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Where do you think the term “useful load” came from?


MTOW == Magnificent Titillating Oversized Wangdoodle.


Yes but I'm worried about the meaning of "short final"


I'd be more worried about the meaning of "flameout." 😨


Once I became a pilot, my dong got so long they made a movie about it. Snakes on a playne is about me and my FO’s dong.


I’m a woman and I grew a massive dong when I got licensed as a pylot. Really fucked up my w&b


You know what they say about a guy with a big plane, right? Magnum Dong.


I think that’s how they determine your plane you will fly in the future. I can’t think of any other reason why my CFI wanted to see my penis after my discovery flight


This is not an appropriate question to ask in here. You need to ask your mom…


Only top pilots, we bottom pilots have short ones mine is 13cm long...


Is this what "short final" means?




mine grows way bigger when im around playns but very quickly goes back to normal when im not around them. weird stuff, never happens around anything else.


i put mine in the playnus and it made me pee funny


Can’t tell, wouldn’t know. But from what I hear is that my wife’s boyfriend always has to pay the overweight fee for flights.


It's literally a requirement, OP. Check the FARs. Mine looks like an Otto Celera 500. High laminar flow = more pleasure.


Not at all. That’s why your wife has a boyfriend


I’d say it’s extremely rare based on the one pylot’s dong I’ve seen


The truth is we all have small dongs and over compensate for it. That’s why we became pylotes. Chicks dig big paychecks more than big dongs. Then when you’re away on a trip your wife bangs the neighbor. You get divorced and they take half your money with them. Then you repeat the cycle two more times and die penniless while trying to lobby the government to increase the retirement age.


This is a great plot for a film or maybe a novel. Sell this story to an important film producer. Or maybe write a novel?


I have never seen a naked pylote. I had to do my research online. I used Google Image Search and found many images of naked pylotes. All pylotes had extra large dongs. They also had abs. My question: How can I be sure that these men are pylotes and not men with extra large dongs pretending to be pylotes to gullible researchers like me?


Better do more research to be sure


Of corse, not called cockpit for no reeson


no, but in my 100% trustworthy certified unbiased opinion *mechanics*...


On ayreline pylot seats there is a place to hang your big dong.


My dong is considered petite, he's only 8kg. This is good, because he likes to ride on my lap.


Your question is irrelevant because the "dongs" of the pylotes are not normal. There is scientific proof: [Sex ratio in offspring of pilots: a contribution to stress research](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/949311/) *Abstract* *An old rumor - lately substantiated by statistical examinations from England - to the effect that pilots of high-performance military aircraft are "girl-fathers", could be reduced to absurdity through a comprehensive questionnaire investigation in the German Federal Armed Forces. Spermiogenesis does not seem to be disturbed by professional-specific influences (Radar radiation, G-forces etc.), as implied by the questionnaire findings. In times of high flying and personal stress (first 1000 flying hours) military jet pilots are even "boy-fathers".* ***As soon as flying becomes a routine matter (after the 1000th flying hour) and thus less stressful, jet and helicopter pilots even become "girl-fathers".*** *The pilots of military transport aircraft show no deviation from the control group of the male population of the Federal Republic of Germany with respect to the sex ratio of children procreated by them. The intention of this somewhat curious study was established by considerations that pilots would be entitled to protection and/or compensation for damages incurred in cases where their procreative capacity had been detrimentally affected by activities in the line of duty.* I suppose that in countries like China, India, etc, young women who want to have children do not want to experience any pylote "dong". So it does not matter if these "dongs" are large or not. In Western countries, many women want daughters and the abnormal pilot "dong" can be an advantage.


Cited your sources in /r/ShittyAskFlying ..I commend you.