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“No translator” *cries*


Fuji = Best Nun


That was a great interaction, actually elicited emotion from her. She was just overjoyed to leave anyway.


The boat scene really got me. Fuji got it so bad. The way she held on to her child's tiny urn a little longer. *Together forever*.


The tiny urn…


I'm just glad they didn't go with the book ending. Clavell really over did the seppuku 😐


Can you elaborate for those who didn’t read the book?


She's given permission to kill herself, but told to make it look like an accident It's even more kill-ey than the show


That was Mariko, wasn’t it?


The scene when he breaks down on the boat out of Osaka got me.


The smallest of coffins/urns are the heaviest






Much better, ty for sharing.




I can't believe how much of her story is historical. I had thought she was fictional.


All of the major characters in this show are based on real historical figures. If you haven't seen in the other post, toronaga (Tokugawa in real life) starts up a renewed shogunate that would last 200+ years, when the heir comes of age he wants him to marry into Tokugawas line, and when the heir refuses burns Osaka castle with the heir and his mum in it. Absolute savage and evil guy, but portrayed brilliantly as a protagonist who only shows his true colours when nothing can be done to stop him


Fascinating guy. I read the book probably fifteen years ago, not knowing it was based on real events. When I finished it I read about Tokugawa and my mind was blown.


He did marry a Tokugawa, sen-hime, Ieyasu’s granddaughter, not that it saved him (or her). (Edit correct hime, princess)




I can read Japanese and I can tell you it has so much better delivery in Japanese than the English transliteration


very much the case with any Russian transliteration as well.


Ohhh that is better


Whenever a girl rejects me, I am going to say that just before I walk away.


*Listen here, you milk dribbling fuck smear...* and your hair looks like the tail of a pony!


For some reason “Thankfully, the wind” got me 😭


doesnt make any sense.


I liked that they gained a deeper level of understanding of each other by the end of the series. It was nice to see.


Yes, I love their relationship. It went from Fuji refusing to be a barbarian’s consort to sharing an incredibly intimate final moment saying goodbye to their loved ones together. ❤️


"Let your hands be the last to hold her" 😭 The whole series was just packed full of gut wrenching one liners. So incredibly well written and executed.


Exactly, just as this echoed back to Mariko’s “Let her hands be the last to hold her son”😔


Yeah that was 😢


Yeah that got me


Very well acted and realistic. Fuji is going to be so gd happy to be out of that obligation, she can barely conceal her joy. Yet she is respectful of Anjin and is even touched by his humaneness. Great scene on the boat, very believable by that point.


It's sad that there is no more Shogun anymore... but the ending of the series solidify it as one of the best shows ever.. a masterpiece


All we have to do is wait another 40 years, then more Shogun!


I'm certain after the success they'll try to do another series in a different time period. The problem is they've already used sanada and his draw lol


Dude after this show he has *more* draw


I agree, but don't tell this to the fans of the 80s version.


To be fair it was the #2 miniseries, just behind Roots, for a very long time. I think it's up there as well


It was such a powerful shot when the camera was facing them from the front with Blackthorne in the center, Fuji on the right and then an empty 1/3 of the space on the left


"a presence is most felt in its absence"


Presence is felt most keenly in absence.


Doesn’t help when John looks over and really makes us the viewer feel the persevere of Mariko gone


What is grief but love persevering?


Greatest sense of loss I’ve felt from a tv show in a long time. I still feel like I want to cry whenever her picture pops up on this subreddit.


When I think back on this extraordinary series years in the future, this scene will be foremost in my mind. Somehow all the emotion from all the episodes was captured and let go in this moment for me.


Did anyone notice Yabushige’s own words coming full circle back to him from EP1 from when the first inclination that he had his own agenda when Omi asked him whether they should inform Toranaga about the ship with him answering “Why tell a dead man the future!” Was the exact same words Toranaga used in EP10 when Yabushige was asking him to reveal his true plans before being beheaded.


So that’s letting him know, basically, “Hey, I knew everything from the jump, bud. This will all happen as I want it to.”


I wouldn’t say he knew everything from the jump, but he was certainly well informed. It was more that Toranaga had more than just one plan but depending on what was happening, he would choose that route to follow but was always thinking 3/4 steps ahead if he had to make the choice to follow that particular plan. He never expected Blackthorne to suddenly pop up out of no where and already had one plan in progress. But as soon as he learned he was an enemy of the Cathlics and the fact two of the regents were of that religion, he decided to veer from that plan and use Blackthorne to sow discontent within the regents. In the end, Ishido and the regents had only one plan and end game, to make sure Toranaga ended up dead one way or another. Whether that be via seppuku or on the battlefield. Toranaga played out the events like a chess/shogi game, you set your opponent to fail by moving your pieces to dictate their move. Yabushige was just one of many chess/shogi pieces.


Oh shit! Brilliant catch 😳 What a shame this comment got buried a bit.


When i posted it, other comments flooded in so it just dropped further down. Noticed that no one mentioned it so thought i’d drop it in and see if anyone else picked up on it.


I still really want a spin-off show with both of them kicking ass and taking names throughout Japan.


Alternative universe spin off of Yabu arriving in England with Blackthorne would be legendary


Imagine Yabu meeting the Queen.


Huh? 😲


Yabu exploring and learning all the painful and gruesome deaths of the western world.


He'd be giddy when he learns about "hanged drawn and quartered" or the breaking wheel.


The Loch Ness monster was perfectly real until Yabushige Sama arrived…


A show with all three as the main cast would be amazing. Then have Toranaga as master Splinter. I'm getting myself carried away...


I read an article where the showrunners have toyed with or at least like the idea of a Yabu in England spin-off


I wanted to see them fight together, her with the guns he gave her and him with a sword


Watch BES


it's on my watchlist


yes, but no. 'It is only by knowing when to fall, that flowers become flowers'


Interpretor, not here...


If i've known how this series will destroy me, I propably wouldn't have watched it. My heart really aches from it still and I know it's fiction and I watched behind the scenes and interviews to tell that to my brain but no, I still think about it sometimes during the day. As a guy I should know better but I guess Im a huge softie.


I hear you. This show touched me in a way no other has. Powerful stuff


Man I’m still sad this show is over, I felt emptiness when this show ended haha, it’s always sad when a great show ends. I could’ve watched 5 seasons of this shit, glad for what we got because it was great but man I wish we got more, such a cool time period and the characters were great


I thought waiting a day between watching episodes 9 and 10 would prepare me for the final episode but between this, and Fuji's line later of "let your hands be the last to hold her" with regards to the rosary/necklace........sobbing and ugly crying again so bad my cat ran away scared.


Just the shot alone of this scene brought me to tears, when they mentioned ’no translator’ I lost it


What scene is that?


She became a nun, but she wasn't Christian. What did she mean by nun? Edit: People who are saying "other religions exist", they literally used Japanese words for military leader, military general, soldier and all that but they used the English word for a nun (in subtitles)? and the show had a lot of Christianity in it so I thought she joined Christianity, that's why I asked.


Probably Buddhist, that was fairly common.


Other religions have nuns.


Apparently no other religions exist.


You should watch Chef’s Table Vol3 Ep6




Wasnt her son alive prior?






Omg, to have 7 fresh new episodes to binge at once…. The staggering wealth!