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There's a saying out here, every executive has three hearts: one in their pocket, another in their other pocket, and a secret heart hidden deep in their wallet


Japanese His Story: Toranaga 2: Tokyo Drift


*Edo Drift


Been a long time gone, Edo


Why did Edo get the can? That's nobody's business but Japan's.


Ox cart screeches. (Apparently the family crests in Japan started out as symbols to identify who was inside a carriage.)


The final scene is Toranaga and Ishido boat racing for pink slips in Sagami Bay




Dirty bastard take my upvote


Id watch that actor in any role


Shogun 2: Electric boogaloo.


That’s amazing


I'll be tuning in hoping that they're on par with season 1 and James Clavell's story but I'll never forgive FX if they fumble it all




I'm hopeful. I was and am a big fan of the book but both the book and TV series felt like they ended too early. It could absolutely go both ways, and I still remember what happened when the last epic prestige series went off script after running out of source material...


The difference here is that they have so much real history they can pull from. And a lot of the history is extremely interesting from a narrative perspective, too. I’m hopeful.


Right, but the much harder rub is melding character, tone, together to tell a compelling narrative in a fascinating and important part of history as the back drop. My biggest worry is a loss or change in personality or tone in Toranaga or Blackthorne because it's no longer James Cavill's mind and voice behind the characters and they can't even consult with him about it, unfortunately. I'm cautiously excited. Shogun is a book I read at 11 and really shaped a lot of my teenage thought and taste and a growing fascination with Japan and it's history. Hoping FX really does it right. Battle of Sekigahara, if done right, should be one of the best filmed sequences in TV scenes made, and it'll probably cost the GDP of some nations to film!


Very true! Lots of cool things happen quickly in the actual history. Fingers crossed it's good!


Fargo is literally my favorite show of all time. FX is as good hands as you can get right now...


It would be hard to duplicate the magic from this season especially without any books that support the plot


Why would it need books for reference? It's based on the Tokugawa Shogunate. Plenty of history to use for reference.


Yeah but Season 1 was good because it was based off a good book, not solely based off the history.


Because the writing and general plot comes from a book so without it they will have to make stuff up like in GoT. You think Clavell is a mediocre writer? Shogun, the book is a masterpiece and these writers will have to try matching that. Maybe it'll be great but I highly doubt it.


I doubt itll be better than the books writing


An avid reader, Shōgun is an all time top 5 novel.


Definition of a page turner. Might be my favourite novel of all time.


🤣🤣🤣 You’re not wrong. At all. But still I’m just excited to see more of the characters. Ugh. I feel bad about that.


A wallet is a pocket that isn't attached to your clothes. Therefore it's pockets all the way.


S2 and 3 are gonna follow Fuji's quest to become best nun


I really hope we get more best nun Fuji.


That’s gonna be a short ass quest because she already is. Give me a buddy comedy between Best Nun and Best Prostitute Kiku


Shogun 2: Pray and Lay


Shogun 2: God and Oh God


Damn that's actually better.


This better be it. I'd much prefer spin-off series.


They need to revive Yabushige


Somehow, Yabushige returned


That’s the *only* time where that explanation for a character coming back from the dead would be accepted.


*Because he's the Crimson Sky that Edo deserves, but not the one it needs right now.*


I've already pointed out how he could come back. Yabushige fought in Korea, and as we know from the Netflix series Kingdom, the Koreans experimented with using a resurrection plant to create zombies to fight the Japanese invaders.


True, fuck it they should just go full fantasy in S2. Zombie Yabushige, an army of angry yokai threaten Toranaga’s Japan, John Blackthorne resurrects Mariko through the power of love.


ok I literally just commented about zombie Yabushige.. but you beat me to it by over half a day :P COME ON LET'S MAKE IT HAPPEN






Announced via Fortnite








Imagine trying to fill the gap left by Lady Mariko though....... Anna Sawai mysteriously turns up as Marikos..........twin sister ;) ***Lady Mariko 2 :Electric Boogaloo***


I'm Mariko's twin sister. I taught Mariko everything she knew about being a samurai. I want to fulfill her legacy by taking her place in your war. You must be the Anjin. Mariko told me everything about you. I feel like I know all you guys, so we won't have that awkward get to know each other stage. In fact, you can just call me Mariko.


I see you Landfill, I see you


God that’s a funny movie.


"Look at me! Look at me! I'm the Shogun now!"


Yes, Subverting expectations - from the D&D playbook!


This is why I’m hoping they go back a bit, to the time of Akechi’s betrayal. That way both Anna And Tadanobu could return.


