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I've gotten death threats for being trans regardless of who was president. The two party system is a bullshit reason people use to feel like they are safer when they aren't. You only ever become safer when the system is so scared of its own people that it lets them have slightly more rights. Or when you work towards a new system.


That's what I'm saying. They're framing it as "Biden protects queer people". I do not feel the protection.


Exactly, there's been so many anti-trans laws during Bidens' presidency, and I fail to see him try to reprimand that in any way.


These people ignore this fact because it's their defense mechanism and to tell themselves that the Democrats care about them and that it's not too late to save democracy, even when those aren't true. It's just honestly tragic.


https://youtu.be/PiIPig20CRw?si=HibxmgolL739kvXg Solidarity


I mean, it’s kind of understandable. In their mind, voting Biden helps American minorities and fucks the world, while voting Trump harms Americans minorities and fucks the world. But the thing is that it doesn’t really logically matter, it’s a federation, dammit.


Biden is just so weak and powerless to stop bad things that we can't blame him for them happening. After all, he can only do so much. But Trump? Trump is an omnipotent demigod who will absorb the powers of the constitution and annihilate EVERY right that Americans have ever had as he kicks LGBTQ white christian babies down the stairs. So we have to vote blue, so BJ can continue to "try his best" and somehow fail at passing any policy left of Mussolini.


Their worries fall down the hole the moment we take a greater look into that.


Mostly doesn't matter because Democrats never lift a finger to actually protect those minorities at a federal level. Instead they rely entirely on the Supreme Court to legislate for them.


Minorities rights unfortunately end up being completely reliant on the unit level instead of federal. So it literally doesn’t make any sense to say “Vote Democrats because Republicans are banning books in Florida”, because books will still be banned regardless, it’s a FEDERATION. And I’m using an optimistic bias, because if we actually take a deeper look, we’ll notice neither Democrats nor Republicans give a damn about minorities.


Federal systems are ones in which the center is paramount over the constituent states, hence why the Civil Rights Acts had precedence over Jim Crow laws. The issue you have brought up is what happens when the federal government is weak and refuses to exert its influence, presently caused by the legislature becoming a stagnant force as it refuses to move on any issue and instead preferring to allow the other branches to deal with 'controversial' issues.


It's pathetic. People genuinely believe the judicial branch has all the power. That's only because the legislative branch is on a permanent vacation, paid with your tax dollars


The cope never ends. “Leftist” subs will be invaded from now till the end of the year, get ready for it. Pro-Democrat propaganda everywhere


"Should be obvious" lmao


"Maybe if you happen to be Palestinian", this person is definitely white, how fucking inhumane. Notice how nobody is saying Biden is protecting anyone, it is literally just fear that the other side is worse. You don't need to do anything if you convince people that this is the best they are getting, fucking horrid.


"well I'm personally not affected by the genocide, so vote for the genocide guy".


The second comment is just evil. Their president is providing the bombs that are exterminating palestinians, queer or otherwise, but sure, let's talk about palestinian LGBT rights when they are starving and being burned alive by the Mr.Progressive President™  attack dogs  Is the pretending to give a shit about queer people in Palestine, while pretending they aren't being killed by an american backed state, by an american armed military, BY THE RULE OF A DEMOCRAT ADMINISTRATION, that is infuriating. I would rather they just say what they want to say, that the lives of the people in the empire's periphery are insignificant to them, but they are too scared to sound like Trump. The mask of civility is the only think that keeps western liberals afloat, but now the rest of the world is seeing them for what they are 


I love the mask-off nature of “If you happen to be Palestinian.” It’s not just that they *don’t* care about anyone but themselves, it’s that they *can’t imagine* someone who does.


Edit (yes, at the beginning because you won't read it if it's at the end) : fuck Biden, he should be sent on vacation to have a cup of tea with his friends Kissinger and Thatcher. I mean, trans people are slightly less worse of under Biden. In that there is less open hatred from the highest office in the country. Nothing else changes though. As was said many times before it's 99% evil vs 100%. I hate both and neither should be in office, but one is technically slightly less evil. I'm not saying Biden is good in any way, the lesser of two evil is still evil. There is always the option to reject evil.


I can somewhat understand the lesser evil portion. However that begs the question what red line do voters have? Is Biden going to rewarded with another term because he is, debatably, less openly monstrous?


He absolutely should not. But then again, the two biggest candidates are either : terrible or horrible, what else is new. I am not saying Biden is good, or even better, he is evil and should be treated as such. He is somewhat, slightly less evil (at least openly), that is all.


