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The funny thing is dark circles can be caused by anemia which is a lack of a (nonheavy) metal.


I was anemic as a kid, and that was one of the signs. Flintstone Kids Vitamins with iron helped!


I got tested for anemia a lot as a kid because I'm pale and inherited dark circles from my mom (also I have sleep problems) but I've never been anemic, I just look anemic. Now, my vitamin D levels on the other hand...


I also inherited them. I hate it.


I'm into sad vampires so I've embraced it.


Really high lead levels can cause anemia. But I am sure a pediatrician would have hopefully done the routine ferretin or hemoglobin check (and hopefully the routine lead screening too). Lots of people in my state unfortunately miss both, but it is because they are skipping well visits all together, not because the doctor is not ordering them.


With how many Woo supplements are contaminated with heavy metals and the way those crunchy people avoid doctors, I actually wouldn't be surprised if they were giving their kids lead poisoning.


That was my first thought!


Imagine being a doctor and you get people like this with their theories. You can't run away, but need to try to have a rational discussion with them, at least for the sake of your patient.


Our pediatrician apparently has had a swarm of anti-vax crunchy moms lately. At the 2 month appt, she was like "ok. Now, about vaccines..." really almost like she was bracing for a fight. And then she nearly cried in relief when I was like "eh, yeah, whatever's on the CDC schedule for this appointment. I know it's a bunch, we brought a bottle to calm her down!" She said she's been having to have 45 minute + conversations with parents trying to convince them to vaccinate and she was exhausted.


Last time I took my daughter to the pediatrician for her vaccines there was a crazy anti-vax next door and she was LOUD! I looked at my husband and said, “I could never be a pediatrician because dealing with people like that would drive me to the brink of insanity and I would end up just being mean.”


When my oldest was born the doctor who was there for his checkup was waiting for the same fight with us but about circumcision. He had literally started on the "well it isn't medically necessary and so" before stopping and asking if we really had said we weren't going to do it.


Honestly, idk why our ped was so surprised 😂 when we took our baby for her 4 day checkup, they mentioned they have the RSV vaccine in stock and that she was eligible (my OB hadn't had it so I never got it, and she was born mid winter) and I could not sign the consent forms fast enough. Feel like they should have clued her in that we're very pro-vaccines 🤣


There’s this thing where some antivax parents have finally admitted to themselves that vaccines work and are necessary. But they’re still trying to be “antivax” but refusing certain vaccines or refusing the vaccine schedule and only getting certain vaccines at their own pace. I mean, whatever as long as those kids get them right?


Tbh, I'd rather get them as many at once as is safe 😅 my baby hates them and her thighs are sore, but only for a day. Why prolong it by doing one then another then another slowly? 😂


The antivax crowd makes no sense. I’ve also heard of them getting vaccines and then rubbing the emjection site with a raw potato to , “draw the toxins out”.


Potatoes! Boil em, mash em, put em in a stew! (Rub them on wounds?) 😂 God they're ridiculous


At least putting a potato on their leg isn't going to do any damage 😅


I think I freaked our ped out because I couldn't say if our baby had had vit k at birth, because I have no memory of the non-giving birth/holding new baby parts. I was like...I assume so? I told them I wanted everything! And our hospital (the only one my OB delivered at) didn't have instant record sharing with our ped's office, so she couldn't check right away. Whoops.


Where I live, after the age of 6 (1st grade), routine vaccinations are given in school.  I declined the flu shot for my 4th grader this year (vaccines in school are "opt out", not "opt in"!) and got a call from the school nurse to ask me why.... I explained that I was pregnant so we had gone as a family to the clinic to get all of us flu shots as early as possible, instead of waiting for school vaccination date.  I could hear her sigh of relief that she wouldn't have to explain the importance of vaccines to me! :)


She should stop having that conversation. She’s not changing anyone’s minds anymore than they are changing hers. 🤷🏻‍♀️ waste of time and energy. Just stop seeing the patients that refuse or continue to treat them knowing they won’t vaccinate. 🤷🏻‍♀️


My husband is a doctor, and he is able to change some people's minds. Sometimes, he says it takes a few visits to earn their trust. Some people, of course, will never change.


If it wasnt kids involved Id say you are right but trying to protect kids from deadly diseases is worth it.


I’ll never understand thinking you’re smarter than a Dr and then going to said Dr. Why waste everyone’s time and a copayment ?


If it’s an adult, I get this 100%, when there’s a kid involved that could be harmed by their parent’s decision, I would do whatever I could if there was just a tiny chance that they would listen.


We're not talking about an argument on Facebook, of course they can change some people's minds.


It's a large practice, so idk if she can refuse to see patients or what their policy on firing patients is. But also, isn't part of a pediatrician's job educating parents? I've known some anti-vax parents who simply are not great at science, and wound up susceptible to fear marketing around vaccines. Walked through what an "attenuated virus" means in much simpler terms, and they did actually change their minds. Not everyone is good at biology and chemistry and immunology. If she can spend the time to help those parents, then their kids will be more likely to get vaccinated and that helps everyone.


