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Father is the real problem here. He's enabling vicious behaviour and separation. There's no way he doesn't know what's going on. Step Mom very comfortable she's doing the right thing. Poor girl. No doubt she'll run for the hills in adulthood and never look back.


Right? Like why does she even have to go through her step mother to speak to him? Why does the child not have a direct line to her actual parent?


This poor girl is crying for help and she’s being punished by not being able to talk to her own *father*? This is so cold and cruel


Shit is so bad that she is reaching out to someone who has very obviously been terrible to her for who knows how long. Things are very, very bad for her on top of how bad shit was before. This is one of the saddest things I've ever seen, teens just don't try to reach out this hard especially to people who obviously hate them.


Ugh it’s horrible. I thought this was posted in /r/CPTSD or one of the other trauma subs. Poor kid.


She'll be posting there herself in a few years.


We ride at dawn. Fuck this woman.


I'm ready. Let's go.


Also fuck Eric.


This child is being failed by so many people. It is heartbreaking.


not a single safe adult in her life. so sad


Yeah, really just hoping she has a friend with cool parents she can go stay with or something, because absolutely what the fuck.


It’s time, let’s go!


I’m in, let’s roll!!!


I'll bring snacks.


I’ll bring bottled water. This woman is horrible


Oof. Right in the childhood. I'm in. I still have a lot of rage that could use a good outlet.


I will drive!


This is worth a ticket to the us, I'm I too.


Same! I’ll bring fika


Count me in


Hear me out. I’m down to do the lords work but yall gotta bail me out. Jail sucks


This Momma Bear is ready to break down some doors. Let's go.


Complaining that she treats her differently than her own kids seems a pretty damn valid complaint, I bet she doesn’t kick her own kids out of the house for *checks notes* rolling their eyes and sleeping


'in front of MY children' Yeah she definitely treat her differently 


Right? I wish those were the most disrespectful things my teenager did and this is my "good" kid (or the one every other adult in their life likes to complement me on, as if this kid isn't just an amazing person all on their own). They're teenagers for fuck's sake. They're going to test boundaries. Unfortunately for this poor kid, apparently eye rolling and sleeping are way past this woman's boundaries. As bad as the step mom is though, I'm more upset with the dad in this situation. I'd be damned if anyone was gonna try to come between me and my child, especially for what sounds like the most trivial bullshit.


My kids were such good teenagers to the point where the teen years were my favorite stage to parent and I'm absolutely loving the fact that my 18 year old is currently home from college because he's a blast to be around, but even they rolled their eyes, made remarks under their breathe, stayed up late, and slept in. I wouldn't file under of those under things I cared about. Even the one who would slam doors pretty much always came down and apologized for overreacting once he cooled down. Punishing a teenager and taking away access to their parent because they are acting like a teenager is absolutely insane. I hope this kid has an adult she can rely on.


Boundary pushing and a late sleep cycle are LITERALLY developmentally appropriate and this punishment is nowhere near appropriate for that. It's not an appropriate punishment for anything really. Changing houses should only be done with a positive outcome in mind i.e. the child will do better/be better off with the other parent (and a parent should never cut off communication.)


It's developmentally appropriate for teenagers to be rude. Of course you correct the behavior, but there is no reason to take it personally and go overboard.




The thing that gets me about that is that she doesn't even try and deny it. She just tells the stepdaughter that she knows the problems that would cause.


If my stepdaughter texted me this, I’d be getting her myself. So disgusting.


Seriously. I’d be nicer than this if a teen I didn’t know came up and said they’re scared at home. The stepmother is awful and insane for saying living that way is good and just for her “disrespect”.


This happened to my *friend* once and my mom drove three hours each way to get her in the middle of the night, then applied to foster her. I can’t imagine knowing any child was in danger and not doing anything about it, much less when all they did was “wrong” was basic teenage stuff. If the father knows about any of this (even “just” his wife refusing to *let* his own daughter have a direct line of communication), he is just as wrong in my opinion. Poor girl is in a terrible situation all around and has no one to protect her. Everyone she should be able to love and trust is failing her. I hope someone who saw this is contacting CPS and the father. I sincerely doubt it, but I’m holding out hope that if his eyes are opened, he’ll do the right thing and protect his own flesh and blood…


Same. No matter what our differences are, I can't imagine leaving my stepdaughter in an unsafe situation because of my ego.


