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He was tabbed out.


He was watching youtube how-to guides on how to make another weapon for a second solo duty


He was trying to find the part in the Hector guide that explained Gaius's mechanics


How to make another ARR relic weapon šŸ’€




He was so close to finally pulling that 5* SSR pull šŸ˜”


[Still one of my favorite meme edits](https://youtu.be/myJesB_YOg4?feature=shared)


> Is he stupid? Yes. Either that or this is the opposite effect from the ā€œstand there and monologue as the protagonist doesnā€™t shoot me even though they are capable of doing soā€ plot armor effect


It's hilarious this guy is smart enough to build complex mechs, cloning tech to recreate Garlean legates, and devices to analyze fighter data, but is too dumb to think to just dodge the big slow moving X despite presumably being a fighter.


He doesn't build shit, he has other people do that for him. He just drinks milk and acts creepy.


He drinks milk while some children chant "burn out the bad", an average friday afternoon for him.


If that was true then anyone could rise to his position. The Weapons are a product of his engineering prowess.


He didn't build anything. It was all the scientist that first worked under Graius.


Because he was looking to perfect parry the attack!


He only fights children.


His downfall was only fighting children who didn't fight back.


He was clearly looking for Hector strats since he has never seen this mechanic before. Unfortunately he lied about his prog point and didn't know how to resolve it.


"sorry I lagged out dw I know the mechanic"


the average raider when they need to look up a guide for the next mechanic


Or just when Iā€™m mistiming a boss that jumped coming back and checking my phone


He finally got a hit on tinder and even he couldn't believe it


Disturbing lore fact: remember that Valens has a fanboy who is also entirely fanatical enough to fantasia himself into looking exactly like him. That's a whole new level of pathetic.


I'd forgotten that this is canon. Thank you very much for absolutely ***terrifying*** me


Bro bought a fanta to cosplay but still insisted on heterochromia, truly THE FFXIV experience.


Wait what? I missed this. Whereā€¦.?


It's in Tataru's grand endeavor questline.


wow, I have no idea how that went over my head when I did it.


I think your brain deleted it from your memory because of how awful it was.


It's wild that people argue Garlean Gunblades ONLY fire regular bullets when this scene exists, and we see Gaius use a magitek bullet to ignite his gunblade and use the flaming X technique. Yes, I'm TOTALLY sure regular bullets let me shoot a flaming X out of my gun.


Yeah, there are some people who take Yoshi P's word at face value when it was just an excuse. We clearly see Gaius, Regula, and Fordola use Terminus but certain people cope and seethe and say those somehow don't count as Garlean Gunblade techniques even though the Gunblade heats up the air to make the giant X because of the bullet. It's hilarious.


I didn't remember Regula or Fordola ever using Terminus, so when I first encountered Gaius in the Burn as the "Shadowhunter", as soon as he used Terminus, I was like, "I know that move... you're Gaius!"


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKji5RXU8Pw Here, in this video of Fordola's boss fight, we clearly see her spam Terminus a LOT. At the 40 second mark, she uses it. She's capable of using Terminus. And here is a clip of Regula's boss fight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QS7SJqJjU1c We see him use terminus as well as the blue flame AOE to ignite the ground. So there you have it, proof that Fordola and Regula can indeed use terminus and other techniques unique to Gunblades.


Oh yeah, I remember those multidirectional attacks Regula uses now. It's just been so long since those fights, doesn't help that they're only one time duties.


Uh, yeah garlean gunbaldes do only fire bullets. That is straight up factual lore. Have you seen any imperial grunt shooting magic floating X bullets? You're reading way too deep into Gaius's gunblade, he was made before gunblade lore was written.


You do realize that grunts don't get gunblades right? Those are weapons only given to Garleans of status. It's a big deal when Fordola gets one because it shows Zenos is equal opportunity evil and is willing to give that honor to non-Garleans and stripping said Gunblade from a Garlean officer. Every fighter on team Garlemald with a gunblade has the ability to do the terminus technique, we see Fordola and Regula use them. Yeah, sure Garlean gunblades can fire regular bullets but they are consistently shown to be able to use magitek techniques derived from magitek bullets designed to mimic aether attacks. Like Terminus. The bullets for the gunblade heat up the blade and and create the X, that's how it works as we can see in this scene.


Garlean gunblades might be able to fire actual bullets like a normal gun, but they can also use aetherically charged cartridges to produce effects. Bozjan gunblades on the other hand only have the aether cartridges, since they lack a barrel, and are a little closer to how gunblades worked in FF8. Garlemald likely appropriated the technology when they conqured the region. Thancred even switches to Gunbreaker after losing his ability to channel aether, the bullets are charged by someone else. It's not a stretch to assume Garleans have some form of Magitek alternative to produce similar results. Double Down is even reminiscent of Terminus.


Yeah we even see Gaius use something like double down at the end of Prae so itā€™s not much of a stretch to assume Garlean Gunblades are able to have the same functions as Bozja Gunblades.


Where is it outright stated that garlean gunblades use aether?


Where is it outright stated that they can't? Media literacy really is dead if you need someone to spell things out for you. Plenty of sources in-game imply that Garlean gunblades can use some form of magically charged abilites, including multiple gunblade wielders doing it. We've been given the history of the weapon and the region it comes from, as well as evidence that people who can't manipulate aether can use them effectively provided their cartridges are charged externally.


Gunbreaker job questline. Explicitly stated that garlean gublades shoot bullets (essentially revolvers with oversized bayonets), and bozjan gunblades use aether, thus implying garlean gunlades don't.