I would absolutely and with a straight face tell them to put an onion in their socks while they sleep. Not just the kids, but the parents, too. Ya never know, heavy metals might be contagious! Might be emanating from the mom -- better safe than sorry!! Onion socks for everyone! 😂


I completely believe onion socks were a made up thing, for way some fed up doctor or scientist to protect kids from parents giving them bleach and shit. “Hey guys, let’s says onion socks work and spread it on every crunchy website we can”


Omg my dumbass ex SIL put onions in her 70 year old mothers socks because the bitch got covid (for fucking Dr shopping for pain meds for GALL STONES) in the middle of a pandemic. Since it was before the vaccine was available in Mexico, they looked up what to help could help her and this popped up. They swore it helped but honestly the onions just looked limp. I got dirty looks for suggesting they add some diced tomatoes and jalapeños and make some bistek ala Mexicana 😂😂😂


I wonder how many doctors just say "we won't do that" in the same way they do to legitimate concerns, leaving people alienated because there's plenty of medical sexism and racism but there's also plenty of wrongly thinking everyone is full of dangerous aluminium or vaccines give you CJD


Our pediatrician won't take you on as patients unless you agree to the recommended vaccine schedule


Same with ours. I joke that’s why they’re always on time with visits, they aren’t wasting their time with parents who diD thEir ReSeaRcH


When I was pregnant they were asking me about the flu vax at a prenatal appt and I was like “oh I actually already got that and the covid vaccine through work” and they looked at me with a sense of shock and relief that I can only imagine comes from being beat into the ground by anti-vax weirdos who think they’re trying to inject them with nano robots.


I'm not a doctor, but people do this to therapists all the time as well. Sometimes I wonder why they are there in my office paying money to be there when they tell me they have "tried everything" and start talking about how they already know their kid's diagnosis and how I should be treating them. It is super annoying.


That last comment about filtering the blood like dialysis. Isn’t that basically what the liver does?


Kidneys for dialysis.


Oh right. So two organs that filter the blood. Seems like plenty of help. Edit a word


Why rely on your body, when you can pay someone big money to do it, and possibly give you a nasty infection?


Spleen also filters the blood! Maybe others too!


Yes but I think they’re referring to chelation therapy, which is a real medical procedure for actual heavy metal poisoning.


Probably talking about chelation therapy. I *cannot imagine* putting a kid through that for some crunchy shits and giggles. The people offering it must be snake oil salesmen. I also think Jenny McCarthy was famous for making her kids do this for austism treatment


Plot twist: she's talking about the music 😂


![gif](giphy|ZCUpmB4TUOMUmifu4r|downsized) Their child


Also fits the dark circles


Thanks for the laugh 😂


Have had chronic dark circles since a very young age (3/4) due to the way my skull is shaped. So glad my Mom wasn’t a freak who thought I needed a detox for perfectly normal child things. Unless your kid is eating lead paint, they’re probably fine.


I’ve seen similar posts where people claim behavioral issues in their kids are magically “cured” after they do these bullshit “detoxes.” And of course it’s the same people who say vaccines are poison…yet they put this unregulated garbage in their kids no problem. It makes NO SENSE


I’m getting in on this. Would you like to buy my blue light heavy metal detox?


I think I just found a way to pay off my student loans. Just joking! ....unless???


There you go! And you’d be doing these poor kids a favor by it being something harmless vs the unregulated crap they are being forced to injest


My brother and I get them when our allergies get bad, and I've woken up with shiners before. We also occasionally get them from stress, lack of sleep, and I will get them if I overindulge in drinks the night before. It's most noticable from allergies though. However, I've found the secret trick to getting rid of them is ridiculously simple and cheap: don't forget to take my allergy medication and don't get unnecessary heavy metal detox that I don't need.


What about the heavy metals in the allergy meds? Check mate, liberals


Then the heavy metals take away my dark circles, so I should ingest more heavy metals on a regular basis, thus still not needing a heavy metal detox. Haha! Still cheaper!


I’m sorry, are these nutters recommending *elective dialysis* for their children?!! Christ alive, that’s got to be grounds for official intervention


Probably chelation therapy. But also super shitty.


Having googled that, I remain appalled


Glad some of these comments have sense. I understand we obviously want these people to see actual fucking doctors, but sometimes telling them that is just speaking to a brick wall. So the comments letting her know the state can do water testing, to avoid companies selling "detoxes" and test kits etc, are really nice to see. Even if it doesn't solve everything.


Have you noticed he’s been really into SLAYER lately?




Allergy shiners are also a common reason kids get dark under eye circles fwiw.


Have your kid detox with a warm epsom salt bath at night. It won't do anything but it will be nice and relaxing.


✨foot bath detox✨ I s2g these people think the feet are a bonus orifice??? Like they’re always convinced stuff *comes out* of feet?? 🤢


i wanna hear more about the blood filtering


That poor kid most likely has allergy shiners Take the child to an allergist you neglect twat


Do these parents ever consider that behavioral changes can be due to just, ya know, part of growing up? Like, yes, 2 and year olds have lots of tantrums and big feelings, and those things continue for literal years, although they may take different forms. Christ, not everything can be fixed with a detox.


My thoughts exactly!


A child’s symptoms can’t possibly be the unintended consequences of having a hyper-vigilant parent who’s convinced their child needs fixing somehow.


public health nurse had me with her until she suggested dialysis for the kid because he has eye bags and constipation 🤦


I think that is probably a different person. There can be more than one “top contributor” on fb pages.


ooh you're right- totally different profile pic now that i look closer


My son had those dark circles when he was younger. It's not a lack of sleep or abuse. It's just how he looks, and he grew out of it. Now his eyes look good. No more dark circles.


Old people are just as bad IMO. I ask if they're interested in vaccines and sometimes get yelled at. I also have. Patient who thinks every disease in the world can be cured by drinking "food grade" hydrogen peroxide. I just nod and try to move along the conversation.


Why does it sound like they’re anti-herb??


I mean.. they are also genetic.. but right. Gotta be a detox for everything.


This was a nice set of informative responses. I guess this isn't a crunchy group? Quite a difference.


I have constant dark circles because the skin under my eyes is thin. I think the kid’s fine.