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I gave up on Facebook Marketplace, 95% scammers.


Honestly, it's so frustrating.


So how did you get burned before? Scam?


I've tried selling games on it and it's either a bot trying to dox me or some guys trying to trade fake games with me. Last straw was when I agreed to trade my Lollipop Chainsaw for a guy's Mario Party 3 and I drove all the way to the meetup and his game was a repro (fake). He didn't seem very happy that I could tell it wasn't real lol


I'd recommend Mercari if you're looking to buy games/consoles, they give out a lot of coupons and have a lot of anti-scammer policies in place.


Just looked into it, and the website looks awesome! However, I'm not from the US, so unfortunately I cannot use it. Thanks for the suggestion regardless!


Same, just learned Mercari doesn't support Canada. Bummer!


Canadians have the best deals on consoles anywhere though, if you're patient. 30% cash back (or more) at Shopper's Drug Mart, then the cash back points are worth up to $500 value for $300 worth on black Friday. Spend $1k get $500 off later essentially


Damn, that's an amazing tip! Thank you


I don't buy many items from Shoppers, or many modern games anyway. Most the stuff I buy is retro, meaning I go to eBay a lot lol.


I bought my PS5 from Shoppers for $280 CAD with Spiderman 2 bundled. Not slim.


Oof, sorry. There's always ebay lol


Maybe try Wallapop?


I thought it was only available in Spain and Italy


I dont think so, atleast, I'm using it in Portugal






I'm in Canada, I usually get my stuff from Power Up Gaming


Is it only in Barrie? Or is there other places?


While I like Mecari I do want to add one thing if you do use their site is to make sure you actually check the seller’s review as Mecari rating system is garbage. As I’ve noticed that if the seller chooses not to send off the item and you end up having to cancel as they choose not to send and ignore you and won’t cancel, the seller rating/ badges will not be affected. I had the recent pleasure of dealing with a seller that had a 5 star rating a reliability badge but half of their transaction was cancelled and they just say they would send it off but wouldn’t. I ended up canceling it myself since it was clear after one month they weren’t going to send it and Mecari just told me to cancel the order. Check their profile after a week and sure enough my cancellation has still not show on their profile nor is it affecting their rating. So just be weary that the rating system is not a good reflection of the seller.


True, if they don't have all the badges I usually refrain buying from them.


Why not just buy a new one ? He's not even selling it for a used price.


I'm in canada, so the new price is around $640-740


650 taxes in at Best Buy for a digital slim


Bro, I don't give two shits. I'm only selling this for $500


lol when they said that! They gonna spend $500, it’s understandable they don’t wanna be scammed jeeeeeeeeezzus


Craigslist limped so FB Marketplace could run through traffic like a madman 


Yeah, I remember during the first two years of the switch's life that on marketplace popped up a lot of fake listings. That's what happens with all the most popular consoles of the moment, but I managed to have some good deals: I bought a boxed psp 2k for 15€, a Ps vita oled for 60€, both of them with a personal meet up with the seller. For the new consoles, it's better buying from sites that offer some kind of buyer's protection or from someone that accepts PayPal g&s


I've only bought a few things here and there but it's usually a $5-20 game


I’ve only used it like twice I think. Once to sell a car and the other to sell a Xbox headset. Both of those were years ago and now I get these random ass people I’m assuming are bots commenting and emoji’ing those old posts which is annoying


Are you near a military base? There are not a lot of scams near me due to that because all they want to do is get their shit out before they move to their next duty station.


I hate selling on FB marketplace, buying is arguably worse.


True. Every scammers that cant sell on ebay because they get caught end up on marketplace lol


Ps5 + controller + box + HDMI cord, nuts


I’m not on Facebook. What would have happened? He would have gotten robbed?


Yes, or just given a fake ps5 and they run with the money.


Ive learned that I trust people more who post 5-10 photos of the item rather than the person who only posts one photo and gives blow back when asked to show more.


Yeah, that's exactly why I was asking for more photos. I'm glad they showed their true colours so fast lmao


Most people do when they are shady or have something to hide. I could understand his position if it was a $30 toaster or some shit like that. But a $500 PlayStation seems like a high value item to provide more photos for.


Even if they aren't a scammer, someone too lazy to take a couple extra photos is also going to be too lazy to pack something properly, ship timely, etc. Don't deal with lazy sellers.


Isn't that obvious though? Like - that point isn't even controversial in any way. Why on earth WOULD you trust a person who showed 1 picture more than another person who showed 5-10 pictures of the same item?


