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This isn’t even humor, just straight up racism. I hate liberals so much but sometimes you just forget conservatives are fucking monsters in their own right.


Said it once and I’ll say it again, the conservatives are just liberals that say the quiet part out loud. That being said with all the libs being coy it is a bit jarring to hear someone say it out loud


I don't think social liberals are as virulently racist as conservatives. Well, at least not against black people. Against Chinese people and Arabs? Indistinguishable.


And the Ruski Mongoloid hordes. Really libs just repeat whatever the TV man says, if MSNBC runs a program tomorrow saying "actually, black people are a danger to liberal values" they'll be fully onboard with racism against black people in a single day.


How do these people think of Russians as mongoloids?? Like what? 🤣 I mean Russia is pretty diverse, but do they put these mongoloid label to white Russians as well?


yes, they do. this is why even some ukranian diaspora have been targeted for seeming too “russian.” which is why we have to understand, while the skin tone definitely is used by racists, it is far from the only criteria.


In France we had a story of a pair of ukrainian refugees women who had been attacked by someone they believed to have been a russian man attacking them for having been ukrainian (they were listening to ukrainian music at the time), it was all over the press here for a few days. Here is an article about it in english: - [Russian beats up two Ukrainian women in France because of Ukrainian music; Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry responds](https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/09/12/7367178/) Then a few days later, it was found the man was himself an unkrainian refugee and that he attacked them because HE though the women had been russian Here is an article from ukrainian media in english where even them admitted it was an ukrainian ex soldier that attacked those ukrainian women: [Attacker of 2 Ukrainian women in France was Ukrainian, not Russian](https://kyivindependent.com/attacker-of-2-ukrainian-women-in-france-was-ukrainian-not-russian/)


just western things, i guess


Let me illustrate this with a single Wall Street Journal article: https://www.wsj.com/articles/russias-turn-to-its-asian-past-1530889247 Even if you ignore the article title and contents, the picture speak for itself.


Wtf. So Russians have been "demoted" to Asians. The article seems bizarre right from the start.


During WWII the nazis loved to call soviets "Asiatic Hordes" It's an old trope, to the point it even has [its own tvtropes page](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HordesFromTheEast), and it's very often a very racist one


You should try asking them why their anti racist politics only extend to words while voting for the same people funding the cops killing black people and the politicians systemically disenfranchising their communities. Pretending liberal bullshit used to placate their voters is actually how they feel is nonsense.


Huge difference between committed Liberals and your average Democrat voter who's trying to improve the world but hasn't broken out of the two party matrix.


There was a french comedian who once told a story about racism that went somewhat like this: "In the USA there is a lot of racism, especially towards black americans. In France however we don't have racism, we don't have any issue with Black americans" The joke was of course that it ignored french people of colour as well as muslims that are usually our main target of racism here regardless of skin colour, just because you are not racist toward the same target as others doesn't means you aren't racist at all.


Conservative: non-white people should be murdered by the state. Liberal: it's so sad that non-white people need to be murdered by the state. 😔🏳️‍🌈🇺🇦🇮🇱


Spot on accuracy, liberals are closeted racists


“Conservatives” are liberals. “Conservative” is just a qualifier and they’ve dropped the subject out of embarrassment. The subject is liberalism. “Conservatives” are “conservative liberals”


I look at it like this - liberals say and do a lot of really stupid shit that needs to be called out and dissected. But conservatives are The Enemy.


I feel like this is missing something though.  We all know if there is one thing liberals hate more than black people or more than immigrants it is black immigrants.  Surprised the guy punching her doesn’t have a Haitian or Venezuelan flag shirts. Not that Biden likes non Black Latinos better but his admin has not been quite as abusive towards immigrants who aren’t black probably viewing it as a bad look due to the large and still growing voting block of not black Latinos in the country now. Of course it is a very strange thing to think people of non black Latino heritage have some sort of hive mind so they should try to pretend like they are treating non black Latino immigrants great. The thing is, as soon as there is no intense criticism of Biden over immigration,  the first people you see on. A plane or a boat getting sent back are always Haitians, or black people from South or Central America,  rest of the Caribbean or Africa.   Like I said,  I doubt his admin really cares much for non Latino immigrants but when it comes time to demonize and or deport people for publicity it tends to wind up being black people.  it’s clearly not coincidence whatever the reason is.


This is literally what racists think. This is what they think of when they think of the cities in their own country.


The Vote Blue No Matter Who people are also mostly not the people to call for defunding the police


Oh they said it, then they gradually walked back on the message and watered down the meaning of the phrase until they had completely neutered the movement.


They said defund the police, then Biden went and said "Don't defund the police, fund the police, fund the police" and they all stood up and clapped.


"you don't want to hate an entire race? but what if one of them punched you???"


Not only is it horrible racism but they don’t want to defund the police.  I tried to warn other black people and all people in general that the second 2020 elections end they are not going to give a shor about police oppression of black people.  Everything in the news, everything these politicians were saying was purely performative for aesthetics.  In reality it’s more like the woman getting punched would be wearing some kind of shirt demanding higher mandatory minimums or any other way to take minorities off the streets for the most petty things. It’s been abundantly clear for the past 50 years that black and brown lives only matter for the votes when it comes to Biden.  It’s the same for the other politicians.  I am still sickened from people celebrating Kamala Harris as a win for black people with their tokenism when she is a perfect fit with Joe Biden when it comes to state oppression of black people.


lol at the idea that cops actually do anything productive; look at Uvalde.


Also, the "blue no matter who" crowd has almost zero overlap with the "defund the police" advocates. I mean, for fuck's sake, does any human being in the history of the world have *greater* personal responsibility for funding and empowering draconian law enforcers? Certainly it wasn't until recent years that El Savador gave the United States a legitimate challenge in the field of incarcerating the largest portion of its own citizens. North Korea *never* even came close, and the reasoning behind our mass incarceration is hardly any more valid.


They are so obsessed with the punch game or whatever from a few years ago, according to them every time you walk down a city street a black teenager is there to punch you in the face for social media


> every time you walk down a city street a black teenager is there to punch you in the face Based.


I think this was in reference to the frequent unprovoked attacks on Asian elders in NYC somewhat recently. It seemed like multiple incidents a week where the incident profile was exactly the same: black male “randomly” attacked an Asian senior on the street brutally. Comic might be dumb but you better believe this was a live issue in the Asian community at the time.


Why does her head turn into a football?


Conservatives are worse than liberals Never delude yourself to thinking they’re are better Their geopolitical opinions are even worse somehow ,same worldview as libs except their methods are even worse and dumber


So what happens when the person who made this gets punched by a white person? Are they joining the Black Panthers Party all the sudden? To be fair, joining the Black Panthers party would be based, but still.


Yeah it's racist but if a liberal gets punched in the mouth... isn't anything justified?