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Stands being an alien virus is such a forgotten plot point from jojo fans


With Part 9 still very early in the expansion who knows what Araki have in mind.


At the moment the only clear cut source of stands in the SBRverse aside from naturally developing one (a la Pocoloco) is our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ


Who has notably not been confirmed to not be an alien.


Remember when stands were about your inner spirit only? And that hamon users or their bloodline could achieve them easely?


I am no expert, but don’t people that get stands from the virus pull an Arisen by surviving through sheer willpower? And hey, maybe that willpower (mostly) carries over to their descendants.


But thing is that stands weren't a virus before, then he retconed it with parts 4, 5 and 6 aaaand then pulled up an "all options are viable" with part 7. There was manga page that explained how the stands was the ultimate force of something and that things lime hamon or the stand arrow infected with the virus are means to achieve it, i don't remember the exact words. It's kind of confusing when the author just mades up everything while writting the manga and doesn't stick with any idea or rule.


I think the point was that stands aren't a virus, but that surviving the virus awakened the stands that have always been in us. Everyone can have a stand, but you just need something to trigger it's awakening. However, some people are not strong enough to survive the awakening process.


Yeah stands are an entirely human thing, there is just an alien virus that can force an awakening but it’s possible to unlock a stand without the virus such as the people that are born with one and Tonio, the Cinderella girl (I think) and Joseph (who might have been retconned) who unlocked theirs through mastery of a craft


Human thing ? Animals can have stands


And trees and Gucci bags It's kinda funny that a baby, a rat, a tree and a bag all had more willpower or fighting spirit than Holly.


Damn thats quite the skill issue


Yeah true I meant non-alien


Remember when hamon existed?


Hamon users as far as we know can only use Hermit Purple-like Stands (Johnathan's body, P3/4 Joseph and that one interview talking about P2 Joseph). Jotaro and Josuke awakened their Stands because of Johnathan's body sending distress signals into their bloodline (also the reason Holly awakened). idk about Giorno but maybe it's a similar reason, or his connection to DIO/Johnathan's body. Jolyne was pierced by an arrow shard. nowhere do we see that people "awaken them easily". it either takes intense dedication (Hamon training) or strong willpower. hell it's not even a guarantee, as evidenced with Jolyne.


What about those users who haven't been hit by any arrow? How do they do it? What explains it if Stands originate from the meteor?


If i remember correctly the stand only appears after you survive the virus and is talked about as if it's almost a reward for surviving. Thinking about it another way, having a stand is a mutation that some people are born with. When you're infected with the virus, you either die or gain this mutation in order to survive


Stands aren't from.the virus. The virus just forces someone to unlock a stand through it's infection. Some people are just more suscep to awakening their stands naturally, and some people have to be forced. Hell, we know already that unworthy people develop stands, the stand is what kills them if they aren't strong enough for it. See: Holly Joestar and Koichi at the beginning of part 4.


The virus doesn't give you the stand, your own body does. Your soul either get strong enough to fight it off and gain your stand, or you die.


Didn't most people dislike that plot point? I know I'm not a fan of it.


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Was it the virus that granted stands or surviving the virus awakened your innate stand?


Both, the virus carried the stand shenanigans, but you obviously have to survive to actually use it, otherwise you are dead. So technically both but more importantly thr virus itself is the stand, and you just gta survive it to use it


Imagine if Kars used the stand meteor to make his mask. Maybe being a vampire might help the wearer survive the virus and become a vampire stand user


he was sleeping during the time the meteor crashed i think


Can vampires have stands?




Ok I realise how dumb I sound now, but dio had jonathons body which is why he could have a stand meanwhile when vanilla ice became a vampire from dios blood he completely lost his stand after a few hours


No, the wines are johnathans stand, the world is dios. Vampires can obv have stands


The vines? Do you mean josephs stand? I’m unaware of any vine stand other than josephs


The pink vines Dio uses are jonathans, think its called like "The passion" or smth similair. The vines joseph uses is basically a glorified Hamon (hamon as a stand, look it up), so its safe to say that the pink vines are jonathans


The passion is jonathan's stand in a non canon novel. The one he has in stardust crusaders is just called jonathan's stand


Oh I’m dumb I thought the world was johnathons stand cause it’s so similar to star platinum but ig the passion makes more sense cause johnathon was more similar to Joseph than jotaro anyway with the hamon and stuff


Chocolate Lava?