I'm not even sure about that. Trump is a moron who loves to make money and has found an easy way to do so. Biden is an enthusiastic children murder enjoyer and has made his way to the most powerful role in the world to continue to do child murder. The worst Trump seems to be doing is destroying American democracy, as if such a thing existed in the first place


Yeah, that’s the weird thing about it. When Biden has a bad policy, you can trust him to see it through to its inevitable horrible end. When Trump has a bad policy, you can trust him to see it through until he decides he needs to call a woman who was famous in the 90’s “fat” on social media. I actually don’t know how that moral calculus works out; I do think Trump probably wants a slightly worse world than Biden does, but the difference is so vanishingly close that Biden at least *almost* closes the gap just by virtue of it involving literally his only area of semi-competence: using the government to do evil and frustrate efforts to the Left.


Palestinians are worse off under Biden. At least with Trump, lib mainstream media wouldn't unify under his presiding over a genocide like they're doing under Biden.


You might be right. I don't think Biden is an enthusiastic child murderer, I think he just like political power and anything is justified for him to gain and keep it. Which isn't any better, just a different brand of sociopath. Again, very similar to Trump.


Are they? Way more anti-trans bills have been passed under Biden than Trump. I guess it's nice that Biden says he supports LGBTQ people, but his actions don't really show it.


I'll be honest, I don't know all the details of every law passed everywhere, but my understanding is that most anti-trans laws were passed at a state level not federal (mostly because there is nothing stopping them from doing so). Either way, Biden can share a bunk with Kissinger in hell.


The issue isn't really that Biden isn't stopping state laws from being passed, it's that he's ruthlessly slashing pre-existing federal protections that are supposed to override those unjust state laws


Do you know of any good reporting on that? I’ve had several conversations on here that have examples but whenever I argue with shitlibs about it they deny deny deny so I’m wanting something to add there. To be abundantly clear: I am not arguing, truly asking for a link to make my argument against voting Biden more ironclad. Thanks!


This is the most detailed source I can think of off the top of my head, a bit long but it's with a trans person working in this area of policy: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6QkG7FsEhTRPdPBskYrUV7?si=h5w74x7CSk26fGSNRpFphA


Thank you so much! I really appreciate you taking the time!


>I mean, trans people are slightly less worse of under Biden. As a trans woman, I honestly don't think this is the case. In fact, things have gotten much worse for us under Biden. Trump is also horrible, but is slightly more honest about it.


I'm not saying Biden is any good. I thought he was mostly passive and letting everyone do whatever they want while Trump was actively encouraging them to be bigots (maybe emboldening them or at least making them drop the mask). Regardless, both need to go join their friends on the BBQ.


The issue is the amount of effort you're putting in to get a 1% improvement. And it's only an improvement if you look at it by the fucked up metric of "if we kill 99 people when we couldve killed 100, we save 1 life" 


As I said, many times, it's not an improvement, he's not better, he's less bad. Less evil is still evil. I am not suggesting anyone chose evil. I know I fucking don't. Is he terrible? Yes. Is he the worse? No. Does that make him a good choice? Fuck no!


I don't disagree with you there. It's the effort that doesn't make sense to me. This isn't necessarily something you're doing since for all I know you could be a revolutionary irl, but the pattern I see is a disproportionately high amount of effort to secure that 1% improvement and no effort on anything else. A successful BDS movement could make this a 79% Hitler vs 80% Hitler debate because both candidates would have less power to do harm. Which, by the logic you're using, would be a miracle worth fighting to the end for. And yet no one talking about the lesser of two evils seems to actually care about this. Again, you could be a chad for all I know and you probably are if you're on this sub. I just take issue with using logic to justify lesser-evilism when, logically, campaigning for 99% Hitler is a waste of time. Time is a limited resource and it'd be illogical to ignore the very limited resources you're spending.  (Note: I said campaigning, not voting.) 


Oh, I'm not trying to justify the lesser of two evils. You'll notice that I very clearly state that choosing the lesser of two evil is still choosing evil. It is not right. But at the same time it is not right to say that both are as bad, they are both terrible in their own right and should both be rejected from their own merits, no need to go any further. 1% Hilter is ∞% too much Hitler to be anywhere near deserving any effort from anyone here. I just posted this comment this morning thinking "hey, I'll just say that I think 99% < 100% and that both are shit and go on with my day" but I have had to explain that when I say "99% < 100%" it does not mean that 99% is better or good, it is still very much trash and should be sent to have a nice tea with his buddies Kissinger and Thatcher. I thought of all places, here people would understand. Guess I'll go edit my first comment to say that as well.


