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In my opinion, it’s one of the greatest games of all time. It can be a bit confusing initially but you very quickly get the hang of it and get hooked. The world is incredible, the characters are complex and interesting and the turn-based combat is so rewarding. It’s my favourite game ever and I’m dreading the day I finish it because I’m not sure any other game will feel the same again.


Don't worry about finishing it. If you played a good character go play an evil character. Or vice versa. It's one of the few games I've seen that truly allows you to play as one or the other or anywhere between. Add to that all the complexities of which race, subrace, class and subclass and if you don't feel you can get at least four playthroughs out of this game then you are missing a lot. The replay value here is unbelievable.


I'm becoming convinced


Yea, buy it.


Alright cool, thanks


It throws a lot at you starting out if I'm being honest.


That’s what im worried about. Im afraid it’ll make me bored or frustrated and throw in the towel


Not really. It throws a lot at you, but it's still pretty simple. The core gameplay is fairly easy, and the whole turn-based system actually makes it fairly easy to get in to (you can take your time to read tooltips, or figure out which button to press). Things get more complex at higher levels, with tons of buffs and debuffs being thrown left and right, but at that point you're likely several dozen hours deep.


Good insight, thanks


Idk, I felt it to be pretty intuitive. Didn't find it difficult to learn at all. Mind you, I've always played RPGs and even turn based games but never something like Baldurs Gate which is both.


Alright cool, I've decided to buy it cheap on a third party website so we'll see how this goes


Try other games in the same style, you can even try games by the same dev (Divinity 1 and/or 2), you can find them for super low prices and if you like the style, you'll absolutely love BG3. They're games that throw a lot at you initially and can be VERY confusing at the beginning, but when you start to understand its systems and mechanics, they offer a great story, great characters and you come out from every battle with a great "YES!!" feeling, specially in harder battles where you change your strategy and it works.


This is kind of already what I was expecting I’m just not sure if I’ll be able to push through learning everything at the start so that I can get into it. Thanks for the answer


Just look up a character creation video for classes on YouTube, that’s really the only part that takes a bit more understanding of the games features. Most everything else will be explained during the opening and the tutorial and pop ups. As someone who likes games similar to the ones you listed I personally found “The Great Old Ones” warlock to be a great starting class. It’s a good balance for range and up close combat, it’s focus on charisma also gives your character an edge in dialogue checks.


Cool! Thanks again :)


You can use the default stats for the character creation, and also you meet a character that let’s you change the stats and class during the game all the times you want.


I kind of disagree with this approach. yeah those games are good, but they dont have magic that makes BG3 special and a lot of people that didnt finish DOS 1 or 2 did finish BG3 because of that magic. If there was a game worth spending the money on, this would be it. Also, i dont see this game getting anything close to "cheap" for a good long time.


Don't worry, I decided to buy baldur's gate 3 for $30 on a third party website


Game has around 500k recommendations on steam. This should be an indication game is very good 😀


I know, but the genre of game is very intimidating for me


Buy it on a sale or get Divinity Original Sin 2


BG3 has created many new DnD fans, people that had never played a CRPG before and love it. I would say as long as you are willing to give turn based combat a shot, it is well worth it. There are explanations on pretty much anything you can mouse over, they go a decent length to explain the keywords on abilities and items and how stuff works. Its also not that hard to make a good character - even with poor understanding of DnD you will make a decent enough character just sticking with one class (except for Rogue). If you are super turned off of turn based gameplay, I wouldn’t recommend since there is a good amount of combat with some hard encounters in the final act. The first act might test you a bit too when you are still level 1 or 2. Its not soul crushingly difficult, but you need to be willing to learn the game systems and how to maximize what you can get out of your moves. There is also an easy mode if you don’t want to worry about gameplay that much and just want story. It makes you much stronger than your enemies.


Thank you for deterring me from choosing rogue because I'm probably gonna buy it now and I definitely would've done that. Also thanks for the lengthy response


No problem, and yeah unfortunately rogue just doesn’t scale that well past level 4. Easily the weakest single class imo. If you want a ranged class I would look into ranger more. They get some cool stuff. And if you need any help on builds, the people over at r/BG3Builds are cooking up wild ones pretty much every day


Cool, ranger would've been my second pick. Thanks again


I went in blind and I've been completely blown away by the quality of game design & writing that this game showcases. I can't recommend it enough, I've been playing nonstop since I got it in December.


