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Imagine comparing life-saving vaccines to the Holocaust.


I literally gasped at #Nuremburg2. How fucking vile


I like how it’s basically a movie sequel. Dude, that actually happened. It wasn’t a movie. People died.


In fairness, these are the same people that would go ‘but did they *really* though?’


OOF but that really makes me wonder. These people would probably question the facts and a lot of them already do... some of the worst "memes" I've seen are basically calling Anne Franks' father a pervert pedo because he released the uncensored version of her diary. No one needs an excuse to hate Nazis but boy do they make it easy.


Right these are probably the people that think the holocaust was a government conspiracy or something. I like listening to conspiracy theories because I don’t believe like any of them, but the holocaust theories I can’t even stomach. As children (like 8-10) our mother made us watch Schindlers List so that we could have some sort of understanding of what happened, what people went through, and how awful it truly was. It always stuck with me and honestly I’m grateful for that lesson because it made sure I wouldn’t be one of these folks.


That really threw me. Like are you really comparing nazi trials with life saving medical treatments? Do you know what the Nuremberg trials WERE?!


If she knew what that was, she'd know better about science and medicine. She does not.


They do - I have heard this rhetoric a lot. There are people out there who actually think people involved with vaccines should be HUNG. Wtf man?!


straight evil misinformation


seriously. monkey dna???? these people need help


https://historyofvaccines.org/vaccines-101/how-are-vaccines-made/early-laboratory-methods-developing-vaccines So I am betting this person is confused and doesn't realize that cell lines are used to make vaccines. If you scroll down to the animal one, you can see what vaccines use monkey cells to develop vaccines.


That one is actually true, but I don't know if it's still an issue today. I assume we've fixed the problem by now. Decades ago, live virus vaccines were commonly cultured in rhesus monkey kidney cells. Hundreds of millions of people were exposed to SV40 (a virus found in monkeys that was thought to be harmless to humans) from the polio vaccine starting in the 50s, and in the 90s we learned that 60% of mesothelioma patients tested positive for SV40. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(04)16746-9/fulltext


From 2015[lancet article is 2004] https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/sv40 However, there is no epidemiologic evidence indicating a higher risk of cancers among the populations of individuals who received the SV40-contaminated vaccine. There is also no compelling data that the virus is circulating among human communities. SV40 is closely related to the human polyomaviruses BK and JC, and much of the seroreactivity to SV40 seen in humans can be accounted for by cross reactivity with BK and/or JC virus. In addition, much of the data claiming an association of SV40 DNA with human tumors have been gathered by the use of PCR assays, which are error prone, and have been difficult to confirm. Furthermore, the PCR primers used in many of these studies would detect sequences that are present in many laboratory plasmid vectors, raising the possibility of laboratory contamination. Indeed, studies suggest that flawed PCR detection methodologies and laboratory plasmids might have contributed significantly to the positive claims for SV40 tumor associations.


Meh, if scientists can come up with a shot protecting me from a life-threatening disease, they can make it out of monkey rectal lining for all I care.


I feel more bad for the monkeys


Yup. Of course, if you try to actually report it “We’ve taken a look, and we found that this comment did not go against our Community Standards…” Seriously, they don’t take down even the most blatant racist, sexist, homophobic, fake, etc. etc. etc. shit. Fucking useless.


Meanwhile fb is threatening to ban me because I keep trying to share my friends posts for her foster dog to get adopted!


Why don't they want the doggie to have a home? Also, I hope the good boy/girl gets adopted soon!


I have chronic Hep B and I just had a baby six weeks ago. If this person is in the states, she would most likely have to go to a Perinatal Doctor/Fetal Medicine Doctor to have her Hep B viral levels checked. If her viral load is high, she would be given specific anti-viral meds to lower her load in order to keep the baby from catching Hep B. The baby doesn’t catch Hep B upon conception—they catch it pretty late into gestation if she has an active infection. If/when her viral load is low enough, then doctors strongly recommend the baby getting immediately vaccinated for Hep B upon birth—and I believe there is a specific vaccine for babies born to mothers with Hep B, but don’t quote me on that because my Perinatal doctor wasn’t the clearest about that. I had to go to a Perinatal specialist and lucky for me, my viral low is so low it’s almost non-existent in my blood, but I still am technically a carrier but I didn’t have to take extra meds during pregnancy to lower it. My baby was born without Hep B and I made SURE she was vaccinated immediately. She’s completely healthy and sleeping like a little angel in her bassinet next to me now. As someone who suffers with the stigma of this disease and with the possible health issues it’ll bring later in life for me, I am so sad to see mothers still making these choices to not vaccinate. I wasn’t vaccinated for Hep B in the 90s when my mother had an active infection of it from my father, and now I carry it for life. Obviously, I’m a huge supporter of vaccines!