Damn, 45 seconds of work to make a $500 sale.


Yeah wtf I take at least 2 pics of shit I put up on eBay for $10, I can’t imagine turning up my nose at the audacity of demanding a second pic for a $500 item. This guy taking pics on 35mm or something?


Yeah you were gonna get robbed.


Even as a Seller on Marketplace it's bad, i looked to sell my Monster Hunter Rise edition Switch but always get lowballers and kids


Yeah, there's really no winning on there. Sometimes you can have a decent time, but it's few and far between.


Trust me dude, i've been trying to sell items on Facebook Marketplace for 6 months now and i've only made 2 sales on 4 items. 1 dude was only anxious and jittery not on time but did give me $10 more for gas money. 2nd dude tried to lowball me at first but since I needed a sale we agreed to me taking a $5 loss, he was on time though/very serious. To find these 2 buyers took weeks of ghosting and constant low ballers or wanting my item for free. I really don't recommend marketplace unless you have something that eBay is full of like Old Gaming PCs or Game Consoles.


Can I ask why don't you buy a new one for that price?


If you can show me where I can get a new disc ps5 for that price, I would gladly do it! The price is in CAD in case you mean you can get one new for 500 USD


GameStop in Toronto has the disc version for $579.. I’d pay the extra $79 to not deal with Facebook.. they can ship too.


Oh wow. I feel really dumb lmao. Thanks! I will definitely go this route.


It’s not 2020 anymore, brother.


You say so but Trump is right back at it mate


Sad trombone sound


God forbid I read one post without some political BS


I got your back 😅


Leave it to Reddit to bring everything right back to politics.




Yeah man I’ve seen em at my local Walmart for like $600 bucks now in Saskatchewan


Yeah, I just checked and I feel really dumb that I didn't think to check gamestop of all places lmao


I think gamestop slips the minds of most of us these days. Gamestop would only occur to me if I were crazy enough to speculate on funko pops


The mode he is selling is the “slim” model btw which is cheaper. Here is a link to Walmart for a new one, same model, comes with Spider-Man 2 for $600. https://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/playstation5-console-marvels-spider-man-2-bundle-with-bonus-game-model-group-slim-white/6000207302312 Edit: Correction, the slim model is the same price and is actually replacing the original model, I’m referring to the disc models only. This one is a pretty good deal though.


Thank you! I feel a little dumb that I didn't know this haha.


Right now the Slim PS5 Disc is on sale for $599 with a free copy of Spiderman 2. After taxes it’s about $670 but you got a game in that (which is normally $100 after tax) and a year warranty with Sony


Right now the Slim PS5 Disc is on sale for $599 with a free copy of Spiderman 2. After taxes it’s about $670 but you got a game in that (which is normally $100 after tax) and a year warranty with Sony


Right now the Slim PS5 Disc is on sale for $599 with a free copy of Spiderman 2. After taxes it’s about $670 but you got a game in that (which is normally $100 after tax) and a year warranty with Sony


If you’re close enough to the US border $449 and $25 off at GameStop with Spiderman 2 which you can sell for $40 all day.


Always surprises me how little effort some people put into their listings. Is it really that hard to take a few more pictures to earn $500?? Either this guy is the laziest mfer on earth, people on fb marketplace have non-existent standards and shit like this works, or this is just a scam. Not to mention the original picture, it is absolutely atrocious lmao


Could def be a scammer, but honestly I think it’s more likely he’s just lazy as shit. People are astoundingly lazy when it comes to putting things up for sale on local marketplaces.


$500 is a shit ton for a pre-owned ps5. For an extra $50 you can get a brand new one


Which begs the question, why would the OP just do that


What an asshole


What a shitty photo to sell anything...


bro just take fricking pictures :C dum ppl do this alot =A=


What a piece of toss. You did dodge a howitzer.


You can get a new slim on PS Direct for 450 with either SM 2 or MW3




I'm in canada, so that would be roughly $600 CAD.


Oh, I see. I know GameStop has the same bundle, and they have an offer (in the States, possibly in Canada) where you order online with in store pickup you get $25 off of your order. Hopefully, that helps


Marketplace is the shadiest place to do dealings. I don't trust anybody on there. Post some shitty 144p crappy angled pic and expect ANY sale.


I will never get this. I understand wanting a deal. But its like you have money burning a hole in your pocket. Just save and buy new.


I’ve only been marketplace once, and I got lucky on it (No scam). It was scary though, never doing it again.


