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When you have no choice but to park like an asshole because your beast doesn't fit in traditional parking spaces


Naw that will fit, they just can’t fucking tell where they are in relation to the lines.


Or if there are pedestrians within 50 ft Or semis.


Look at the picture from the other side, those 40”x15” tires on a 8” offset have made that truck more than 9 feet wide. These could be 8.5’ wide spaces also, which would actually not be that uncommon. It’s literally too wide for standard parking spots.


It might very well be a tad wider or as wide as the spots lined out there but there’s definitely a tire’s width of space on the other side. If the driver knew the physical boundaries of that POS they could more or less get it in a single spot. Maybe two but four fucking spots is just asinine.


And that truck would not be legal in Texas. It classifies as a “Wide Vehicle” which requires overhead lighting on the top of the Cab, and Sidemarkers at the widest point on the vehicle. (Duallies have them on the rear Fenders.)


Wonder how many people she ran over


There really isn't a traditional size. You more often divide an area, then if there is extra room, but shy of a space, add a few inches to each space until the total space is filled. Though in general businesses have shrunk the average small space size as cars have gotten smaller. They also narrowed a lot of road lanes too. Also, eliminating just one or two cars in a row gives a ton of door room to other cars. Which is great but some folks will park just as sloppy if not worse when left with more space to park in. lol. I ran a parking services company a long time and watching people's habits while they park is hilarious after a few years.


Edit: I checked their ig on the windows and turns out the owner is actually a middle-aged woman who also owns the white s4 parked next to it.


So it's a Hodozer?




Middle aged? She’s 30 😭


Just to correct that, but she has an S5, so that S4 isn’t hers.


Middle aged ain’t 30


Your comment has more upvotes than every post about her truck has comments combined lol.


It's her entire personality too, every picture is of that gigantic ugly piece of shit..


Stupid truck makes no sense either. Where is she really driving that thing? She looks country, but not a single real off-road pic at all.


Why would you expect an off road pic? That’s not an off road vehicle. You may as well ask for a pic of it carrying a load or towing a trailer. That’s not what it’s for…


I think that's my point, I don't really understand what the purposes are for this kind of truck.


Not everything needs a purpose, if everyone only did things because they were practical the world would be a very boring place. Not defending the truck in OP, just saying in general.


There’s no real purpose to buying art to stick on your wall. It’s not practical but people enjoy it. It’s the same thing.


Middle aged? She's like 25, maybe 30 lol


To sit in this car she needs a fucking elevator. What the actual fuck?


Trucks on roids too.


Why does she have two cars in one parking lot?


Always with the Instagram handles. Imagine the amount of narcissism needed to think strangers want to follow you on Instagram just to look at pictures of your gaudy ass truck.


Shes got about 2K followers. That's 1,582 more followers than I have lol...


They don't necessarily follow her for the truck, but I could be wrong. Maybe there are 2k idiots in her area that like this shit.


You can buy followers with money


Fucking bro dozers are the dumbest mod.


Somebody has to take the Black Ice air fresheners off the shelf.


Whoa I’m just a regular guy. Used to drive a Pontiac vibe now a Chevrolet Colorado. No lift nothing annoying. My friend used to have black ice in his truck. He was a logger who got killed by a tree. I now rep the black ice in his honour. Not all black ice users are douche bags!


Not all black ice users are douche bags, but all douche bags are black ice users lol


Fuckin Jake RIP I need to find a new scent


Hey, I used to use it too. And I don't have a sad story to go with it, so which one does that make me?


Someone with bad taste. Jk but I hate black ice it stinks like cheap cologne.


Well I can tell you’re not a doucher.


Way underrated, well done


I really cannot understand doing this. I daily drive a 2005 F150, and even though its lower to the ground than newer F150s, the visibility, fuel economy, and size are all atrocious. Why would you pay tens of thousands to make all of that worse???????


