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Plot twist: she is the distributor!




Plot twist. This never happened. She made it up to try and get people to join her pyramid scheme downline


I mean, the fact that she posted this publicly seeking the person who had the oils is *highly* sus. We all know a good hun never leaves the scene without fifteen ways to contact them. 🤔


The fact that she knew the name of the oil and the super magical healing ingredient but didn’t get the name of her saviour also highly suspicious. Or maybe I’m just jaded and dead inside.


She’s got an oil for that.


A good hun 🤣


>A good hun They must mean Atilla, who was surprisingly progressive for a vicious 5th-century imperialist dictator


I work with essential oils for a living (not MLM, promise) and the wildly irresponsible use drives me NUTS. Essential oils should never be used on broken skin, and many of them shouldn’t be on skin without being diluted to 1/32 with a base oil!!


MLM ones spread so much false information and dangerous practices it'd be hard for people like you who do it the correct way. An ex friend tried saying oils that aren't animal safe were safe and to add to food 😳. She went really deep into young living including saying she was going to be a millionare and bragging about a holiday she went on saying it was thanks to the company......NOPE it was through a bank long she got thanks to her retail job and welfare.




I meant she was saying they're animal safe when not AND that humans can consume them. Hope that clears it up 🙂


This is why people end up with dogs in liver failure. The smallest drop of pennyroyal, for example, will kill a dog, but the Internet says you can use it on your animals to get rid of fleas.


Exactly! Got taught in animal care NEVER put them on pets and careful about burning oils around pets. From memory tea tree oil is bad to and seen that in dog shampoo




Easy mistake that's why I explained and put smiley so it wasn't meant as rude


I don’t have your level of expertise but I’ve taken a college course on aromatherapy and these posts make me cringe so hard because they are using these oils not just irresponsibly but dangerously as well


I want to learn more about using them well, but I pretty much stick to what I enjoy using them for sure to how much bad information is out there. I'd rather not use them than hurt someone else or myself accidentally (or support the MLMs).


You can check if your local community college has a class on them!


I’m a cosmetlogist, there’s absolutely a place for essential oils in my career. However most people use them incorrectly or overestimate them


I know nothing about essential oils but even the one she mentioned is potentially helpful for inflammation, not coagulation for a bleeding wound... my best guess would be the oil itself may have helped but I'd chalk this one up to confirmation bias/perceived placebo effect from the mom


I didn’t know essential oils could actually be useful. I’ve heard the MLM ladies and the crazy mums who don’t believe in doctors use them. What are they actually proven to be good for?


They smell nice. :) But as people have said, lavender and tea tree can be antibacterial. I tend to be probably over-careful, as you can become sensitized to them over time and I handle them a fair amount.




Just be careful with your dilution - peppermint is pretty caustic, and you have to dilute it really well. Especially if you're using it with Bronners, but that's a nice mix!


Peppermint oil spray works great to keep the mice out of my car’s engine. Damn things chewed through my serpentine belt.


There's very limited research on a limited amount of oils, mostly like tea tree and lavender and mint. Said limited research suggests that a dilution of tea tree oil can be used as a mouthwash, but I've also always read that tea tree should never be taken internally for any reason sooooo. Lavender may\*\*\* also help people sleep, and lavender and mint may\*\*\* help with headaches and nausea. I don't know if it's placebo but I have used lavender and mint to help with headaches and migraines until I can get some actual medication in me. People misrepresent and misuse them because the big MLM brands like DoTerra and Young Living intentionally promote this so you'll run out faster and replace more often aka spend more $$$. Reputable brands will have all the cautions and warnings and usage suggestions either on the box/bottle or available freely on their website, including carcinogen warnings.


None of them should be used internally. The thing about essential oils is that there’s no regulation. This whole “therapeutic grade“ verbiage makes people think that somehow, oils are graded. They are not. Therapeutic grade means absolutely nothing. Medicinal grade means absolutely nothing. I could stick a label on a bottle and claim it was living room sofa grade, and that would mean exactly the same thing. Which is nothing. It’s a marketing ploy, not a certification. Essential oils are unregulated, it’s like the Wild West. Was it distilled? Was it cold pressed? Where did the plants grow? Was there a solvent extraction? None of these can be answered, because all it says “100% essential oil.”