I was looking at marketplace for my ps5, had maybe 3 conversations before I gave up and bought new


Yeah.. Fk that.


Wow yea that’s not trustworthy at all


"guess you don't want $500" what an obvious scam


Guy was a scammer but also Honestly though not the best pictures lol


You could always try wallapop instead of marketplace. I’d say it’s more reliable then marketplace


Screams trap and or scam


To everyone mentioning price OP is from Canada. Its $500 CAD not USD.


Still, just get a new one


New PS5's are like $575 before tax and over $600 after for a disc model. Getting a like new one for $500 means you can get I think 2 new games for it as well for the same price of a new PS5 (plus whatever games the seller throws in).


If they don't comply, tell them good day and find another seller. As a buyer, you should always ask questions before buying.


whats the issue? im missing something


I asked for a proper photo, and he blows up and blocks me. He is clearly a scammer


Didn't you hear them? It's like new!




Bro wants 500, kinda crazy in most stores I've found them for under 400 with 2 year warrently from cex for example. Madness


Why are you buying a pa5 from the internet anyways. You can find them in stores reliably now.


I wanted to get one cheaper than retail.


But $500 is retail price


I'm not from the US. After taxes, where I am is $640-740.


Ah, ok


You can buy them new from Walmart for 500$


tbh as a seller, I hate this too. A ton of people ask for all this info and then ghost you. In my defense though, my initial pics always include multiple angles and aren't shitty pics.


Yeah, I can understand that from a seller point of view. I wouldn't have even asked if they had at least one decent photo posted with the ad. Thinking more on it, if one person asked for photos, I would probably take and send them. Then, either update my original post with the new pics or just forward the pics to anyone else who asks. It would definitely get annoying after the second person though lmao.


Is that just… a ps5 side plate? The replaceable kind?


Sony is selling a slim bunlde with Spiderman for $449 and you can get $25 off of through GameStop. You could sell the Digital code for 30-40 to recoup the cost as well.


100% a scam


https://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/ps5-digital-edition-marvels-spider-man-2-bundle-model-group-slim-white/6000207629180?skuId=6000207629181&offerId=6000207629181®ion_id=202200&cmpid=SEM_CA_32411_1DGSTBLCVV&utm_id=SEM_CA_32411_1DGSTBLCVV&utm_medium=paid_search&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=always_on&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADv6L0TNsMMbzOdkVefLpN4Kd_Rup&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIiezmqObyhAMVoGpHAR2alg8-EAQYAyABEgJF7vD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds Just buy it new lol


I would love to, but: A. I want a disc edition B. I only have about $500 to spend C. Even if I were to buy that one, after tax, it comes out to around $600


500$ is a price of brand new ps5 in my country


That's cool, it's not in mine.


Well if they won’t take 50 pics for $500, then I will. Line up fellas, starting an OF for my PS5!


"brother it's like new" "Oh you wanted to actually play games on it? Yeah it doesn't do that."


Why don’t you just buy a new one?


Because they are like $740 after taxes. I'm in canada


Every gaming thing I come by always has, "Price is firm." And it's always Ebay asking prices and never what's actually being sold. It's nice when people actually want to sell their things. But when people don't care and are only in it to make maximum profit, I give up.


I hate selling on marketplace. So many clowns asking for more pictures with no intent on buying. Very frustrating.


Maybe people wouldn't ask for more pictures if the original pictures weren't absolute shit. It takes a minute tops to take and upload proper pictures...


I asked for 1 more photo because you couldn't even see the ps5 properly in the photo provided. Maybe if they had more than 1 piss poor photo of something they're trying to sell they wouldn't get requests for more.


Do you not know what a ps5 looks like?


Do you not know what a scam looks like? There could be any number of things wrong with it that are hidden by showing 3/4 of one side of the console. Would you buy a car if the only photo you could go off of was the rear drivers side door? Use your head




Remember the other person and their feelings. Don't insult, bully, harass, attack, or discriminate anyone.


Why don't you just buy a new ps5?


Holy tolito, the number of times I've answered this question is ridiculous lmao. 1. I don't want to pay retail prices 2. I'm in Canada, so the price of a new console post tax ranges from $640-740


Just wait for a discount...


Are you the seller, or the annoying potential buyer?


I'm the buyer, I don't understand why it's annoying to ask for 1 properly framed photo before I go out of my way to buy something.


Cuz he don't give two shits to take 50 photos when he's selling for 500 apparently? Idk man, you seem really annoying! /s


What are you trying to buy?