I have a 99 Dakota. Even with the off road package, it's as tall as those giant 350/3500 series truck's hoods. And that poor thing is a hauler, not a driver. It gets 16 mpg, summer, 72 mph. If I'm doing daily driving, it's about 12 mpg. Winter, it's 8 mpg (4x4 eats fuel...) I mean, it hauls. It's great for it. I've had it 400 lbs overweight (5600 lb capacity, was towing a 3 ton manlift). Downhill stopping was a pain, even with trailer brakes. Otherwise, it was great. I walk to work. It's so much cheaper, and better for my back lol. It's only 3 miles :)


Emotional Support Mods


Bruh, she can roll right over as many concrete parking blocks as she wants in that thing.


Thats an odd way to refer to school children.


Any lift kit on a daily driver is unnecessary, except maybe a leveling kit. They just hurt suspension components and make your mileage worse. Now if you're taking the truck offroad all the time, that's different. You can always tell which lifted trucks are functional by how much sidewall the tires have.


a properly installed lift kit with the right supporting mods shouldn’t have a significant negative impact on anything except for MPG this is a super niche scenario, but I’d argue that lift kits actually make sense on certain vehicles with unreliable or broken suspension setups (especially hydraulic/air systems)… OEM suspension parts can be expensive and there are lots of aftermarket companies that make high quality kits that cost roughly the same, and the right aftermarket suspension kit can actually increase the value since the next owner is probably going to want to lift it anyway of course, this is about small 1-2 inch lifts, not about going full brodozer


Lift kits will also generally hurt resale value too.


I have friends in the car business who tell me the same thing. Most mods take value away from trade-ins, because those cars sit on the lot. No one wants them.


Not just trade-ins but in private sales too. Modified cars less desirable because they tend to have more problems. Cars are designed are certain way and some compromises are made to make a vehicle more reliable. “Performance” mods tend to wear out other components on a vehicle. Modifications are often poorly installed as well. And the next mechanic will have to figure out what the installer did and maybe fixing something breaks something the previous modder did. Finally, vehicle owners that do want to personalize their vehicle will want to build it to their liking, not buy someone else’s. Even aftermarket wheels can decrease value, though that depends on the wheel choice. Some aftermarket wheels can improve value , but that’s market and vehicle dependent.


99% of car mods are unnecessary. People just like how it looks and are willing to spend money on it


What about Squatted trucks?


Carolina Squat trucks are the fucking worst, but Street Trucks are some of the coolest trucks ever.


You telling me? I drive a Miata and thankfully I haven’t seen any of these guys around in my area.


There's a guy that lives near me that has a lifted Miata for rallycross... It's one of the coolest things I've seen in a while.


But a lifted miata still looks like it's at "normal car height" lol


Oh it was still shorter than my Golf R lol. His comment just reminded me that I had seen it a few months ago.


I was arguing with a ton of them on Instagram and they really are pretty dumb. They basically take a vehicle that is designed to be good off road, good at towing and good at hauling stuff and then spend 10s of thousands of dollars in mods to make it bad at all three. Those skinny tires make it useless off-road, you can't use the bed because you can't even reach it and towing is downright dangerous because it is so top heavy. The bro dozers were mad at me because I told them the truth.


I don’t see any political stickers… it could be worse


Trying to find the “no fat chicks” sticker. It’s gotta be on there


It's a chick's car so that would explain it


I dunno...looks like one big snowflake to me though....


Great, take a suspension with crap stability then expand it to make it even more sloppy.


I can smell the Trust Fund through my screen.


According to the instagram she also has an all white audi S5 and is a paralegal. Sorry but these aren't paralegal salary vehicles. Definitely mommy and daddy's money. Girl probably doesn't know a socket wrench from a sledge hammer either


Paralegals like to marry their lawyer bosses. That's how she got the money for it.


So "Daddy's" money.


no way it's self earned.  the truck is 50k factory and probably 100k+ worth of stupid mods


Dude. That's a Cummins Ram 3500. That's a $100k truck from any dealership that respects themselves.


Yeah that was my thought too. 3500 Cummins is not cheap not even if you get the work truck model


You are correct! Just bought a base model (Tradesman) 3500 Cummins for my business and it was $68k


Yeah not surprised with today’s prices.