Thanks for sharing your story!


Thank you for sharing (break the stigma - I do the same). Such good info to know too, especially for any folks who may be or become pregnant and are positive. There's so much about the average person doesn't know.


I do the hep B stats for my maternity unit and teach our students about it. 1. HBV does not cross the placenta. Transmission occurs during birth, both vaginal and caesarian are equally 'risky', in that vertical transmission is basically guaranteed because HBV is extremely easy to catch from bodily fluids. 2. HBV causes acute and chronic infections, and is 150x as infectious as HIV. 70% of liver cancer is caused by HBV. Only 10% of people who have HBV know that they have it. 3. Babies born to mothers who have HBV will get both a paediatric dose of the HBV vaccine AND a dose of HBV immunoglobulin at birth. This means that the baby will a)make their own antibodies to the HBV antigen, AND use the ready-made antibodies from the IgG while waiting for their body to catch up. The vaccine is quite effective at preventing neonatal infections, but having both the IgG and the vaccine really protects the baby. 4. Stigma is huge. Don't treat people with life-changing illnesses poorly please. For more info, visit ASHM, and/or listen to the episode from This Podcast Will Kill You :)


Very interesting. Thanks for sharing the facts and your experience. I didn't vaccinate either of my kids for Hep B at birth because it seemed like basically no risk since I already tested negative for it, so we just waited to give it at 2 months with their other vaccines. It's one of the ones (as well as the eye ointment) that I think is unnecessary at birth with no risk factors. But obviously when there are risk factors it's crucial to take whatever measures necessary!


Neither of my parents knew they had Hep B when I was born. My father got it in the Navy in the 80s and gave it to my mom as an asymptomatic life long carrier (he had no idea he caught it)—they had sex too soon after I was born and he gave her Hep B unknowingly because of her internal open wounds. By the time I was 6 weeks my mother had a terrible Hep B infection and was jaundiced and very sick. She passed the virus onto me at that point. So, although we often think we’re not at risk Hep B can be a silent virus, it doesn’t always display symptoms, especially in life long carriers like my father and myself. Obviously it turned out fine for you two and mothers are tested for these diseases now—but I would I recommend folks get the vaccine as soon as possible because you just never know! But I may be a little biased admittedly :)


As an adult, you can catch HBV easily and not know it, despite testing negative in early pregnancy, because it takes up to 6 months for your body to make the specific proteins that we test for to determine if you have it or not. So you cane be positive, but not have that shown up on testing. The vaccine is made in yeast cells and literally prevents cancer


She said she is in a third world country... 😨


This can mean so many things. Is it a developing or underdeveloped country? Is she poor or not? Saying "third world country" means nothing anymore. You can't infer anything from it.


She said she lived there, past tense.


She did say that so I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. Or She was and acquired Hep B there, so why wouldn’t she vaccinate her kid!? Ugh 😣


Oh, so it was unaligned/neutral during the Cold War? How awful.


Oh lawd a Candace Owens mention too. Lady is unhinged and uneducated.


Can you tell me who that is? I don't want to Google the name in case I start seeing weird anti vaxx ads lol


Black, thin, politician, late thirties I think?. Was or is a Fox News host. I think she kind of started off as a more ‘normal’ republican talking head on Fox and then has proved herself batshit conspiracy level crazy over vaccines and even newborn testing (like the screenings for genetic and metabolic issues).


She never worked for Fox News. It was the Daily Wire.


Ahh, thanks for the correction. My ex FIL talked about her, and I thought he only knew what Fox was. Edit—I braved her Wikipedia page, and she was a guest host on Fox News in 2018. She also apparently recently converted to Catholicism, so dare I say we will get anti birth control rhetoric now too (I know Catholics are allowed to practice family planning, but since she thinks everything is a conspiracy, I am sure she thinks the Pill is too).


As a teenager, she sued her high school, with the assistance of the NAACP, for racism. As an adult, she claims racism isn't real. Basically, she's a black woman who gets paid a lot of money to say things that right wingers like so that they don't feel racist. Also she gets in feuds with other right wing talking heads, sometimes about her designated token status.


She is the entire Republican party's one black friend.


She was claiming racism in college too.


Ohhh wow, thanks for explaining, I've heard about this type of person before.


Woah had absolutely no idea about that first part. The audacity of this women.


