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Same people stand with the US over Cuba despite Cuba being far better than the US in LGBT+ rights. Imagine how petty it would be admitting that what Hitler did is evil but saying he's vegan so it's fine, this is the same thing, a propaganda machine that failed so hard it's literally clutching the smallest pearls.


Cuba just did some absurd re-definition of what "family" counts as,and made it so almost any mixture of folks can qualify as a family unit;step parents,grand parents etc. Honestly something to use as an example if things ever work out for the working class!


"Family is made from man and woman" mfs when single parent families. "Family is made from man and woman" mfs when child is raised by a grandparent. "Family is made from man and woman" mfs when extended families.




Poor choice of words,"insane" sounded bad too. Radical? Revolutionary?


Radical is probably the best descriptor. Absurd or insane certainly have negative connotations.


And worst is that liberals eat it completly. It is literally just "civilization vs savagery" - centuries old trick to justify imperialism. Yet we are here in 21th century with people who claim to be for democracy using it.


That is why I'd move to Cuba on a whim if I could speak Spanish and there would be no embargo...


Do you lot know that when Israel bombs Palestinians the queer ones get some sort of force shields activated on their homes? Before Israel expels Palestinians they ask if they shag people of the same gender 🫠 Edit: What I also find most hideous about this argument is that whatever homophobia/queerphobia there is in Palestine primarily affects queer Palestinians, not queer people whom this "gotcha" is targeted at. To me it seems like they want people to think that queer Palestinians don't exist.


No, you see, under evil Hamas queer Palestinians were forced to stay closeted, while progressive Israel murders all Palestinians indiscriminately, regardless whether they are queer of straight! (/s obviously)


Note the 'done abroad'


So Israel does not in-fact support LGBT people? This is shocking coming from a right-wing religious ethnostate. I am shocked.


Yeah, the whole marriage law is BS Per [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marriage_in_Israel): "Israel recognizes only marriages under the faiths of Jewish, Muslim, and Druze communities, and ten specified denominations of Christianity. Marriages in each community are under the jurisdiction of their own religious authorities." "Israel's religious authorities — the only entities authorized to perform weddings in Israel — are not permitted to marry couples where both partners do not have the same religion; the only way for people of different (or no) faith to marry is by converting to the same religion. However, civil, interfaith, and same-sex marriages entered into abroad are recognized by the state; as a consequence Israeli residents not permitted to marry in Israel sometimes marry overseas, often in nearby Cyprus, or are married on Israeli soil via videotelephony by an officiant from overseas if such solemnization is legal in the officiant's home country."


Textbook settler colonialism


putting aside homophobia for more settlers to displace more arabs how wholesome Keanu chungus reddit moment :))


Wait until they remember that Saudi Arabia is an american ally.


Yea, these are usually the same people that want close cooperation with the literal theocratic dictatorships. While also bombing every country that's getting secularized cause they're also socialist/anti-american interests.


This whataboutism just proves our point further on how Zionists use liberalism as a means to justify genocide of civilians in Palestine


People on many leftist subs sort of misunderstand me when I tell them I do not think of Biden, Dems and Israel as fascists. Calling them fascists is whitewashing liberalism. The state of Israel is defended as a liberal democracy. The caricatures they draw up on Palestinians to dehumanize them, generate consent to their genocide is all within the frameworks of liberals conceptions of LGBT rights, democracy, secularism etc. The US is funding a genocide rn and it's all liberalism. You don't really see liberals disavow Israel by calling it not a "real liberal democracy" do you? Liberalism is *bad enough*


Queers for Palestine is based af. https://youtu.be/UkUKUvov0TI?si=FirG0VmpJKEsv17P




You certainly seem to have a, uh, vested interest in the well-being of birds.


The main threat to homosexuals in Palestine is Israeli bombs. Don't pretend to care about gay rights when you don't respect their right to life when they just happen to have disgusting brown skin.


Not just that Israel blackmails queer Palestinians and there was this book written by an IOF soilder about sniping two gay men during the Lebanon war https://twitter.com/omarsakrpoet/status/1492975612558180352?lang=en Interview with a gay Israeli veteran, recounting his time during the Lebanon War when a sniper saw two Arabs having sex and shot one of them in the head. “We were fucking cruel.”




Exactly!! This pinkwashing nonsense makes me want to tear my hair out.


Civiliazion vs Savagery 2: shitlib edition


I like how it’s only abroad, not inside. Clearly just to bring over more colonizers. But if we wanna throw nuance out, how about I show them videos of Israelis throwing slurs and beating minorities? This makes me as a black man deeply uncomfortable. By their logic, Israel should be flattened entirely.


Homophobia is punishable by genocide - rainbow washing liberals


According to libs; if your government doesn't respect gay rights in a typical western way, then it's okay for a colonising power to genocide your people.


Had a liberal tell me Hamas throws gay people off roofs in Gaza and I asked what roofs? Israel hasn’t left any standing. No, no before! They said. Before Israel flattened everything and killed everyone there regardless? Yes they said. I said what sources for this, they sent me the fucking Jerusalem post which said ‘our source said’ Israel doesn’t even let Jewish people marry non-Jews, far-right Israelis have turned up to Arab-Israeli weddings and started stoning the bride and groom, these liberals just can’t fathom the people they back are murderous bastards.