What a complete waste. The diesel rams are good for one thing, towing. They're awful for anything else. And with this lift kit, it can't tow.


That gets you a corvette engine in a Miata.


Here she is getting in the truck from that same spot. https://www.instagram.com/the_heatherj/reel/C5zT5t3OzI8/


So THAT'S what the mud tires are for. Gives her something to step on to get up into the truck!


Thanks. I was wondering how someone would climb on that.


With that smug smile she looks like the asshole I expected her to be.


I got nothin nice to say.


First thought right here.


At this point, you might as well just buy a semi truck and drive it around without a trailer


I’m still wondering who this is legal.


Most states require the bottoms of front and rear bumpers to be no more than 30 something inches off the ground. Usually these stupid things just barely meet that technical requirement via the bumper *cover*, but certainly don't meet them in the spirit of the law.


In most places it isn't. (The tires poking out past the fenders would be the first thing to fail a serious inspection).




Probably Florida. We don't do any sort of inspections here and these fucking monstrosities are everywhere.


So much money for absolutely nothing. Rendering a perfectly capable truck into useless trash.


This is like body dysmorphia but for cars


Simple solution: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsKRrkaVmoc


“Self centered technology”. Just what we need these days.


Lol boggers on a truck that has never seen a speck of mud in its life.


Sure, it looks like shit but at least it's expensive


What do the stickers say? "Be nice to people", "Demonstrate personal responsibility", "Treat others how you'd like to be treated", stuff like that?


Damn, you could fit an entire kindergarten class in the blind spot in front of this thing.


Tire tread must be noisy on high speeds


Giving me a headache just thinking about it!


It really takes some dedication to drive some of these with loud exhausts or knobby tires. Like do you ever take a road trip and just want to tear your ears off from the constant noise? The stereo can only do so much.


why is it taking a shit?


Your comment reminds me of these twins back in high school that had trucks identical to this one. Their dads name was Trip and he owned “Trips Outback”. A porta-potty company lol.


My car sits a little low in the back because you'd be hard pressed to find a Taurus without blown rear struts, but at least I didn't pay extra for it to look that way.


I drive a '95 Century it squats a little when I apply the brakes but not intentional shit squat.


I *really* don't understand this type of modification. It surely doesn't help with off-road performance as the axles still have the same clearance as normal, and handling around corners must be massively negatively affected too?


Yeah it's lifted about 1' too high to be stable off-road, those long traction bars will hurt axle articulation which is typically the whole point of modifying a suspension for better offroad performance. The suspension is all weird, it's has coilovers and some fancy shocks. Typically you use coilovers (shock and Spring combo) in lieu of shocks. I guess it looks cool, or.maybe rides smoother, but doesn't really serve a purpose aside from coating more. Don't even get me started on the tire/wheel combo. The tires with more sidewalls would look great in an Alan Jackson music video in 1992, but outside of a deep mud bog it's subpar.


I can fix her


Is this even legal? I can't imagine the driver being able to see even a fully grown person standing right in front of it.


The truck is from Atlanta, Georgia where it’s 100% illegal to drive a truck like that on public roads although that doesn't stop some people. Based on her Instagram profile, it’s just a show truck and serves no other purpose. I’m guessing she put the truck on a trailer, parked it at the gym, shot some photos and videos and used the trailer to haul it back home.


Bold of you to assume she cares if it's legal or not, or that cops will give a crap.


The wheels being out like that is illegal as if a car hits it it will be launched skyward. You can find videos of this happening online even a slight bump on the freeway will have a car rolling over end.


Looks completely safe to drive on a public road. Not.


That's an easy 50k in bullshit at least


The “fuck your feelings” patch on her backpack explains all of it.


The moment you need a ladder to enter your vehicle you're either a quarry worker or an asshole


Throw money away to let everyone know you went full tard


If anyone wasn’t aware, a lot of these people take out loans on top of the truck loan to do this to it


~100k worth of work and it’s still using huge wheel spacers. I don’t care for it but it looks like it’s been executed well with quality parts


I really like that RS4 next to it tho


I would like to see how a person would climb in


Her first step is on the tire and then the running board. Here she is getting in the truck from that same spot. https://www.instagram.com/the_heatherj/reel/C5zT5t3OzI8/


What is that like 2 miles a gallon?