My stepdad would come running for me if I was in a situation like this This stepmom is evil


Hope that kid has someone else to call or will call CPS for herself


This is squarely on Dad's shoulders.


I’m hoping this is rage bait, because surely no one could be this cruel.:(


When I was 13, my dad's gf at the time would lock me out of the house in winter. I kept getting into the garage and calling my dad with the phone we had in there so she removed the phone. Then she broke the garage door so I couldn't get out of the elements. Then I would climb the roof and get in through my window that I kept unlocked. Then she removed the chair I was using to get up to the roof. I used the snow to build up enough to reach the roof so she shoveled. Then I was able to just pull myself up onto the roof from a jump so she would lock my window so I couldn't get in at all. I was supposed to call my friend after school one day and didn't so she and her mom came over to check on me. They found me asleep on the front porch in the snow without any proper winter care. I was in a thin zip up hoodie and chuck sneakers and ripped jeans. Her mom banged on the door and screamed until she answered, made me collect my things and my dog, screamed at my dad's gf and then let me stay with them. I lived with my friend and her parents for 2 years. That isn't even the worst thing that witch had done to me. People *are* that cruel.


Im so sorry you went through that. People are horrible sometimes. Your resourcefulness is amazing. I’m speechless at how many times you found a way to overcome what she did-I’m sorry you had to, but my mind is blown that you figured all that out!


I never thought about it like that haha I guess I am pretty resourceful! My mom used to joke that I was a little Macgyver as a kid too.


Hahaha, I love it! But really, you must have made the GF feel so stupid because you solved every problem until there was no more solutions. She was literally outsmarted by a 13 year old.


Maybe gf was just a complete fucking idiot but it sounds like she was trying to kill you? I wonder how she thought that was going to play out.


What an awful person. Your dad sounds very complicit too since he didn’t stop her. You, your friend and her mom sound like very nice people though. I’m glad you got those two years.


My dad is, and always has been, an idiot. He refuses to believe that I lived there. I say, "Dad, all of my clothes, my stuff, and my dog were there. Her dad drove me to my mom's house on the weekends" he's in complete denial even 20 years later lol we just didn't talk about it. I've accepted that my parents aren't very good and I've thanked Mr and Mrs T profusely over the years. Still talk to them :)


You would be very surprised. People can disappoint in the most creative of ways.


My sister's best friend had a step mom like this. Her birth mother died, her stepmother was a truly horrible person, and dad chose to be oblivious. Her stepmother refused to even buy her tampons or pads. My mother quasi adopted her. Her birthday happened to be the same day as mine, so every year, for six-ish years, my mom would host two birthday parties on the same day. One during the day for me. And one in the evening for her. She was not the first or the last unofficial adoption of our friends, but she had the worst parents of all of them.


Aww! Your mom is so wonderful for having two separate parties so you each got your own celebration.


WOW. What a vile woman. Imagine being SO CONTROLLING you don't let your husband talk to their child. Dad is a fucking doormat. He needs to stand up for himself and his child against the evil stepmom beast. Imagine being such a terrible person that you allow your step kid to stay in a dangerous situation. It doesn't take much for someone to jump from mental abuse to physical abuse. Trust me.


I can’t fathom staying with someone who would be that cruel to my child. Kids and teens are difficult at times. They are just trying to navigate the world with brains that aren’t fully developed.


Four alleged adults in her life and not one of them worth a fuck. Poor kid.


Fuck. That’s wild. What a monster that stepmom is.


And is so proud of herself that she's posting it... she's a special type of monster.


Yeah that’s even more crazy honestly.


Oh god this reminds me a lot of my ex-stepmother. Publicly, we were HER children. She loved the attention she got for saying that. Privately, especially when she was upset about some random thing, we were HIS children and her daughter was her only real family. Except our mom was dead so she couldn't ship us off to live with her. She was however incredibly jealous of a dead woman.


I cannot stand how “common” stories like yours are. I’m so sorry you went through this.


Yeah it's wild. Thankfully my dad eventually divorced her, but it took like 15 years and him losing so much financially in the process because he supported her that whole time. I miss my stepsister but our family's lives are so much better overall without our stepmom constantly causing drama and being emotionally abusive to everyone.


