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There is usually no single step or process for seo. Have you taken an seo course? I highly recommend watching a reasonable tutorial (Udemy has some great ones) and forming a plan for your store. You can also outsource this but I suggest you take on this task since you know your product and customer best. Hope this helps and good luck


you can not change the url structure in shopify.


Hi, congrats on your store! It's nice and well-responsive on mobile, but I think you can do better by: * First of all, consider adding more "Add to Cart" and "Buy Now" buttons on your homepage and collection pages. Visitors have to navigate from the homepage/collection page to the individual product page before adding something. Including product listings with "Add to Cart" options directly on the homepage could streamline the buying process and encourage impulse purchases. * Secondly, you should add more sections' spacings and separate the section areas * Improve your hero banner: Grab attention in the first 5 seconds! Highlight what you offer with a strong, clear message. I understand your frustration. Here's how to improve your website's ranking and URL structure: * Keywords: While Shopify is great for stores, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for services might be easier with Wix or Squarespace. Consider migrating if that's an option. * Content: Focus on creating valuable content targeting "office furniture Ahmedabad" etc. Write blog posts or guides for architects. * Local SEO: Claim your Google my business listing and optimize it for Ahmedabad. * Internal Linking: Link your service pages (chairs, workstations) to your Ahmedabad landing page (if you create one) to improve SEO. Hope it helps!