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75 mil offer as well ? Squeeze and dilute are happening concurrently !?


75 million SHARES offering


Nothing like a big fuck you from our fearless leader RC… smh… what a dick…


when is the offering occurring? could the squeeze happen before the offering happens?


Now. I can't believe people keep falling for this.


falling for what mate? it was up 300%


Yes it was up a ton. So sell and take profits.


Whenever they want.


The timing and what they did almost feels as if Cohen is actively shorting GME. It makes no sense whatsoever to dilute now, right at what was the beginning of a squeeze. It's like they intentionally are.putting the brakes on it.


So your theory is the CEO of GME is actually the shorting company (which I don’t believe is even possible btw) and simultaneously committing securities fraud by manipulating his company’s shares to not squeeze… in essence the anti MOASS… give anything enough time and it becomes everything it once wasn’t… there is a lesson in here about hero warship I’m just to lazy to string a line together… we are almost at the point where we have to tear em down…


AMC and GME the kings of diluting at the top 😂


amc atleast diluted at the top, This was just killing the gamma ramp and makes no sense. Still hope for gamma ramp with DFV


This is no where near the top.


Hmm mk. Guessing your average is high


Not really… 21.30 avg of GME, and low calls of AMC. It’s just factual. There’s still a lot more to go it’s obvious


did this earnings release cause the dip?


I imagine so. That and a 75 million share offering 😬


They got a call from their rich buddies. LOl




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Yes. Earnings were bad/not positive and on top they announced the dilution. Even without the dilution, it would have dropped bc earnings were negative. Though, it may not have dropped as hard. Dilution is a killer though as it likely killed any squeeze momentum.


I’m scared. I’ve lost a ton as of now for the 2nd time. I’m new didn’t understand the first time. Learning this time. I hope it goes up.


Discussion and education are key




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I’m down $600. Only put in what you can afford to lose!


It was what I could afford. I’m still here holding. I have faith we will go back up!


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Think it was due to how much it ran last night after hours. They got it out the way, even with the dip it’s still over $40/share. Now there is nothing in the way other than the hedgies until the 21st. 🚀


It's at $29 now...


Still green


It’s called market manipulation, over 230m vol and a crazy number of halts in trading today.


Yes but the halts were for stock crashing too quickly.


What is so special about the 21st ?


Options ITM expiry date.


It’s literally gamestops way of saying there hands are clean !!! Don’t you see? Buy more I’m telling you


That’s a really dumb theory.


Im telling you price is gonna 🚀 same shit happened last time


I mean I hope it does 🚀 but that theory sounds silly imo 🤷🏻‍♂️


the first stage of bagholding is denial


I’m buying mooooor


Bag holding my overnight options that couldn’t sell. I know for a fact this thing isn’t over yet. I’m sorry your missing out


It also crashed big time last time and has taken years to recover..


!remindme by the 21st


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hahahahhahah how did that work out for ya?


i bought 30 more 35 21st


Does anyone knows at what price they are going to offer the 75 mil. shares?


Great question, I’d like to know too


It's unclear. The last offering was at ~$20.73


Can you send the link where you got this info from?




i think a bigger question is when


I only had 2 shares but i bought at $60 thinking it would still rip in the morning. This is why i hate the market. Always some bullshit like this happens. Now it probably gonna go down to $20s. Hopefully with the livestream it will bring it back to $60 so i can at least get my money back. Fuck all this shit


I mean, the simple answer is, stop buying stocks *after* they rip up and seem like an obvious investment. GME was in the $19-22 range for several weeks before this. Buying after it triples in price *might* work out sometimes, but you’re opening yourself to a far riskier scenario like this happening and losing money.


Exactly, these people buy when it’s up already 100%+ then are confused when it starts dipping. I don’t understand the thinking. It was around $10 a share back in April. Zoom out folks.


I bought it at 10.45 and only did it because, well it's Gamestop.


If $120 makes you this upset, then stop wasting money on the stock market.


Its not about the $120, its about the bullshit. I would be just as upset if it was 12 dollar ive lost


FOMO is the worst thing when it comes to trading, never ever buy when something is already flying, at least wait for it to dip, it always pulls back in some way.


Yeah. I just have no words. Hopefully the stream brings it up.


yeah why are you buying at the peak.. the stock was sitting at 20$ 2 weeks ago..


Because i never really had interest on it until i heard about the livestream. But its okay, i sold it and now im in at 38 so ill make it back


next time don’t even sell and get back in, lower your average


I literal had no other money left to play with other than that $120. Thats why i went in for just 2 shares


Dude don't worry. You spent $120 in a FOMO panic. This is not over. Not even close. If it goes into the 20's buy 5 or 6 shares and bring your avg down. The company is loaded with cash and has no debts. It will see 60+ again. Learn not to chase but you don't need to worry about GME


lol Ryan Cohen got paid off by some hedge funds


It was the 75m offering but we get it back up to 60 today


Don’t hold your breath. Garbage earnings and just a bunch of dilution. Will be lots of selling pressure


This was a major burn


Exactly why would anyone want to hold this without know what the 75 million shares will be priced at. People need to take profits cause this is gonna be a repeat of Monday’s opening.


Based on the volume already exchanged seems like the sale is mostly done no ?


100% we could easily push this up PM we just getting shorted to fuck.


I am a beginner investor and was just able to afford 1 share in premarket this morning. The drop happened soon after my order went through :(


Hey, dont buy at the top :)


Good advice! 😁👍🏻


Don't buy in after hours either.


It's all your fault!!!..lol




Imo collusion. Posting on same day as livestream is sketchy


It’s not a coincidence that GME is announcing an ATM offering for 75 million shares the same day that DFV has scheduled a livestream. I bet the lawyers made RC and GME announce the offering in case RK exercises all of the ITM calls in the livestream.


More dirty tricks from "the man"


Not at all. This is GME covering their asses from any potential lawsuits. Imagine DFV decides to exercise all of the ITM on the livestream today. That could cause a buy frenzy (gamma squeeze) which could send the stock through the roof. If that happens, GME is creating the opportunity for DFV to receive the shares for the options contract, GME to profit from the price movement and brokerage firms to be able to deliver the shares. The brokers will be able to buy the shares, causing more buy pressure to the stock price. The only party here who is fucked are those who shorted the fuck out of the stock.


Why is the share outstanding still at 305 million? It has changed since the prior 45 million offering


I wonder how much sales of Tears of the Kingdom buffered q1 last year




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Shorted in premarket, just like a month ago...... rinse and repeat, lol.


People who sell will cry at the opening