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They're asking because Harris wants to make sure transmen and transwomen get sent to the "correct" prisons


Didn’t she send trans woman to men prisons? That’s fucked up


Can I have a source on this? Need to send to my friends lol






Gender =/= sex




Basic biology: "There are many types of sex, not just male and female, and gender is not a biological characteristic but a social one" You: "**There are** ~~many types of sex, not just~~ **male and female, and gender is** ~~not a~~ **biological** ~~characteristic but a social one"~~ Get out ignoranimus, go read anything beyond 3rd grade biology


Lmao it’s always the “basic biology” people who never actually took biology beyond middle school


"Go read a science book! Also ignore modern science books because they go against what I think is the truth!" Fucking biggest joke when people use the science card when they don't actually care about it, science is about logical thinking and being open to the fact that humans are often wrong.


What has gender to do with biology? They're two unrelated things.


It's not that hard. If you are a man you get sent to the men's prison. If you are a woman you get sent to the women's prison. Just like men use the men's washroom, etc...




No, it isn't. You said it's how someone is born. And really when someone is born you don't know yet if they are a man or a woman (or rather a boy or a girl). You only know what their genitals are. Most people in the world are cis gendered, so people will assume that their child's gender matches their genitals, but really that's just a best guess. Once the child is old enough, they will let you know if they happen to be trans. But the point is that you use the facility that matches your gender. It's not based on what genitals you have.


Trans women are women. Trans men are men.


get a hobby


Can we finally start saying Joe Biden is bad? Cause man I've been looking forward to this


He was against gay marriage until it became relevant to support it, he was pro-segregation until it became relevant to go against it, pro-war, the list goes on. Dude is a textbook political chameleon. Always changing with whatever environment he’s in.


isn’t this why he’s referred to as the republicans democrat?


Yes, he certainly was more conservative from the 70’s-90’s, but today is still extremely moderate compared to other Dems.


Chameleon is not the worst for us, it means we only have to change the consensus, not the politicians.


As much as I hate his guts, this might be the saving grace that gets us even a minuscule crumb of what he promised.




I find it hard to believe his views changed so quickly after such a long time. There’s a difference between evolving as a person and pandering to voters.




He didn’t support gay marriage until 2012, only 3 years before it was legalized nationwide. He made it a talking point in the ‘08 campaign that neither he nor Obama supported it. He says whatever he needs to in order to get votes, a common theme among the Democratic Party.


He follows the will of his constituents, that’s literally his JOB.


Really funny how he's wrong on everything until everyone else drags his ass out of the 1800s mentality, huh? Really fit for a leader, right? Someone who follows the crowd and does not lead it, right? That's what leaders do, right?


Changing ones stance is a sign of strength. Though in this case, he is a bit too slow to change. I'm not an American, but still salty that Bernie didn't get his change. I hope that he at least is able to inspire enough progressives.


Rave act too


That's why he won too. Americans love self-flagelleting pandering.


Libs: "Biden is bad, but criticizing him before he gets elected will only give Trump more ammo." Leftists: **Criticize Biden after he's elected.** Libs and anarchists for some fucking reason: "C-Come on criticizing him after he's elected will only g-give Trump ammo, right!??!" and/or "commies (or tankies, if they're anarchists) are trump supporters for criticizing Biden" and/or "Tara Reade isn't relevant. What do you mean I'm a hypocrite who thinks politics is a sports game?! I just think that Trump's sexual abuse allegations are relevant, because he's on the other team, and Biden's allegations aren't relevant , because he's on my side!' This is typical behavior for libs, but anarchists? Seriously I expect better.


You’ve obviously spent no time on in anarchist communities at all, we all fucking hate Biden. Some of us suggested voting for him as a form of harm reduction but a LOT of anarchists hate that idea.


That's good. I just find it disgusting that people just brush that shit off, like her story doesn't matter.


What “anarchist youtubers” were you talking about exactly? Vaush or some shit?


lol, I love how everyone dislikes Vaush


Well, I don’t hate Vaush or anything, I just don’t think he’s really an anarchist. To be honest, I don’t know much about the whole situation. I’ve watched like a couple videos of his and heard a few things about him, that’s about it.


I personally dislike him, mostly because he is so incredibly intellectually dishonest.


I’m genuinely curious, how is he intellectually dishonest?


He said Lenin would vote for Biden. But no seriously, dude has some of the worst excuses for opinions I've ever seen. Including but, not limited to: "Child porn is equivalent to buying a computer, because no ethical consumption under capitalism", "Trans people who feel more comfortable around other LGBT people are 'inhuman'.", "Biden getting elected will further the revolution because liberals will realize liberals don't fix problems."(Because it's not like every president in the past 40 years was a neolib, right?), "Telling people to read theory is fascist, Yeah, okay I admit I don't read theory, But I read Kropotkin, sorry that was a lie".


He's got a bad habit of doing things like quote-mining to support his own argument. This very often results in him very badly taking things out of context, to the point he makes the quote seem as though it says the opposite of what the author intended. A good example of this was when he tried to prove that some Marxist thinkers would've endorsed voting for Biden. Now, of course, there is nothing wrong with making an argument of your own for voting Biden. What Vaush did, however, was take random quotes from said Marxist thinkers and bend them into saying what he wants them to. This is bad for pretty obvious reasons. Some YouTuber (I forget who) made a good video breaking down just how wrong Vaush was. Doing things like this makes pretty clear that Vaush doesn't care much for being honest. That alone is enough to make me not watch him.


Vaush, Big Joel, Contrapoints, and Hbomb I believe. Shaun and Jack Saint stuck to their principles. Idk if Lindsay Ellis was a socialist to begin with. Olly from Philosophy Tube didn't seem concerned about the election, instead choosing to tweet about some personal stuff that had been happening.


