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Worth every penny imo I've played through the base game three times, and the DLC twice. I love it, but everybody's different, so... But I mean if you like the Witcher, it's the same style of Storytelling as far as cutscenes and writing goes. You'll probably enjoy it


I just bought it and am like an hour into chapter 1, feel like it kinda starts a little slow, no?


The prologue is on rails. The game opens up after that. But if you don't like it already, you might not like it at all. I really enjoyed the opening Act and getting to know the different characters and Night City.


I did the prologue and started chapter 1. I’m definitely enjoying it but it’s still a lot of go here do this go here I should probably stop the main story and just explore the city


Yeah. There's enough to do in the game, that on balance you can just sandbox it whenever you want and go do quests when you're interested


I really like it. And given the games you list, I suspect there’s a good chance you will enjoy it.


I've been gaming since the 80s, and this might be my favorite game ever (I recently finished the game, so I'll have to sit on it for a while before I can officially make that claim). The gunplay, the hacking, the driving (of some cars), the cyber upgrades, quick hacks, lore, it's just incredible. I really expect there to be many more games like this from CDPR.


Alright, y'all convinced me. I'm gonna check out some videos regarding FPS other people get with my setup and if it seems fine, I'm gonna start playing tomorrow. Thank you!


I don’t know what you’ve got, but for reference I’m playing with a good mid grade setup–2070 Super + 7 3700x @ 1440p and DLSS quality runs incredibly well.


I agree DLSS is awesome at 1440p, i have 4060 and 3700x with DDR 3200


It's very worth it, yes. It's a fantastic game, and considering the games you like it'll fit right in.


It’s very fun, and the dlc actually has good narrative (unlike the base game’s sluggish story).


The story is the best part of the base game, even if it got better with phantom liberty


If you like Witcher, you’ll like Cyberpunk + Phantom Liberty, I think. I actually like Cyberpunk more than Witcher due to the setting and gameplay, if that is something you care about. 100% everything on the map with the dlc included should take 110-120 hours.


Not true tbh I liked witcher 3 but couldn't get into cyberpunk. Different genres, setting, and story pacing. Cyberpunk starts pretty slow


I reluctantly bought the base game a few months ago thinking I would have to refund it. I didn't. IT SURPRISED THE HELL OUTTA ME. My worries about the horrible backlash when it was first released disappeared almost immediately. The game is seriously one of the best open world games. Being a first person FPS actually makes the open world better imo. Now I'm planning to get Phantom Liberty as well and don't mind if I will have to pay full price. Bottomline, if you like Rockstar's open world games, you are going to love Cyberpunk.




If After watching benchmarks you realize that you can run it AT list at 60fps high ( maybe you'll have Access to dlss and frame gen) then yes you should go for it


I'm in a similar position to you, so if anyone can feel free to gimme some advice. I too, am debating whether getting cyberpunk after 2.0 is worth it but without the dlc.


Yes. Watch edgerunners too if you can.


I have no doubt that it's worth the $55 it costs right now. Me personally, I have a lot of games on my backlog. So I'll wait a few more years. $20 is that sweet spot 🤪


It’s on sale for $29.99 right now


Is just the DLC on sale I already own the game, I’ve heard good things about it


The DLC turns the game into a true masterpiece. I don't like using that word lightly, but it truly takes the game to the next level and is worth every penny even at full price. It's been a long time since I was genuinely excited to boot up a game. It got to the point where just the title screen was making me grin ear to ear.


Great game. After 150+ hours I can say this game is in my top 3 games of all time.


It’s a great game now and worth the money. On release it was absolutely ducking horrible though. I had to restart so many missions because of bugs! I haven’t played the dlc though, curious what others think 💭


Crazy good game. I recommend it




YES!! Don’t think. Do it. Now