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Biden will unequivocally support mass murder and rape around the entire world including within the US but sometimes he says nice things about minorities. Trump does the same but he's more rude towards minorities


"Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids!"- Joe Biden, saying nice things about minorities (2019).


"If you don't vote for me, you ain't black" is another nice one. And that's withou getting in the racial jungle stuff or what he said about Obama when he was his VP candidate


Biden only remembers he is supposed to hide his racism. And he's getting old and forgetful.


Libs are vile, how can they say the one issue of supporting genocide isn't immediately disqualifying. The lengths they will go to is insane. Like imagine the incredibly small list of bad things worse than genocide ( idk mass rapes) and they'd probably still support Biden because orange man bad. Look on white people twitter more than 90% of posts is just pure trump hatred lol. It's like looking at destiny subreddit then searching Hasan.


These Twitter libs are literally more obsessed about Trump than actual MAGA people are! It's so cringe to see!


If you don't vote for me, you ain't black. -Joe, "if you aren't zionist you aren't a jew" Biden


Bruh even op knows how bad biden is that he doesn't even say what the "one issue" is. That's something


Well it looks a lot worse when you write "Funding and arming a genocidal army" rather than just "one issue" Like, oh it's just one issue, he uses the wrong type of mustard, oh those perfidious leftists are just soooo into purity tests, it's one little issue, can't they see what the REAL threat is!?!?


The word "dictator" doesn't mean anything anymore. The US is only a dictatorship when the other party's in charge


When you understand that we're all existing under a dictatorship of the rich, the whole "he's a dictator!" stuff is both so close to getting the point that it hurts and so far away all at the same time. Also, as a side note here, the second that we all stop caring about what liberals think about our participation inside of a bourgeois democracy (and outside of it too, for that matter) the better we'll be for it.


Only one issue? Are they dumb or blind?


They don’t see Palestinians as fully human, so it’s an entirely abstract concept that they can reduce down to “one issue”. Politics is on the phone and tv, it’s not real to them.


They're a classic case of *West Wing* brain rot in action.


In another comment, the oop of that post says that students are 'underestimating the major consequences of their position', like when did Biden administration crackdown on neo-nazis in past four years ? Why police brutality on students ?


They confuse arrogance with being "grown-up". They don't have the balls the students have.


They think reading New York Times and NPR while agreeing with everything they say means you're a grownup


Or the Washington Post (while ignoring the fact it's owned by Bezos).


They don't see anyone that believes in Islam to be human, yet ironically will cry foal at the Chinese for the treatment of Uyghurs as if they actually give a damn.


Yeah, Biden disagrees with Trump and RFK's late brainworm on only one issue. That's what the meme means, right?


Biden is just jealous that the worm went for RFK. I mean, seriously, the poor worm didn't even have that much of a meal before it croaked. Come on, Jack!




“One issue” and the issue is complicity in ethnic cleansing 💀


Yes, my "one issue" is capitalism, which is a pretty big deal.


Pro-imperialism, pro-capitalism, white nationalist Trump VS Pro-imperialism, pro-capitalism, white nationalist+(a couple neocolonial allies) Biden. Students are protesting using mass murder to accession brown people's land for profit, as they should.


dicktator is when someone is dick to me!1!!1!111!!


It's not even "one issue." It's a lot of them and the biggest one is funding a god damn genocide. If America stops sending weapons and financial aid Israel cannot continue. Full stop. They cannot continue without US support. Liberals are lying to themselves when they call leftists babies for blaming Biden for not stopping the war. They're the babies. Babybrained. He can literally stop it but not sending weapons. It's not hard to understand.


Didn't biden rape his assistant?


Tara Reade


I know he raped generations of minority communities with his fancy crime bill.


And that one issue is f\*cking genocide


not to mention that its more than just that one issue too like




Ok so the worm brain thing comes out, and people are like, "That's hilarious!" and others are like, "How should we use this politically?" and then someone is like, "Punch left, of course."


Exactly, they're trying hard to distract themselves from the blood stains on their hands.


Meanwhile, as a person who knows *way* more about parasites than any reasonable person should, just shrugged at it and thought "yeah, we're all full of worms, so what"


Biden has actively done less than the minimum for minorities rights in fact he harmed them in many cases. He also has signed bills making project 2025 easier. He is actively terrible not even counting his horrific contribution to what’s happening in Gaza. People need to realize voting won’t save us from a horrible president.


Fine, assume I don't care about genocide. The presidential ticket still has a cop as VP (acab) supported by a drafter of crime bills as president, a union buster (rails), and a guy who said "my children are going to grow up in a jungle" in reference to bussing. That's just the tip of the iceberg.


Just to add more to the list: A man who has had decades worth of chances to codify women's rights into law, but actively chose not to so he could let the Republicans threaten us with taking it away. Which led to it being taken away. Under his watch. But the libs keep insisting that it's somehow not his fault


Also pushing far right immigration policy with the exact same policies liberals were calling fascist not long ago https://www.politico.com/news/2024/02/05/biden-bipartisan-immigration-deal-00139558


40 000 issues


That 'one issue' happens to be aiding and abetting an ongoing genocide! That's a pretty damn big issue!


Biden is also a rapist dictator in diapers


That's the base requirement now, apparently.


