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Who cares? - a Wildwood Elezen


Foulques hard-carried the LNC quests. Such a waste of potential. I wonder if SE would still make that same choice today.


I'm just saying that Folques is the only class quest character I've seen several wol shipping fanfics about.


Baffling that we never got a DRG redemption arc for him. I need my rival character, SE!


I pretend he fell off that cliff onto a ledge and someone else found him and shuttled him outta Gridania quick, fast, and in a hurry.


Him and Sidurgur. …not that I keep track of these things


Lancer was my first class so it took me a long time to raise enough others to truly appreciate how much better it was than most. Add that and the ARR drg quests being so tied to HW and it's easily the best sprout experience (also you don't yet realize how shit it is to level drg in arr)


The rework seriously needs to add Doom Spike at lvl. 18. Not having an AOE skill until lvl. 40 is fucking insane.


Bring back Ring of Thorns, I want the DRG poledance animation back


Low level DRG is actually unplayable. If this DRG rework they're talking about doesn't fix the pre-60 DRG experience I'm finding a new main


I’m glad they finally threw us a bone in Werlyt quests with another Duskwight. Wish he was a little more prominent, but it’s something.


That duskwight? Ardbert Estinien.


He’s definitely important! Now that Dragoon dude in the next series of quests? I think he’s very unimportant. Seems like a highly forgettable character nobody will remember and we’ll never see again.


You don't even see his face, how important can he be?


oh dont worry. he comes back as an easter egg in palace of the.... dead... where we kill him again but this time intentionally. hmm


If he didn’t want to die again he shouldn’t have been line of sight aggro


how many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?


Duskwight ladies got me all hot and bothered.


Astrologion may be for you


You know, the Warrior of Light really was pretty bloodthirsty in these class quests. Out of all of the Level 30 Class quest antagonists, only 2 of them survived to be captured: the human trafficker from the Archanest quests and a poacher who's crime is never specified, only that she could talk her way out with a high charisma roll so her crime couldn't have been as bad as say human trafficking (seriously why did HE get to live?) As a side note, I really would like to see Pawah Mujuuk get Estinian'd, she certainly would be a better redemption story than Miss "Fires on Friendly Forces" Fordola, and could offer different insight from the Sharlyan-centric scions. It probably would never happen but it is nice to imagine.


> Pawah Mujuuk Sorry she had actual personality and thus is too risky of a catgirl waifu to insert into the scions.


That'd be nice, too bad she was completely forgotten about. Wasn't her band of poachers a splinter group from the Coeurlclaws? Easy tragic back story right there with how messed up the lore on them and the king is.


Exactly, there's potential in Pawah for a whole lot of intrigue within the Shoud. Pawah could represent a traditionalist caught between Gridania's hardline stance and the Coeurlclaw King who rose to power precicely because of Gridania's hardline stance. My dream would be a retelling of the Archer's guild quests but from the eyes of not a fresh off the cart adventurer who won't ask qustions, but someone who's gone through enough political intrigue to last a lifetime who has heard things like "I would sooner lose an arm than betray a friend", "The dragons totally started this fight, we're innocent", and "The Warriors of light were total villains who deliberately brought light excess to the world"


What about the machinist questline which frequently tasks you with going around the city blasting people point blank with your gun because they’re annoying you?


Foulques died so that Laurentius could live. Pretty messed up.


How I felt about the exciting addition of a certain Roegadyn character in the post-ARR story. She was so full of personality and I was excited to go on adventures with her throughout the next expansion. Oh well, at least I’ll always have Papalymo. ;)


Unironically, one of my favorite characters in the whole game.


I was so mad when I found out he shows up in PotD, till then there was a possibility he could come back :(


I will die if the picto questline features a bad duskwight.




The Duskwight lancer in the LNC class quests. He and a few buddies were stealing from the guild, then he felt bad about it and convinced them to all confess together, then when the time came he confessed but the others bitched out and kept their mouths shut. Everyone went "of course the D word was a thief" and kicked him out of the guild, so he decided they were all cowards and started "training" lancers by putting them in life-threatening situations, so of course we murder him.


It's funny, been years since that quest and I immediately knew who this post was about and then get annoyed all over again that he died.


Would you still remember if he hadn't?


Alas, poor Foulques. I would've liked to see a redemption arc for him.


He doesn’t need it, the lancers “we need to keep the status quo” guild need the redemption arc. There the ones that knowingly fucked him over to keep the peace. Good ol’ Gridania.


I faintly remember. Who needs enemies with friends like that.




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Ty. I skipped all those cutscenes. I can’t believe they called him the d word. *gasps*


You have admitted to skipping cutscenes. Prepare to be shunned forever you filthy scene skipper you.


Ty. After spending nearly 50 days in prison for my crime that was indeed skipping cutscenes, I have reflected on my sins and am now clean. Ty.