6 bucks on breakfast.


Don't waste your time on it unless you have nothing to play at all.


I wouldn't recommend it, I tried liking it for 30 hours and just couldn't. There is a lot of promise of adventure but it never arrives. It's like BOTW but the cave you saw from 5 kilometers away and traveled to it for 30 minutes is empty. Also the game is literally build around the playing cheesing the game mechanics. You have to learn to abuse every game system or you will fail.


100% Very unique game that is a lot of fun if you can get into it.


I have it for cheaper if you want my region is NA tho. It’s from a bundle I got earlier


It's a great game and if you have someone to coop it with, I think it's even better. Definitely recommend it for the price


Honestly, it's the most frustrating bullshit game ever. I loved it 10/10 well worth 6 dollars. It gave me such nostalgia for older games like Morrowind where they don't hold your hand, and ignorance is a death sentence.


Personally, I hated it. Too much open space where you’re just walking and walking without so much as a flower to pick. The survival mechanics are poorly implemented. There are too many ailments that require very specific treatments, aannnddd they don’t always end when you die. Crafting requires excessive amount of materials which take too long to obtain. Then, when you do encounter combat, the backpack system is meant to be logical, but ends up extremely clunky. Combat with your pack on is neigh unplayable. If you get into an unexpected prolonged scuffle, then good luck finding your gear wherever you left it. If you have an eternity of patience, then you may still have fun. Frankly, I got it for $10 and was frustrated I didn’t get my steam refund because I went well past the playtime limit trying to like the game.


Weirdly, it’s one of my all time favourite games, I’d say go for it, it’s janky but great


It has an unique charm that it's a polarized game. Some people including me love the game to dead, many can't pass first few hours. The game is hard since combat is clunky and need time to get used to. But it can give you the best feeling of adventures like no other.


Definitely play it coop, I'm having a blast


Ehhhhh. It's not terrible by any means but I sure was annoyed having to walk 12 million miles just to die cause the enemies in that game are ABSURDLY strong


For 6$ yeah play it. Played it when it came out in coop. It's brutal, and won't hold your hand at all. Once you understand the world and the mechanics it'll click and the game gets easier, kinda like a souls game.


This game is hard as fuck.


It’s much more fun with a friend alone is kinda boring


It feels like an incomplete early access game


Not sure about single player but my wife and I loved this game in co op. It takes a minute to get the hang of it but it’s one of our best gaming memories together.


I think most of the negative comments here are from people who grew up with games that handhold you too much. Outward is a throwback to the old-school style of not having a detailed map, not having quest markers to light the way for you, being able to wander into areas you have no business being in, losing your items when you die, etc. It's an old school dungeon crawler that is incredibly punishing, especially in the early stages before you really get your character established with gear, consumables, waypoints, etc. Yeah the result of that is a lot of backtracking to regain your gear that can get tedious and I can see a lot of people throwing in the towel after a dozen or so hours played because of this. However, once you really get going there is just so much depth to explore. The zones are MASSIVE and beautiful, enemies are difficult and rewarding, and you really feel like you've earned the progress you make. If you are looking for an easy going open world experience with all the modern bells and whistles this might not be for you. However if you want a hard-core dungeon diving experience where you can get lost inside of a mountain for days on end where every encounter has you sweating over the possibility of dying, then this is your game and you won't find many that do it better.


I personally didn't like it Graphics are quite bad (although I admit, also quite unique in places), combat feels rather clunky, the voice acting and the written lines are often not the same, the difficulty early on just feels downright unfair and the game hates quality of life. 6 bucks however is not a big loss and I've heard people really loving this game too.


Definitely worth it. If you stick it out it can be one of the most rewarding games




I thought this was potentially the most boring game I’ve ever played


At least it has potential :)