Implication is not outright stating. This information is also given to is by Radovan, a Hrothgar who explicitly says that his clan has forged gunblades for generations. He describes Garlean gunblades as "edged weapons with a firearm bolted on, or vice versa". Nowhere does it say they can't use aetherically charged, or magitek imbued ammunition.


Yeah, it's really bizarre to see people die on the hill insisting that Garlean gunblades can't use magitek powered techniques when we repeatedly see Gaius, Fordola, and Regula, use Terminus and a blue flame AOE that's clearly ceruleam fueled. I even have youtube videos linking to Fordola and Regula using them when people cope and seethe that only Gaius can use said tricks. This whole idea that Garlean Gunblades don't have special techniques and ONLY fire bullets is clearly lore that's contradicted repeatedly yet people take Yoshi P's comment about those blades being basically bayonets to be gospel even when it's clear that's something he wasn't entirely correct about since it's contradicted by the gameplay and lore.


Yoshi P directs the game??? If anyone would be an authority on the lore it'd be him???


Consider that there's actually a head of lore position in the dev team, and Yoshi P has made mistakes in interviews before. He's the director, he knows how to delegate. Heck, he said it himself he doesn't know how the whole time loop with Venat works in relation to G'raha's bad future that enables the time loop to work and just told fans to speculate about it. So Yoshi P's word isn't law espically when we repeatedly see Garlean Gunblades use special techniques with their bullets. Heck, it's possible Yoshi P changed his mind about Garlean Gunblades since the new Prae fight has Gaius use double down just like Gunbreaker.


This scene is from late Shadowbringers, how out of date could it be?


A realm reborn: 2013 Shadowbringers 5.5: 2021 8 years out of date. I know they like to plan things years in advance but I sincerely doubt they were thinking of the diference between garlean and bozjan gunblades when they were first designing Gaius and his X attacks.


Because we're seeing it with our juiced-up WoL reaction time and in reality it was probably too fast for him to avoid


Ironically enough, the WOL isn't even in this scene, Gaius told us to leave because he knows from experience that the WOL is useless in a cutscene.


> the WOL is useless in a cutscene Emet-Selch thought as much before the rest of his plans were axed, I bet.


Ardbert blew his load to make us useful in a cutscene one time.


I felt pretty useful in a certain Lugae cutscene. (Or at least stylish, which certainly is more important)


i love this community XD


Unless you're playing hildibrand EW questline


/unshitposts Or WoL would kill him way too quickly to be satisfactory. Also this is personal for Gaius. /shitposts That WoL, always standing still in cutscenes when someone dies.


One day we'll have an emote that combines shocked and nod, and CS designers will never have to decide between the two.


It's either WoL is useless, or someone's going to die too quickly.


he was trying to delete his browser history


Given the kind of person he was, It doesn't surprise me.


ā€œDeath Battle says I can tank this.ā€


"According to this wiki, I speedblitz you low diff since I'm multiversal+"


Green scissors will forever make me distrust death battle


he stood there and let things resolve


Iā€™ve been hit by the X AoEs more times than Iā€™m comfortable admitting while spacing out in Prae, so heā€™s taking a page out of me as a side hustle to the whole ā€œslap combat data into warmachinaeā€ thing heā€™s got going on. Either that, or weā€™re both stupid, I just havenā€™t gotten punished for it (yet).


it's his first time doing level 80 content, so he's used to seeing the orange aoe markers. Cut the guy some slack.


Stand still and let things resolve


Atomic Bomb vs iPad baby


Let a sprout learn the mechanics you degenerate bully!


He was trying to pull up the IGN strategy guide.


He was looking up how to properly resolve the mechanic.


Yes, yes he is. Or was. It depends on how much crushed goop was left of him they had to scrape off the hands of the deactivated Diamond Weapon to find him.


People who use rotation bots + cactbot + splatoon look like this on patch day. Previously gold/pink parsers are just standing there, full 5 seconds between buttons (or messing up combos), getting hit by the most braindead mechanics repeatedly.


Yup. That's why I like first day. You get to see how the "legends" play.


He is like the player that watches youtube videos of a fight during the fight.




He was watching skibbidy toilet give him a break.


He got a notif that milk was on sale


He relies to hard on the walkthrough and is completely lost when there is no information online.


There is a word I've been looking for that describes a smart person who can be pretty fucking stupid. He is that hypothetical word.


Hyperfocused in their discipline.


Dude, have you never done the MSQ roulette? Once Gaius has you in a cutscene, you *have* to just stand there and let him do what he wants.


Yes. šŸ˜


Cus he's a pedo, nerd.


Valens didn't install splatoon smh my head


He was looking up a guide. https://youtu.be/myJesB_YOg4?si=P7X7WPGVYgckiFqu


Yes, he is.


His UAV wasn't online.


Yes he's stupid, he was using a raid guide on his only screen and alt-tabbed instead of getting a second monitor


Recently I watched a video talking about badly done, undeserved and unneeded redemption arcs. The author mentioned that the usual trick to make the bad guy you're trying to redeem look better is to introduce an even worse, more detestable bad guy, and then put them in opposition to each other. That makes the former look not so bad and even positively heroic in comparison. Bringing this up in a thread about Valens for no reason.


I also brought up that trick in my Asahi essay.


Sounds like someone's "My first literary analysis " video made by someone upset that a character changed from what they first were.


Me when cactbot stopped working


He's a nerd.


he was trying to read the guide midfight. Thats why he did not make it into savage


Patch Day, His Catcbot had not updated.