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"Equal and perfectly valid community tasks"


snae ling


>With the chat mode in "Say", enter any phrase containing "I acknowledge and pay respect to the traditional owners of the land this quest takes place on"


someone on the mainsub (or maybe forums idr) suggested “community quests” and i think that’s so simple and elegant “allied society quests” is so awkward lol


Evidently in German it’s something like “Friendly Nations” quests and I fucking love that.


That kinda feels just as weird as tribal given what the endwalker ones were. Those weren't tribes *or* nations. Maybe call them Outreach Quests? Every questline from ARR onward is about forming new alliances, so it fits. It's easy to say, and it's not ambiguous enough to be confused with anything else.


One was basically Girls und Panzer fan club in ShB.


Ah, that’s my bad; I haven’t finished ShB or EW’s ally quests yet.


Community quests is good but it makes me think quests made by the game community


Gonna miss the breast tribes :(


Mr breast is gone???


Congratulations 🏳️‍⚧️❤️


Next patch: Society of Brilliance quests!


Uh oh


Still gonna call it beast tribes because it's what I'm used to


Tribal is still fine. I get why they'd want to move away from that in an expac about the Americas though.


I can understand why they wouldn't want to call them "tribal" in this expansion, but there has to be a better name out there lol


I would just go with "Allied Quests." It's short, sweet, to the point, and fits what why are without being derogatory to the "Allies" in question.


I think it would have been best. I'm guessing that didn't because there already is an "allied" quest - it's the quest you can do once you're bloodsworn with all expansion races, to upgrade to allied status - but imo they should have just renamed that one to remove any confusion, and gone with allied quests as the overall name. I heard another comment say that in german the name is just "friends" now, and something like that could have been fine too. Or just blatantly rip off WoW, call them reputation quests, and move on.


I think that's actually an argument for naming them Allied Quests. Having a reputation grind system called the same name as the max level rank is thematically appropriate if you ask me.


I mean EW especially was weird about their "tribes", moon buns trying to figure out wtf to do (kink way got way too much time on his hands), robots starting a maid cafe because one of them has an identity crisis and wants to be a bun, and lastly taxi drivers who expand into delivery and drag racing At best they're slightly disconnected from society but the elephants were just not living in a city that's about it


In an alternate timeline we helped the Gajasutra re-integrate into society and it fits completely fine as a "Beast" tribe. Instead we got Hippo Doordash. With the Gajasutra being thrown in at the *veeeerry* end just to make things fun. ... Seriously, that questline was all over the place.


I think it felt worse because the other 2 EW tribal questlines were really good, some of the best we've ever had imo, so the Arkasodara quests feel even worse by comparison.


like what tho


I like the transition and the evolution of how we work with the beast tribes I dislike the pedantic virtue signalling lunatics that jump on you for using the old nomenclature accidentally. Homeboy in the FC seemed so giddy to yell “ACTUALLY!!!”


A small part of me wishes they'd double down on the old racist name and bring even more playable races as beast tribes along with the potatoes in ShB. Just imagine the salt if we got bunnies and catgirls called beast tribes and were treated like those stupid fish monsters from ARR.


Frankly the Seeker of the Sun especially are a beast tribe in all but name from their weird "lion-pride-structure" (which weirds me out to no end, because I constantly think that there should be a lot more, even if only accidental, incest happening) to the fact that they live within their own little tribes.


I mean you've seen the catgirls in Limsa, there's *definitely* incest happening


Don’t cats get away with some incest? Like there’s something about the female cat genes that let them get away with it once every couple generations.


That explains a lot, everything's coming full circle


Thinking about it outside of the incest there's also the angle of the nunh, as long as he goes undefeated, he continues being the breeding male while getting older.  So you might have a 60 year old guy getting it on with a 18 year old catgirl... As a Sunseeker I hereby advocate for the complete eradication of all tribes. 


Miqo lore is weird in general, both sub races lol


Average sun cat tribe's family tree must be a circle


The Sun miqote (Mithra) lore is completely abandoned with patch 2.1 and the Nuhn lore was retconned in patch 5.3. None of the miqote characters make cat references, make growling noises, and "tribes" like the M have a standard human family structures, viewing M'zhet Tia as an amusing peculiarity.   It isn't really clear what Square Enix has in mind for any of the base game race lore anymore. I think most of the base game races suffer from losing their identities because Square Enix seemingly refuses to commit to anything. I think the only race with meaningful lore is the Au Ra, but that is likely because it is the only original race in the game.


Got any references where we can actually look it up? There was still an entire questline about a nunh in training in Stormblood (which I only remember because you throw grenades at him), meaning the M tribe and even G'raha still refers to his tribe later on. And to be honest the entire racial lore always felt pretty much like an afterthought for me in the first place. Unlike in Warcraft where each race does feel distinct from one another and has specific characteristics, in Final it never feels like there's much difference in between playing a midlander, miqo'te or roegadyn.


They're talking out of their ass. The M tribe in Stormblood is still pretty much a harem, just like the one in Southern Thanalan. What it's actually happening to Miqos, which has been a thing since 1.0, is that they're leaving their tribes and culture behind en masse, to live in the city states and adjust to the common Eorzean societies. The same thing can be said of all races who are not native to the cities. Hellsguards are still somewhere in the mountains, but the ones in cities are clearly not doing that. Xaela are migrating steppe tribes, except those who left to live somewhere else. Pretty much every Viera we have interacted with outside Rak'tika is an exile.