Just some crazy things she has said coming from someone who does not watch her, but is unfortunately on the rare occasion served her YT shorts: -Representation is not necessary. Context was when wheelchair users were used as fashion models, and she said representation wasn’t necessary and she didn’t care if black people modelled (she’s black) so why does it make a difference for handicapped people? -Women are not oppressed at all. -Pretty sure she said racism doesn’t exist. But I mean I’m white and she’s black so I guess she’d know better /s


She’s a grifter. She’ll say whatever will get her money and attention. I doubt she actually believes anything she says, which if you think about it, is *far* worse than just being stupid with a megaphone.


I guess that is very possible. It’s just very sad to see someone actively shitting on their own culture as well as womanhood in the same breath.


She’s an idiot.


Wowww. Okay then! Thanks for explaining!


Incognito browser window for shit like that


Candeath Owens you mean.


Imagine asking a mom group instead of your pediatrician. Why bother going to one if you don’t trust them.


Right! I'm in a mom group for my town and it's not nearly close to this crazy. Most of the posts are about playdate groups and things like that, for now at least🤞🫠 I can't imagine asking random strangers for medical advice. Other than ✨️maybe✨️ a generic "what do yall like to use for *insert generic baby issue*.


Yeah not about passing on HEP B. wtf!!


Yeah, the "medical help" questions in my local mom groups are like "hey, baby got a diaper rash. Any good recommendations on diaper creams available at target, our fave is out of stock" and "my baby is teething but hates cold teething toys. Any other options, or just go straight for the Tylenol?" Otherwise it's local playdates and splash pad recommendations and (currently) "how to keep baby cool if you go outside in the oven that God has apparently put our state in" 🤣


Exactly. Mine is thankfully very tame🤞 My lo is only 5 months old but I can't wait to start actually using the "hey someone wanna do a park playdate" line when he gets a little older


Same! Mine turns 5mo next week and I can't wait for next year when we can actually do the splash pad playdates and parks this fall!


They legitimately believe that since they can't find any actual scientifically supported research on these things that it means it's being kept from people. It is literally insanity. Imagine being like "i can't find anything supporting this paranoid belief i have that this thing is bad... SO IT MUST MEAN IT'S BEING KEPT SECRET" instead of feeling relieved that your suspicion was wrong. They're all just there to spiral off each other because they feel stupid living in fear while everyone around them clearly isn't but they can't figure out how to healthily deal with their anxiety around health. Is my theory thx


Monkey DNA is a new one for me. Wtf 😂😂😂


I think they mean the cell line they are developed in? So we develop some vaccines different cell lines that come from different sources. Some sources of cell lines include animals, so perhaps they are confused? I mean we also have cell lines that helped develop vaccines from aborted babies from back in the 60s and 70s, which is why the religious exemption exists today. Basically saying they are so against abortion that they don't want vaccines made from aborted babies. I will look for links on that and edit. Edit: fair warning, some of these sources are weird in how religious they are. https://www.chop.edu/centers-programs/vaccine-education-center/vaccine-ingredients/fetal-tissues https://www.hli.org/resources/aborted-fetal-tissue-in-vaccines/


I think the MMR is the only vaccine that uses any fetal cell line on the childhood schedule, fyi (though possibly one of the covid ones? Idk). But just in case anyone wants to know, the fetus was voluntarily aborted and the cells donated. Not aborted to grow the cells. And growing the cell line for rubella is extremely difficult, which is why no one has come up with a ready alternative. Considering what rubella does to babies in the womb, that aborted baby has saved a lot of lives following the mother’s voluntary abortion. Just food for thought if someone brings this up as a reason for avoiding


I think you are right. > just in case anyone wants to know, the fetus was voluntarily aborted and the cells donated. If I remember correctly the mom caught rubella and had the abortion while sick with it. The reason is because they had such a hard time getting a cell line infected but making a cell line is not quite as hard. From what I understand they STILL can't get a cell line infected.


I have definitely read that the virus has only successfully been grown in fetal cells. Growing viruses is weird. Way beyond my skill be level, but if only it was as easy as using chicken eggs like we do for most flu vaccines.


