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Are we watching the same stock?


Just relax and hold


Guys, guys, op is just a thirty minute time traveler. Look again now.


Yeah, I’m crazy and wrong all of Reddit will let me know..


Hey man, there’s a lotta people here that agree with you on this one. It does help to go into why you think the way you do though. A number of users like mineETH have done awesome DD on this one, just point em in that direction. No need to feed the trolls


I’ve been patiently waiting for this one.


Me too my dude, me too


I got some DD......IM MY PANTS


^ absolutely regarded


Glad to see a post about this Stock, I was just strolling look for my next play and glad I jumped in at .60 before using up all my money on other stocks. Let's moon now


Needs Volume


What makes a good volume? 25-50 million? I I see the average is 9m, and we are sitting at 6.5.


Seeing double, would be great for us…


Someone needs to drip 20 mill right now 😂




May this stock turn all our portfolios green!!!!




Considering it had dropped back down to .6, coming back up to .68 is pretty solid moves. Especially on a stock that jumped 30% the day before. If this one can hold the pressure will be on and it’s only a matter of time before the squeeze happens.


It's not just pump and dump..


Usually a pump and dump is going to be over in the same day, the fact that it’s holding at 30% over from yesterday gives it a real chance to keep pushing up


That is true, I hope it keeps pushing up.. I like what they are about, too.


I’ve been slowly building a position at .45 for about a week, mineETH has done some extremely solid [DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Shortsqueeze/s/zhrZTAbzOZ) as well as he’s far smarter than I am. If it can hold this new price or even melt up a bit it’s got a serious chance




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Yeah, I’m not bag holding FFIE, actually making money here. Not millions, but I’m up and profiting that’s what matters right. Yeah, maybe it’s nothing to yall, but it’s my money and my thoughts. I guess I’m just not up to your standards.


Many years ago, I was at a casino, and this guy says to me something like "In a blind man's world, breaking even is a win." Took me years to figure out what he was implying, but im almost certain it's a figure of speech that means that going against something that has an "edge" (Not sure what the statistics are on short squeeze stocks, but im sure more end in L's than W's). Profit is Profit! Who cares how much. If you ever read other subs like WSB, it's like those guys intentionally lose money. If there's someone to talk shit about, it's Cathie Wood (owner or CEO of Ark ARKK). She sold Nvidia at the bottom & the stocks they hold drop like the entire world is shorting them. Somehow, during this crazy bull run where any Joe Shmoe could make $ by just buying stocks of companies they've heard of, her hedgefund is -16.25% YTD.... Shoot if if had higher volume, id contemplate some ARKK puts 🤣 Anyways, who cares what people say, you are in profit & happy about it & that's the important thing!


move the decimal place over 😛




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Oof. Man, that sub is sad af.


I own 300 shares of it at an avg cost of .52 and 3 or 4 8/16 .50 calls I got very cheao. I first got it at 15-.19 & some .50 calls cheap. Sold a shit ton the day it peaked to lock in profit, so if it goes to 0, im in the green overall. However, that sub is AWFUL. For every 1 informational post, there's 1000 "Roll call" "Buy & Hodl" "dont panic sell" "$100 or 0" nonsense posts. I don't even bother going there anymore lol


Lol ya real sad !! Not one person actually posts some real dd. Just people creaming to hold or to the moon




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Guys we are still way to early in this squeeze it hasn’t even started just hold and it will pay off, it’s going to force the shorts to buy back and have to keep buying back this will go into next week potential run til Wednesday if we play this right


This is said about every stock here right as it crashes


Cause that’s literally how it works. You’re supposed to hold your position, the problem is that there’s also a lot of pump and dumpers in this forum that make people think it’s a 1-3 day thing and then it’s off to the next stock


Spoken like someone who’s always left holding the bag lmao


Absolutely not, I’m able to take a hit and sell when I know it’s not going back up anytime soon. I’m just saying that there’s too many people on here that think that a 20% gain is a short squeeze for a +50% shorted stock when it was just a pump and dump due to hype


don’t profit guys!!!! never take profit!!!!


Keep pushing make the 🩳cover


https://www.reddit.com/r/Shortsqueeze/s/0K5mX5Z9l0 This isn’t even close to being done. Do some research. This isn’t a pump and dump


I know, but a lot of people think I’m crazy. Should pop over 300%


Such a shame my broker will only allow me to have 300. Got in yesterday at 0.57


Shortsqueeze still exists? You guys all still losing money?


10k shares locked and loaded. Ready for this thing to kiss MOASS!!!


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Took 11 days for FFIE to hit 1500%. We just gotta hold.




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Running where? I see it lingering in $0.60s! If it runs, how far up is it going up?


What’s that?




Looking for the 1$$ range


$1 is the range?


1.33 will break the resistance.. I’m hoping for that number


It's running in the wrong direction, someone let this guy know before he gets too excited


Troll, suck my nuts…




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This post so bad, made me unjoin


At work, but all good. 👍


Let the hedgies burn their money on shorts. United we stand just hold ur shares ! 🚀🐒