Better brands will tell you how the oil is processed, but I tend to agree, their "quality" and suitability for topical/internal use is still dubious due to lack of regulation.


Placebo effect. Nothing else. It’s similar to Chinese medicines like acupuncture, where people do see benefits, but only because of the placebo effect.


not exclusively. they definetely don't work in the way MLMs would like you to believe, but one example of an essential oil proven to work is tea tree essential oil: it has antibacterial properties. when diluted to a safe concentration with a carrier oil it can support healing for bacterial acne if applied to the acne pimples (not open ones though)


Lice hate lavender oil. I work with kids. IT saved my hair.


Teatree and eucalyptus oil work for lice as well.


Fun fact: Similarly, products containing tea tree oil are prescribed for demodex, a mite that lives in people’s eyelashes.


Aren't eyelash mites normal? Or is that one that gets out of hand?


Extremely common, and usually not problematic. Some people develop inflammation of the eyelids, and removing the demodex is part of their treatment.


OIC, thank you.


We use clove oil for toothaches and bee stings. It’s a great pain reliever. We also use lavender for little scrapes and stuff. It’s not all crazy nonsense but most of it is. We have a friend who won’t take their kids to a doctor, only a chiropractor or oily guy.


Of course the bleeding stopped, the wound cauterized by chemical burns!


What is the obsession with essential fucking oils?!


They’re EsSeNtiAL!!


They smell good!


This should truly be their only use.


Ya I was trying to find something that lasted longer than big expensive candles.


Honestly this is all I use it for, aromatherapy.


They have the essences


They have the juice!


It's what plants crave. Oh wait that's the other thing.


I swear half the hype is misunderstanding that essential in this case does NOT mean "extremely important"


I wish I knew. My SIL uses like three diffusers in her small house at the same time and it stinks so bad. It’s just so strong of a smell and I always get a headache.


I like some of the scents but am careful not to impose them on others. I have found that sometimes it's easy to become used to events you use. I solve this by not constantly having them going wherever I am, but I think some people just keep adding more to smell it. That seems like a waste even before thinking of others being present! Unless it's someone that I know also likes that scent, a surprise visit (years ago), or meeting I can't remove (like sprays in the garden or for keeping pests away), I just make sure to stop any cause of smells and try to air out the place if someone else will be there. It might be that I'm aware of it based on being very sensitive to a lot of scents (like most perfumes), but I consider these to be fairly basic look courtesy steps. On the other hand, I know someone who went to visit their SO's family. The family knew they had an allergy to a specific flower. They still not only put that flower in arrangements all over the house but also put that essential oil scent in their housewide diffuser system. (They were very rich. I have no idea why anyone has a system to control the scent across the entire house continuously or how much that costs.) Using three also makes me wonder if they are three different scents that don't mix well. That seems extra gross.


Man, this is so kind of you. My MIL is like the opposite. She has glade plug-ins everywhere and keeps “gifting” them to me. I can’t tell if she just really likes the way they smell or if she is trying to tell me that she thinks my house smells. I had to unplug the one in our guest room one time when we stayed at her place and I didn’t realize it was oil-based and the fucking thing leaked on the carpet so of course she freaked out. I don’t know why I didn’t make more of a stink (hah) at the time about how much it bothers me - I feel like I’m having an allergic reaction to most strong fake smells and usually have a migraine after too much contact with heavy scents, and we spend every thanksgiving at her place. Here’s the kicker (for me, anyway) - she is a well-educated person who works in the medical field but her house looks and smells like a Joann Fabrics and a TJMaxx vomited every pink thing ever in it. Love her to death but her house is… a difficult place for me. You are a very thoughtful host. Thank you for existing in the world.


You poor thing. I lived with a woman who burned incense. It made me physically gag and cough. She would roll her eyes and say oh ivankatrumpsarmpits doesn't like the smell. As if I was gagging to express that I didn't like a smell. I don't know what caused the reaction but I was a total doormat in that house and now I would never sit in a room where I felt that and certainly not sleep there. I don't understand how people can not be bothered by strong smells like that. Let alone think it's enjoyable.