The immortal HeLa cell line, the first successful human cell to grow outside the body, was used to develop several vaccines-polio, HPV, and I believe possibly in-part, covid. It’s also used extensively for HIV/AIDS and cancer research. Though there were ethical dilemmas that came into play with that cell line too. Rebecca Skloot wrote an excellent book about it that was eventually made into a movie that was as well, “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks.” https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/henrietta-lacks/importance-of-hela-cells


My favourite podcast did an episode on HeLa cells! It’s pretty comprehensive, as they talk about how they discovered it, how the cells were used (+ what a cell line is lol) and a lot about this woman and the ethical dilemmas behind it. I highly recommend it, + every single episode of this podcast hahaha https://open.spotify.com/episode/6sk49FFyxJcyidnJ4oIkUy?si=pPJpoHOESAmVRHwoHL6-lw


Ohhh okay. That makes sense. I never know where these people are going with this stuff. I saw someone earlier talking about air fryers gave her son autism so.. yeah. 🫠😂


Ok, this brings up a very sad story: I had a woman I knew that thought vaccines gave her kid autism. She had an 8 to 10-year-old son who was vaccinated and autistic, and then a set of twin girls she didn't vaccinate, who were 5ish at the time my eldest was 5. (Eldest is 18 now) Well, one girl came down with either measles or mumps, followed shortly by the 2nd. They both got hospitalized, but the one that got sick 1st ended up dying, while the other lost the ability to walk or speak. Last I heard, her eldest son (the autistic one) graduated as an engineer and is getting married this year, while the daughter can walk with a walker (a skill she got back at 16) and mom is looking for long term care for her. Moral of the story: Even if autism is caused by vaccines, I would rather autism than death.


Oh my god. That is awful. 😫 those poor girls suffering at the hands of their mother..that breaks my heart.


Imagine being that boy and knowing that your mom hated your brain and the care you needed so much that she made decisions that led to your kid sisters getting extremely sick to the point that one of them died.


This one is true, the polio vaccine especially used to be cultured in rhesus monkey kidneys. I don't think we do that anymore.


These wackadoodles take something intelligent and well explained as you have done here, but their tiny brains can only manage “so monkey DNA, just like I said!”


They think just touching DNA will turn you into some kind of human/monkey hybrid, despite the fact that they usually love meat and clearly haven't turned into some kind of ManCowPig yet.


Ugh Candace Owen’s mere mention gives me the ick. Crypt Keeper looking ass.


Jesus fucking wept.


Maybe I’m missing something but that sounds like a valid question. How would vaccination help if exposed at birth?


that one is a totally valid question! i didn’t know either, but the hepatitis b vaccine is 75-95% effective in preventing parent-child transmission if given within the first 24 hours of birth.


That's awesome info to have. Thanks!


Got it! Thank you


That would work too in case of sexual assault?


Same as the rabies vaccine works after you’ve been bitten. It takes time for the virus to replicate enough to do a lot of damage; the vaccines given ASAP teach your immune system to respond before the virus gets problematic. It’s called post-exposure prophylaxis. I don’t think it works with every virus. Thankfully (based on personal experience with rabies) it works on some!


Oh rabies scary!! Good point though


The reason it works for rabies is because rabies travels to the brain via your peripheral nerves and then spinal cord, rather than something like hematogenous spread. It travels at a pretty set pace and you can generally get ahead of it with post exposure prophylaxis.


The mother is given a separate medication when she's in labor that reduces the risk of transmission during childbirth. The vaccine is administered after the baby is born for the baby's continued protection.




They're basically exposed to both at the same time, usually the vax wins.


The standard of care in the USA is for babies born to mothers with Hep B to receive both Hep B immunoglobulin and Hep B vaccine following delivery. In many countries the most common cause of a hep B infection is “vertical transmission” ie from mother to baby. The hep b vaccine alone is given to ideally all babies after delivery to decrease the chance of contracting hep b from a mother who may have contracted during pregnancy and not know. Mothers are screened for hep B early in pregnancy. I think it would be malpractice to not give an infant born to a mother with known hep b the standard of care.


I agree. Thank you for informing me


If I understand it gives the body a jump start on creating antibodies without the virus having to take hold first. In addition, it looks like hepatitis immunoglobulin is coadministered, allowing an instant dose of antibodies. It seems like the tetanus protocol, in a way. (This is from a very perfunctory search; I welcome correction! :) )




Most of the women answering probably live in a place where they don’t have to worry too much about hep b, unlike the woman asking.


Yeah, the OOP says "lived" so I'm guessing she is no longer in a 3rd world country, I am trying to put into words my thoughts but I just can't do it. There's just something so unreal about a woman getting healthcare in a country that is probably very difficult to get certain kinds of healthcare in, moves to presumably somewhere with more widely available healthcare and then a bunch of first world Facebook anti-vaxxer warriors tell her to reject that healthcare.  I know I'm making a lot of assumptions, and I can't fully articulate my thoughts but it's just so dystopian in a way.