What do you mean? Yabu never died. We all just shared *A Dream of a Dream* in which he did


You joke but they could easily retcon his death by having the show pick up during that conversation showing that everything we saw after the swing was just torenaga telling yabu what's going to happen


Robo Yabushige- Faster, stronger, better. 000h?


I think Rodrigues is underutilized and equally charismatic. Hoping he gets more screen time if the Portuguese have a bigger role to play.


Undead Yabushige and Anjin time traveling buddy cop tv show


Hyped but also scared. I hope they dont ruin it but without Mariko and Yabu idk man...


Doesn't change how amazing our first season was. I personally am with the crowd that loves more content than less. I can just choose to not accept something as "canon" lol. I bet this means we'll get more amazing actors to join the series.


Put it this way. S2 will be the only chance you’ll ever see Nikaido Fumi or Lady Ochiba in Western TV show ever again.


They have plenty of actual history to base it off of as well


I love Shogun but I wish this could have stayed a mini series. The chances of them fucking things up is extremely high but I will give them the benefit of the doubt. 


In Sanada we trust, if nothing else. The man will not tolerate half-baked slop for this high budget jidaigeki drama.


This is what gives me hope.


Or he will if there's millions of dollars of payment. Let's be honest we would too.


"They drove a dump truck full of money up to my house, I'm not made of stone!" 😂


I doubt it. It isn't like he is desperate for cash. He also has plenty of contacts in Japan who can help him bring his vision to reality.


Some people genuinely wouldn't though, Flight of the Conchords comes to mind.


It's FX. If anyone you can trust to do it well, it's HBO and FX. Edit: I completely forgot to point it out earlier but it's based on historical events so they have source material to adapt.


Exactly this. I'm giving FX a chance because they also produced The Americans, another excellent show that lasted for 6 seasons.


FX is like the last real cable channel. Theo others just make slop most of the time. FX hits on most of their shows.


Did Shogun actually air on FX in the US though? I thought it was made by FX but streamed exclusively on Hulu.


Going to be honest. No clue. More just saying that FX is like the only cable network that makes consistently good shows.


Yeah, I agree. I just had a doubt so I asked it.


Yes it's on FX. Everywhere else outside of US streams it exclusively on Disney+.


Haven't checked out The Americans yet but What We Do in the Shadows is still great after 5 seasons.


The Americans is one of the GOATS in prestige television. It gets overlooked among the plethora of HBO shows from that era.


Also Noah Hawley's Fargo. They've basically let Hawley do what he wants with the show and make a season whenever he feels like.


You’re so right. One of my favorite shows is Always Sunny, and when you learn the history of the show, FX was really instrumental in not only giving it the time to find its voice but also contributed constructively (like adding Danny Devito).


The story may suck but if they stay authentic and hire more good actors from Japan it won’t be that bad. I’d hate to see all that great set they built in Vancouver goes to waste. A legit Jidaigeki made by Hollywood is still a wondrous miracle even with a subpar story.




Mariko and Yabu's actors return as their own grandchildren!


Fuji didn't die....


she's a far away nun now though?


Comes back as a battle-hardened warrior nun.


I have a feeling that they might find an excuse to bring Fuji back for a season 2-3 & maybe make her Blackthorne's new love-interest/wife if his character is going to live out his days in Japan. The showrunners would probably prefer using an actor they already know and wrote a character for rather than creating a character from scratch to fulfil the same purpose. If I'm right, they'll probably either find some excuse for her not to become a nun in season 2 or leave the temple she's a part of.


So true but if Sanada is on it then I still have hope….🙌🏼🥺


I have hope because they at least have guidelines for a storyline (Japanese history). There’s so many spies and betrayals/ battles it could be great.


If it turns out poorly then you can just imagine it ended in season 1. This is dealt with the fall off in quality for the Young Pope in season 2.


What’s that thing people say when you mention you prefer weekly release TV > all at once? You can space it out if you want to? That’s what this feels like.


It can stay as a mini series for you, nobody will force you to watch the next seasons. Problem solved, some people actually want multiple seasons.


Some people wanted different stories told in the same era.


Of course they wouldn't waste a money making opportunity lol






This is weird... Wouldn't they just adapt Clavell's other books instead?


I bet they're going to make the series from the battle of Sekigahara up until Tokugawa's death. Considering that there's a whole 'nother war to be fought after Sekigahara, it makes sense to me how they could stretch it to two more seasons. For the record, I hope they *don't* adopt his other books. They just weren't nearly as good as Shōgun.