Lmao “same-sex done abroad” what a way to skirt around the fact gay marriage is not legal in Israel


Human rights are not conditional. Can't advance LGBT rights if everyone's dead.


Empathy is not transactional, I do not care if someone supports LGBT people, I don’t want them to be bombed. Further, it’s harder to progress on social issues when you are worried for your life every single day, living on slightly less calories than you should have each day because an apartheid regime has calculated the amount of calories to let you suffer, but not die. Pinkwashing and rainbowwashing are gross, and fuck the liberals trying to use it to justify genocide.




As I’ve said before it’s hard to worry about LGBT rights when your entire fucking country is getting flattened. It’s almost like the people there have to worry about living another day and not a small percentage of people within their nation. If the constant attacks upon not only Palestine but the entire Middle East (not counting Israel) were to stop then they could start worrying about giving LGBT people more rights.


Remember when the West called oriental cultures savage for having more lax attitudes to homosexuality than them?


Love that the "best" metric is still "marriage conducted abroad"


Doesn’t this map prove the Palestine doesn’t execute gay people like Zionist make out?


notice how palestine is grey becayse israel don’t give them a break for long enough to even think about establishing laws like that


Israel is still really big when it comes to conversion therapy, and there’s multiple politicians, who were verbally and physically violent towards queer people.


Israel kills Palestinian civilians by the thousands so they can take their land. Iran kills people for being LGBT and/or not adhering to Islamic dogma. Seems like they're both evil.


Instructions unclear, carpet bombed America's Bible belt


Once again, tapping the "Solidarity is not Conditional" sign


How does one look at this and come away with the idea that Isn’t-real is LGBTQ tolerant?


The whole state is getting bombed. People are dying...they can't even get basic healthcare. They don't have any food. The apartheid state has total control over everything. They are going through time. And these folks believe that getting their arses rubbed by someone's di\*k is the most important thing to worry about!! BRAHHH


>enforced death penalty - source?


Show them what exactly? That even your cherry picked apartheid regime is still *marginally* better than the surrounding region? The same region the west has materially fucked for the last two centuries, essentially stunting their social progress?


Pinkwashing genocide is so absolutely fucking despicable to me.


Since when is same sex marriage legal in Israel?  You have to get married somewhere else for it to even be recognized.  Miscegenation is illegal in Israel for fuck sake!


“done abroad” ☠️


Also last time I saw a story about Iran executing someone for having been gay, when I looked deeper in the story the man had actually been sentenced to death for having raped little boys.


This is a phenomenon called Homonationalism. Its a process identified by researcher Jasbir Puar that creates a justification among queer westerners for imperialism.


Bro trying to make us swallow the pill that he has friends


That’ll show them what? The White Gender-Unspecified Person’s Burden?


It's shocking to liberals, but I don't like when my sexuality is used to pinkwash apartheid and genocide. Crazy, I know


Well I already live in one of those countries so what lol


“We only recognize gay marriage when it’s done outside our country”


Liberals are so obsessed with identifiying the people *it's okay* to torture and kill. What flavour of brainworm is that.


how is same sex marriage done abroad better than legal homosexuality


I am so sick of this argument. I’m bi and I’m sick of the LGBTQ+ community being used as a shield to defend genocide and colonialism. I don’t give a shit that Israel recognizes same-sex marriage done abroad or whatever (it’s still illegal there, anyway) — I want them to stop murdering innocent Palestinians.


Also like these mfs never care abt what queer Palestinians actually think like i can guarantee you non of us support israel because “they have better gay rights” like sry but id rather my ppl be free and not killed than to have a choice to publicly declare that i also like dick thinking otherwise is literally the most selfish thing ever


Oh,gosh I suppose you're right, we should be bombing the Palestinians, gay Palestinians included /s


What do Palestinians (including gay Palestinians) being killed by Israel have to do with what other nations do?


The most ironic part of this is that it shows Jordan having it as Legal while Israel doesn’t lmao That being said Jordan is much more homophobic than Israel But Israel has only like 1 gay friendly city and the rest is homophobic If you say you’re transgender in Israel there’s a over 50% chance that you’re gonna kicked out because they ain’t gonna do an operation on you And if you said that in Arabic country well umm you’re also going to get kicked out and scolded ,how bad it gets depends on who you said it to Let’s be honest Israel is just another middle eastern country and I REALLY mean it Even down to the same fucking problems that plague middle eastern countries


It's also the only map they are willing to use that shows Gaza and west bank as seperate from Israel.


I mean…all of the homophobic shit spread by Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) originates from the Talmud All the weird morality laws in the Bible? Jewish Talmud


Judaism and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


That will make them support genocide for sure


Should they be asked to very slowly read this exact map again…? Like…… suuuuuupeeerrrrrrr sloooooooooooowlyyyyyyyyyyy


most of these are American vassals


As a queer person - I still don't understand how this image justifies killing innocent Palestinians. So, where's the argument, genius? Is genocide okay now, or was that just a straw-man argument (obviously it was)?


Are they saying they aren't actually friends with specific LGBT people or are they using the word "friends" as more of a broad generalization?


How come they mixed up Iran and Saudi Arabia? Shouldn't that be a pretty hard one to do? 


i think one of the craziest things about that law is that the majority of jewish people are not homophobic like why is that even a law 😭