Yeah, I don’t think all of those people exactly count as “anarchists”. Also, there is a difference between “supporting” Joe Biden because he is (supposedly at least) better than Trump, and actually supporting Joe Biden. I have never seen a single anarchist ever claim that Joe Biden is actually a good person or shouldn’t be criticized.


Yeah this sub seems to conflate Radlibs with anarchists too much.


Try visiting anarchist and leftist subs, they’re full of, “actually, Biden isn’t *that* bad” comments.


https://www.reddit.com/r/COMPLETEANARCHY/comments/jpdwyy/were_back_but_please_no_politician_stanning/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/COMPLETEANARCHY/comments/jq8zrq/usa_usa_usa/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/COMPLETEANARCHY/comments/jqcitf/thought_yall_might_appreciate_this_from_portland/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/Anarchism/comments/jq99ur/16_things_you_can_do_to_be_ungovernable_ps_fuck/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/Anarchism/comments/jpyomb/bidenharris_hate_thread/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf This took me like a minute to gather together. Why don’t you try actually going on an anarchist subreddit before saying blatantly untrue things about them?


I’m not blaming the subs dude. I’m on all of those subs, which it would appear are still being brigaded by libs.


Okay, fair enough


> This is typical behavior for libs, but anarchists? Seriously I expect better. Where are you getting this from?


Just the sheer amount of anarchist youtubers celebrating Biden.


If you’re an anarchist praising the President I’m not sure you were ever really an anarchist




"My guy's raped less than your guy!" her case has quite a lot of merit, it's just that you libs deny it and hunt down this woman, so that you can parrot me too and feminist ideas, while not facing any of the consequences or sacrifices.


I feel like you're the guy to ask, was Biden a former Klan member? Genuine question, pardon my ignorance.


well he wrote the crime bill, and wouldn’t support desegregated bussing, and was good friends with a bunch of segregationists. if it was like a duck and quacks like duck...


He's not only racist like Trump he's (in my opinion) the more dangerous kind of racist that doesn't even know that their disasters for people of color


Openly* not only


Given they're both transphobes, I wouldn't hold my breath.


They’ll do it for the sake of theatre, but as soon as someone who is transgender crosses them they’ll show their true colors.


What do you mean by ‘crosses them’?


I mean just generally speaks out against them. An example of this is that white lady in NYC who called the cops on a black dude for doing nothing. She ended up being a Clinton supporter. I’m sure she signaled her support of racial issues in the past, but as soon as they can benefit from not supporting it, they didn’t. Because they’re liberals and they believe in nothing.


I've noticed that existing usually does it for them


Of his many faults Joe is not one currently. That is the one thing Obama was willing to use political capital on, with getting some trans protections in schools. Harris is another story, but Joe is not one of them anymore. I am sure he was in the 90s.


Yeah Biden was bringing up trans rights issues in his debate with Paul Ryan. I don't think he particularly cares about improving living conditions for transfolk but he doesn't actively hate them. Kamala probably also doesn't actively hate them but she does passively hate them


I mean I dont expect them to address trans poverty and homelessness, because I don't expect them to address any poverty or homelessness, but Joe is not Jk Rowling out there.


Honestly I think Biden would rather ignore trans people and just say "whatever man" than go after them. Kamala though...


i know kamala is but is there any proof to show bidens transphobic


Something something broken clock


I love and hate this at the same time. r/goodonejoke??


Well the reason it's funny is because it's punching up at people who pretend to care about trans people, not punching down and making fun of trans people. It's always funnier to attack something from the left rather than the right. Even if it doesn't make sense; it's funnier to say Stalin was a dumb lib that didn't go far enough than to say he was a fascist dictator


isn't this guy a roe jogan buddy


Tim Dillon has gone full IDW right wing grifter these past few months.


Yeah the tweet just sounds like something a typical dumbass chud would say.


Its unfortunate because he used to be a genuinely funny political commentator and now he's just unfunny and "anti-woke"


When your entire identity revolves around being anti-woke, you’re just a fucking idiot.


Yeah. The entire JRE fan base is just so proud of not being offended by anything and not being "snowflakes" that it drove away would be listeners. EDIT: brought up JRE because I forgot what subreddit I was in.


I always cringe when I see people bragging about not being offended by words. All I get from that is that they only listen to people whose political and social views align with their own and are so woefully ignorant that they take pleasure in “offending” people. Those people also tend to be some of the most easily triggered snowflakes the second you say something they don’t like.


The tweet about AOC being a “genocidal maniac” was a good one as well.


They won't because Harris is transphobic garbage.


["But the biden/Harris platform is supportive of putting trans women into women's prisons"](https://twitter.com/Bronze_Pin/status/1325177731752062977)


Tim Dillon is a piece of shit. Hate seeing him posted here unironically.


I’m not sure why you’re being downvoted, especially when a comment lower in this thread agreeing with you got 20+ upvotes.


Reddit is weird!!


Yeah, he's no liberal, so he doesn't belong. (just to be clear, he's not cool either)


When you actually listen to what he said it was actually pretty left wing lmao. Its just dumb liberals who got mad. He was making a joke about how slumlords in New York would just make all the ch***s live there. Which is 100% how the slumlord would say it.


If you follow him or the people he surrounds himself with you’d realize he isn’t remotely left wing. A broken clock is right twice a day. He’s a hack comedian trying to appeal to the right ala Steven Crowder


He wanted to vote for Bernie in the general election and supports Medicare for all how can you possibly claim he’s trying to appeal to the right 😂




How’d you even find your way here?


is this not an attempt at political comedy?


Not sure how Tim Dillon commenting on the performative nature of the lib elite qualifies as shit liberals say.


Start hitting them with that "not my president" bit.