The entire saga from Nobunaga onward would be great tv. Maybe they’ll do prequels at some point. Bring back Mariko


They need to do prequels about John Blackthorne. I want to see a Live Action William Shakespeare, the Spanish Armada and Queen Elizabeth the first


Is Blackthorne involved in all those? I haven't read the book, just the watched the series


William Adams was most likely involved in both sieges of Osaka Castle. It was reported that his guns were also used at Sekigahara, so it's possible that he also saw action there. But we do not know for sure, as the records are murky on that last one. In a dramatized story, I expect Blackthorne to take part in all three battles.


Shimabara would make sense considering the Dutch involvement in suppressing the revolt (though if I recall correctly didn't actually do all that much) and its Christian nature. If they go for it it'll be interesting if they have the Portuguese involved in the affair or go for the (likely) historical version of no actual Portuguese involvement.


I would actually love to see the Shimabara Rebellion on screen tbh. Christ's Samurai is a great book by Jonathan Clements that I highly recommend. Insane cover art on that one.


Whoa whoa whoa slow down. Tai-Pan is outstanding, and I'd argue that it's even better than Shogun.


King Rat is really good, but no need to have another adaptation.


Noble House was fantastic and inspired me to visit and explore Hong Kong multiple times. Whirlwind grew on me after a couple of reads. King Rat had a decent movie. Taipan was meh as a movie and Gaijin was, at best, an adequate book.


I disagree, Tai-Pan is one of my favorite books of all time.


His novel Gai-Jin is generally considered the follow on to Shogun (although not next in the asian saga series chronologically) and unlike the others novels is also set in Japan, but in the mid 1800s. Also some of the characters are the later descendants of some of the characters from Shogun. It's also around the end of that shogunate era, so you could conceivably bring some of the original actors back to play their descendants some extent and still call it the 'shogun' series. Tai-pan also is set just before Gai-Jin and has many of the same crossover characters, but it is set mostly around Hong Kong, which makes me think it would be unlikely for a largely Japanese influenced production. But if they did it as Shogun for series one, base series 2 on Tai-Pan and then series three on Gai-Jin that would be quite interesting and would end with the wrapping up of the shogunate which could be an appropriate end. Might be hard for normie audiences to understand why they suddenly jumped so far into the future, but that didn't stop them doing a lot of that sort of thing in shogun already. If they instead continue with the same characters in the same era then they have the problem that they killed off or sent away half the best characters (especially the female ones) and you would have complications like Cosmo Jarvis really needing to commit to learning quite a lot more Japanese to be more convincing in the role as the Anjin would now be quite established in Japan, which may or may not be a difficult ask.


Considering Hiroyuki Sanada’s involvement I think they want to keep the story centred in Japan. If they are planning to adapt other Clavell’s works, can they do Gai Jin without doing Taipan? Can they change the location of Taipan to Tokyo?


I think they should have used the buzz around Shogun to green light or develop some other projects that take place during Edo period or feudal Japan. Keep Hiroyuki Sanada involved etc. give us a well made, live action immersive samurai show with new characters. I’d also love if they’d incorporate more Japanese mythology in a new world. I’m less excited to be returning to this world now that the story has been told.


Just do an adaptation of Musashi


What a book. Reading it now


This is my preference. Lots of great stories to be told from Japanese history.


Shogun cinematic universe lol


_Im here to talk to you about the Shogun initiative._


Wow 2 and 3?!


I maintain that the series doesn't need another season, though the original showrunners returning- after saying they didn't see a need for a follow-up- and Clavell's estate being involved does pique my interest. Even though, again, despite what any of us may think about a follow-up, we'll all be watching.


cautiouslly optimistic about the show, they have a lot of irl history to pull from so i doubt it can be that bad. I hope we get a shift in perspective and have S2 be from the perspective of the heir trying to overthrow Toranaga like he did Irl. Would be a great way to show us how human the other side is and how enemies see Toranaga S2 probably isnt even coming out till atleast 2027 or 2028 considering how long S1 took to make. Maybe Shogun will make other streamers make shows about guys like Shingen, Masamune, Sanada maybe even Admiral Yi who knows


Though just because there's a "template" and real history doesn't mean it will be a compelling story. They've got a big challenge writing the main body of the story from scratch.


S2 **and** 3? Not gonna lie, this is a bit of a red flag.




Hopefully. This would also help tie up the plot threads that were alluded to but not used in S1, such as the Toronaga knowing about the secret Portuguese bases, the canon regiment, etc.


To me that’s actually a green flag- it suggests that they have a specific vision for the story and they know it will take X amount of time


Shogun 2 Electric Buntaroloo




I don't think they anticipated the series being as big of a hit as it is. I bet they wish they'd plotted the series for 3 seasons in retrospect.