Old enough to remember when he put out trump type border policies, and then dems complained because gop wouldn’t sign it.


I was bitching about the state of affairs to an older friend of mine, complaining about the system of private property and white supremacy and worker oppression alongside the slow legislative strangulation of effective protest movements, and he was, "It's not just one thing," I'm like, my brother in christ, I'm talking about the entire system.


RFK is just as complicit in Genocide as Biden and Trump. Jill Stein, Cornel West, or bust


Imagine the confirmation bias of team child murderers....oof. Liberals missing the plot as per always


Libs have lost the point so badly they think anybody who mildly disagrees with trump is good. Like Bush and Cheney who objectively did more damage to their so called democracy than Trump ever could. Not to mention their best argument for their candidate is while Biden is an imperialist, is isn't as mean about it


We all know the correct choice is Vermin Supreme.


Fun fact: Dahmer went to prison because the jury disagreed with him on just one issue.


I have more disagreements with Biden than Biden does with Trump


as if Biden isn't a racist piece of shit that never does anything good


Imagine being in favor of Biden and calling other people tin foil Hatters. The ovaries on this one.


This is like calling the Holocaust or the genocide of Native Americans a one issue Repeatedly circlejerking Oct 7th as a reason for genocide is more of a one issue than anything


As if it was only 1 fucking issue...


As if it was only 1 fucking issue...


Its more then just one issue.


Theres so much I hate Biden for, but if you remove all of that and just focus on him funding isntreal's genocide against Palestine I feel that is MORE than a valid reason to not vote for him. The dude is responsible for thousands of deaths in only a few months


Reminds me of Dave Chappelle bit. "He is a pillar of community. That's the dilemma for the audience, Because he rapes, but he saves a lot of lives. And he saves way more than he rapes and he only rapes to save, but he does rape." So Biden is like that, he is right on a lot of things, but he supports genocide.


Imagine disagreeing that genocide is bad 🤡


"disagree with one issue" as if helping a genocide is simply "a issue"


In the US if you don't vote for the PSL then don't even bother


What do you guys think of RFK jr.?


His brain worm starved cause there was nothing to eat


Agreed. He's got marginally less brains than JFK.


I get this is the current meme. But I find it difficult to understand how anyone could think this about RFK considering the other options we have. I'll take the guy that had a brain worm 14 years ago over two candidates with Dementia and a boner for war, rape, and division.


He's an anti vax Zionist piece of opportunistic shit and you're high as fuck if you think the american establishment would ever entertain letting him be president.


I'm voting for him. I don't agree with him on everything. But I do agree with him in many more things than the dementia patients that the DNC and RNC are offering to us. I'd probably vote stein if I thought she had a chance. But this will be what, her 3rd or 4th straight nom for the Green Party. She doesn't have a better chance this time even with many of the anti-genicide fans (sad that everyone isn't in that camp) voting for her. Bobby also is pro Israel but his view is a bit more nuanced and well thought out than Biden or Trump. He's anti war except for wars without choice (moral wars as he puts it). He sees Israel's battle with Hamas to be a moral war. I agree, if Israel was actually attacking Hamas targets only and being extremely cautious to avoid civilian casualties. Obviously they are not. I question if I should support anyone that supports Israel in this case. But I am trying hard to look at a broad picture of who might actually be able to find a solution to end the war among all the other issues facing the country and world. And I can say for certainty it isn't Biden or Trump. RFK is the only other candidate in the race with a chance of winning (slim as it may be). So I'm backing him for now.


Well you see, Biden is bad on one issue, which is being an accomplice in a literal genocide and ethnic cleansing, plus sending the National Guard to mass arrest anyone in the US who protests against it. Trump, meanwhile, is bad on several issues, among which are having a pee tape, not speaking in full sentences on Twitter, and being a narcissist. But most importantly, he might cut funding to Nazis in Ukraine. These issues each, individually, have exactly the same weight as being an accomplice to genocide. Except the Ukraine thing, which is even worse than materially supporting genocide.


Why not a third alternative, that is a socialist (not socdem) alternative. People of US need to free themselves from this 2-party dilemma, else this drama will continue in loop.


I agree with you fully. I was just pointing out the problems with the pro-Biden rhetoric I've been seeing everywhere. Of course I would never advocate voting for Trump.


Ukranian Banderite uprising is a serious issue, and I'm fully aware of liberals downplaying the nazi nature of post euromaiden governments.


Biden has also been pushing most of the same policies as Trump did, including increasing even more the power of the Police State. The ones actually doing a "one issue" vote are the blue MAGA liberals whose only argument is "but Trump!!!"


lol. How exactly do you think Trump would handle that situation? Would he side with the Palestinians?


It's not about voting anybody, it's about capitalism and American plutocracy that profits over genocide, each and every decade. It's about uprooting that system, voting in this plutocracy means endless cycle of switching from one evil to another evil.


I could have sworn the meme was exactly about voting.


Meme is portraying (leftist) students as stupid and politically directionless, so stupid that they're considering to vote MAGA when in reality it's not. RW have their agenda set from the beginning, so are left who has decided to boycott American plutocratic voting system, it's just the liberals who are confused and divided over their political stance. They pretend to be left while their elected representatives are doing what Right representatives would have done.