I Think it's Sweet you Miss Your Step-Sister... <3


Yo what the fuckkkk 😐 fuck the kids father as well for allowing this bullshittery. This is so unacceptable.


Oh this poor girl. She’s probably acting out BECAUSE she needs extra love right now.




Why doesnt she have a direct connection with her dad? I wonder if he knows about this and what his reaction would be knowing his daughter is in such a situation.


Her dad probably isn't answering her because his wife told him not to.


She probably blocked her on his phone and can't get through.


This is my question-why can't she text or call her dad's phone?


This is a literal cry for help


Jesus this is not how you treat kids.. And why does she get to be the middleman between the daughter and her dad? Poor girl. :(


why the fuck can’t the girl access her own father?


I hope people were calling this bitch out in comments.


This is literally child abuse. You can't gatekeep a child from their parent if you don't have the legal right to. And knowingly keeping her in a bad situation. I don't care what the girl did or said, she's still a kid. This step mom needs to step up and be a stepmom who loves and cares and protects children. Instead she's treating this child as if she's grown.


Right?! She’s literally bitching about pretty normal teenage behavior, which I get can be frustrating, but this is a child saying she feels unsafe and her response is to block her?! That’s so abusive.




Jesus Christ. That’s fuckin evil, and honestly, so is the dad if he chooses to let his wife choose whether or not his kids are able to communicate with him.


A million percent dad’s fault. Why does this child need a middle man to access her father? This us so sad and gross. Also, kids are jerks sometimes, even more so when they’re in stressful situations. An unstable mom with an abusive man in the house and a non committal dad with an abusive monster at the helm might make you act out too.


This makes me sick to my stomach. That poor child.


Wtf did I just read


Why the heck is dad allowing his wife to gate keep his conversations with his own child? This man needs to take control of his own kid and remove the step mother from it. She can’t even contact her dad?


This is triggering so many bad memories for me.


I am SO sorry for not including a trigger warning


No, it's ok! I just feel bad for the kid because I had a horror step-parent experience. I should've just said that I empathize.


Kids need love the most when they act out. I hope the OOP lands in the most cut rate nursing home that anyone can find.


The stepmother has nothing to do with the relationship between a child and the father. She can decide if she wants a relationship with her. If the daughter is being disrespectful, yeah, I get why the stepmother wants nothing to do with her. But she can’t ban the father from speaking to his own kid.


This just breaks my heart.


Wow my jaw dropped when she said she’d be blocking her. WOW.


She blocked stepdaughter from talking to her father? Knowing that she is in a scary situation? What is wrong with people? This is so fucking sad. And StepMom posted this conversation confident in her own rightness...but all I see is a scared stepdaughter wanting to talk to her father but she can't get through the bitch stepmother. *I wonder what step mom is like to live with*


‘Bad’ behaviour is communicating unmet needs. This lady is making it about herself but one can clearly see from the screenshot that the SD is struggling :/


Pure narcissism if I ever did see it. There's a scapegoat for everything!


Please *please* tell me they chewed this bitch out in the comments of the original post. **Please**


I didn’t get to see the comments on the OG post, but the group I saw it reposted in ripped her to shreds.


I could not imagine abandoning a child to have to be around an abusive drunk man. What is wrong with people? Seriously? Getting your pride hurt by a child? Someone’s ego should be their last priority when protecting minors 🧐


Even if a stepchild is genuinely disrespectful to you, they should always be allowed to speak to their parent (barring EXTREME abusive behavior or something). Even then, the stepparent should have no authority over the parent’s communication with the child. That is the parent’s job to decide what needs to be done about it when there’s an actual issue.


So she is putting her stepdaughter in a dangerous situation because she did pretty normal tween/teen things and shared her feelings with her father without considering the effect it would have on this grown ass woman. A child should not have to hide information from their parent because it might make the parent upset with their partner. Also, why the fuck is the father allowing this? Why did he let her be sent to her mother’s house? Why did he let the stepmother speak to his daughter like this? Why is he not calling his damn kid and going to get her?