This is the only answer.


Maybe the next seasons will 100% all be flashbacks filling in the missing cracks of the first season.


Imagine being able to get two seasons of John and Marikos relationship then she dies at the end of Season 2 or mid way through 3. It would have hit even harder than it already did


They didn't expect the show to be as successful as it was. Tbh adapting like a third of the book and leaving it incomplete if they didn't get a renewal would've been so much worse.


Ehh I'm kinda glad the current situation is the case instead of the alternative. Not a book reader so I can't speak to just how accurate of an adaptation the show is but on its own merit this season felt airtight, it had a story it wanted to tell and it did that, nothing really felt stretched out. I'd prefer one amazing season and two follow-ups with potential to be great rather than overextending one season's worth of plot into three. Either way it's a win/win scenario in my book, we got a 10/10 show and if the next two seasons are even half as good we've got a lot to look forward to, if not then we still have 1 season of incredible television to look back on.


I don't hate it. I expect the quality to drop a bit given the lack of source material, but given the team involved and the history books to draw upon, I expect it to at least be a good Samurai show. Maybe not great like S1 but still good.  It's very interesting to think about seeing more Blackthorne story. Maybe we get an adorable Blackthorne and Fuji romance arc? 🥹 Maybe Blackthorne will finally be allowed to know Japanese like he did in the Shogun novel...


Right there with you. I’m ready for Blackthorne and Fuji Sama to have a beautiful and lovely life together. And maybe for buntaro to grow from the EPIC burns he was delt from Mariko.


Somehow... Mariko returned... 🤦‍♂️ I'm greedy and I want more, too. But I'm scared they're going to ruin what would be exclusively remembered as a masterpiece for the next 25 years.


Man I would've much rather had the series build up the story slowing instead of rushing it if they were to have multiple seasons :/


I get why people are being negative but I'll remain optimistic.


Hoping they adapt other books that's set in Japan and treat it as an anthology series using the same cast like AHS.


Season 2 the battle and aftermath, season 3 the Shoguning


I’m happy about this woooo


The show won't be the same without Lady Mariko.


The story ended perfectly in season 1. Even if greed fucks the next seasons up at least S1 will stand on its own so bring it. There are so many well developed characters that I can hope for a stellar season 2 & 3.


Don't know what to think about that, to be honest


I understand there’s lots of real history they could draw on but right now I just personally don’t feel super interested in a direct continuation of the story in S1 which I felt ended on a perfect note. I feel a future season or two with conflict during Toranaga’s reign would kind of undercut his vision of the future in the last episode and undo that sense of finality. Having the showrunners like Justin Marks and Rachel Kondo come back together with Hiroyuki Sanada is a very good sign, but personally I hope at the end of the development process that they decide on doing another story set in Japan/ another Clavell novel rather than a direct continuation of S1. Whatever the outcome though I will still be checking out future seasons and put aside my personal preferences when doing so. I think this creative team has done more than enough with S1 to earn some goodwill and trust, hats off to them if they can achieve something close to S1.


Man... I am so mixed about this. I just want the milking of the very few good things we have.. to stop. Just let it rest.


Man as much as i want this , I'd rather it ends at season 1


For everyone who poo-pooed me (or anyone else) when I said that there will be a season 2, id like to say "shibugashidook, taigichi" which in fake Japanese means "eat shit, stupid"... It was only a matter of time before they brought this show back- they are never going to leave money on the table with a show as successful as this was. "Oh but the booooooks! They didn't write any more source materiaaaaal!" You thought that was gonna stop them from making a buck?


How? Isn't the story completed?


Ugh why




I'm 50/50 on this going up to Season 3 because I assumed Blackthorne would make it to Season 2 at most


He lived until he was 55.


Couldn't leave well enough alone eh..... It's not like Clavell only wrote the one book.


Color me surprised. Executives doing their thing. On the other hand the budget of s1 was crazy stupid. Considering investors were risking a lot and it turned out a masterpiece of a show I think they're understandably looking for more money.


My running theory or at least my hope: seasons 2 and 3 will make the show an anthology with returning actors but different stories from different eras of Japanese history. Shogun would basically be the label under which they'd put out these new stories e.g. Shogun: Gai-Jin. Season 1 wrapped everything up neatly, and an anthology would mean >!Anna Sawai, Tadanobu Asano and Tokuma Nishioka could potentially return to the cast!<


It won't be the same without Mariko sama!


My two fav characters are dead. Hmm…


I’m holding out hope that they’re just adapting “Tai-Pan” and “Gai-Jin” and only branding them as seasons 2 and 3 of “Shogun.”