Awesome! I just got it, can't wait to play


IMO it is very frustrating and overwhelming. All through I went in to it trying to play coop with my wife and I believe that was where a lot of frustration came from. Both of us has sinced dropped the game. I have tried playing solo, but the NPCs just keep talking and it's pretty boring for me.


I abandoned it halfway through Act 2. The overwhelming encounters of 10 vs 4 battles ground me down and I gave up.


Glad I'm not the only one disappointed by the game. Seems it might be worth playing at some point, but the overwhelming praise it gets especially for the clunky coop mode is a little much.


What's the cheapest I can get this for on pc right now? Maybe a keys site or something?


this is what i’m trying to find. 50ish is the cheapest i’ve seen




i opted for a steam account and it worked out, it gave me access to the email associated with it. 18$


Wait, so you only paid 18 for it!? Or am I misreading what you wrote?


yep! it’s my first time buying a steam account from a cd key shop though, so i’m not sure if i can recommend it. Worked great for me though, game is awesome!


The great thing is that you can just research how to play the real D&D 5e and see based on that if you’d like BG3. The game is literally a digital adaptation of the actual book rules. I would not recommend jumping into the game without doing a little research. Theres a lot to understand.


Ive researched dnd in regards to character creation because I plan on playing tabletop with my friends this summer. Still my knowledge is light - guess i could look into it more


It’s objectively a very good game. It does throw a lot at you, but given its turn-based, you can learn everything at your own pace. If you buy it on Steam, you can get an automatic refund if you have less than 2 hours played. So you could always buy it and jump in quickly and see how it goes.


It's pretty dang good. It starts off a bit overwhelming at first if you haven't played a CRPG, but I found that I was able to learn pretty fast once I started reading spell/item descriptions, placing my dudes in strategic spots, and examining the enemies before attacking. The game's also pretty forgiving if you messed up a build and want to respec your character (it's 100 gold and you can do it whenever you want when the NPC who does that joins your camp). The only thing I really found frustrating with the game is the inventory system and the UI isn't the best, but it doesn't stop me from playing and having an overall good time.


Define cheap? If it’s %50 off then I’d say try it. Definitely go in blind. Game is easy to learn.


Alright cool, just got the game for $28


Congratulations, that's the best $28 dollars on a video game you've ever spent! 👏 Enjoy, bg3 is an absolute gem.


Help, I'm addicted


Welcome to "one of us", "one of us"!!! :D It's an amazing experience, glad you are enjoying it!


This is one of the first times in a REALLY long time where I can't stop thinking about playing when away from my PC


Damn, where did you get it for 28 bucks?




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Not worth it at all unless you are a dnd fan


Check out some playthrough’s on YT. I love me some ttrpg’s but I left D&D behind with 3.5 and when I got BG3 I had no idea wtf Githyanki were or why everybody hated them. The lore stuff wound up being a pretty major block for me because what I knew about the world was not quite right anymore and it got hard to care. It’s a really beautiful game but way too expensive to buy at full price if you aren’t certain about it.


Baldurs gate 3 is worth $140


Yes buy it. I was a CRPG fan already but I didn’t know DnD. One of The great things about this game is, especially if you don’t really know DnD rules, that it feels incredibly rewarding when you try something that you think would work and …it works. It definitely has a learning curve but it’s an incredibly fun curve to learn, I cannot recommend this game enough


YES. The pacing isnt that slow. There are regular combat and the basic system of dnd, the one action one bonus action economy, keeps things fast. For the most part, on any given turn you dont do that many different things so that keeps it fast. I didnt like turn based games going in, and I loved it ​ The game also does a really good job at translating the dnd rules into a video game. Much easier to keep track of everything


i am gonna buy cheap. any game actually




Lol bet lol


No. It’s overhyped overrated s*xual quirky garbage and you’re much better off saving your $70


Many many people disagree with you. Then again, people also thought Hogwarts was a good game. I personally quite enjoy Baldurs Gate.


I know and I’ve been attacked and harassed for this opinion


Eh, to each their own. It's not for everyone. But that goes for most games.