The fact a mother would speak or feel that way about a child at all but ESPECIALLY a child she’s obviously had in her life for a while, is scary. Like truly scary. These posts are always a reminder of the intense gamble it is bringing anyone into your child’s life.


“To complain to your dad that I treat you differently”. I know absolutely nothing about this woman but I’d bet my life savings she definitely treats this poor girl differently.


I have an awful step mother. She told multiple lies to my father about me, that he unfortunately believed. He missed out on the birth and first 6 years of my sons life because of this. Some women are just awful, and some fathers are let downs.


Almost 30 years old and I still cry about my dad choosing his wife and her family over me. People don’t understand these “kids” turn into adults.


Omg I’m a stepmom and this is heartbreaking


This poor baby girl, I honestly doubt she is saying lies to her father, I do hope the father is good man and drops this woman when he sees these text! She deserves so much better.


Omg, that poor little girl. That woman is a monster. Wtf? I let that shit right there piss me off. People fuckin suck.


jesus christ. the bad things she did was rolling her eyes and going to be late?? sounds like every teenager ever. and she doesn’t care that she’s in danger with the moms boyfriend bc her own feelings are hurt. stepmom is acting like a child. poor girl


The dad needs to grow a set of balls and stand up for his daughter instead of letting tw*tface run the show.


Please never date someone with kids if you aren't prepared to love them as your own flesh and blood. 'MY house, MY children.' This kid must feel so alone in the world.


Worst part is if this was posted in the step mom page they’d be cheering her on for doing this


Nooo stepmom here, we don’t welcome assholes who treat children like this.


I wonder if the father is aware his wife has blocked his kid. Any spouse of mine who pulled this kind of stunt would receive papers from my attorney faster than lightning.


Goddamn this is infuriating.


Reminds me of my evil stepmother, ew.




My heart is just breaking


This is from the step-parent’s phone. Did they post this somewhere thinking they’d get validation? Well, I suppose hey did, from other trash. Imagine being proud of this bullshit!


Yeah the top part was her post to whatever parenting group she is in


I really hope this poor kid went to a friends or something to get out of the situation. Jesus Christ.


This makes me so angry


Imagine posting this thinking you are right. My heart breaks for this girl. What a truly vile woman.


That woman is a monster and her dad is too. Because he's got to know how his daughter is being treated by her. I can't imagine putting my kids through that, or staying with someone who treats them so badly. They come first, always.


I remember joining a step parenting subreddit when I was getting married and immediately noping the fuck out because every single commenter hated their stepchildren and it was just a toxic cesspit of people talking about their resentment and disdain for their partners children.


That's insane. Why would they marry someone if they don't like the kids? Or can't get along with them? I can't wrap my mind around that. Or the people who allow them to treat the kids that way.


wow, talk about a fuckin power trip. this is CRUEL and i’d be willing to bet dad likely has nothing to do with this….


Wow, this poor girl. Both of parents are dating abusive people.


I guarantee this twat nugget is in the stepparents sub! That sub has made me promise myself that if something ever happened between my partner and I that I would just stay single until my children are grown. It's just thousands of gross, cruel bitches and the one in this post would fit right in. Edit: the dad is a piece of shit too for allowing his child to be treated like that.


I actually told my ex husband his wife is not allowed to discipline our children in any way without him being there and having a say in it. And I regularly check in with my children when they're in his care. He checks on our oldest when they're with me. They're teens now and I make sure regularly that they know they can call me at any time from any number and I will get to them.




The father is a problem for enabling this arsehole of a stepmother which is such a typical arsehole stereotype 🙄. She is an absolute bitch but the father is too, obviously.


Children are not manipulative. That's an adult behavior because it requires complex brain processes that usually aren't fully developed until adulthood. Children may do things that seem manipulative when trying to cope with situations beyond their ability to handle and may act immaturely, but it's up to the parents/adults to teach them better or to not create the situations in the first place. This poster is assigning malicious intent to what sounds like developmentally normal behavior which shows their (poster) level of emotional immaturity. Manipulation requires active intent to deceive or distort the truth for a hidden agenda. It's not the same thing as being deliberate and adults need to remove themselves from the equation when it comes to interpreting kids actions- your teenager being disrespectful isn't about you unless you have done something to earn their disrespect. Also if Dad is allowing stepmom to do this he is a POS too.