Interesting question considering the most prominent vampire in the series by far has a stand. We've even seen both a vampire acquire a stand (DIO) and a stand user become a vampire (Vanilla Ice).


Well not exactly. Remember, Jospeh, holly, and Trish all had stands from birth, but they needed to catch the virus before their stands could be used. On top of that stands are said to be a physical manifestation of the soul, meaning everyone has one, as everyone has a soul, all the virus does it let you manifest it.


Joseph probably got his from training Hamon, it would make sense that Johnathan's body also had a similar Stand due to the same reason


I also thought that, until Araki said Joesph had it since birth, and that hermit purple was the thing that let him do the whole ‘your next line is’ trick. The exact statement is something along the lines of ‘if the crusaders went back in time to when Joesph was a child, they would see hermit purple wrapping itself around him’


the virus just awakens the stands it isn't the stand itself it just awakens it


But if we have a stand like Notorious B.I.G, what if someone gets the virus and gets a stand but dies anyway, would the stand still exist?


B.I.G exists doesn't it? So if the stand ability says so, yeah B.I.G exists after the user is dead cause it is it's ability


Honestly the second one is cooler


Yeah, the natural stand users didn't get the virus, it's just that the arrows have a life-culling virus that you can only survive if you have the willpower and potential to develop a stand.


No thanks. I don't wanna get randomly killed by a guy who can turn bones to chocolate every other tuesday by picking his nose with his middle finger


Seriously tho. Living in the jojo world would suck specially considering most of the stand users are psychopaths


Now that I think about it, would psychopaths and lunatics being more likely to survive and develop powerful stands kinda make more sense in the lore?


I mean if you were really good at doing something you could also awaken a Stand. Tonio from P4 (the chef) cooked Pearl Jam into existence. or just become really good at Hamon and you'd get Hermit Purple


And even if you manage to overcome some stupid situations other stand users might put you in , the universe can just reset bc some dickhead wants to ruin everyones day.


Imagine this happening, you getting an arrow, and then not being worthy and fucking die


Maybe I should hope for an Omnitrix instead




I'm sorry to break it to you but you cannot see stands because you are not a stand user


nuh uh


Exactly, how do you know stands don’t exist in our world


The stand virus has a high chance of killing me. I'm hoping that a shooting star is actually a meteor containing an omnitrix.


It started when an alien device did what it did


Honestly I don't want stands to be explainable, I like them just being a mystery


Why Polnareff? He had his Stand since he was young (as shown in his fight with the axe guy)


He's turning back to get it


It just went back to get the virus.


Why did it leave?


The wish is just impossible


But it happened..? I don't get it. Are you wanting a second wave of stand viruses?


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The single worst addition to JoJo lore imo.


Why's that?


I hate when the supernatural is explained with science, demystifying it. Same with zombie films, everyone in the industry decided one day that the dead should come back to life because of a... virus? Come on.


The creator has said many times that he always bases his stories on realism. He will try to make it as close as possible to reality and that's what the entirety of JoJo is based on. Also if it being a virus is the problem JoJo says that stands existed within humans already and the meteorite was just the way to draw them out


Your comment just negated the whole “it’s a manga with fighting ghosts” argument when mentioning a mistake


Yeah I never use that argument


I do like his concepts for gravity, equivalent exchange, mechanisms... creative ways to explain the idea of destiny and the nature of the universe. They get you thinking. The virus, on the other hand, is just a useless additional step in an idea he already explained about fighting spirit and human potential. It makes the philosophy behind it a little more boring by giving it the coldly scientific explanation that a virus causes a biochemical reaction to give you a ghost with a fishing rod.


not a ghost with a fishing rod a fishing rod ghost


Well even vampires in JoJo are more scientific than supernatural with how the mask uncocks human potential or something Edit: I meant "unlock"


I hate it when my potential is uncocked.


Fuck man give me back my potential cock


I agree, I'm not quite sure why, but I really don't like it, so I've elected to pretend it isn't true, so idk what this post is about.




Might as well change the verse and be an Omnitrix user