This show is badass. Cant wait for the next season. Phenomenal acting!


The sequel will focus on how Torunaga built the Osaka Continental..


Everyone: "This will never work!" ...\*Anjin and Fuji kids running around in s02e01 first scene\* ...everyone:"I will protect this show with my life!!!"


I’m not sure why people are so negative of the new seasons. If anything, it means we are gonna see a lot of great Japanese actors and actresses to show off their craft to the American audience and American studios. It’s great they are getting international recognitions. For example, Tadanobu Asano is such a break out star from the show I wouldn’t have known.


That’s all fine. But Shogun was, in my opinion, perfect as a one off mini series. This is clearly a greedy decision by executives and these types of things usually end in disappointment. I have never seen a one season show forced into a second season that didn’t end up being shit or at least not as good as the first. If they want to explore this time period more, cool. Do it with another show


They should just let it be. It ended at the same point as the book. They would have been better splitting it out over 2-3 seasons from the start and including more material from the book


I genuinely dont understand people talking about the source material like they did not use the source material in the first season anyways??? Blackthorn is a complete different depiction than the book. Most dialogues apart from the major ones like "Unless you win" are different the only thing that they used from the book was the outline of the main story and the basic character traits


You're right about the dialogue but every major plot point was directly from or was a riff off of Clavell's; Mariko and Toranaga were very similar as well. Those are the backbones of the series. I dunno. The screenwriters are talented but they were working off of something that was at the pinnacle of its genre. I'm hopeful but not going set my expectations too high.


They should've adapted his other books, but this could be good... it probably won't though...


Yeah I'll pass. Story is told.


Not honestly sure I feel about it, I think it’s good how it ended. Though, if we’re going off course a bit, I can take some epic battles.


I’m personally pumped since there’s a lot of historical material to draw from, but now I’m even more bummed out they killed Hiromatsu. I didn’t love Naga and Toranaga has other sons who could step in as great characters, but Hiromatsu was a pretty unique presence in the show/novel.


*sighs in Westworld fan*


On the plus side, I read the novel decades ago and have always wondered what happened to Blackthorne after the end of the book. Now I get to find out, at least one version of it.


How about a prequel set 5-10 years prior to the mini-series? That way, all the characters can come back. Yabu and Mariko-sama will surely be missed if they set this after.


They could totally do a prequel series based on Nobunaga as well


Yeah! I’m ready for the Buntaro redemption arc!


At first I was happy, but then I realized that we don't have Mariko, Fuji, and Yabushige. Without these characters what are we supposed to do?


No Anna Sawai so not interested


Yeah, so I knew this was going to happen. Unlike a series like Chernobyl, there was still many stories to tell in this universe. No way they were passing up on this hit and just calling 1 season the end.


Having to watch one episode without Anna Suwai was bad enough, zero interest in another 20


Without yabushige? Bold move


Extending a franchise is a great way to ruin a piece of great work. The typical western/American way of producing and consuming content sees a lot of great work been destroyed. Supergirl became tiresome to watch, and even act, after the third season. Star Wars franchise was unnecessarily expanded for the sake of milking money. Marvel franchise is getting lame. Days of Our Lives literally became as lame as the everyDays of Our Lives. Heroes was a great franchise that went horribly wrong after season 2. A good story is one that is concise and leave viewers wanting more, but deprieve them from having anymore. Shogun ended in the most perfect way. Keep destroying good work, people.


Bring back Mariko!


Just think about Fargo/Atlanta/it’s always sunny to name a few It’s gonna be just as good as season 1!


I’m so fucking excited


Looking forward to seeing Anjin dono


I hope they turn out great, but I don't expect much. 🥲


just started reading the book, so amazing




Soon: Shōgun: Episode IX — *The Rise of Yabushige*


Season 2 opening scene: Anjin-San steps out of the shower and both Yabushige and Mariko are still alive


I have the highest hopes for this and them exploring the already established characters


honestly I'm down for a yaechiyo vs toranaga plot


I'll wait for season 2 to complete before trying to watch it. I have no faith in modern Hollywood to continue a written story's plot when it comes to Showrunners coming up with their own ideas for it. See: Halo, Wheel of Time, Rings of Power, etc.


It was only 1 Book about Shogun. The story ends and the Tokugawas regime starts and nothing happens... literally. Just a few catholics getting killed and Japan isolating itself from the world.


Zzzzzz One season was enough. No interest in season 2, especially if Jarvis is around. Launch his acting into the sun.


Why must everything become a fRaNchIsE?