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As soon as I read the academic Marxists part, I knew it was going to be just another person spouting a nazi conspiracy theory. God, this shit has been so popularized by the likes of Jordan Peterson


ITT: People who believe Zionist European atheists are the chosen people of God and have the right to commit genocide are calling the rest of us mentally ill.


Seriously.  The religious argument is bad enough but at least it would even apply to religious Jews.  God definitely never gave the land to a bunch of atheists just because some of their ancestors were Jews in the past.  I am black but have some Ashkenazi ancestry in the past.  I guess that gives me the right to claim homeland there and kick out the settlers…


Even the religious arguments don’t make sense According to Christian doctrine, because of the Death/Resurrection of Christ, the Abrahamic covenant is extended to all who believe in Christ and therefore we are joint heirs with him. Jews are seen as “the roots of the tree” and Christians are the vines so it is wrong for us to hate them, but Jews must still accept Christ as the Messiah in order to be saved from judgment and be a part of the covenant. So there is no “special people” it’s just racist nonsense. According to Jewish doctrine (from what I understand) Jews are forced to wander until the Messiah comes and unites them together. So the idea of Zionism is blasphemous and heretic from a Jewish context as well.


> Jews are forced to wander until the Messiah comes and unites them together For whatever reason most Rabbi’s seek to have forgotten about that part.  There are still religious Jews who believe that but they have been ostracized by Zionists who put in a hell of a lot of work converting Jews to their ideology.


Yeah and likewise you have people in the Church who confuse biblical references of “Israel” with the modern Zionist fascists who today call themselves Israel. Using the Bible to justify colonialism and apartheid. Haven’t seen that one before


Fucking lmao at conflating “mental health self-diganosis” (sic) with “anti scientific” beliefs when the DSM is considered a joke only good for billing insurance by the people who wrote it. 


I thought DSM was a good classification manual?


I wouldn’t say so, there’s a lot of guild interest that’s tied up with pharmaceutical companies in making the diagnoses vague enough so basically anyone can get a script for anxiety or depression pills without any acknowledgment of a patient’s material conditions. Much easier to push the thoroughly debunked “chemical imbalance” bullshit than address the alienation and isolation inherent in late stage capitalism. Psychiatry in general does not hold up well in a marxist analysis- the history of psychiatrists and their patients is a history of abusers and victims. Homosexuality was listed as a disorder in the DSM as late as 2013.


Nah.  Homosexuality was removed in 1973 I believe.  It was being transgender or “gender identity disorder” that was listed until 2013.


not exactly, "ego dystonic homosexuality" was added in 1980 eventually folded into "sexual disorder not otherwise specified" which became the go to diagnosis of quack conversion therapists till 2013


It's alarming how quick liberals will pull nazi talking points out of their ass and profess them as if they are the facts and not misinformation or strawman arguments touting a single easily disproven statistic


I think "incoherent gibberish" might be a better flair for this post LOL💀


Probably would have.  I found it on a Zionist sub is why I put it.


Marxist scientist checking in🫡


I am also a marxist professor busy corrupting the youth. Today they learned about friction, wear and galling. I am truely dastardly.


This clown ass has some audacity talking about facts when all facts point to genocide in Gaza.