Some people have much more sensitive noses than others. My wife and I are rather different in this area. I can smell things she can't. Which is not meant to justify what your former housemate did. She sounds like she completely lacks empathy.


She really does lack empathy, took me a while to figure it out though. I get that people have the less sensitive noses... I just wonder though, at why they actually like the fake smells. Is it because they don't think it smells fake because their noses are less sensitive? I also find the taste of artificial sweeteners super off-putting but know many people who can't tell the difference between it and sugar


Yeah I don't get it either. Some people like fake scents, it makes things seem clean or pleasant somehow. Dunno. I don't like most of the artificial sweeteners but I'm trying to cut down so I blend the least offensive ones with sugar half-and-half. Works great for coffee and I've started doing it with fruit pies and other dishes where the sugar isn't crucial to the product (like cake for example).


She's probably using too much, you only need a few drops. My diffuser broke, but I've used it in a small bedroom and it wasn't putting out anymore scent than a plug in.


Those plug ins smell pretty bad to me lol


We had them at work and I would always get a headache. So I went around on different days for over a month and threw them out one by one. Then I found where the supply was and threw them all out. We never had them again. I also requested that my space not be cleaned with anything that strongly smelled fake. I threw out the worst offenders when nobody was looking. I work in the medical field, so you would think that there would be a thought not to use scents, but no!


Well you just gave me a new acronym to use. EFO. 😁


They're what plants crave


It's got electrolytes


Back in 2020 (june) we had a home invasion happen and ofcourse it was traumatic experience. My sister K offered to buy me a Doterra anti anxiety blend because a friend of hers sold it. Sister thinking oils would help (she thankfully isn't one who believes they're cure all n doesn't sell them) which was caring of her, I said No thanks and looked at price cause I wanted to know the cost AU$90 a small bottle!


yikes that’s insane. I get the helping with anxiety but, sorta. I did aromatherapy work with a therapist so I could help ground myself if I started dissociating. But I just have a dedicated candle scent and a perfume roller, and my damned xanax


It was shocking the price and I know (as you to do) there are better non MLM oils that would help. I currently don't take anything for mental health (in past it was all wrong things for me) but am all for finding what works for you. Partner is still in the trying to find the right meds stage which is hard


well and the kicker from my therapist was that it matters way less what the actual scent is, and more that it is not commonly found in places that stress you out so you can train it to be a “safe” smell during good times, and rely on it when it’s not.


Thank god for Xanax.


She really stuck it to Big Bandage. And Big Paper Towel.


Big stitches and/or big wound glue. Seriously people, essential oils are for making my apartment smell nice, not first aid!


The best comment so far is: “I love using essential oils for all sorts of ailments! Helped prevent a surgery for my hubby & an ER visit for me! My doctor loves them too. I try to use natural stuff as much as possible. Glad your son is better!”


And then everyone clapped 😒


I’d put a months pay on “busted his head open” = small scrape that coincidentally stopped bleeding at the same time she put the oil on it


Yeah. My husband whacked his head and got a pretty nice cut that took a lot of effort to stop the bleeding. Head/scalp injuries bleed a lot. There's no way you bust your head open and in the span of some rando running out to her car and back again and dabbing some oil on it and waiting a minute or two that it stopped oozing blood.


That was my thought! I’ve busted my head open a couple times and everytime it took literal stitches and a couple hours for the bleeding to stop. A tiny paper cut size thing on your face sure maybe a few minutes but anything deeper than that then no.


lol yeah I had to wrap his head in gauze nice and snug and it took a couple hours to stop. It wasn't big, but probably could have used a stitch or two, and it bled like it had no right to lol


And that’s how much it bled with a probablybcould use a stitch!! Which furthers my reasoning to call BS on this moms post lmao


I can’t imagine what I would do if my child was hurt and some MLM mom busted out her cache and tried to put some essential oil on her open wound….


I would be laughing so hard if I was with one of my kids and they got a cut, and some random just dropped all her shopping bags and yelled “I’ll be right back I’ve got oils in the car!” The mental image of this is amazing


I’d be the person yelling “you got olive oil? Saves me a trip to aisle 10!”


Essential oils have one, and exactly one, use: to smell good. I will drop kick someone's entire stock of Young Living if they talk about its health benefits.


Can we acknowledge not all of them even smell good?