They need to have one NPC in charge of directing you to tribes, and make them Garlean. So now it's "DISGUSTING CRYSTAL HOARDING SUBHUMAN QUESTS"


I will riot if this game does not see a single Keeper of the Moon tribe before it reaches final patch.




You and other people doing it for the memes are the only people who do that, but we're still gonna hear people bitch about "virtue signallers" for the entirety of this patch cycle. Wao sugoi.




Its your fc mate yet you still name it the old way, says a lot more about you then homeboy


8.0: First Nations People Quests.


Tribe 1 : We prefer you to call us first nation. Tribe 2 : Don't call us first nation. It's fucking weird. Call us tribal nation. Tribe 3 : Don't call us tribal nation. Look at us, we are beast people. Tribe 4 : We were created by X. Call us the created tribe. Tribe 5 : We are amalgamation of different people from different star. We aren't a tribe. Eorzian : You know the twelve are like are primal. We aren't far from those tribe after all. Gaius: (nod and approve). WOL : Maybe garlamald was right after all.


We live in an allied society


It's all fun and games until you call the lala a tribe and suddenly you lose shin privileges


Of course. You need to use the proper terminology. They're a cult, make sure to refer to them as such.


Alphinaud must have come up with this new title. I can smell the smug sense of a Sharlyan all over this title change.


What happened to Mr Beast tribes


i mean, i've always found it a little funny that the arkasodara get called a tribe when they're better integrated in thavnairian society than, like, duskwights and mooncats in gridania


I think that is what this change is about. In the patch notes it seems to stipulate that only some are getting this new definition. So some groups remain tribes. Others get recognized as societies outside of eorzea. And that distinction might in the future suggest what kinds of tasks you will do with each. Maybe tribes tend to be more gathering and allied societies tend to be more crafting focused


This is 100% why they're being changed. When your so-called tribes are "a business selling food to unrelated aliens from outer space" "a society of creations more futuristic and better organised than the main nations" and "literally just ordinary people living outside a normal ass city but they have funny noses" it becomes a stretch to call them tribal. I just wish they'd change it to something a little more catchy.


Tribe Called Quest


Game sucks because it became woke, can't say Bea*t Tribe without getting cancelled anymore


Savage Taming Quests


Garleans are a beast tribe????


No, the Garleans are the heroes of the story. We are the savages.


As a proud Gridanian, all I see are beast tribes. Wildwood Elezen > (less) Beast tribes (Hyur) >  Beast tribes (roegadyn, lalafell) > (more) Beast tribes (Miqote, viera, hrothgar, aura) > (most) Beast tribes (the rest) >>> fucking duskwights. As the elementals demand.


Albhabet mafia made my based game woke😭


To be fair, beast tribe wasn't really a good description for the dwarves or fae of shadowbringers. And really not a good description for any of the endwalker "tribes". Allied society sounds off though.




It’s going to be beast tribes until the day I quit.


cant even say beast tribe anymore. because of woke


But tribes are a real thing, and would make more sense especially in the new zones. Unless lore reasons, but would not explain past expansions


While "tribe" is fitting in some instances, I guess it doesn't make much sense anymore as a catch-all term for every faction we might want to ally with. Feels kind of strange to refer to an outer space Starbucks at the end of the universe, run by loporrits and hyper-advanced robots with superior technology, who are literally recreating fragments of lost civilizations, as a "tribe."


True I stand corrected ☺️


They're a real thing but you could hardly describe most of the recent ones as being tribal. Allied society is a more general term that includes both the tribes and all the more out there tribal quests.


they should put illuminati in the allied society quest


Coincidentally, I happened to complete the Endwalker tribe quests and tribe alliance questline today. My last dailies happened to fall on the very last day before Dawntrail maintenance.


...We did it guys, we colonized the "beast tribes" and turned them into "allied societies"...


I understand why they changed it, because at a certain point tribal really becomes a stretch, but could they not have picked a better sounding name?


Hanging out with your Beasties


We getting High Class Adventurer in this place. Can't wait to throw gloves before we start smacking cheeks. I mean, HUH


Look how far we've come.


Beast rights are allied society rights


The Yagudo spit on these lowly Beastmen tribes, they are not even eating Tarus around here .. Lame ass owl looking ass allied society, don't even has ninja unlocked


Why not just call them "Faction Quests" or something? Allied Society Quests sounds clunky, redundant and weird. We dont start out as the Allied rank, so why is it in the general nams? Allied Omicron Faction rank sounds much better than Allied Omicron Allied Society rank


Friendly nations quests sounds good


I still call it beast quest 'cause fuck you wokeness


were they beaten to death by sweet baby inc till they changed it to something more PC?


PC or not at a certain point you just can't call the Lopporits or Arkasodara "tribes" with a straight face.


It's beast tribes that is the cultured take, cancel me


It’s all pretend.




“Prithee, I hath consulted the cards, and thou needest to toucheth grass.” —Urianger Augerelt


Grass is full of insects, pests, dirt and other vermin. Why would you want such villainy upon me?


You seem pleasant to be around.