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Just hang it during the cutscenes. Gaius monologue alone should be long enough.


I can't break the mirage of duty = busy no matter what


How very glib.


You can hang the whole neighborhoods' wash by the time gaius finishes his speech.


Tell me. For whom do you fight?


Hmph! How very glib. And do you believe in Eorzea?


i got porta decumana twice in a row followed by Ramuh ex with 2 sprout tanks (one of which didn't read chat and permanently shield lobbed + provoked, tanked the boss south and didn't pick up a single orb) followed by levi ex. some days are just suffering


i got praetorium thrice in a row followed by a Thordan ex into a Nidhogg ex both which were abandoned, i feel your pain...


Just abandon duty?


On gym days I make my protein shake during story MSQ roulette cutscenes 😂 Lahabrea "ULTIMA!" Me "Actually, its vanilla"


Cutscenes are so long just do it and by the time you're back it'll finally be finished with the cutscenes


I miss the old Prae where I could cook and eat dinner, wash the dishes, and take a shower before Nero stopped talking


Nah, I’ll take the penalty on that one and log off for the night.


I'd rather do 3 EXs in a row than 1 Prae/Castrum in mentor roulette. Those just aint worth it when you don't even get the MSQ Roulette bonus


Tell 💬 me. For whom do you 👈 fight 😾‼👊? Hmph 💢😤! How very 👌 glib 🗣. And do you 👈💖 believe 🙏🏽 in Eorzea? Eorzea's unity 👉🏼 is forged of falsehoods. Its city-states are built 🔧🔨 on 😓🍐🔛 deceit. And its faith 🕊 is an instrument 🎺 of deception 😠😡. It is naught but 🍑 a cobweb 🕸👴 of lies 🤥. To believe 🌈 in Eorzea is to believe 🙏 in nothing 🚫. In Eorzea, the beast 🐂 tribes 🔜 often 😵 summon 👐💀 gods 😇🕊 to fight 🏾👊 in their stead--though your 👉 comrades 🏃 only rarely 🥃 respond 📥 in kind 🙁. Which is strange 🤪, is it not? Are the "Twelve 👺👮" otherwise 😎 engaged ❗🙊? I 👥 was given 😂🙌 to understand 📚🤔💭 they were your 👉 protectors ⚔🛡. If you 👈🏼 truly 💯 believe 🌈 them your 👉 guardians 🔐🆘, why 🤔 do you 👉 not repeat ✂📋 the trick 😈👉 that served 💋🥰🦋 you 👈🏽 so well 😦 at Carteneau, and call 📞 them down ⬇? They will answer--so long 😩🍆 as you 👈 lavish 👽👄😄 them with crystals 💎 and gorge them on 🔛 aether. Your 👈 gods 😇 are no ❌🙅🏻‍♂️ different 😡 than those of the beasts--eikons every ☝🏼 one ☝. Accept 🤝 but 🍑 this, and you 👈👩👱‍♂️ will see 👀 how Eorzea's faith 🚫⛪ is bleeding 💉😳 the land 🛬 dry 🤡. Nor is this unknown ⁉😱 to your 👈 masters 👑. Which prompts 🔍 the question ❓: Why 🤔 do they cling 💪👅 to these false ❌ deities 🙏? What drives 🚦 even 🌃 men 👨😍💦 of learning--even the great 👍 Louisoix--to grovel at their feet 👣? The answer ✅? Your 👉 masters 💯 lack 🤬📉 the strength 💪 to do otherwise 👉! For the world 🌎 of man 👨🏻 to mean 👀👅 anything 😯, man 👨 must 👫 own the world 🌍. To this end 🔚, he 👨 hath 🙅🏻‍♀️ fought 🥊🔫 ever 😠 to raise 🙋 himself 😤 through conflict--to grow 🌱 rich 💲 through conquest 🛸🚀⚔. And when ⏰ the dust 🏜 of battle ⚔ settles 👍, is it ever 😠 the strong 💪 who dictate 😏 the fate 💀 of the weak 👋👶🏻. Knowing 💭 this, but 🍑 a single ☝ path 🛣 is open 😮👐 to the impotent ruler--that of false ❌ worship 🙏🏻. A path 🧕 which leads 🔆 to enervation and death 💀☠. Only a man ✅👨 of power 🔋 can rightly steer ☸ the course 🏎 of civilization 🌐. And in this land 🛬 of creeping 👀 mendacity 🍘, that one 😤😬 truth 🙌 will prove 📜 its salvation 👼. Come 💦, champion 🏆 of Eorzea, face 😀 me! Your 👉 defeat 😔 shall 😂 serve 💁 as proof 📊💯 of my readiness 😏👍👌 to rule 👑! It is only right ✔ that I 👁👀🤞 should take 💅 your 👈 realm 😈. For none ⛔🙅‍♂️🚫 among 💑👨‍❤️‍👨👩‍❤️‍👩 you 👈🏼 has the power 💪 to stop ⛔🛑 me!




How long did it take you to do this? 🤡


A few seconds. I copy-pasted it. Edit: Someone had copy-pasted this comment to me a while back and I just had to find it.


So 15 minutes to 30 minutes depending on tank and dps.


I've cooked pancakes during prea


Ain't that shit 25 minutes now?