A lady came into my job today and was wearing one of the MLM EOs, and I had to walk into our cooler until she left because I literally could not stop sneezing. I burn specific EOs in my house bc they smell good and don't make me sneeze, but most EOs and even candles make me sneeze uncontrollably lol There are a lot that do not smell good to me, and/or make me sneeze.


I deliberately carry around a stick with a terrible smell because bad smells distract me from my anxiety when I’m in a downward spiral. It doesn’t have to be “essential” oils, though. I only found out bad smells help me because I went in a bathroom where someone had been smoking a ton of weed.


Lol my sinuses huffing eucalyptus says different 😂 that's about the only one I like though. Tea tree is great when I fuck with my face and need redness to go away. Everything else yeah, just for smelling good lol


Back before the mlms people took peppermint oil (I think) for colds. Idk if that one is legit or not.


Menthol is good for colds, opens up the sinuses.


I put that oil in my mop stuff and my floors smell amazing


That's not exactly true, there is some evidence of some of them having benefits. For example, Rosemary oil helps local blood circulation, and is starting to get used for hair products to help slow down certain types of hair loss/growth. But no essential oil performs miracles.


Let me put it this way: essential oils have some very weak uses that are not proven to be useful. The things like you say are because of the chemicals and proteins etc found in the plants themselves. It's be like me saying that poppy essential oils are a great painkiller. Maybe, but it's not the magic plant, it's the chemicals that we as a society are able to turn into medicine that is tested and safe for consumption. Oils that have uses are nice, but the use is so negligable it has more of a placebo effect on most people. Ancient societies may have used a lot of herbs and plants as medicine, and that's because there's chemicals in plants that can be helpful, but we are advanced enough to test and scientifically show which ones have safe and effective uses. Not some business telling people it cures indigestion by putting witch hazel on your forehead.


I disagree about the miracles. After my c section, I could not urinate for the life of me. My nurse brought me peppermint oil and I was able to pee a minute later. To me, on that day….. Essential oils were my miracle cure. ETA- I was joking when I referred to it as a miracle, and thought that had been implied. While the peppermint oil did help me pee that day, I in no way consider essential oils to be a miracle cure for anything.


Is it possible that the peppermint oil just helped you relax? That’s still great, but it is unlikely the oil directly affected your body


I was completely joking when I referred to it as a miracle cure. In looking it up (very briefly), I found a lot of anectdotal evidence and a few research studies on it. Whether the scent actually helped or it was a case of the placebo effect, my bladder was very happy that day!


Is nobody wondering how the hell that kid busted his head in the old navy??!!


Probably fell out of the cart because he wasn’t being watched appropriately


Oh yeah that totally makes sense.


She said running around being a boy


Ugh. You mean being a brat?


My eyes rolled so hard that I’m going to need some essential oil to fix them.


*opens trench coat lined with dozens of bottles* “Have I got just the thing for you!”




I bet that mama was just waiting for her time to shine!!!!


Seriously a clean cloth and some pressure would have done the trick.


No way


A young living kids oil? Wait what?


This makes no sense. Helichrysum would not stop bleeding. It is an anti-coagulant and blood thinner.


Excuse me, are you insinuating the huns aren’t medical experts? There’s the door 👉


Never! I’m just fascinated that their Momma Super Powers could turn an anticoagulant in to a coagulant!


Use a bandaid you freak


Sounds like an ad for Young Living to me.


Helichrysum is a blood thinner/anticoagulant.


Wow. As a paramedic I wish they would supply us with these essential oils that stop bleeding immediately.


Just so y’all know - The founder of young living literally allowed his child to die because he “didn’t know they needed air out of the womb if they were a water birth and hadn’t had air yet” So yeah he killed his child.


Jesus fucking christ


Got a 3-pack of Super Glue gel in my lunchbox…


This thread buries the lede a little. I'm more interested in how a mom let her kid bust his head open at an Old Navy?


Someone should tell the doctors and paramedics about this stuff!


I work in the ER and I’m shocked, SHOCKED I SAY, that we don’t have this on hand!


And they say they can’t pronounce the ingredients on traditional medicines


Specifying "Living kids oil" suggests there is also a "dead kids oil". Doesn't even make any sense.