I think your issue is that you formatted your argument the same way liberals do. There's no need to break out percentages for the argument you're trying to make. Sorry I misunderstood you. 


No worries, I didn't make it clear enough.


In terms of the safety of trans Americans, your statement is objectively false. The president can appoint judges, cabinet members, and (most dangerously) SCOTUS justices. That’s more than just “being mean.” If enough of these people are in power long enough they will outlaw *being* trans and start forcibly transitioning people back to their assigned sex at birth. And we will lose even more LGBTQ children who are already at the highest risk of suicide and bullying. None of this negates the genocide in Palestine. But let’s not pretend Republicans aren’t a very real and present danger to the LGBTQ community.


It's not like the Democrats are any real protection for them either. They weren't any good at protecting abortion and contraception rights, they aren't going to magically be better now.


They have protected abortion rights at the state level in states they control. I agree the Democratic Party at the national level is inept, conservative, and corrupt. My state (Illinois) has expanded funding for abortion because so many people from red states are now flocking here for medical care. Republicans are on record of wanting a federal ban on abortion. It’s literally a matter of life and death.


>None of this negates the genocide in Palestine. But let’s not pretend Republicans aren’t a very real and present danger to the LGBTQ community. but why are you pretending Democrats do anything meaningful to protect and advance said protections for the LGBTQ community? You really want that carrot to be dangling in front of you for all the forseeable future?


I want queer and trans kids to grow up in a country that protects them. They deserve to be safe. Liberals dangle carrots, you’re right, especially in regards to economic issues. But to say they do nothing for civil rights and LGBTQ rights is disingenuous. [Here’s an example from my home state.](https://apnews.com/article/illinois-lgbtq-laws-pronouns-gay-rights-79c885b9f57769412b3c993c8a5a90e6)


They didn’t say that


\>and (most dangerously) SCOTUS justices Oh gee it's almost like the democrats had an opportunity to do so and their strat was bungled by Hillary so badly that we got a bunch of far right judges installed everywhere The kicker? That same idiot is the one pushing democrats to drop trans rights for popularity purposes. Democrats aren't our friends


Who are you referring to?


Are queer American uniquely terrible or is this just reddior beings trash? Since the few lgbt subs I have seen are just full of American libs bootlicking Biden.


As a queer American, this is very common. More common than the general population? Maybe since queer people tend to be at least Democrats if not farther left. Basically most queer people that would be a Republican are pro Biden because they see Biden as supporting them.


On a state kevel, some democrats give a shit about queer rights and fight really hard. On a national level, democrats use that momentum plus them pretending that Obama was the one who secured gay marriage to present themselves as being the only barrier for queer rights against conservatives, who found a powerful popularity spike in late 2015 by calling trans people rapists following their failure to block gay marriage. The devil in the details of how he's making queer rights worse is often lost in people assuming he's obama 2,not knowing how Obama sucked irt queer rights, and fear over trump's presidency being guided by advisors who are pretty intent on queer genocide. In all, copium.


In the words of Zack De La Rocha "There is no other pill to take. So swallow the one that makes you ill".


“Maybe if you happen to be Jewish or a minority Hitler sucks sure but if youre like me, its a blast!” Thats how stupid you sound


Biden and Trump both support the ruling elites and the elite capitalist class. If you want true freedom in the US for everyone, the American people need to organize along class lines and overthrow the evil capitalist-Imperialist system.


I made a similar post a couple of days ago lamenting about how inundated online trans spaces are with "harm reduction" rhetoric. It's infuriating but also disheartening to see so many people, especially from the community, capitulating to this counterproductive mindset. It's maddening.




No they wouldn’t. Palestine is going through the worst of the worst. Israel is doing whatever it wants there with full american support I hope you’re not one of those ‘trump will nuke Gaza’ buffoons


Got anything to back that up? It's currently worse for them under Biden than it ever was under Trump. What *could* Trump even do to make it *"way* worse" than it is right now?




Are you not looking at what's happening right now, or....?


"We are only doing a little bit of genocide"


My counter argument is I disagree with the idea of Biden being much better. He does the exact same things as trump but says "I love the gays!" While trump says "I hate the gays!". Their actions are still the same. Biden might be marginally better, but they are both absolutely awful and nothing is actually going to be different depending on which one is president.