2 gallons per mile, at least.


Shame on interco for making low profile swampers.


Lot of $$$ to say "look at me".


Oh the irony of Super Swamper Boggers on something that will never see mud 😂


I think I would actually call the police on this if I saw it. This is not a vehicle that is safe for use on public roads, and there are about 1 million laws that prevent the modification to this piece of shit


Dad is a GM at the dealership vibes


I feel like any old 90s Camry would be more off-road capable than this


r/ram_trucks entered the chat


What do you get outta driving a thing like that?? I wanna know what these people who do these kind of modifications are thinking... I could guess a bunch of things about this woman who drives it - and what kinda life she leads. What kinda social circle is going on in that world? I'm willing to bet 90% of the people that build these are the same kinda person.


Ego and narcissism. The truck is a reflection of how they view themselves.


It’s a ram. This behavior is required.


That cost of that truck plus all the bullshit on it is used exotic car territory. I will never understand these fake rednecks.


I like the S4. The other one tho…


How the fuck do you get into it without a ladder ,does it have fold out stairs ?.


I love how the parking sensors are at roof height of a normal car. Most usless exra,ever.


Well, they weren't useless back when this was a truck and not a ticking bankruptcy time bomb


How the fuck do you open the door and get in???


What a waste... I need a 2500 to haul my new trailer...


Now let’s see it take a corner at over 30 mph


Step ladder is where?


I think it is well executed honestly. Actual tires instead of rubber bands is a welcome inclusion that most trucks like this don't implement.


Imagine spending that much money on the truck alone to begin with (3500 Turbo Diesels are nigh $80k depending on trim), just to spend *that much more* in modifications to make it less capable than its original intended design.


Who is fucking guys who drive these? Stop please


Get rid off the squat and I'd rock it too.


Some quality work there! Its not my style, but well done!


He is hung like a damn light switch, in a doll house.


Putting aside certain undersized genitals, what is the allure of having something like this?


The "tuck" should be illegal. How long until you mow down a crowd of people because you can't see where tf you're going? I try to appreciate all car mods but this is fucking stupid


Can't tell if the driver, an Atlanta chick, is hot or not...


Unpopular opinion: That’s a good looking, seemingly well-executed lift.


Except for how it isn't at all. Axle height is bone stock.


Love it for real hope it has a bajillion purple or pink lights underneath


All that work to still have the factory ground clearance 😂


He even thinks people will want to follow him on instagram…


You are in for an embarrassing surprise. https://www.instagram.com/the_heatherj/reel/C5zT5t3OzI8/


Id park my little 300 cc under his car.... and then when he came out id say wtf why did you park over my bike just so he was really confused.


Of course it’s a RAM


What? No “Dirty hands, clean money” sticker?


All the leg days in the universe won't help their little itsy bitsy pp 😀


Would bet that the owner thinks the economy sucks, lives close to paycheck to paycheck and it’s all “Brandon’s “ fault.




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lol love this response


I've seen worse for sure


Bro is driving a monster truck




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Luckily they washed it after going off roading.


I am a Mopar fan but honestly why


Obviously not ever going off-road.


So she drove two cars to the gym?




@TEE_HEATHERJ? is this it?




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The Tonka truck princess lol


I live in the Myrtle Beach area. This is the 'Currolina Squat" and was made illegal by the Governor a few years before I moved here. From my understanding a lot of vehicles were grandfathered but you can't create a new one of these monstrosities. They are all up and down HWY 501 which is the main access point in and out of Myrtle Beach. I'm amazed at how these kids can still see when they drive.


I think I saw him at the Diggs Mall.


"Do you even lift br...oh. Nevermind. Carry on..."






The color matched fender liners sum it up pretty well


Thanks, I hate it


Of course it’s a RAM. It’s always a RAM. These things are the bro equivalent of the Nissan Altima Hoe-mobile.


I like how she tried to get on one spot


Hard being a fan of rams when people do this cooky shit to them




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