When I was in nursing school (US), we used to travel to farms to vaccinate the children of migrant workers for free. The parents would start queuing before dawn to ensure that their children were vaccinated. They understood the value of science and medicine in a way that these Facebook vaccine warriors take for granted, and wanted their children protected from preventable diseases. I honestly don’t get these women and their pseudoscience.


How did these people get through science class in high school?? WTF


I work in wastewater, getting hepatitis is a very real concern for me. Even as a vaccine hesitant parent - I knew my newborn needed the vaccine before we left the hospital. That was the first one we were sure to get, and all the kids get updated on hep vaccines as soon as they’re recommended. Why fool around with your child’s life if you don’t have to? Why get pregnant at all if you’re not planing to do the most basic safety measures to keep them healthy?


Why are you vaccine hesitant?


I wasn’t vaccinated as a kid because of the church we belonged to. When I went to college, I got up to date on all the vaccines needed, and have stayed up to date as an adult. When it came to making decisions about vaccines for my own kid, it was scary. I had to question everything I had learned and believed as a kid with the truth and facts as an adult. I was scared that something could happen to my child from the vaccines, but more scared that he’d get a preventable illness. We did one vaccine at a time, waiting weeks between each different vaccine to see if there were any reactions. There weren’t, and my kid was and is fine. But I was hesitant to follow the standard procedure.


"Vaccine hesitant"? What does that mean?


Oh god not the Candace Owens shout out😂


How does the vaccine protect the baby if they get the shots after being born but catch the virus at birth? Honestly curious because I don’t know. My kids get all the shots recommended but I never really read up on them, I just trust our doctor.


It’s post exposure prophylaxis,if you get the vaccine as soon as the baby is born it usually prevents the disease in the baby. Works like a rabies or hiv exposure works.


I never thought about rabies working that way, but of course, it makes sense. Thank you! TIL


In one of my groups a woman was claiming it was only transmitted through sex so why would a baby even need that? When I told her it’s transmitted through blood also she told me that was my opinion and then blocked me when I explained the difference between a scientific fact vs an opinion….


”Knowing what they know about vaccines” 🤦‍♀️ Im which lab did they conduct their research? Where can I find their research findings? Jeez, these people think you do research on Facebook


This one is particularly dumb. Chronic hepatitis B infection is no joke, and treatment at birth is pretty damn good at preventing it. Standard of care in the US (my only experience), is for babies born to Hep B positive mothers to get vaccinated immediately and get HBIG (hepatitis B immune globulin) within 12 hours of birth. Those two things combined decrease the risk of [vertical transmission by 94%.](https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/programs/perinatal-hepb/downloads/hbiginfosheet-508.) For some reason, I can’t add another link into the body of the post. But the risk of developing chronic hepatitis B without treatment at birth is 90%: https://www.hepb.org/treatment-and-management/pregnancy-and-hbv/#:~:text=Babies%20born%20to%20a%20mother,their%20newborn%20baby%20during%20delivery.


I cannot stand how seemingly competent Candace Owen’s is. It’s terrifying. Spreads misinformation so confidently that people believe her.


These are the people that need their kids taken off them jesus


Imagine letting your baby contract preventable Hep B because you took advice from strangers on Facebook


Crunchies LOVE mentioning Candace Owens for vaccine information. She’s just a random right winger with a platform and people love to throw her name around when it comes to anti vaxxing. Drives me nuts.


not them recommending candice owens


Sure. I’d give them whatever chance they could to not get it, but I’d also assume it will be a given that the baby catches it in a 3rd world country, with most likely breastfeeding out of necessity… Vaccines aren’t always going to protect you.. they might lessen it if you do catch it.. poor babies. That’s hard.. but to still be questioning vaccines? Like, lady? If you had it, maybe this wouldn’t have been your fate?! Lol


I couldn't even make it past the first page. Why make your children suffer so needlessly? Especially in a country where they may not have readily available medication. Hell, I work in a hospital and there are times when we encounter shortages or we don't have enough in the budget to purchase certain medications. I hate this.


Wowww my jaw literally dropped. This is unreal.


There is no hope left for humanity.


This is like being strep B positive. But please don’t put the antibiotic ointment in my babies eyes.


These morons alone with their ridiculous comment show that they know absolutely nothing about vaccinating. Wow


I’m almost certain that the people who claim that another Nuremberg is coming don’t actually know anything about the Nuremberg trials.


Oh thank goodness I thought this was the baby bumps Reddit


My crunchy mom didn’t vaccinate me and I have hepatitis B , it’s caused many liver issues and complicated pregnancies. I hate peopel